\_sh v3.0 400 Text \_DateStampHasFourDigitYear \ref 001 \id 793229094815120901 \sp @PAR \tx CHI Ido target child, EXP Okki experimenter, MOT Rimi mother. \pho @Filename: 055-IDO-300301.fm \ft @Duration: 60 minutes (coded: 21 minutes). \nt @Situation: 1. sitting and playing the toy beach set, the toy bowling and a finger trick. 2. happened in CHI’s house in the morning. \ref 002 \id 717429095015120901 \sp @Begin \tx @Begin \ref 003 \id 248139095714120901 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the recording is unclear because there's no voice at the first eighteen minutes. \ref 004 \id 485814095902120901 \begin 0:18:01 \sp CHIIDO \tx nih. \pho nih \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt taking a cellotape from his room. \ref 005 \id 897373100003120901 \begin 0:18:03 \sp CHIIDO \tx nih, nih. \pho nih nih \mb nih nih \ge this this \gj this this \ft here, here. \nt giving the cellotape to EXP. \ref 006 \id 572679100041120901 \begin 0:18:06 \sp CHIIDO \tx selotip. \pho sɛlotip \mb selotip \ge cellotape \gj cellotape \ft the cellotape. \ref 007 \id 133334100058120901 \begin 0:18:09 \sp CHIIDO \tx ditarik dulu! \pho ditarik duluːʔ \mb di- tarik dulu \ge DI- pull before \gj DI-pull before \ft pull it first! \nt giving instruction how to use the cellotape to EXP. \ref 008 \id 556933100143120901 \begin 0:18:12 \sp CHIIDO \tx dah. \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft alright. \ref 009 \id 994301100204120901 \begin 0:18:15 \sp CHIIDO \tx bisa, nggak, pake selotip? \pho bisaʔ ŋgaʔ pakɛʔ sɛlotip \mb bisa nggak pake selotip \ge can NEG use cellotape \gj can NEG use cellotape \ft can you use the cellotape for it? \nt referring to the cellotape used for fixing the toy scooter. \ref 010 \id 644888100238120901 \begin 0:18:18 \sp EXPOKK \tx mudah-mudahan bisa. \mb mudah - mudah -an bisa \ge easy - easy -AN can \gj RED.AN-easy can \ft hopefully I can. \ref 011 \id 556715100409120901 \begin 0:18:20 \sp CHIIDO \tx mudah-mudahan bisa. \mb mudah - mudah -an bisa \ge easy - easy -AN can \gj RED.AN-easy can \ft hopefully you can. \ref 012 \id 928454100423120901 \begin 0:18:22 \sp CHIIDO \tx muter dulu! \pho mutər duluʔ \mb m- puter dulu \ge N- turn before \gj N-turn before \ft turn first! \nt 1. giving instruction how to use the cellotape to EXP. 2. ** 'muter' should be 'puter'. \ref 013 \id 952689100456120901 \begin 0:18:24 \sp CHIIDO \tx muter! \pho mutər \mb m- puter \ge N- turn \gj N-turn \ft turn! \nt ** should be 'puter'. \ref 014 \id 566175100707120901 \begin 0:18:27 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 015 \id 628477100856120901 \begin 0:18:30 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 016 \id 130264100925120901 \begin 0:18:33 \sp CHIIDO \tx puter! \pho putər \mb puter \ge turn \gj turn \ft turn! \ref 017 \id 262073101031120901 \begin 0:18:36 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx ini puter! \pho pɛŋ ini putər \mb xxx ini puter \ge xxx this turn \gj xxx this turn \ft xxx turn this! \ref 018 \id 676080101120120901 \begin 0:18:39 \sp EXPOKK \tx dikit lagi. \pho dikit lagi \mb dikit lagi \ge a.little more \gj a.little more \ft almost finished. \ref 019 \id 101364101130120901 \begin 0:18:42 \sp CHIIDO \tx dikit lagi. \pho dikit lagih \mb dikit lagi \ge a.little more \gj a.little more \ft almost finished. \ref 020 \id 531398101244120901 \begin 0:18:45 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni kaktus... \pho ni kaktus \mb ni kaktus \ge this cactus \gj this cactus \ft it's a cactus... \nt referring to the toy cactus. \ref 021 \id 221170101315120901 \begin 0:18:50 \sp CHIIDO \tx yah, pohonnya. \pho yaː poːɲaːh \mb yah pohon -nya \ge EXCL tree -NYA \gj EXCL tree-NYA \ft oh, the tree. \ref 022 \id 817123101433120901 \begin 0:18:55 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxnya jatoh. \pho xxɲa jatɔh \mb xx -nya jatoh \ge xx -NYA fall \gj xx-NYA fall \ft the xx is falling. \nt talking at the same time as CHI. \ref 023 \id 912912101459120901 \begin 0:19:01 \sp CHIIDO \tx keras banget sih? \pho kras baŋət siʔ \mb keras banget sih \ge hard very SIH \gj hard very SIH \ft how can it's so hard? \nt reference unclear. \ref 024 \id 729043101627120901 \begin 0:19:07 \sp CHIIDO \tx lha, kok ini patah ni? \pho la ko ini pata nih \mb lha kok ini patah ni \ge EXCL KOK this broken this \gj EXCL KOK this broken this \ft hey, how come it's broken? \ref 025 \id 147727101702120901 \begin 0:19:13 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx, kaktus. \pho tɛnɛːŋ kaktus \mb xxx kaktus \ge xxx cactus \gj xxx cactus \ft xxx, the cactus. \ref 026 \id 348788103144120901 \begin 0:19:19 \sp CHIIDO \tx sedikit lagi xxx. \mb se- dikit lagi xxx \ge SE- a.little more xxx \gj SE-a.little more xxx \ft almost finished xxx. \nt referring to the scooter fixed. \ref 027 \id 100556103847120901 \begin 0:19:25 \sp CHIIDO \tx nanti cis. \pho nanti ciːs \mb nanti cis \ge later IMIT \gj later IMIT \ft it'll vroom. \nt imitating the sound of the scooter. \ref 028 \id 456787104002120901 \begin 0:19:31 \sp CHIIDO \tx nta(r) coba, nanti naik ini, ci, ngeng. \pho nta coba nanti naɪk ini ciː ŋɛːŋ \mb ntar coba nanti naik ini ci ngeng \ge moment try later go.up this IMIT IMIT \gj moment try later go.up this IMIT IMIT \ft I'll try, riding on it later, vroom, vroom. \ref 029 \id 959944104458120901 \begin 0:19:37 \sp EXPOKK \tx 0. \nt fixing the scooter. \ref 030 \id 106002104458120901 \begin 0:19:43 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx lagi. \pho xxx lagiʰ \mb xxx lagi \ge xxx more \gj xxx more \ft xxx more. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 031 \id 798330104341120901 \begin 0:19:45 \sp CHIIDO \tx dikit lagi. \pho dikit laːgiːh \mb dikit lagi \ge a.little more \gj a.little more \ft a little bit more. \ref 032 \id 188857104607120901 \begin 0:19:47 \sp CHIIDO \tx dikit lagi, baru udah. \pho dikit lagi baru ʔudah \mb dikit lagi baru udah \ge a.little more new PFCT \gj a.little more new PFCT \ft a little bit more, then it's finished. \ref 033 \id 426258104710120901 \begin 0:19:49 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise because CHI is coming off the microphone. \ref 034 \id 736224105002120901 \begin 0:19:51 \sp CHIIDO \tx tow, tow, tow. \pho tow tow tow \mb tow tow tow \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft tow, tow, tow. \nt talking in front of the microphone. \ref 035 \id 240460105056120901 \begin 0:19:53 \sp CHIIDO \tx cow, Om Okki, cow, cow, cow. \pho coːw ʔɔm oki coːw coːw coːw \mb cow Om Okki cow cow cow \ge EXCL uncle Okki EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL uncle Okki EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft cow, Uncle Okki, cow, cow, cow. \nt talking in front of the microphone. \ref 036 \id 120316105442120901 \begin 0:19:56 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt talking at the same time as CHI. \ref 037 \id 466485105453120901 \begin 0:19:59 \sp EXPOKK \tx nah, ni udah ni. \pho naː ni uda nih \mb nah ni udah ni \ge NAH this PFCT this \gj NAH this PFCT this \ft okay, it's finished. \nt referring to the scooter fixed. \ref 038 \id 925667110045120901 \begin 0:20:02 \sp CHIIDO \tx nah, skuter... \pho naː skutərː \mb nah skuter \ge NAH scooter \gj NAH scooter \ft okay, the scooter... \ref 039 \id 911165110127120901 \begin 0:20:05 \sp EXPOKK \tx depan apa belakang? \pho dəpan apa blakaŋ \mb depan apa belakang \ge front what back \gj front what back \ft at the front or at the back? \nt reference unclear. \ref 040 \id 165738110144120901 \begin 0:20:08 \sp CHIIDO \tx depan. \pho dəpan \mb depan \ge front \gj front \ft at the front. \ref 041 \id 670661110421120901 \begin 0:20:09 \sp EXPOKK \tx depan aja xxx. \pho dəpan aja xxx \mb depan aja xxx \ge front just xxx \gj front just xxx \ft just at the front xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 042 \id 812190110531120901 \begin 0:20:10 \sp CHIIDO \tx doys, oys. \pho doys oys \mb doys oys \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft vroom, vroom. \nt imitating the sound of scooter. \ref 043 \id 797109110618120901 \begin 0:20:11 \sp CHIIDO \tx ey. \pho ʔɛy \mb ey \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey. \ref 044 \id 239580110642120901 \begin 0:20:12 \sp CHIIDO \tx ayo deh, xx... \pho ʔayə dɛh ʔɛys \mb ayo deh xx \ge AYO DEH xx \gj AYO DEH xx \ft come on, xx... \nt reference unclear. \ref 045 \id 639304111145120901 \begin 0:20:13 \sp EXPOKK \tx awas! \pho ʔawas \mb awas \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft stay away! \ref 046 \id 303117111202120901 \begin 0:20:14 \sp EXPOKK \tx tapi bisa dibelokin. \pho tapi bisa dibɛlɔkin \mb tapi bisa di- belok -in \ge but can DI- turn -IN \gj but can DI-turn-IN \ft but you can turn it. \nt referring to the scooter. \ref 047 \id 195562111239120901 \begin 0:20:16 \sp EXPOKK \tx tapi pelan-pelan, ya? \mb tapi pelan - pelan ya \ge but slow - slow yes \gj but RED-slow yes \ft but slowly, okay? \ref 048 \id 612557111340120901 \begin 0:20:18 \sp CHIIDO \tx nanti kalo belokin... \pho nanti kalɔ bɛlokiːn \mb nanti kalo belok -in \ge later TOP turn -IN \gj later TOP turn-IN \ft if I turn it... \ref 049 \id 763948111439120901 \begin 0:20:20 \sp CHIIDO \tx yah, ini belok... \pho yaː ini bɛlok \mb yah ini belok \ge EXCL this turn \gj EXCL this turn \ft oh, it turns... \ref 050 \id 894743111531120901 \begin 0:20:22 \sp EXPOKK \tx mencong, ya? \pho mɛncoŋ ya \mb mencong ya \ge askew yes \gj askew yes \ft it's askew, right? \nt referring to the handlebar of the scooter. \ref 051 \id 464363122224120901 \begin 0:20:23 \sp CHIIDO \tx mencong. \pho mɛncoŋ \mb mencong \ge askew \gj askew \ft askew. \ref 052 \id 355792122238120901 \begin 0:20:24 \sp CHIIDO \tx ngeng, ngeng. \pho ŋɛŋ ŋɛŋ \mb ngeng ngeng \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft vroom, vroom. \ref 053 \id 803267122312120901 \begin 0:20:25 \sp CHIIDO \tx mobil buaya. \pho mobil buayaʔ \mb mobil buaya \ge car crocodile \gj car crocodile \ft the crocodile car. \nt referring to the scooter. \ref 054 \id 226659122354120901 \begin 0:20:26 \sp CHIIDO \tx eee... di belakang deh. \pho ʔəː di blakaŋ dɛːh \mb eee di belakang deh \ge FILL LOC back DEH \gj FILL LOC back DEH \ft err... at the back. \ref 055 \id 582768122618120901 \begin 0:20:27 \sp EXPOKK \tx ampibi. \pho ʔampibi \mb ampibi \ge amphibian \gj amphibian \ft the ampibhian. \nt correcting CHI about the scooter. \ref 056 \id 498652122618120901 \begin 0:20:28 \sp CHIIDO \tx hah? \pho hah \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 057 \id 161021122539120901 \begin 0:20:29 \sp EXPOKK \tx mobil ampibi. \pho mobil ampibi \mb mobil ampibi \ge car amphibian \gj car amphibian \ft the amphibian car. \ref 058 \id 657989122707120901 \begin 0:20:31 \sp CHIIDO \tx bukan. \pho bukan \mb bukan \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 059 \id 233237122715120901 \begin 0:20:33 \sp EXPOKK \tx ampibi apa buaya? \pho ʔampibi apa buayaʔ \mb ampibi apa buaya \ge amphibian what crocodile \gj amphibian what crocodile \ft the amphibian or the crocodile? \ref 060 \id 220829122820120901 \begin 0:20:35 \sp EXPOKK \tx mobil buaya? \pho mɔbil buayaʔ \mb mobil buaya \ge car crocodile \gj car crocodile \ft the crocodile car? \ref 061 \id 480229122836120901 \begin 0:20:37 \sp CHIIDO \tx mobil buaya. \pho mɔbil buayaʔ \mb mobil buaya \ge car crocodile \gj car crocodile \ft the crocodile car. \ref 062 \id 625602122855120901 \begin 0:20:39 \sp CHIIDO \tx tadi mana anak laki-lakinya? \mb tadi mana anak laki - laki -nya \ge earlier which child male - male -NYA \gj earlier which child RED-male-NYA \ft where's that boy? \nt referring to the toy man. \ref 063 \id 409042122944120901 \begin 0:20:41 \sp EXPOKK \tx ni. \pho niːh \mb ni \ge this \gj this \ft this. \ref 064 \id 277644122959120901 \begin 0:20:43 \sp EXPOKK \tx ni dia nih. \pho ni dia nih \mb ni dia nih \ge this 3 this \gj this 3 this \ft here is he. \ref 065 \id 469100123057120901 \begin 0:20:45 \sp CHIIDO \tx hey. \pho hɛːy \mb hey \ge hey \gj hey \ft hey. \ref 066 \id 775042123138120901 \begin 0:20:47 \sp CHIIDO \tx kakinya gini. \pho kakiɲa giniː \mb kaki -nya gini \ge foot -NYA like.this \gj foot-NYA like.this \ft his feet is like this. \nt putting the toy man on the scooter. \ref 067 \id 155757123303120901 \begin 0:20:49 \sp CHIIDO \tx lho, nggak bisa nyetir. \pho lo ŋga bisa ɲətir \mb lho nggak bisa ny- setir \ge EXCL NEG can N- steering.wheel \gj EXCL NEG can N-steering.wheel \ft hey, he can't ride it. \ref 068 \id 312835123322120901 \begin 0:20:51 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni bisanya tiduran. \pho ni bisaɲa tiduraːn \mb ni bisa -nya tidur -an \ge this can -NYA lie.down -AN \gj this can-NYA lie.down-AN \ft he only can lie down. \ref 069 \id 631769123352120901 \begin 0:20:54 \sp CHIIDO \tx ah, diri, ya? \pho ʔa diriʔ yaːh \mb ah diri ya \ge AH stand yes \gj AH stand yes \ft oh, standing, okay? \ref 070 \id 551731123412120901 \begin 0:20:57 \sp EXPOKK \tx kan masih bayi. \pho kan masi bayiʔ \mb kan masih bayi \ge KAN still baby \gj KAN still baby \ft he's still a baby. \ref 071 \id 852957124718120901 \begin 0:20:58 \sp EXPOKK \tx segede Dek Fany, belom bisa naek itu. \pho səgədɛ dɛʔ fani blom bisa naɛk ituh \mb se- gede Dek Fany belom bisa naek itu \ge SE- big TRU-younger.sibling Fany not.yet can go.up that \gj SE-big TRU-younger.sibling Fany not.yet can go.up that \ft as big as Fany, she can't already ride that. \nt 'Fany' is CHI's younger cousin. \ref 072 \id 176504124932120901 \begin 0:20:59 \sp CHIIDO \tx eee... eee... Mbak Anya? \pho ʔə ʔəʔ mba ʔaɲaʔ \mb eee eee Mbak Anya \ge FILL FILL EPIT Anya \gj FILL FILL EPIT Anya \ft err... err... Anya? \nt 1. 'Anya' is his cousin. 2. asking if Anya could ride the scooter. \ref 073 \id 711092125121120901 \begin 0:21:00 \sp CHIIDO \tx ini Mbak Anya, kan? \pho ʔini ba ʔaɲa kaːn \mb ini Mbak Anya kan \ge this EPIT Anya KAN \gj this EPIT Anya KAN \ft she's Anya, right? \nt imagining the toy woman as Anya. \ref 074 \id 846279125212120901 \begin 0:21:01 \sp EXPOKK \tx he-eh. \pho həʔəːʰ \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 075 \id 428585125229120901 \begin 0:21:02 \sp CHIIDO \tx Mbak Anya udah bisa. \pho ba aɲa uda bisaːʔ \mb Mbak Anya udah bisa \ge EPIT Anya PFCT can \gj EPIT Anya PFCT can \ft Anya already can. \ref 076 \id 248957125305120901 \begin 0:21:03 \sp EXPOKK \tx ini Dek Ido aja deh. \pho ʔini dɛ ido aja dɛh \mb ini Dek Ido aja deh \ge this TRU-younger.sibling Ido just DEH \gj this TRU-younger.sibling Ido just DEH \ft he's you. \nt imagining the toy man as CHI. \ref 077 \id 739589125326120901 \begin 0:21:05 \sp EXPOKK \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 078 \id 991973125351120901 \begin 0:21:07 \sp EXPOKK \tx Dek Ido aja ni yang naek ni. \pho dɛ ido aja ni yaŋ naɛk ni \mb Dek Ido aja ni yang naek ni \ge TRU-younger.sibling Ido just this REL go.up this \gj TRU-younger.sibling Ido just this REL go.up this \ft you just ride it. \ref 079 \id 210750125434120901 \begin 0:21:09 \sp EXPOKK \tx oh, pegangan, Dek. \pho ʔo pɛgaŋan dɛʔ \mb oh pegang -an Dek \ge EXCL hold -AN TRU-younger.sibling \gj EXCL hold-AN TRU-younger.sibling \ft hey, the handle bar. \nt 1. ** 'pegangan' should be 'pegangannya'. 2. referring to the handlebar. \ref 080 \id 288581125448120901 \begin 0:21:11 \sp EXPOKK \tx nggak usah pegangan dia kali bisa. \pho ŋga usa pɛgaŋan dya kali bisaʔ \mb nggak usah pegang -an dia kali bisa \ge NEG must hold -AN 3 maybe can \gj NEG must hold-AN 3 maybe can \ft maybe he could if he's not holding it. \ref 081 \id 700680125800120901 \begin 0:21:13 \sp EXPOKK \tx tu. \pho tuʰ \mb tu \ge that \gj that \ft see that. \ref 082 \id 454449125821120901 \begin 0:21:15 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'aku main sepeda'. \pho ʔaku main spɛdaːh \mb aku main sepeda \ge 1SG play bicycle \gj 1SG play bicycle \ft 'I'm playing the bicycle'. \nt pretending to be the toy man. \ref 083 \id 231591125917120901 \begin 0:21:17 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'aku mau main...' \pho ʔaːku maʊ maɪh \mb aku mau main \ge 1SG want play \gj 1SG want play \ft 'I want to play...' \ref 084 \id 463691125940120901 \begin 0:21:19 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'saya tidur terus ni, ngantuk'. \pho saya tidur tərus ni ŋantuk \mb saya tidur terus ni ng- kantuk \ge 1SG lie.down continue this N- sleepy \gj 1SG lie.down continue this N-sleepy \ft 'I always sleep, I'm sleepy'. \ref 085 \id 769823130031120901 \begin 0:21:21 \sp EXPOKK \tx ni dia nih. \pho ni dia niːh \mb ni dia nih \ge this 3 this \gj this 3 this \ft here is he. \nt refeferring to the toy man on the scooter. \ref 086 \id 638256130525120901 \begin 0:21:23 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt talking at the same time as EXP. \ref 087 \id 680980130533120901 \begin 0:21:25 \sp EXPOKK \tx bisa tu, Dek. \pho bisa tu dɛʔ \mb bisa tu Dek \ge can that TRU-younger.sibling \gj can that TRU-younger.sibling \ft he can. \nt referring to the toy man on the scooter. \ref 088 \id 550110130619120901 \begin 0:21:28 \sp CHIIDO \tx ngeng. \pho ŋɛːŋ \mb ngeng \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft vroom. \nt moving the scooter. \ref 089 \id 616190130650120901 \begin 0:21:31 \sp EXPOKK \tx wah, jatoh tapi, jangan dijalanin! \pho wah jato tapi jaŋan dijalanin \mb wah jatoh tapi jangan di- jalan -in \ge EXCL fall but don't DI- walk -IN \gj EXCL fall but don't DI-walk-IN \ft oh, it's falling, don't move it! \ref 090 \id 623775130729120901 \begin 0:21:34 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'ah, saya mo berenang ah'. \pho ʔa saya mo brənaŋ ʔaː \mb ah saya mo be- renang ah \ge AH 1SG want BER- swim AH \gj AH 1SG want BER-swim AH \ft 'oh, I want to sleep'. \ref 091 \id 296812130828120901 \begin 0:21:36 \sp CHIIDO \tx aaa, aaa, aaa. \pho aː a a \mb aaa aaa aaa \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft aaa, aaa, aaa. \nt imiatating the sound of a man swimming. \ref 092 \id 434104131030120901 \begin 0:21:38 \sp CHIIDO \tx naek ini aja ni, dia ni. \pho naɛk ini aja ni dia ni \mb naek ini aja ni dia ni \ge go.up this just this 3 this \gj go.up this just this 3 this \ft just ride it, here he is. \nt referring to the sailing boat. \ref 093 \id 294908131336120901 \begin 0:21:40 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 094 \id 831863131347120901 \begin 0:21:42 \sp EXPOKK \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 095 \id 248748131423120901 \begin 0:21:44 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni udah bisa naik ini ni. \pho ni uda bisa naik ini ni \mb ni udah bisa naik ini ni \ge this PFCT can go.up this this \gj this PFCT can go.up this this \ft he already can ride it. \nt referring to the toy man on the boat. \ref 096 \id 814701131528120901 \begin 0:21:47 \sp CHIIDO \tx keren. \pho kərɛːn \mb keren \ge neat \gj neat \ft cool. \ref 097 \id 700569131548120901 \begin 0:21:50 \sp EXPOKK \tx masih kecil. \pho masi kəcil \mb masih kecil \ge still small \gj still small \ft he's stiil a child. \nt referring to the toy man. \ref 098 \id 376547131614120901 \begin 0:21:53 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh. \pho ʔɛʔ \mb eh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey. \nt not talking to EXP. \ref 099 \id 444400131703120901 \begin 0:21:56 \sp EXPOKK \tx nggak bisa naek... layar. \pho ŋga bisa naɛk layar \mb nggak bisa naek layar \ge NEG can go.up sail \gj NEG can go.up sail \ft he can't ride... the sail. \ref 100 \id 542415131829120901 \begin 0:21:59 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni bukan perahu layar. \pho ni bukan prau layaːr \mb ni bukan perahu layar \ge this NEG boat sail \gj this NEG boat sail \ft it's not the sailing boat. \ref 101 \id 880459131953120901 \begin 0:22:01 \sp EXPOKK \tx perahu apa sih? \pho prau apa sih \mb perahu apa sih \ge boat what SIH \gj boat what SIH \ft what boat? \ref 102 \id 690368132003120901 \begin 0:22:03 \sp EXPOKK \tx surfing, ya? \pho sərfiŋ yah \mb surfing ya \ge surfing yes \gj surfing yes \ft for surfing, right? \ref 103 \id 831433135752120901 \begin 0:22:05 \sp CHIIDO \tx Om, pulangnya jam berapa? \pho ʔom pulaŋɲa jam brapaː \mb Om pulang -nya jam berapa \ge uncle return -NYA hour how.much \gj uncle return-NYA hour how.much \ft hey, what time are you going to go home? \nt referring to the end of the recording session. \ref 104 \id 210855135839120901 \begin 0:22:07 \sp EXPOKK \tx jam sebelas lewat dikit. \pho jamː səbəlas lɛwat dikit \mb jam se- belas lewat dikit \ge hour SE- teen go.by a.little \gj hour SE-teen go.by a.little \ft a few minutes pass eleven. \ref 105 \id 250156135909120901 \begin 0:22:09 \sp CHIIDO \tx Mas Aba pulangnya? \pho mas aba pulaŋɲah \mb Mas Aba pulang -nya \ge EPIT Aba return -NYA \gj EPIT Aba return-NYA \ft what time Aba comes back home? \nt 'Aba' is CHI's older brother. \ref 106 \id 175958135940120901 \begin 0:22:11 \sp EXPOKK \tx jam... xx... nggak tau. \pho jamː nda ŋga tau \mb jam xx nggak tau \ge hour xx NEG know \gj hour xx NEG know \ft at... xx... I don't know. \ref 107 \id 536018140029120901 \begin 0:22:13 \sp EXPOKK \tx jam sebelas, ya? \pho jam səbəlas yah \mb jam se- belas ya \ge hour SE- teen yes \gj hour SE-teen yes \ft eleven o'clock, right? \ref 108 \id 474719140126120901 \begin 0:22:15 \sp CHIIDO \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah. \ref 109 \id 725745140133120901 \begin 0:22:17 \sp CHIIDO \tx berarti Om Okki udah pulang. \pho brati ʔɔm uki ʔuda pulaŋ \mb ber- arti Om Okki udah pulang \ge BER- meaning uncle Okki PFCT return \gj BER-meaning uncle Okki PFCT return \ft it means you'll have already gone home. \ref 110 \id 519505140231120901 \begin 0:22:19 \sp EXPOKK \tx iya. \pho ʔiːya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 111 \id 129859140254120901 \begin 0:22:21 \sp CHIIDO \tx nggak bisa main pantai deh. \pho ŋga bisa main paːntay dɛh \mb nggak bisa main pantai deh \ge NEG can play beach DEH \gj NEG can play beach DEH \ft can't play the beach set. \ref 112 \id 641296140330120901 \begin 0:22:23 \sp EXPOKK \tx ini pantai. \pho ʔini pantay \mb ini pantai \ge this beach \gj this beach \ft it's the beach. \ref 113 \id 475799140341120901 \begin 0:22:25 \sp EXPOKK \tx main aja! \pho maɪn ajah \mb main aja \ge play just \gj play just \ft just play! \ref 114 \id 869125140354120901 \begin 0:22:27 \sp EXPOKK \tx oh, Mas Abanya? \pho ʔo mas abaɲah \mb oh Mas Aba -nya \ge EXCL EPIT Aba -NYA \gj EXCL EPIT Aba-NYA \ft oh, Aba? \nt asking if Aba could play the beach set or not because EXP will have already gone home before Aba arrives. \ref 115 \id 100030140413120901 \begin 0:22:29 \sp CHIIDO \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 116 \id 620728140428120901 \begin 0:22:31 \sp EXPOKK \tx besok sama Tante Bety. \pho bɛsok sama tantə bɛtiʔ \mb besok sama Tante Bety \ge tomorrow with aunt Bety \gj tomorrow with aunt Bety \ft tomorrow with Auntie Bety. \nt 'Bety' is the other experimenter. \ref 117 \id 393041141915120901 \begin 0:22:33 \sp CHIIDO \tx ya, udah, pulangnya jam sepuluh! \pho ya uda pulaŋɲah jam səpuluh \mb ya udah pulang -nya jam se- puluh \ge yes PFCT return -NYA hour SE- ten \gj yes PFCT return-NYA hour SE-ten \ft yeah, alright, you go home at ten! \ref 118 \id 451232142106120901 \begin 0:22:35 \sp EXPOKK \tx jam sepuluh, udah pulang dari tadi. \pho jam səpulu uda pulaŋ dari tadiːʔ \mb jam se- puluh udah pulang dari tadi \ge hour SE- ten PFCT return from earlier \gj hour SE-ten PFCT return from earlier \ft at ten, I'd already gone home since that time. \ref 119 \id 178257142140120901 \begin 0:22:38 \sp CHIIDO \tx jam delapan. \pho jaːm dlapan \mb jam delapan \ge hour eight \gj hour eight \ft eight o'clock. \ref 120 \id 474694142236120901 \begin 0:22:41 \sp EXPOKK \tx jam delapan malem? \pho jam dlapan maləm \mb jam delapan malem \ge hour eight night \gj hour eight night \ft eight o'clock in the evening? \ref 121 \id 293253142431120901 \begin 0:22:42 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 122 \id 922947142523120901 \begin 0:22:43 \sp CHIIDO \tx tapi nan(ti)... besok... \pho tapi nan bɛsoːk \mb tapi nanti besok \ge but later tomorrow \gj but later tomorrow \ft but later... tomorrow... \ref 123 \id 199709142604120901 \begin 0:22:44 \sp CHIIDO \tx besok tante Dek Ido, Eyang... Eyang Sis mo nginep di sini. \mb besok tante Dek Ido Eyang Eyang Sis mo ng- inep di sini \ge tomorrow aunt TRU-younger.sibling Ido grandparent grandparent Sis want N- spend.the.night LOC here \gj tomorrow aunt TRU-younger.sibling Ido grandparent grandparent Sis want N-spend.the.night LOC here \ft tomorrow my aunt, Grandpa... Grandpa Sis will spend the night here. \ref 124 \id 122221142726120901 \begin 0:22:45 \sp EXPOKK \tx siapa? \pho siapa \mb siapa \ge who \gj who \ft who? \ref 125 \id 978769142733120901 \begin 0:22:46 \sp EXPOKK \tx Tante Bety? \pho tantə bɛti \mb Tante Bety \ge aunt Bety \gj aunt Bety \ft Auntie Bety? \ref 126 \id 587425142744120901 \begin 0:22:48 \sp EXPOKK \tx bukan? \pho bukan \mb bukan \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no? \ref 127 \id 472198144415120901 \begin 0:22:50 \sp CHIIDO \tx bukan. \pho bukan \mb bukan \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 128 \id 645496144426120901 \begin 0:22:52 \sp CHIIDO \tx Tante Nining. \pho tantə nini \mb Tante Nining \ge aunt Nining \gj aunt Nining \ft Auntie Nining. \nt 'Nining' is his aunt. \ref 129 \id 862287145147120901 \begin 0:22:54 \sp EXPOKK \tx oh. \pho ʔəːh \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 130 \id 380579145325120901 \begin 0:22:56 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 131 \id 708302145332120901 \begin 0:22:58 \sp CHIIDO \tx dia sering nginep di Mbak... Dek Ido. \pho dya səriŋ ŋinəp di ba dɛ ʔidoʔ \mb dia sering ng- inep di Mbak Dek Ido \ge 3 often N- spend.the.night LOC EPIT TRU-younger.sibling Ido \gj 3 often N-spend.the.night LOC EPIT TRU-younger.sibling Ido \ft she often spends the night at... here. \nt changing mind. \ref 132 \id 758498145521120901 \begin 0:23:00 \sp CHIIDO \tx kalo pagi dia bantuin Mbak Anya. \pho kalo pagi dia bantuin ba ʔaɲaʔ \mb kalo pagi dia bantu -in Mbak Anya \ge TOP morning 3 help -IN EPIT Anya \gj TOP morning 3 help-IN EPIT Anya \ft she helps Anya in the morning. \ref 133 \id 200359145605120901 \begin 0:23:02 \sp EXPOKK \tx bantuin apa? \pho bantuin apah \mb bantu -in apa \ge help -IN what \gj help-IN what \ft helps what? \ref 134 \id 237005145621120901 \begin 0:23:04 \sp CHIIDO \tx bantuin ngeberes-beres. \mb bantu -in nge- beres - beres \ge help -IN N- in.order - in.order \gj help-IN N-RED-in.order \ft helps to put the things in order. \ref 135 \id 561641145653120901 \begin 0:23:06 \sp CHIIDO \tx Om Iyang... Om Iyang kan omnya xx... itu, kan? \pho ʔɔm iyaŋ ʔɔm iyaŋ kan ʔɔmɲa təʔ ʔitu kaːn \mb Om Iyang Om Iyang kan om -nya xx itu kan \ge uncle Iyang uncle Iyang KAN uncle -NYA xx that KAN \gj uncle Iyang uncle Iyang KAN uncle-NYA xx that KAN \ft Uncle Iyang... Uncle Iyang is the uncle of xx... him, right? \nt 'Iyang' is his uncle. \ref 136 \id 912806150917120901 \begin 0:23:09 \sp CHIIDO \tx omnya Eyang Sis. \pho ʔɔmɲa ɛyaŋ sis \mb om -nya Eyang Sis \ge uncle -NYA grandparent Sis \gj uncle-NYA grandparent Sis \ft the uncle of Grandpa Sis. \nt Iyang is Sis' son. \ref 137 \id 759770151046120901 \begin 0:23:12 \sp CHIIDO \tx dia suka nginep di rumah Mbak Anya. \pho dya suka ŋinəp di ruma ba ʔaɲaːʔ \mb dia suka ng- inep di rumah Mbak Anya \ge 3 like N- spend.the.night LOC house EPIT Anya \gj 3 like N-spend.the.night LOC house EPIT Anya \ft he often sleeps at Anya's house. \ref 138 \id 878726151129120901 \begin 0:23:15 \sp EXPOKK \tx Mbak Anya kok nggak diajak maen ama Dek Aga? \pho ba aɲa koʔ ŋga diajak maɛn amaːʔ dɛ agaʔ \mb Mbak Anya kok nggak di- ajak maen ama Dek Aga \ge EPIT Anya KOK NEG DI- invite play with TRU-younger.sibling Aga \gj EPIT Anya KOK NEG DI-invite play with TRU-younger.sibling Aga \ft how come you don't invite Anya and Aga to play? \nt 'Aga' is CHI's younger cousin. \ref 139 \id 378263151300120901 \begin 0:23:18 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx... \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx... \nt interrupted by CHI. \ref 140 \id 483292151312120901 \begin 0:23:21 \sp CHIIDO \tx nggak boleh kata ibunya. \pho ŋga bolɛ kata ibuʔɲaːʰ \mb nggak boleh kata ibu -nya \ge NEG may word mother -NYA \gj NEG may word mother-NYA \ft her mother doesn't allow her. \ref 141 \id 811601151404120901 \begin 0:23:22 \sp EXPOKK \tx oh, nggak boleh. \pho ʔoː ŋga bolɛh \mb oh nggak boleh \ge EXCL NEG may \gj EXCL NEG may \ft oh, she's not allowed. \ref 142 \id 802398151419120901 \begin 0:23:23 \sp CHIIDO \tx maennya sore. \pho maɛɲa sorɛʔ \mb maen -nya sore \ge play -NYA late.afternoon \gj play-NYA late.afternoon \ft she'll play in the afternoon. \ref 143 \id 928939151440120901 \begin 0:23:24 \sp MOTIDO \tx kenapa sih kok Mbak Anya nggak main? \pho knapa si ko mba ʔaɲa ŋga maiːn \mb kenapa sih kok Mbak Anya nggak main \ge why SIH KOK EPIT Anya NEG play \gj why SIH KOK EPIT Anya NEG play \ft why is Anya not playing? \ref 144 \id 100407151525120901 \begin 0:23:25 \sp CHIIDO \tx nggak boleh. \pho ŋga bolɛh \mb nggak boleh \ge NEG may \gj NEG may \ft she's not allowed. \ref 145 \id 656438151611120901 \begin 0:23:27 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'asik, saya diri di xx...' \pho ʔasik saya diri di sit \mb asik saya diri di xx \ge fun 1SG stand LOC xx \gj fun 1SG stand LOC xx \ft 'it's fun, I'm standing on xx...' \nt 1. pretending to be the toy man. 2. putting the toy man on the scooter. \ref 146 \id 662423152249120901 \begin 0:23:29 \sp CHIIDO \tx tangkep. \pho taŋkəːp \mb tangkep \ge catch \gj catch \ft catch. \nt 1. throwing the toy man. 2. not talking to EXP. \ref 147 \id 155407152415120901 \begin 0:23:31 \sp EXPOKK \tx jatoh. \pho jatoh \mb jatoh \ge fall \gj fall \ft he's falling. \nt referring to the toy man. \ref 148 \id 729881152415120901 \begin 0:23:33 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx jatoh... \pho ʔaŋ jatoh \mb xx jatoh \ge xx fall \gj xx fall \ft xx falling... \ref 149 \id 799009152018120901 \begin 0:23:35 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh, berenang, Dek Ido punya inget, berenang. \pho ʔɛh brənaŋ dɛ ido puɲa iŋət brənaŋ \mb eh be- renang Dek Ido punya inget be- renang \ge EXCL BER- swim TRU-younger.sibling Ido have remember BER- swim \gj EXCL BER-swim TRU-younger.sibling Ido have remember BER-swim \ft hey, swimming, I have an idea, swimming. \nt 'punya inget' is not commonly used, commonly used 'inget'. \ref 150 \id 733641152455120901 \begin 0:23:37 \sp EXPOKK \tx ini, orangnya? \pho ʔini oraŋɲah \mb ini orang -nya \ge this person -NYA \gj this person-NYA \ft this, the man? \ref 151 \id 922963154553120901 \begin 0:23:38 \sp CHIIDO \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaʔ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 152 \id 470653154618120901 \begin 0:23:39 \sp CHIIDO \tx bajunya... xx... \pho bayuɲah cop \mb baju -nya xx \ge garment -NYA xx \gj garment-NYA xx \ft the suit... xx... \ref 153 \id 781523154718120901 \begin 0:23:40 \sp CHIIDO \tx kalo... kalo cowok pake cangcut, kalo... kalo cewek kan pake baju renang. \pho kalɔʔ kalɔ cowo pakɛ caŋcuːt kalɔʔ kalɔ cɛwɛ kan pakɛ baju rənaŋ \mb kalo kalo cowok pake cangcut kalo kalo cewek kan pake baju renang \ge TOP TOP male use loincloth TOP TOP female KAN use garment swim \gj TOP TOP male use loincloth TOP TOP female KAN use garment swim \ft if... the man wears loincloth, if... the woman wears the swimsuit. \ref 154 \id 181661154925120901 \begin 0:23:41 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni baju renang. \pho ni baju rənaŋ \mb ni baju renang \ge this garment swim \gj this garment swim \ft it's the swimsuit. \ref 155 \id 979802155004120901 \begin 0:23:43 \sp EXPOKK \tx awas, jangan dalem-dalem, ya? \mb awas jangan dalem - dalem ya \ge EXCL don't deep - deep yes \gj EXCL don't RED-deep yes \ft be careful, don't do it too deep, okay? \nt referring to the swimming. \ref 156 \id 854296155026120901 \begin 0:23:45 \sp EXPOKK \tx ntar kelelep. \pho ntar kələləp \mb ntar ke- lelep \ge moment KE- submerge \gj moment KE-submerge \ft he'll be submereged. \ref 157 \id 181151155103120901 \begin 0:23:47 \sp CHIIDO \tx kalo di... \pho kalɔ diʔ \mb kalo di \ge TOP LOC \gj TOP LOC \ft if at... \ref 158 \id 518674155137120901 \begin 0:23:49 \sp CHIIDO \tx jauh... \pho jau \mb jauh \ge far \gj far \ft far... \ref 159 \id 569758155153120901 \begin 0:23:51 \sp CHIIDO \tx jauh-jauh... \mb jauh - jauh \ge far - far \gj RED-far \ft far... \ref 160 \id 542295155208120901 \begin 0:23:53 \sp CHIIDO \tx hey, berenang. \pho hɛːy brənaŋ \mb hey be- renang \ge hey BER- swim \gj hey BER-swim \ft hey, swimming. \ref 161 \id 665740155326120901 \begin 0:23:55 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'saya monya xxx'. \mb saya mo -nya xxx \ge 1SG want -NYA xxx \gj 1SG want-NYA xxx \ft 'I want xxx'. \nt pretending to be the toy man. \ref 162 \id 912179155541120901 \begin 0:23:57 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'aku mo naek bebek ah, xxx'. \mb aku mo naek bebek ah xxx \ge 1SG want go.up duck AH xxx \gj 1SG want go.up duck AH xxx \ft 'I want to ride the duck, xxx'. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 163 \id 120157155722120901 \begin 0:23:59 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt 1. the transmitter is making noise. 2. giving the sailing boat to CHI. \ref 164 \id 483344155816120901 \begin 0:24:01 \sp CHIIDO \tx nggak. \pho ŋgaʔ \mb nggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 165 \id 778530155828120901 \begin 0:24:03 \sp CHIIDO \tx takut jatoh orangnya. \pho takut jatoh ʔoraŋɲa \mb takut jatoh orang -nya \ge fear fall person -NYA \gj fear fall person-NYA \ft I'm afraid the person will fall. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 166 \id 269499155940120901 \begin 0:24:05 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx, 'saya mo naek bebek'. \pho ʔəʔ saya mo naɛk bɛbɛːk \mb xx saya mo naek bebek \ge xx 1SG want go.up duck \gj xx 1SG want go.up duck \ft xx, 'I want to ride the duck'. \ref 167 \id 381600160058120901 \begin 0:24:08 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx, Dek Ido. \pho xxx dɛ idoh \mb xxx Dek Ido \ge xxx TRU-younger.sibling Ido \gj xxx TRU-younger.sibling Ido \ft xxx, you. \ref 168 \id 767250160131120901 \begin 0:24:11 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx ini. \pho xxx ʔinih \mb xxx ini \ge xxx this \gj xxx this \ft xxx this. \ref 169 \id 589880160209120901 \begin 0:24:14 \sp CHIIDO \tx naek ini, xx. \pho naːɛk ʔiniː xx \mb naek ini xx \ge go.up this xx \gj go.up this xx \ft riding on it, xx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 170 \id 331381160408120901 \begin 0:24:17 \sp CHIIDO \tx ini belom xxx. \pho ʔini bəlom xxx \mb ini belom xxx \ge this not.yet xxx \gj this not.yet xxx \ft it hasn't been xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 171 \id 940556160441120901 \begin 0:24:19 \sp CHIIDO \tx masa kursinya kecil, setangnya kecil, orangnya gede? \pho masak kursiɲa kəcil staŋɲa kəcil ʔoraŋɲa gədɛʔ \mb masa kursi -nya kecil setang -nya kecil orang -nya gede \ge incredible chair -NYA small handle.bar -NYA small person -NYA big \gj incredible chair-NYA small handle.bar-NYA small person-NYA big \ft how can the seat is small, the handle bar is small, but the man is big? \nt comparing the scooter with the toy man. \ref 172 \id 942883160641120901 \begin 0:24:21 \sp EXPOKK \tx ntar baliknya naek ini, ya? \pho ntar balikɲa naɛk ini yah \mb ntar balik -nya naek ini ya \ge moment turn.around -NYA go.up this yes \gj moment turn.around-NYA go.up this yes \ft he'll get on this when going back, okay? \nt referring to the car used for the toy man when going back to the land. \ref 173 \id 459645160801120901 \begin 0:24:23 \sp EXPOKK \tx ke sini. \pho kə sinih \mb ke sini \ge to here \gj to here \ft to here. \ref 174 \id 274429160847120901 \begin 0:24:25 \sp CHIIDO \tx he-eh. \pho həh \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 175 \id 431706160915120901 \begin 0:24:27 \sp EXPOKK \tx naek mobil itu! \pho naɛk mɔbil ituh \mb naek mobil itu \ge go.up car that \gj go.up car that \ft get on that car! \ref 176 \id 489058162743120901 \begin 0:24:29 \sp CHIIDO \tx dijemput. \pho dijəmput \mb di- jemput \ge DI- pick.up \gj DI-pick.up \ft someone pick him up. \ref 177 \id 520546162759120901 \begin 0:24:31 \sp CHIIDO \tx taro aja... \pho taro ʔaja \mb taro aja \ge put just \gj put just \ft just put... \nt referring to the toy car. \ref 178 \id 530251162822120901 \begin 0:24:33 \sp CHIIDO \tx oh... \pho ʔoːʔ \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh... \ref 179 \id 737529162905120901 \begin 0:24:35 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 180 \id 578016162943120901 \begin 0:24:38 \sp EXPOKK \tx belum. \pho bəlʊm \mb belum \ge not.yet \gj not.yet \ft not yet. \nt reference unclear. \ref 181 \id 731306163051120901 \begin 0:24:39 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt chewing the toy. \ref 182 \id 383923163110120901 \begin 0:24:40 \sp CHIIDO \tx pulangnya jam itu aja, ya? \pho pulaŋɲa jam itu aja yaʰ \mb pulang -nya jam itu aja ya \ge return -NYA hour that just yes \gj return-NYA hour that just yes \ft just go home at that time, okay? \nt referring to the end of the recording session. \ref 183 \id 209468163154120901 \begin 0:24:41 \sp CHIIDO \tx pulangnya jam... dua belas. \pho pulaŋɲa jamː dua bəlas \mb pulang -nya jam dua belas \ge return -NYA hour two teen \gj return-NYA hour two teen \ft you'll go home at... twelve. \ref 184 \id 346693163247120901 \begin 0:24:42 \sp EXPOKK \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaː \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 185 \id 874646163259120901 \begin 0:24:43 \sp CHIIDO \tx biar Mas Aba bisa main ini. \pho biar mas aba bisa maɪn ini \mb biar Mas Aba bisa main ini \ge let EPIT Aba can play this \gj let EPIT Aba can play this \ft so Aba can play this. \nt referring to the beach set. \ref 186 \id 192998163350120901 \begin 0:24:45 \sp EXPOKK \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaː \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay. \ref 187 \id 726265163440120901 \begin 0:24:47 \sp CHIIDO \tx oke, ya? \pho ʔogɛ yah \mb oke ya \ge okay yes \gj okay yes \ft okay? \ref 188 \id 248788163510120901 \begin 0:24:49 \sp EXPOKK \tx jam dua belas emang semana sih? \pho jam dua bəlas ɛmaŋ səmana sih \mb jam dua belas emang se- mana sih \ge clock two teen indeed SE- which SIH \gj clock two teen indeed SE-which SIH \ft which is the number twelve? \nt referring to the numbers on the clock. \ref 189 \id 595851163553120901 \begin 0:24:51 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx... \pho ʔɔp \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx... \nt interrupted by EXP. \ref 190 \id 789423163606120901 \begin 0:24:53 \sp EXPOKK \tx tau, nggak, Dek Ido? \pho tau gaʔ dɛ idoʔ \mb tau nggak Dek Ido \ge know NEG TRU-younger.sibling Ido \gj know NEG TRU-younger.sibling Ido \ft do you know it? \ref 191 \id 647872163638120901 \begin 0:24:55 \sp CHIIDO \tx tau, tuh, yang... \pho taːuʔ tuh yaŋ \mb tau tuh yang \ge know that REL \gj know that REL \ft I know, that, the one... \nt pointing the clock. \ref 192 \id 713558164015120901 \begin 0:24:57 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx. \pho yədɛw \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 193 \id 889635164034120901 \begin 0:24:59 \sp EXPOKK \tx yang mana? \pho yaŋ mana \mb yang mana \ge REL which \gj REL which \ft which one? \ref 194 \id 110338164125120901 \begin 0:25:01 \sp CHIIDO \tx satu, dua, tiga, empat, lima, enam... \pho satuːʔ duaːʔ tigaː ʔəmpaːt limaː ʔənaːm \mb satu dua tiga empat lima enam \ge one two three four five six \gj one two three four five six \ft one, two, three, four, five, six... \ref 195 \id 160677164238120901 \begin 0:25:03 \sp EXPOKK \tx sekarang jam berapa? \pho skaraŋ jam brapah \mb sekarang jam berapa \ge now hour how.much \gj now hour how.much \ft what time is it now? \ref 196 \id 211155164319120901 \begin 0:25:05 \sp CHIIDO \tx tujuh, delapan, sembilan, sepuluh, sebelas, dua belas, tiga belas, empat... \pho tujuh dlapan səmbilan səpulu səbəlas dua bəlas tiga bəlas əmpat \mb tujuh delapan sembilan se- puluh se- belas dua belas tiga belas empat \ge seven eight nine SE- ten SE- teen two teen three teen four \gj seven eight nine SE-ten SE-teen two teen three teen four \ft seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, four... \ref 197 \id 796560164440120901 \begin 0:25:07 \sp CHIIDO \tx empat belas, lima belas, enam belas, tujuh belas, delapan belas... \pho əmpat bəlas lima bəlas ənam bəlas tuju bəlas dlapan bəlas \mb empat belas lima belas enam belas tujuh belas delapan belas \ge four teen five teen six teen seven teen eight teen \gj four teen five teen six teen seven teen eight teen \ft fourteen, fiveteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen... \ref 198 \id 897217164607120901 \begin 0:25:10 \sp CHIIDO \tx sembilan belas, dua puluh. \pho səmbilan bəlas dua puluh \mb sembilan belas dua puluh \ge nine teen two ten \gj nine teen two ten \ft nineteen, twenty. \ref 199 \id 645303164629120901 \begin 0:25:13 \sp EXPOKK \tx yang ngajarin siapa? \pho yaŋ ŋajarin syapah \mb yang ng- ajar -in siapa \ge REL N- teach -IN who \gj REL N-teach-IN who \ft who taught you? \ref 200 \id 445642100231130901 \begin 0:25:14 \sp CHIIDO \tx Mama, kan? \pho mama kaːn \mb Mama kan \ge mommy KAN \gj mommy KAN \ft Mommy, right? \ref 201 \id 721721100328130901 \begin 0:25:15 \sp CHIIDO \tx we... \pho wɛʔ \mb we \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey... \ref 202 \id 377888100335130901 \begin 0:25:16 \sp CHIIDO \tx hormat, hormat. \pho hormat hormaːt \mb hormat hormat \ge honor honor \gj honor honor \ft paying homage, paying homage. \nt 1. commenting the position of the toy man's hand. 2. laughing. \ref 203 \id 478560100513130901 \begin 0:25:18 \sp CHIIDO \tx yang tau xx... \pho yaŋ tau bis \mb yang tau xx \ge REL know xx \gj REL know xx \ft the one who knows xx... \nt reference unclear. \ref 204 \id 478995100538130901 \begin 0:25:20 \sp EXPOKK \tx nih, buat bayinya ntar di pantai. \pho nih buat bayiʔɲa ntar di pantay \mb nih buat bayi -nya ntar di pantai \ge this for baby -NYA moment LOC beach \gj this for baby-NYA moment LOC beach \ft here, for the baby on the beach later. \nt referring to the baby carriage. \ref 205 \id 591608100806130901 \begin 0:25:22 \sp EXPOKK \tx dia kalo abis berenang. \pho dya kalɔ abis bərənaŋ \mb dia kalo abis be- renang \ge 3 TOP finished BER- swim \gj 3 TOP finished BER-swim \ft for him after swimming. \ref 206 \id 573725101104130901 \begin 0:25:24 \sp CHIIDO \tx yep, byep, byep, byep, byep, byep. \pho yəp byəp byəp byəp byəp byəp \mb yep byep byep byep byep byep \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft yep, byep, byep, byep, byep, byep. \nt imitating the sound of someone swimming. \ref 207 \id 613468101328130901 \begin 0:25:26 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 208 \id 778536101336130901 \begin 0:25:28 \sp CHIIDO \tx wah. \pho waːh \mb wah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \nt falling. \ref 209 \id 383586101436130901 \begin 0:25:30 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx naek itu lho! \pho xxx naɛk itu loːʰ \mb xxx naek itu lho \ge xxx go.up that EXCL \gj xxx go.up that EXCL \ft xxx get on this! \nt 1. talking at the same time as CHI. 2. reference unclear. \ref 210 \id 847399101604130901 \begin 0:25:32 \sp CHIIDO \tx wih, yah, buk, buk, buk. \pho wi ya buk buk buk \mb wih yah buk buk buk \ge EXCL EXCL IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj EXCL EXCL IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft oh, oh, buk, buk, buk. \nt pretending to swim. \ref 211 \id 352714101725130901 \begin 0:25:34 \sp EXPOKK \tx baliknya xxx. \pho balikɲa xxx \mb balik -nya xxx \ge turn.around -NYA xxx \gj turn.around-NYA xxx \ft going back xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 212 \id 370448101822130901 \begin 0:25:36 \sp CHIIDO \tx ah, ini nggak muat. \pho ʔaː ini ŋgaʔ muat \mb ah ini nggak muat \ge EXCL this NEG contain \gj EXCL this NEG contain \ft oh, it's not enough. \nt referring to the boat which is not enough for the toy man. \ref 213 \id 539231102105130901 \begin 0:25:38 \sp EXPOKK \tx nggak bisa ke darat itu, musti ke laut. \pho ŋga bisa kə darat itu musti kə lauːt \mb nggak bisa ke darat itu musti ke laut \ge NEG can to dry.land that must to sea \gj NEG can to dry.land that must to sea \ft it can't move to the land, it has to be in the sea. \ref 214 \id 474303102214130901 \begin 0:25:40 \sp CHIIDO \tx masa sih? \pho masa sih \mb masa sih \ge incredible SIH \gj incredible SIH \ft does it? \ref 215 \id 926367102224130901 \begin 0:25:42 \sp EXPOKK \tx nggak bisa ke pantai. \pho ŋga bisa kə pantay \mb nggak bisa ke pantai \ge NEG can to beach \gj NEG can to beach \ft it can't go to the beach. \ref 216 \id 974282102252130901 \begin 0:25:44 \sp EXPOKK \tx musti di lautnya. \pho musti di lautɲa \mb musti di laut -nya \ge must LOC sea -NYA \gj must LOC sea-NYA \ft should be in the sea. \ref 217 \id 781925102314130901 \begin 0:25:46 \sp CHIIDO \tx masa waktu di film "Digimon" lucu... \pho masa waktu di filəm dijimon lucuʔ \mb masa waktu di film Digimon lucu \ge incredible time LOC film Digimon funny \gj incredible time LOC film Digimon funny \ft something funny in "Digimon" movie... \nt "Digimon" is a cartoon movie series. \ref 218 \id 630457102507130901 \begin 0:25:49 \sp CHIIDO \tx masa perahu bisa... bisa ke... itu, bisa ke pasir. \mb masa perahu bisa bisa ke itu bisa ke pasir \ge incredible boat can can to that can to sand \gj incredible boat can can to that can to sand \ft how could a boat could... could go to... that, could go to the sand. \ref 219 \id 113893102718130901 \begin 0:25:52 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt something is falling. \ref 220 \id 508826102809130901 \begin 0:25:55 \sp CHIIDO \tx jalannya di pasir. \pho jalaɲa di pasir \mb jalan -nya di pasir \ge walk -NYA LOC sand \gj walk-NYA LOC sand \ft moved on the sand. \ref 221 \id 661390102832130901 \begin 0:25:56 \sp EXPOKK \tx bisa tapi rusak nanti. \pho bisa tapi rusak nantiʔ \mb bisa tapi rusak nanti \ge can but damaged later \gj can but damaged later \ft it could but it would be damaged. \ref 222 \id 705556102918130901 \begin 0:25:57 \sp CHIIDO \tx gak rusak. \pho ga rusak \mb gak rusak \ge NEG damaged \gj NEG damaged \ft it wasn't damaged. \ref 223 \id 504309103017130901 \begin 0:25:59 \sp EXPOKK \tx nggak rusak, ya? \pho ŋga rusak yah \mb nggak rusak ya \ge NEG damaged yes \gj NEG damaged yes \ft it wasn't damaged? \ref 224 \id 329935103052130901 \begin 0:26:01 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni jalannya sini, nge(ng). \pho ni jalaɲa sini ŋɛː \mb ni jalan -nya sini ngeng \ge this walk -NYA here IMIT \gj this walk-NYA here IMIT \ft it's moving here, vroom. \nt moving the boat. \ref 225 \id 929839103512130901 \begin 0:26:03 \sp CHIIDO \tx jalannya ngebut, ngelawan arah, oh. \pho jalaɲa ŋəbut ŋlawan ara ʔoʔ \mb jalan -nya ng- kebut nge- lawan arah oh \ge walk -NYA N- speed N- opponent direction EXCL \gj walk-NYA N-speed N-opponent direction EXCL \ft it's moving fast, againts the right direction, oh. \ref 226 \id 828238103631130901 \begin 0:26:05 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni, ni, oh, jeger. \pho nih ni ʔoːh jəgɛːr \mb ni ni oh jeger \ge this this EXCL IMIT \gj this this EXCL IMIT \ft this, this, oh, bang. \nt colliding the boat to the doll. \ref 227 \id 511658103915130901 \begin 0:26:07 \sp EXPOKK \tx wah, mati xxx. \pho wa matiʔ xxx \mb wah mati xxx \ge EXCL dead xxx \gj EXCL dead xxx \ft oh, she's dead xxx. \ref 228 \id 553995111059130901 \begin 0:26:09 \sp CHIIDO \tx perempuannya ketabrak. \pho prəmpuaɲa kətabrak \mb perempuan -nya ke- tabrak \ge female -NYA KE- collide \gj female-NYA KE-collide \ft it hit the woman. \ref 229 \id 211293111128130901 \begin 0:26:11 \sp EXPOKK \tx tapi kalo keseringan rusak, Dek, perahunya. \pho tapi kalo kəsəriŋan rusak dɛʔ prauɲa \mb tapi kalo ke an sering rusak Dek perahu -nya \ge but TOP KE AN often damaged TRU-younger.sibling boat -NYA \gj but TOP KE.AN-often damaged TRU-younger.sibling boat-NYA \ft bit if it's too often it'll be damaged, the boat. \ref 230 \id 418125111235130901 \begin 0:26:13 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 231 \id 838004111345130901 \begin 0:26:14 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx. \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 232 \id 847766111354130901 \begin 0:26:16 \sp CHIIDO \tx e, he, bebek kan bisa xx... bisa ke darat. \pho ʔəː həː bɛbɛk kan bisa klak bisa kə daraːt \mb e he bebek kan bisa xx bisa ke darat \ge IMIT IMIT duck KAN can xx can to dry.land \gj IMIT IMIT duck KAN can xx can to dry.land \ft quack, quack, the duck can xx... can move to the land. \ref 233 \id 218036111617130901 \begin 0:26:18 \sp EXPOKK \tx tapi kalo ke dalem-dalem, ntar tenggelem dia, bebeknya. \mb tapi kalo ke dalem - dalem ntar tenggelem dia bebek -nya \ge but TOP to deep - deep moment submerged 3 duck -NYA \gj but TOP to RED-deep moment submerged 3 duck-NYA \ft but if it goes to the deep part, it'll be submerged, the duck. \ref 234 \id 346742111819130901 \begin 0:26:20 \sp CHIIDO \tx kalo... kalo angsa digangguin, angsa? \pho kaloːʔ kalo ʔaŋsaːʔ digaŋguiːn ʔaŋsaːʔ \mb kalo kalo angsa di- ganggu -in angsa \ge TOP TOP swan DI- disturb -IN swan \gj TOP TOP swan DI-disturb-IN swan \ft how if... how if someone disturb it, the swan? \ref 235 \id 803538111936130901 \begin 0:26:22 \sp EXPOKK \tx pasti nyosor ntar dia. \pho pasti ɲosor ntar diah \mb pasti ny- sosor ntar dia \ge sure N- peck moment 3 \gj sure N-peck moment 3 \ft she'll peck. \ref 236 \id 286448112112130901 \begin 0:26:24 \sp CHIIDO \tx kalo bebek digangguin? \pho kalo bɛbɛk digaŋguin \mb kalo bebek di- ganggu -in \ge TOP duck DI- disturb -IN \gj TOP duck DI-disturb-IN \ft if someone disturb the duck? \ref 237 \id 837059130304130901 \begin 0:26:26 \sp EXPOKK \tx nggak pa-pa. \pho ŋga papah \mb nggak pa - pa \ge NEG what - what \gj NEG RED-what \ft it's okay. \ref 238 \id 275990130337130901 \begin 0:26:28 \sp CHIIDO \tx dia langsung kabur. \pho dya laŋsuŋ kabur \mb dia langsung kabur \ge 3 direct escape \gj 3 direct escape \ft it'll run away as soon as possible. \nt referring to the duck. \ref 239 \id 580519130402130901 \begin 0:26:30 \sp EXPOKK \tx iya, kabur. \pho ʔiya kabur \mb iya kabur \ge yes escape \gj yes escape \ft yeah, run away. \ref 240 \id 500639130422130901 \begin 0:26:32 \sp CHIIDO \tx langsung kabur. \pho laŋsuŋ kabur \mb langsung kabur \ge direct escape \gj direct escape \ft run away as soon as possible. \ref 241 \id 752584130449130901 \begin 0:26:33 \sp CHIIDO \tx kalo angsa nggak pa-pa. \pho kalɔ aŋsa ŋga papa \mb kalo angsa nggak pa - pa \ge TOP swan NEG what - what \gj TOP swan NEG RED-what \ft swan is okay. \nt referring to the swan if it is disturbed. \ref 242 \id 701673130521130901 \begin 0:26:35 \sp CHIIDO \tx digigit. \pho digigiːt \mb di- gigit \ge DI- bite \gj DI-bite \ft it bites. \nt referring to the swan that will bite if it is disturbed. \ref 243 \id 931759130623130901 \begin 0:26:37 \sp EXPOKK \tx disosor bukan digigit. \pho disosor bukan digigit \mb di- sosor bukan di- gigit \ge DI- peck NEG DI- bite \gj DI-peck NEG DI-bite \ft pecking not biting. \nt correcting CHI. \ref 244 \id 701182130738130901 \begin 0:26:39 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 245 \id 792065130809130901 \begin 0:26:41 \sp EXPOKK \tx kakinya. \pho kakiɲah \mb kaki -nya \ge foot -NYA \gj foot-NYA \ft the feet. \ref 246 \id 952525130908130901 \begin 0:26:43 \sp CHIIDO \tx sakit nggak? \pho sakit ŋgaʔ \mb sakit nggak \ge hurt NEG \gj hurt NEG \ft it's hurt? \nt referring to the feet after pecked by the swan. \ref 247 \id 517155130926130901 \begin 0:26:45 \sp EXPOKK \tx sakit. \pho sakiːt \mb sakit \ge hurt \gj hurt \ft it's hurt. \ref 248 \id 235701130935130901 \begin 0:26:47 \sp EXPOKK \tx disosor angsa. \pho disosor ʔaŋsaʔ \mb di- sosor angsa \ge DI- peck swan \gj DI-peck swan \ft pecked by the swan. \ref 249 \id 229677130956130901 \begin 0:26:49 \sp CHIIDO \tx coba angsa ditembak, dor, dor, dor, dor. \pho cobaʔ ʔaŋsa ditɛmbak dor dor do dod \mb coba angsa di- tembak dor dor dor dor \ge try swan DI- shoot IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj try swan DI-shoot IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft I imagine if someone shoot the swan, bang, bang, bang, bang. \ref 250 \id 698719131107130901 \begin 0:26:51 \sp CHIIDO \tx tapi kasihan, ya? \pho tapi kasian yaːh \mb tapi kasih -an ya \ge but compassion -AN yes \gj but compassion-AN yes \ft but poor of it, right? \ref 251 \id 797895131148130901 \begin 0:26:52 \sp EXPOKK \tx iya, biarin aja. \pho ʔiya biarin aja \mb iya biar -in aja \ge yes let -IN just \gj yes let-IN just \ft yeah, just let it alone. \ref 252 \id 846310131204130901 \begin 0:26:53 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 253 \id 958203131248130901 \begin 0:26:54 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx angsa. \pho xxx aŋsa \mb xxx angsa \ge xxx swan \gj xxx swan \ft xxx the swan. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 254 \id 542619131347130901 \begin 0:26:55 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 255 \id 707347131410130901 \begin 0:26:57 \sp CHIIDO \tx liat. \pho liat \mb liat \ge see \gj see \ft I saw it. \nt reference unclear. \ref 256 \id 905050131434130901 \begin 0:26:59 \sp CHIIDO \tx trus ada soang. \pho trus ada soaŋ \mb trus ada soang \ge continue exist swan \gj continue exist swan \ft then there was a swan. \ref 257 \id 902472131454130901 \begin 0:27:01 \sp MOTIDO \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt 1. talking in the kitchen. 2. talking at the same time as CHI and EXP. \ref 258 \id 775679131607130901 \begin 0:27:03 \sp EXPOKK \tx kalo ada anaknya jangan digangguin, Dek, angsanya, galak. \pho kalɔ ada anakɲa jaŋan digaŋguin dɛʔ ʔaŋsaɲa galak \mb kalo ada anak -nya jangan di- ganggu -in Dek angsa -nya galak \ge TOP exist child -NYA don't DI- disturb -IN TRU-younger.sibling swan -NYA fierce \gj TOP exist child-NYA don't DI-disturb-IN TRU-younger.sibling swan-NYA fierce \ft don't disturb it if it with its kids, the swan, it's fierce. \ref 259 \id 956904132050130901 \begin 0:27:05 \sp CHIIDO \tx kalo xx... cuman anaknya? \pho kalo p cuman anakɲaːh \mb kalo xx cuman anak -nya \ge TOP xx only child -NYA \gj TOP xx only child-NYA \ft if xx... just the kids? \ref 260 \id 308704132119130901 \begin 0:27:07 \sp MOTIDO \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt talking in the kitchen. \ref 261 \id 498670132301130901 \begin 0:27:09 \sp EXPOKK \tx kalo ada mamanya, mamanya galak. \pho kalɔ ada mamahɲa mamahɲa galak \mb kalo ada mama -nya mama -nya galak \ge TOP exist mommy -NYA mommy -NYA fierce \gj TOP exist mommy-NYA mommy-NYA fierce \ft if there's the mother, the mother is fierce. \ref 262 \id 966652132347130901 \begin 0:27:11 \sp CHIIDO \tx kalo cuma anaknya? \pho kaloʔ cuma ʔanakɲaʰ \mb kalo cuma anak -nya \ge TOP only child -NYA \gj TOP only child-NYA \ft how if only the kids? \ref 263 \id 338909132412130901 \begin 0:27:13 \sp CHIIDO \tx kalo anaknya sendiri? \pho kalo ʔanakɲa səndiriʔ \mb kalo anak -nya sen- diri \ge TOP child -NYA SE- self \gj TOP child-NYA SE-self \ft if the kids alone? \ref 264 \id 563570132712130901 \begin 0:27:15 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt talking at the same time as EXP. \ref 265 \id 936916132725130901 \begin 0:27:17 \sp EXPOKK \tx ya, kalo udah agak gede, berani dia nyosor. \pho yaː kalo uda ʔaga gədɛʔ bəraniʔ dia ɲosor \mb ya kalo udah agak gede berani dia ny- sosor \ge yes TOP PFCT fairly big brave 3 N- peck \gj yes TOP PFCT fairly big brave 3 N-peck \ft yeah, if it's already rather grown up, it'll be brave to peck. \ref 266 \id 979401132918130901 \begin 0:27:19 \sp CHIIDO \tx kalo masih kecil takut, ya? \pho kaloʔ masi kəcil takut yah \mb kalo masih kecil takut ya \ge TOP still small fear yes \gj TOP still small fear yes \ft it's afraid if it's still a child, right? \ref 267 \id 418495132943130901 \begin 0:27:21 \sp CHIIDO \tx kalo bebek nggak pa-pa. \pho kalo bɛbɛk ŋga papaːh \mb kalo bebek nggak pa - pa \ge TOP duck NEG what - what \gj TOP duck NEG RED-what \ft the duck is okay. \ref 268 \id 765558133045130901 \begin 0:27:23 \sp CHIIDO \tx dia langsung kabur. \pho dya laŋsuŋ kabuːr \mb dia langsung kabur \ge 3 direct escape \gj 3 direct escape \ft he'll run away as soon as possible. \ref 269 \id 946781133214130901 \begin 0:27:26 \sp CHIIDO \tx ntar kalo ada yang cari, dia langsung ngumpet di batu karang. \pho nta kalɔ ada yaŋ cariʔ dya laŋsuŋ ŋupət di batu karaŋ \mb ntar kalo ada yang cari dia langsung ng- umpet di batu karang \ge moment TOP exist REL look.for 3 direct N- hide LOC stone coral \gj moment TOP exist REL look.for 3 direct N-hide LOC stone coral \ft if someone looking for it, it'll hide in the reef. \ref 270 \id 278063133341130901 \begin 0:27:29 \sp EXPOKK \tx he-eh, tapi jangan... \pho həʔəː tapi jaŋan \mb he-eh tapi jangan \ge uh-huh but don't \gj uh-huh but don't \ft uh-huh, but don't... \nt interrupted by CHI. \ref 271 \id 315410133415130901 \begin 0:27:30 \sp CHIIDO \tx dia... \pho dyaʔ \mb dia \ge 3 \gj 3 \ft he... \nt interrupted by EXP. \ref 272 \id 712919133620130901 \begin 0:27:31 \sp EXPOKK \tx ini jangan dalem-dalem bebeknya, ntar tenggelem. \mb ini jangan dalem - dalem bebek -nya ntar tenggelem \ge this don't deep - deep duck -NYA moment submerged \gj this don't RED-deep duck-NYA moment submerged \ft don't put the duck into the deep part, it'll be submerged. \ref 273 \id 942125133851130901 \begin 0:27:32 \sp EXPOKK \tx dimakan hiu dia. \pho dimakan hiyu diah \mb di- makan hiu dia \ge DI- eat shark 3 \gj DI-eat shark 3 \ft the shark will eat it. \ref 274 \id 310920133934130901 \begin 0:27:33 \sp CHIIDO \tx karangnya yang dalem, karangnya. \pho karaŋɲa yaŋ daləm karaŋɲa \mb karang -nya yang dalem karang -nya \ge coral -NYA REL inside coral -NYA \gj coral-NYA REL inside coral-NYA \ft the reef is in the deep part, the reef. \nt referring to the reef for the duck's place. \ref 275 \id 844582144106130901 \begin 0:27:34 \sp EXPOKK \tx tenggelem bebeknya. \pho təngələmː bɛbɛkyah \mb tenggelem bebek -nya \ge submerged duck -NYA \gj submerged duck-NYA \ft the duck is submerged. \nt laughing. \ref 276 \id 704047144126130901 \begin 0:27:35 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 277 \id 339723144158130901 \begin 0:27:36 \sp CHIIDO \tx tenggelem. \pho təŋgələm \mb tenggelem \ge submerged \gj submerged \ft submerged. \ref 278 \id 736581144210130901 \begin 0:27:37 \sp CHIIDO \tx dia nggak nyampe. \pho dya ŋga ɲampɛʔ \mb dia nggak ny- sampe \ge 3 NEG N- arrive \gj 3 NEG N-arrive \ft it can't reach it. \nt referring to the surface of the sea. \ref 279 \id 840465144238130901 \begin 0:27:38 \sp CHIIDO \tx karangnya ada di sini kok. \pho karaŋɲa ada di sini koːʔ \mb karang -nya ada di sini kok \ge coral -NYA exist LOC here KOK \gj coral-NYA exist LOC here KOK \ft the reef is in here anyway. \ref 280 \id 823910144302130901 \begin 0:27:40 \sp CHIIDO \tx ada yang di cetek. \pho ʔada yaŋ di cɛtɛk \mb ada yang di cetek \ge exist REL LOC shallow \gj exist REL LOC shallow \ft there are some in the shallow part. \nt ** 'di cetek' should be 'di tempat cetek'. \ref 281 \id 679571144948130901 \begin 0:27:41 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt talking at the same time as CHI. \ref 282 \id 271076145016130901 \begin 0:27:42 \sp EXPOKK \tx wah, tu, anak lakinya di dalem tu. \pho wa tu ʔanak lakiɲa di daləm tu \mb wah tu anak laki -nya di dalem tu \ge EXCL that child male -NYA LOC inside that \gj EXCL that child male-NYA LOC inside that \ft oh, there, the boy is in, there. \nt referring to the toy man who's in the deep part of the sea. \ref 283 \id 779501145323130901 \begin 0:27:43 \sp EXPOKK \tx ntar tenggelem. \pho ntar təŋgələm \mb ntar tenggelem \ge moment submerged \gj moment submerged \ft he'll be submerged. \ref 284 \id 392553145411130901 \begin 0:27:45 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'wah, saya naek ini aja'. \pho waː saya naɛk ʔini ʔajaːh \mb wah saya naek ini aja \ge EXCL 1SG go.up this just \gj EXCL 1SG go.up this just \ft 'oh, I'll just get on it'. \nt 1. pretending to be the toy man. 2. moving the toy man. \ref 285 \id 345827145705130901 \begin 0:27:47 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'saya naek ini ah'. \pho syə nɛk ʔini ʔaːh \mb saya naek ini ah \ge 1SG go.up this AH \gj 1SG go.up this AH \ft 'I'm getting on it'. \ref 286 \id 722957145744130901 \begin 0:27:49 \sp CHIIDO \tx mmm. \pho mː \mb mmm \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft vroom. \ref 287 \id 457821145835130901 \begin 0:27:51 \sp CHIIDO \tx yah, kejedot. \pho yaʰ kəjədot \mb yah ke- jedot \ge EXCL KE- bump.head \gj EXCL KE-bump.head \ft oh, his head is bumped. \nt the toy man hitting the carpet. \ref 288 \id 214386145904130901 \begin 0:27:53 \sp CHIIDO \tx dia naek ini. \pho dya naɛk ʔiniʰ \mb dia naek ini \ge 3 go.up this \gj 3 go.up this \ft he's getting on it. \nt putting the toy man on the scooter. \ref 289 \id 195291145955130901 \begin 0:27:55 \sp CHIIDO \tx sama Si Cewek. \pho sama si cɛwɛʔ \mb sama Si Cewek \ge with PERS female \gj with PERS female \ft with the Girl. \nt referring with the toy woman. \ref 290 \id 566715150026130901 \begin 0:27:57 \sp EXPOKK \tx barengan, barengan! \pho barəŋan barəŋan \mb bareng -an bareng -an \ge together -AN together -AN \gj together-AN together-AN \ft together, together! \ref 291 \id 702311150129130901 \begin 0:27:59 \sp CHIIDO \tx barengan. \pho barəŋan \mb bareng -an \ge together -AN \gj together-AN \ft together. \ref 292 \id 868457150156130901 \begin 0:28:01 \sp CHIIDO \tx gonceng. \pho goncɛŋ \mb gonceng \ge get.a.ride \gj get.a.ride \ft getting a ride. \ref 293 \id 581146150223130901 \begin 0:28:03 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'aku mo tidur ah'. \pho ʔaku mo tidur ʔaːh \mb aku mo tidur ah \ge 1SG want lie.down AH \gj 1SG want lie.down AH \ft 'I want to lie down'. \nt pretending to be the toy man. \ref 294 \id 245022151116130901 \begin 0:28:05 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx bisa ini. \pho xxx bisa ʔinih \mb xxx bisa ini \ge xxx can this \gj xxx can this \ft xxx it can. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 295 \id 293942151210130901 \begin 0:28:07 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh, coba dia ganti baju begini. \pho ʔɛʔ coba dya ganti baju bəginih \mb eh coba dia ganti baju begini \ge EXCL try 3 change garment like.this \gj EXCL try 3 change garment like.this \ft hey, I imagine she's changing her cloth like this. \nt referring to the toy woman. \ref 296 \id 791728151331130901 \begin 0:28:09 \sp CHIIDO \tx kebalik. \pho kəbalik \mb ke- balik \ge KE- turn.around \gj KE-turn.around \ft it's on the other way round. \nt reference unclear. \ref 297 \id 701079151410130901 \begin 0:28:11 \sp XXX \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 298 \id 846261151441130901 \begin 0:28:14 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 299 \id 139046151449130901 \begin 0:28:17 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 300 \id 255870171717130901 \begin 0:28:19 \sp XXX \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 301 \id 818452171729130901 \begin 0:28:21 \sp CHIIDO \tx dah, ngeng. \pho da ŋɛːŋ \mb dah ngeng \ge PFCT IMIT \gj PFCT IMIT \ft alright, vroom. \nt pushing the scooter. \ref 302 \id 746882171821130901 \begin 0:28:23 \sp EXPOKK \tx kebalik, Dek. \pho kəbalik dɛʔ \mb ke- balik Dek \ge KE- turn.around TRU-younger.sibling \gj KE-turn.around TRU-younger.sibling \ft it's on the other way round. \nt referring to the scooter pushed by CHI. \ref 303 \id 273695171849130901 \begin 0:28:25 \sp CHIIDO \tx gini, ya, gini? \pho gini ya gini \mb gini ya gini \ge like.this yes like.this \gj like.this yes like.this \ft like this, like this, right? \ref 304 \id 705899171910130901 \begin 0:28:27 \sp CHIIDO \tx gini? \pho gini \mb gini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft like this? \nt turning the scooter upside down. \ref 305 \id 866285171918130901 \begin 0:28:29 \sp CHIIDO \tx ngeng. \pho ŋɛːŋ \mb ngeng \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft vroom. \nt moving the scooter in the air. \ref 306 \id 982702172122130901 \begin 0:28:31 \sp CHIIDO \tx dia bisa di xxx. \pho dya bisa di xxx \mb dia bisa di xxx \ge 3 can LOC xxx \gj 3 can LOC xxx \ft he can at xxx. \ref 307 \id 989338172321130901 \begin 0:28:34 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 308 \id 926128172329130901 \begin 0:28:37 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx tenggelem, ya? \pho xxx təŋgələm yah \mb xxx tenggelem ya \ge xxx submerged yes \gj xxx submerged yes \ft xxx submerged, right? \ref 309 \id 557066172419130901 \begin 0:28:40 \sp CHIIDO \tx kalo ini di laut gimana? \pho kalɔ ʔini di laut gimanah \mb kalo ini di laut gimana \ge TOP this LOC sea how \gj TOP this LOC sea how \ft how about this in the sea? \nt referring to the scooter. \ref 310 \id 521805172515130901 \begin 0:28:41 \sp EXPOKK \tx tenggelem, nggak bisa itu. \pho təŋgələmː ŋga bisa ituh \mb tenggelem nggak bisa itu \ge submerged NEG can that \gj submerged NEG can that \ft it'll be submerged, that can't. \ref 311 \id 985614172631130901 \begin 0:28:42 \sp EXPOKK \tx oh, itu ampibi ceritanya, ya? \pho ʔo itu ampibi cəritaɲa yah \mb oh itu ampibi cerita -nya ya \ge EXCL that amphibian story -NYA yes \gj EXCL that amphibian story-NYA yes \ft oh, you imagine it as the amphibian, right? \ref 312 \id 441052172717130901 \begin 0:28:43 \sp CHIIDO \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaːh \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 313 \id 981616172725130901 \begin 0:28:44 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh, bukan ampibi, mobil. \pho ʔɛ bukan ampibih mʊbil \mb eh bukan ampibi mobil \ge EH NEG amphibian car \gj EH NEG amphibian car \ft hey, not amphibian, a car. \ref 314 \id 753242172836130901 \begin 0:28:45 \sp CHIIDO \tx eee... mobil buaya, mobil buaya. \pho ʔə mɔbil buayaʔ mɔbil buayaʔ \mb eee mobil buaya mobil buaya \ge FILL car crocodile car crocodile \gj FILL car crocodile car crocodile \ft err... the crocodile car, the crocodile car. \ref 315 \id 956888172928130901 \begin 0:28:46 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni xx... \pho ni yaʔ \mb ni xx \ge this xx \gj this xx \ft it's xx... \ref 316 \id 936625173043130901 \begin 0:28:48 \sp EXPOKK \tx ni dipanggil ni sama mamanya, 'hey'. \pho ni dipaŋgil ni sama mamahɲa hɛy \mb ni di- panggil ni sama mama -nya hey \ge this DI- call this with mommy -NYA hey \gj this DI-call this with mommy-NYA hey \ft it's being called by his mom, 'hey'. \nt referring to the toy man. \ref 317 \id 579542173750130901 \begin 0:28:50 \sp CHIIDO \tx ini xx... ini xxx... \pho ʔini yap ʔini yadiʔ \mb ini xx ini xxx \ge this xx this xxx \gj this xx this xxx \ft this xx... this xxx... \ref 318 \id 276550173934130901 \begin 0:28:52 \sp CHIIDO \tx ini bukan punya Si Ini. \pho ʔini bukan puɲaʔ si ʔiniːh \mb ini bukan punya Si Ini \ge this NEG have PERS this \gj this NEG have PERS this \ft it doesn't belong to him. \nt referring to the scooter doesn't belong to the toy man. \ref 319 \id 383499174130130901 \begin 0:28:54 \sp CHIIDO \tx ini punya Si Orangnya. \pho ʔini puɲa si ʔoraŋɲah \mb ini punya Si Orang -nya \ge this have PERS person -NYA \gj this have PERS person-NYA \ft it belongs to the person. \nt referring to a man who rents the scooter. \ref 320 \id 274076174352130901 \begin 0:28:56 \sp CHIIDO \tx ini mobilnya orang yang punya pantai. \pho ʔini mobilɲa ʔoraŋ yaŋ puɲa pantay \mb ini mobil -nya orang yang punya pantai \ge this car -NYA person REL have beach \gj this car-NYA person REL have beach \ft it's the car of the beach owner. \nt referring to the scooter. \ref 321 \id 806250174448130901 \begin 0:28:57 \sp EXPOKK \tx oh, iya. \pho ʔoː iyah \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh, right. \ref 322 \id 861818174523130901 \begin 0:28:58 \sp CHIIDO \tx yang punya. \pho yaŋ puɲaʔ \mb yang punya \ge REL have \gj REL have \ft the one who has it. \ref 323 \id 601516174601130901 \begin 0:28:59 \sp EXPOKK \tx nyewa, ya, dia? \pho ɲɛwaʔ ya diah \mb ny- sewa ya dia \ge N- rent yes 3 \gj N-rent yes 3 \ft he's renting it, right? \nt referring to the toy man. \ref 324 \id 602539174703130901 \begin 0:29:00 \sp CHIIDO \tx nyewa. \pho ɲɛwaʔ \mb ny- sewa \ge N- rent \gj N-rent \ft renting. \ref 325 \id 456334092045170901 \begin 0:29:02 \sp CHIIDO \tx tapi dia nggak punya sama Si itu. \pho tapi dya ŋga puɲa sama si ʔituh \mb tapi dia nggak punya sama Si itu \ge but 3 NEG have with PERS that \gj but 3 NEG have with PERS that \ft but he and that one don't have it. \nt referring to the toy man and the toy woman. \ref 326 \id 428647092129170901 \begin 0:29:04 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 327 \id 385879092215170901 \begin 0:29:06 \sp CHIIDO \tx dia punyanya b(an)... \pho dya puɲaɲa b \mb dia punya -nya ban \ge 3 have -NYA tire \gj 3 have-NYA tire \ft he has a tube... \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 328 \id 686370092223170901 \begin 0:29:08 \sp CHIIDO \tx punyanya ban yang buat berenang. \pho puɲaɲah ban yaŋ bwat brənaŋ \mb punya -nya ban yang buat be- renang \ge have -NYA tire REL for BER- swim \gj have-NYA tire REL for BER-swim \ft having a swimming tube. \ref 329 \id 245595092256170901 \begin 0:29:10 \sp CHIIDO \tx biar nggak tenggelem. \pho byar ŋgaʔ təŋgələm \mb biar nggak tenggelem \ge let NEG submerged \gj let NEG submerged \ft so he won't be submerged. \ref 330 \id 933648092503170901 \begin 0:29:12 \sp EXPOKK \tx nggak ada bannya sih? \pho ŋga ada baɲa sih \mb nggak ada ban -nya sih \ge NEG exist tire -NYA SIH \gj NEG exist tire-NYA SIH \ft how come we don't have the tube? \nt referring to the toy beach set. \ref 331 \id 946079092517170901 \begin 0:29:14 \sp EXPOKK \tx ini ni kali ni. \pho ʔini ni kali nih \mb ini ni kali ni \ge this this maybe this \gj this this maybe this \ft maybe this one. \nt referring to a toy shaped like a swimming tube. \ref 332 \id 178445092601170901 \begin 0:29:16 \sp EXPOKK \tx buat berenang. \pho bwat bərənaŋ \mb buat be- renang \ge for BER- swim \gj for BER-swim \ft for swimming. \ref 333 \id 933286093022170901 \begin 0:29:18 \sp EXPOKK \tx oh, bukan. \pho ʔo bukan \mb oh bukan \ge EXCL NEG \gj EXCL NEG \ft oh, no. \ref 334 \id 261021093046170901 \begin 0:29:20 \sp CHIIDO \tx eee... ini buat berenang. \pho ʔə ʔini bwat bərənaŋ \mb eee ini buat be- renang \ge FILL this for BER- swim \gj FILL this for BER-swim \ft umm... it's for swimming. \ref 335 \id 987937093107170901 \begin 0:29:22 \sp EXPOKK \tx bisa juga, ya? \pho bisa juga ya \mb bisa juga ya \ge can also yes \gj can also yes \ft it can too, right? \ref 336 \id 779361093140170901 \begin 0:29:24 \sp CHIIDO \tx bisa, xxx. \pho bisaʔ xxx \mb bisa xxx \ge can xxx \gj can xxx \ft it can, xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 337 \id 735304093533170901 \begin 0:29:26 \sp CHIIDO \tx na, na, na, na. \pho naː na na naː \mb na na na na \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft na, na, na, na. \nt singing. \ref 338 \id 971648093614170901 \begin 0:29:28 \sp CHIIDO \tx oh, ini buat xxx begini ni, ci, di ai(r), cis. \pho ʔoː ʔini buat xxx bəgini nih ciː di ʔay ciːs \mb oh ini buat xxx begini ni ci di air cis \ge EXCL this for xxx like.this this IMIT LOC water IMIT \gj EXCL this for xxx like.this this IMIT LOC water IMIT \ft oh, it's for xxx like this, ci, on the water, cis. \nt referring to the swimming tube used for surfing. \ref 339 \id 613589095844170901 \begin 0:29:30 \sp EXPOKK \tx oh, yang ngambang, ya, di atas aer, ya? \pho ʔo yaŋ ŋambaŋ yaʰ di atas ʔaɛr ya \mb oh yang ng- ambang ya di atas aer ya \ge EXCL REL N- float yes LOC up water yes \gj EXCL REL N-float yes LOC up water yes \ft oh, the one floats, right, on the water, right? \ref 340 \id 102772100115170901 \begin 0:29:32 \sp CHIIDO \tx yang xxx... di atas ai(r), yang di... ciu. \pho yaŋ nadaŋ di atas aiʰ yaŋ dih ciːyuː \mb yang xxx di atas air yang di ciu \ge REL xxx LOC up water REL LOC IMIT \gj REL xxx LOC up water REL LOC IMIT \ft the one xxx... on the water, the one on... ciu. \nt imtating the sound of the wave. \ref 341 \id 798571100515170901 \begin 0:29:34 \sp CHIIDO \tx tru(s), tru(s), dih, ci. \pho tru truʰ dih ciː \mb trus trus dih ci \ge continue continue IMIT IMIT \gj continue continue IMIT IMIT \ft then, then, dih, ci. \nt imtating the sound of the wave. \ref 342 \id 499187100651170901 \begin 0:29:36 \sp XXX \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 343 \id 652919100729170901 \begin 0:29:38 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx tapi dia nggak tenggelem. \pho xxx tapi dyaʰ ŋga təŋgəːləm \mb xxx tapi dia nggak tenggelem \ge xxx but 3 NEG submerged \gj xxx but 3 NEG submerged \ft xxx but he's not submerged. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 344 \id 533757100835170901 \begin 0:29:40 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 345 \id 278165100903170901 \begin 0:29:42 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx patah. \pho xxx pataːh \mb xxx patah \ge xxx broken \gj xxx broken \ft xxx broken. \nt 1. the transmitter is making noise. 2. referring to the swimming tube. \ref 346 \id 230270101021170901 \begin 0:29:45 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 347 \id 765446101043170901 \begin 0:29:48 \sp CHIIDO \tx tapi dia, nging. \pho tapi dya ŋiːŋ \mb tapi dia nging \ge but 3 IMIT \gj but 3 IMIT \ft but he's, nging. \nt imitating the sound of the wave. \ref 348 \id 866647101220170901 \begin 0:29:51 \sp CHIIDO \tx Om Okki bisa, nggak? \pho ʔom oki bisa ŋgaːʔ \mb Om Okki bisa nggak \ge uncle Okki can NEG \gj uncle Okki can NEG \ft can you do it? \nt referring to the surfing. \ref 349 \id 763140101518170901 \begin 0:29:54 \sp EXPOKK \tx nggak bisa. \pho ŋga bisaʔ \mb nggak bisa \ge NEG can \gj NEG can \ft I can't. \ref 350 \id 819935101622170901 \begin 0:29:57 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 351 \id 470672103912170901 \begin 0:29:58 \sp CHIIDO \tx hah? \pho hah \mb hah \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 352 \id 195745103938170901 \begin 0:29:59 \sp EXPOKK \tx harus sekolah xxx. \pho harus skɔlah xxx \mb harus sekolah xxx \ge must school xxx \gj must school xxx \ft I should learn xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 353 \id 992316104034170901 \begin 0:30:00 \sp EXPOKK \tx tau, gak, yang xxx? \mb tau gak yang xxx \ge know NEG REL xxx \gj know NEG REL xxx \ft do you know the one xxx? \ref 354 \id 577883104135170901 \begin 0:30:01 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 355 \id 298444104142170901 \begin 0:30:03 \sp EXPOKK \tx iya, nggak langsung bisa. \pho ʔiya nga laŋsuŋː bisaʔ \mb iya nggak langsung bisa \ge yes NEG direct can \gj yes NEG direct can \ft yeah, we can't do it straightaway. \nt referring to the surfing. \ref 356 \id 852965104233170901 \begin 0:30:05 \sp EXPOKK \tx kalo nggak bisa, tenggelem. \pho kalɔ ŋga bisa təŋgələm \mb kalo nggak bisa tenggelem \ge TOP NEG can submerged \gj TOP NEG can submerged \ft if we can't, we'll be submerged. \ref 357 \id 311046104322170901 \begin 0:30:07 \sp CHIIDO \tx masa Dek Ido pernah liat di awan, rasanya ada... ada itu deh... \pho masa dɛ ido pərna liat di ʔawan rasaɲa ʔadaʔ ʔada ʔitu dɛʰ \mb masa Dek Ido pernah liat di awan rasa -nya ada ada itu deh \ge incredible TRU-younger.sibling Ido ever see LOC cloud feel -NYA exist exist that DEH \gj incredible TRU-younger.sibling Ido ever see LOC cloud feel-NYA exist exist that DEH \ft I'd seen on the sky, I felt something... something... \ref 358 \id 264055104537170901 \begin 0:30:09 \sp CHIIDO \tx payung terbang tentara. \pho payuŋ tərbaŋ təntaraʔ \mb payung terbang tentara \ge umbrella fly military \gj umbrella fly military \ft a military parachutes. \ref 359 \id 681812104648170901 \begin 0:30:11 \sp EXPOKK \tx oh. \pho ʔoːʰ \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 360 \id 137139104724170901 \begin 0:30:13 \sp CHIIDO \tx trus dia xxx. \pho tru diah xxx \mb trus dia xxx \ge continue 3 xxx \gj continue 3 xxx \ft then he xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 361 \id 597259104810170901 \begin 0:30:14 \sp CHIIDO \tx tru(s) dia terbang di situ. \pho tru dia tərbaŋ di situʰ \mb trus dia terbang di situ \ge continue 3 fly LOC there \gj continue 3 fly LOC there \ft then he flew there. \nt pointing the sky. \ref 362 \id 145066104924170901 \begin 0:30:15 \sp EXPOKK \tx terjun payung. \pho tərjun payuŋ \mb terjun payung \ge leap.down umbrella \gj leap.down umbrella \ft the parachute. \ref 363 \id 631266104937170901 \begin 0:30:16 \sp CHIIDO \tx iya, terjun payung. \pho ʔiya tərjun payuŋ \mb iya terjun payung \ge yes leap.down umbrella \gj yes leap.down umbrella \ft yeah, the parachute. \ref 364 \id 206211105000170901 \begin 0:30:18 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx tentaranya enak. \pho xxx təntaraɲa ʔɛnak \mb xxx tentara -nya enak \ge xxx military -NYA pleasant \gj xxx military-NYA pleasant \ft xxx the soldier had much fun. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 365 \id 505164105130170901 \begin 0:30:20 \sp EXPOKK \tx itu kan dari pesawat, loncatnya. \pho ʔitu kan dari pəsawat lɔncatɲah \mb itu kan dari pesawat loncat -nya \ge that KAN from airplane jump -NYA \gj that KAN from airplane jump-NYA \ft that was from the plane, he jumped. \ref 366 \id 312786105220170901 \begin 0:30:22 \sp CHIIDO \tx he-eh. \pho həʔəh \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 367 \id 700312105248170901 \begin 0:30:24 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 368 \id 566501105325170901 \begin 0:30:26 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 369 \id 705859105334170901 \begin 0:30:28 \sp EXPOKK \tx tapi bukan payung ini. \pho tapi bukan payuŋ iːniː \mb tapi bukan payung ini \ge but NEG umbrella this \gj but NEG umbrella this \ft but not this umbrella. \nt referring to the toy umbrella. \ref 370 \id 195519105458170901 \begin 0:30:30 \sp CHIIDO \tx terus? \pho tərus \mb terus \ge continue \gj continue \ft then? \ref 371 \id 791877105526170901 \begin 0:30:31 \sp EXPOKK \tx parasit. \pho parasit \mb parasit \ge parachute \gj parachute \ft the parachute. \ref 372 \id 504034105637170901 \begin 0:30:33 \sp CHIIDO \tx eee... Dek Ido pernah liat parasit. \pho ʔəʔ dɛ ido pərna liat parasit \mb eee Dek Ido pernah liat parasit \ge FILL TRU-younger.sibling Ido ever see parachute \gj FILL TRU-younger.sibling Ido ever see parachute \ft umm... I'd seen the parachute. \ref 373 \id 212057105745170901 \begin 0:30:35 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx payung parasit. \pho xxx payuŋ parasit \mb xxx payung parasit \ge xxx umbrella parachute \gj xxx umbrella parachute \ft xxx the parachute. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 374 \id 654939105836170901 \begin 0:30:37 \sp CHIIDO \tx trus, kalo dia nggak pa-pa kalo ada gunung... \pho trus kalɔ dia ŋga papa kalɔ ada gunuŋ \mb trus kalo dia nggak pa - pa kalo ada gunung \ge continue TOP 3 NEG what - what TOP exist mountain \gj continue TOP 3 NEG RED-what TOP exist mountain \ft then, he's okay if there's a mountain. \nt referring to the soldier. \ref 375 \id 283885110023170901 \begin 0:30:39 \sp CHIIDO \tx di bawahnya ada jurang... \pho di bawaɲa ada juraːŋ \mb di bawah -nya ada jurang \ge LOC under -NYA exist gorge \gj LOC under-NYA exist gorge \ft there's a gorge at the bottom... \ref 376 \id 975032112522170901 \begin 0:30:41 \sp CHIIDO \tx dia... dia... siap-siap dulu. \mb dia dia siap - siap dulu \ge 3 3 ready - ready before \gj 3 3 RED-ready before \ft he's... he's preparing first. \ref 377 \id 793742112610170901 \begin 0:30:43 \sp CHIIDO \tx dia mo loncat ke jurang... \mb dia mo loncat ke jurang \ge 3 want jump to gorge \gj 3 want jump to gorge \ft he wants to jump to the gorge... \ref 378 \id 335929112702170901 \begin 0:30:45 \sp CHIIDO \tx dia kan mo terbang, dia nggak pake balon dulu. \pho dya kan mɔ tərbaŋ dya ŋga pakɛ balɔn duluʔ \mb dia kan mo terbang dia nggak pake balon dulu \ge 3 KAN want fly 3 NEG use balloon before \gj 3 KAN want fly 3 NEG use balloon before \ft because he wants to fly, he doesn't use the balloon first. \nt 'ballon' means 'parachute'. \ref 379 \id 870433112825170901 \begin 0:30:47 \sp CHIIDO \tx trus, pas mo terbang... \pho trus pas mɔ tərbaŋ \mb trus pas mo terbang \ge continue precise want fly \gj continue precise want fly \ft then, when he wants to fly... \ref 380 \id 489485112933170901 \begin 0:30:49 \sp CHIIDO \tx wah, xxx keluarin bal(on)... \pho waː lapɔs kluarin bah \mb wah xxx keluar -in balon \ge EXCL xxx go.out -IN balloon \gj EXCL xxx go.out-IN balloon \ft oh, xxx moving out the ball(oon)... \ref 381 \id 485099113147170901 \begin 0:30:50 \sp CHIIDO \tx baru, cih. \pho baru ciːʰ \mb baru cih \ge new IMIT \gj new IMIT \ft then, cih. \nt imitating the sound when the parachute opened. \ref 382 \id 580491113309170901 \begin 0:30:51 \sp EXPOKK \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaː \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah. \ref 383 \id 935787113317170901 \begin 0:30:52 \sp CHIIDO \tx keluarin parasit. \pho kluarin parasit \mb keluar -in parasit \ge go.out -IN parachute \gj go.out-IN parachute \ft moving out the parachute. \ref 384 \id 899888113346170901 \begin 0:30:53 \sp EXPOKK \tx iya, parasitnya. \pho ʔiya parasitɲah \mb iya parasit -nya \ge yes parachute -NYA \gj yes parachute-NYA \ft yeah, the parachute. \ref 385 \id 545758113432170901 \begin 0:30:54 \sp CHIIDO \tx kalo dia udah ada gunung lagi, harus ngeluarin parasit dulu. \pho kalɔʔ dia uda ada gunuŋ lagih harus ŋluarin parasit duluʔ \mb kalo dia udah ada gunung lagi harus ng- keluar -in parasit dulu \ge TOP 3 PFCT exist mountain more must N- go.out -IN parachute before \gj TOP 3 PFCT exist mountain more must N-go.out-IN parachute before \ft if he already meet the mountain again, he must move out the parachute first. \nt ** should be 'kalo udah ada gunung lagi, dia harus ngeluarin parasit dulu'. \ref 386 \id 377849113639170901 \begin 0:30:56 \sp CHIIDO \tx tapi jangan di situ parasitnya, jangan di gunung. \pho tapi jaŋan di situ parasitɲa jaŋan di gunuŋ \mb tapi jangan di situ parasit -nya jangan di gunung \ge but don't LOC there parachute -NYA don't LOC mountain \gj but don't LOC there parachute-NYA don't LOC mountain \ft but he shouldn't open the parachute there, shouldn't above the mountain. \ref 387 \id 724733113718170901 \begin 0:30:58 \sp CHIIDO \tx nanti... \pho nantɪʔ \mb nanti \ge later \gj later \ft he'll... \ref 388 \id 601713113731170901 \begin 0:31:00 \sp EXPOKK \tx nyangkut. \pho ɲaŋkut \mb ny- sangkut \ge N- hook \gj N-hook \ft hooked. \ref 389 \id 314024113801170901 \begin 0:31:02 \sp CHIIDO \tx makanya jangan di situ. \pho makaɲa jaŋŋa di situːh \mb maka -nya jangan di situ \ge then -NYA don't LOC there \gj then-NYA don't LOC there \ft that's why not there. \ref 390 \id 807864113837170901 \begin 0:31:04 \sp EXPOKK \tx di mana? \pho di mana \mb di mana \ge LOC which \gj LOC which \ft where? \ref 391 \id 986027113912170901 \begin 0:31:06 \sp CHIIDO \tx di... di... bawah jurang. \pho diʔ diʔ bawa juraŋ \mb di di bawah jurang \ge LOC LOC under gorge \gj LOC LOC under gorge \ft at... at... the bottom of the gorge. \ref 392 \id 177777113940170901 \begin 0:31:08 \sp CHIIDO \tx kan dia ada jurang di bawah, trus dia pake... \pho kan dia ʔada juraŋ di bawaːh trus dya pakɛːʔ \mb kan dia ada jurang di bawah trus dia pake \ge KAN 3 exist gorge LOC under continue 3 use \gj KAN 3 exist gorge LOC under continue 3 use \ft he meets the gorge at the bottom, then he uses... \nt ** should be 'kan ada jurang di bawah, trus dia pake...'. \ref 393 \id 501076114136170901 \begin 0:31:10 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'aku langsung terbang aja ah', cit. \pho ʔaku laŋsuŋ tərbaŋ ʔaja ʔah ciːt \mb aku langsung terbang aja ah cit \ge 1SG direct fly just AH IMIT \gj 1SG direct fly just AH IMIT \ft 'I just directly fly', cit. \nt pretending to be the soldier. \ref 394 \id 902768114303170901 \begin 0:31:12 \sp CHIIDO \tx trus terbang, keliatan tititnya, hi. \pho trus tərbaŋ kliatan tititɲa hiː \mb trus terbang ke an liat titit -nya hi \ge continue fly KE AN see willy -NYA EXCL \gj continue fly KE.AN-see willy-NYA EXCL \ft then he flies, you can see his willy, ugh. \nt laughing. \ref 395 \id 344096114413170901 \begin 0:31:14 \sp EXPOKK \tx malu dong. \pho malu doːŋ \mb malu dong \ge embarrassed DONG \gj embarrassed DONG \ft he's embarrassed. \ref 396 \id 430413114422170901 \begin 0:31:16 \sp CHIIDO \tx keliatan tititnya, malu. \pho kliatan tititɲa maluː \mb ke an liat titit -nya malu \ge KE AN see willy -NYA embarrassed \gj KE.AN-see willy-NYA embarrassed \ft you can see his willy, he's embarrased. \ref 397 \id 362075114522170901 \begin 0:31:19 \sp CHIIDO \tx pas mo terbang xx... \pho pas mo tərbaŋ maʔ \mb pas mo terbang xx \ge precise want fly xx \gj precise want fly xx \ft when he wants to fly xx... \nt interrupted by EXP. \ref 398 \id 199515114711170901 \begin 0:31:22 \sp EXPOKK \tx tentara itu, bawa senjata kalo terbang gitu dia. \pho təntara ʔituː bawa sənjataːʔ kalɔ tərbaŋ gitu diah \mb tentara itu bawa senjata kalo terbang gitu dia \ge military that bring weapon TOP fly like.that 3 \gj military that bring weapon TOP fly like.that 3 \ft that's a soldier, he brings a weapon when flying like that. \ref 399 \id 451809114916170901 \begin 0:31:25 \sp EXPOKK \tx kan tentara yang terbang. \pho kan təntara yaŋ tərbaŋ \mb kan tentara yang terbang \ge KAN military REL fly \gj KAN military REL fly \ft the soldier flies. \ref 400 \id 864853114939170901 \begin 0:31:28 \sp CHIIDO \tx oh, iya, bukan... bukan orang. \pho ʔo iya bukan bukan oraŋ \mb oh iya bukan bukan orang \ge EXCL yes NEG NEG person \gj EXCL yes NEG NEG person \ft oh, right, not... not a man. \ref 401 \id 311395115018170901 \begin 0:31:30 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt talking at the same time as CHI. \ref 402 \id 728786140035170901 \begin 0:31:32 \sp CHIIDO \tx yuk, maen lagi. \pho yu maɛn lagiʔ \mb yuk maen lagi \ge AYO play more \gj AYO play more \ft come on, let's play. \ref 403 \id 320508140126170901 \begin 0:31:34 \sp EXPOKK \tx rame-rame xxx. \mb rame - rame xxx \ge crowded - crowded xxx \gj RED-crowded xxx \ft together xxx. \nt talking at the same time as CHI. \ref 404 \id 890033140158170901 \begin 0:31:36 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'ah aku tidak mau berenang ah'. \pho ʔa aku tidaʔ mau brənaŋ ʔaːh \mb ah aku tidak mau be- renang ah \ge AH 1SG NEG want BER- swim AH \gj AH 1SG NEG want BER-swim AH \ft 'oh, I don't want to swim'. \nt pretending to be the toy man. \ref 405 \id 504461140426170901 \begin 0:31:38 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'aku juga'. \pho ʔaku jugaʔ \mb aku juga \ge 1SG also \gj 1SG also \ft 'me too'. \nt pretending to be the other toy man. \ref 406 \id 198087140503170901 \begin 0:31:40 \sp EXPOKK \tx ya, udah, kita berjemur aja di pantai. \pho ya udah kita bərjəmur aja di pantay \mb ya udah kita ber- jemur aja di pantai \ge yes PFCT 1PL BER- dry just LOC beach \gj yes PFCT 1PL BER-dry just LOC beach \ft yeah, alright, let's sunbathe on the beach. \ref 407 \id 758025140626170901 \begin 0:31:43 \sp CHIIDO \tx la, xxx. \mb la xxx \ge IMIT xxx \gj IMIT xxx \ft la, xxx. \ref 408 \id 338708140712170901 \begin 0:31:46 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'aku mau panggil kura-kura suruh keluar ah'. \mb aku mau panggil kura-kura suruh keluar ah \ge 1SG want call tortoise order go.out AH \gj 1SG want call tortoise order go.out AH \ft 'I want to call the turtle and ask him to go out'. \nt pretending to be the toy man. \ref 409 \id 778732140811170901 \begin 0:31:49 \sp CHIIDO \tx la, la, la, la, la, la... \pho laː la la laː la la \mb la la la la la la \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft la, la, la, la, la, la... \nt singing. \ref 410 \id 974770140958170901 \begin 0:31:52 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx, hey, kura-kura. \mb xxx hey kura-kura \ge xxx hey tortoise \gj xxx hey tortoise \ft xxx, hey, the turtle. \nt talking at the same time as CHI. \ref 411 \id 875758141116170901 \begin 0:31:52 \sp EXPOKK \tx kura-kuranya mana? \pho kurakuraɲa manah \mb kura-kura -nya mana \ge tortoise -NYA which \gj tortoise-NYA which \ft where's the turtle? \ref 412 \id 880829141207170901 \begin 0:31:53 \sp CHIIDO \tx di dalem, kan? \pho di daləm kaːn \mb di dalem kan \ge LOC inside KAN \gj LOC inside KAN \ft in inside, right? \nt referring to the cupboard. \ref 413 \id 617175141257170901 \begin 0:31:54 \sp EXPOKK \tx di dalem, ya? \pho di daləm yah \mb di dalem ya \ge LOC inside yes \gj LOC inside yes \ft in inside, right? \ref 414 \id 981743141324170901 \begin 0:31:55 \sp CHIIDO \tx la, la, la, la. \pho la la la laː \mb la la la la \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft la, la, la, la. \ref 415 \id 186134141340170901 \begin 0:31:56 \sp CHIIDO \tx dia di dalem... \pho dya di daləm \mb dia di dalem \ge 3 LOC inside \gj 3 LOC inside \ft he's inside... \nt interrupted by EXP. \ref 416 \id 563601141606170901 \begin 0:31:57 \sp EXPOKK \tx wah, bebeknya dalem banget. \pho waː bɛbɛkɲa daləm baŋət \mb wah bebek -nya dalem banget \ge EXCL duck -NYA deep very \gj EXCL duck-NYA deep very \ft oh, the duck is on the very deep one... \nt referring to the duck that is imagined swimming in the middle of the sea. \ref 417 \id 559343141746170901 \begin 0:31:58 \sp EXPOKK \tx tenggelem dia xxx. \pho təngələm dya xxx \mb tenggelem dia xxx \ge submerged 3 xxx \gj submerged 3 xxx \ft he'll be submerged xxx. \nt talking at the same time as CHI. \ref 418 \id 102990141909170901 \begin 0:31:59 \sp CHIIDO \tx nggak, di situ nggak dalem. \pho ŋga di situ ŋga daləm \mb nggak di situ nggak dalem \ge NEG LOC there NEG deep \gj NEG LOC there NEG deep \ft no, it's not deep there. \ref 419 \id 860523142023170901 \begin 0:32:00 \sp EXPOKK \tx dalem di mana? \pho daləm di manaʰ \mb dalem di mana \ge deep LOC which \gj deep LOC which \ft where's the deep one? \nt referring to the deep part of the sea. \ref 420 \id 425029142135170901 \begin 0:32:01 \sp EXPOKK \tx di situ, ya? \pho di situ yah \mb di situ ya \ge LOC there yes \gj LOC there yes \ft over there, right? \ref 421 \id 778690142224170901 \begin 0:32:02 \sp CHIIDO \tx dalem tu yang Laut Merah. \pho daləm tu yaŋ laut mɛraːh \mb dalem tu yang Laut Merah \ge deep that REL sea red \gj deep that REL sea red \ft the deep one is the Red Sea. \nt 'laut Merah' is the sea in Middle East. \ref 422 \id 263565142520170901 \begin 0:32:03 \sp EXPOKK \tx laut Merah? \pho laut mɛːrah \mb laut Merah \ge sea red \gj sea red \ft the red Sea? \ref 423 \id 542336142540170901 \begin 0:32:04 \sp CHIIDO \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaː \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah. \ref 424 \id 458386142602170901 \begin 0:32:05 \sp EXPOKK \tx oh, iya. \pho ʔo iyah \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh, yeah. \ref 425 \id 703737142616170901 \begin 0:32:07 \sp EXPOKK \tx ni laut apa? \pho ni laut apah \mb ni laut apa \ge this sea what \gj this sea what \ft what sea is it? \ref 426 \id 524579145439170901 \begin 0:32:09 \sp CHIIDO \tx laut putih, kan? \pho laut putih kan \mb laut putih kan \ge sea white KAN \gj sea white KAN \ft white sea, right? \nt developing from the color of the floor tile. \ref 427 \id 807994145534170901 \begin 0:32:11 \sp EXPOKK \tx laut putih. \pho laut putih \mb laut putih \ge sea white \gj sea white \ft white sea. \nt laughing. \ref 428 \id 478192145541170901 \begin 0:32:13 \sp EXPOKK \tx ubinnya putih, jadi laut putih. \pho ʔubiɲa putih jadi laut putih \mb ubin -nya putih jadi laut putih \ge floortile -NYA white become sea white \gj floortile-NYA white become sea white \ft the floor is white, so the sea is white. \ref 429 \id 585927145754170901 \begin 0:32:15 \sp CHIIDO \tx ini lagi... \pho ʔini lagiʔ \mb ini lagi \ge this more \gj this more \ft it's... \nt referring to the duck. \ref 430 \id 500702145918170901 \begin 0:32:17 \sp CHIIDO \tx wek, wek, wek, wek, wek, wek, wek, wek. \pho wɛk wɛk wɛk wɛk wɛk wɛk wɛk wɛk \mb wek wek wek wek wek wek wek wek \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack. \nt imitating the sound of the duck. \ref 431 \id 912990150023170901 \begin 0:32:18 \sp EXPOKK \tx laut Merah di mana sih, Dek? \pho laut mɛrah di mana si dɛʔ \mb laut Merah di mana sih Dek \ge sea red LOC which SIH TRU-younger.sibling \gj sea red LOC which SIH TRU-younger.sibling \ft where's the red Sea? \ref 432 \id 240742150100170901 \begin 0:32:19 \sp CHIIDO \tx tu. \pho tuh \mb tu \ge that \gj that \ft there. \nt pointing the carpet. \ref 433 \id 354712150155170901 \begin 0:32:20 \sp EXPOKK \tx di sana, ya? \pho di sana yah \mb di sana ya \ge LOC there yes \gj LOC there yes \ft over there, right? \ref 434 \id 649667151055170901 \begin 0:32:21 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dek Ido punya karpet baru. \pho dɛ ido puɲa karpɛt baru \mb Dek Ido punya karpet baru \ge TRU-younger.sibling Ido have carpet new \gj TRU-younger.sibling Ido have carpet new \ft I have a new carpet. \ref 435 \id 770936151118170901 \begin 0:32:22 \sp CHIIDO \tx itu yang merah. \pho itu yaŋ mɛrah \mb itu yang merah \ge that REL red \gj that REL red \ft that red one. \ref 436 \id 439224151407170901 \begin 0:32:23 \sp EXPOKK \tx jadi laut Merah. \pho jadi laut mɛrah \mb jadi laut Merah \ge become sea red \gj become sea red \ft becoming the red Sea. \ref 437 \id 858068151443170901 \begin 0:32:24 \sp CHIIDO \tx sini, liat! \pho sini liat \mb sini liat \ge here see \gj here see \ft here, take a look! \nt taking EXP's hand. \ref 438 \id 566599151635170901 \begin 0:32:25 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx. \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 439 \id 550719151644170901 \begin 0:32:27 \sp CHIIDO \tx tu, itu. \pho tʊ itʊ \mb tu itu \ge that that \gj that that \ft there, there. \nt pointing the carpet. \ref 440 \id 947760151717170901 \begin 0:32:29 \sp EXPOKK \tx iya. \pho ʔiːyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah. \ref 441 \id 531278151846170901 \begin 0:32:30 \sp CHIIDO \tx tangan patahnya gimana? \pho taŋan pataɲa gimanah \mb tangan patah -nya gimana \ge hand broken -NYA how \gj hand broken-NYA how \ft how's the broken hand? \nt referring to a finger trick often played by EXP who pretends to cut off his own thumb. \ref 442 \id 897745152001170901 \begin 0:32:31 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 443 \id 516300152008170901 \begin 0:32:32 \sp CHIIDO \tx tangan patahnya gimana? \pho taŋna pataɲa gimanah \mb tangan patah -nya gimana \ge hand broken -NYA how \gj hand broken-NYA how \ft how's the broken hand? \ref 444 \id 266275152053170901 \begin 0:32:33 \sp CHIIDO \tx masa di... \pho masa diʔ \mb masa di \ge incredible DI \gj incredible DI \ft how come... \ref 445 \id 199126152102170901 \begin 0:32:35 \sp EXPOKK \tx musti dikasi ilmu dulu. \pho musti dikasi ʔilmu duluʔ \mb musti di- kasi ilmu dulu \ge must DI- give knowledge before \gj must DI-give knowledge before \ft I should give a magical power first. \nt referring to the trick. \ref 446 \id 225826152201170901 \begin 0:32:37 \sp EXPOKK \tx ntar dulu, ya? \pho ntar dulu ya \mb ntar dulu ya \ge moment before yes \gj moment before yes \ft wait a moment, okay? \ref 447 \id 772130152213170901 \begin 0:32:39 \sp EXPOKK \tx saya semedi dulu, ya? \pho saya səmɛdi dulu yaʰ \mb saya semedi dulu ya \ge 1SG meditate before yes \gj 1SG meditate before yes \ft I'll meditate first, okay? \ref 448 \id 713706152302170901 \begin 0:32:41 \sp CHIIDO \tx iya. \pho ʔiyah \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay. \ref 449 \id 680207155940170901 \begin 0:32:43 \sp EXPOKK \tx 0. \nt playing the trick and laughing. \ref 450 \id 157045160007170901 \begin 0:32:45 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dek Ido ambil... \pho dɛ ido ʔambil \mb Dek Ido ambil \ge TRU-younger.sibling Ido take \gj TRU-younger.sibling Ido take \ft I'll take... \nt referring to the piece of EXP's thumb which is pretended already been cut off by EXP. \ref 451 \id 357830160020170901 \begin 0:32:46 \sp CHIIDO \tx ayo, Om. \pho ʔayo ʔoːm \mb ayo Om \ge AYO uncle \gj AYO uncle \ft come on. \ref 452 \id 862931160745170901 \begin 0:32:47 \sp EXPOKK \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 453 \id 408817160753170901 \begin 0:32:48 \sp CHIIDO \tx ayo, Om, ambil, ambil dong. \pho ʔayɔ ʔoːm ʔambil ʔmbil doːŋ \mb ayo Om ambil ambil dong \ge AYO uncle take take DONG \gj AYO uncle take take DONG \ft come on, I'll take, I'll take it please. \nt referring to the piece of EXP's thumb which is pretended already been cut off by EXP. \ref 454 \id 106852161010170901 \begin 0:32:49 \sp CHIIDO \tx lagi! \pho lagih \mb lagi \ge more \gj more \ft again! \nt asking EXP to do the trick again. \ref 455 \id 973545161049170901 \begin 0:32:50 \sp EXPOKK \tx dijepit sini tangannya Dek Ido, mana? \pho dijəpit sini taŋaɲa dɛ idoʔ manah \mb di- jepit sini tangan -nya Dek Ido mana \ge DI- pinch here hand -NYA TRU-younger.sibling Ido which \gj DI-pinch here hand-NYA TRU-younger.sibling Ido which \ft pinch your hand here, where is it? \nt reference unclear. \ref 456 \id 997176161212170901 \begin 0:32:51 \sp CHIIDO \tx dijepit. \pho dijəpit \mb di- jepit \ge DI- pinch \gj DI-pinch \ft pinching it. \ref 457 \id 370295161305170901 \begin 0:32:53 \sp EXPOKK \tx xx, masukin! \pho xx masukin \mb xx masuk -in \ge xx go.in -IN \gj xx go.in-IN \ft xx, put it in! \nt 1. talking at the same time as CHI. 2. reference unclear. \ref 458 \id 661246161333170901 \begin 0:32:55 \sp EXPOKK \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 459 \id 982040161342170901 \begin 0:32:57 \sp CHIIDO \tx ayo, lagi! \pho ʔayo lagih \mb ayo lagi \ge AYO more \gj AYO more \ft come on, again! \nt asking EXP to do the trick again. \ref 460 \id 673371161404170901 \begin 0:32:59 \sp CHIIDO \tx aah, Om Okki. \pho ʔaːh ʔom okiːʔ \mb aah Om Okki \ge EXCL uncle Okki \gj EXCL uncle Okki \ft oh. \ref 461 \id 459182161443170901 \begin 0:33:00 \sp EXPOKK \tx ntar dulu! \pho ntar duluːʔ \mb ntar dulu \ge moment before \gj moment before \ft wait a moment! \nt pretending to give the magical power to the trick. \ref 462 \id 592393161600170901 \begin 0:33:01 \sp CHIIDO \tx ih. \pho ʔiːh \mb ih \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ugh. \ref 463 \id 265671161640170901 \begin 0:33:02 \sp EXPOKK \tx ntar dulu, saya xxx dulu, ya? \pho ntar duluʔ saya xxx dulu yah \mb ntar dulu saya xxx dulu ya \ge moment before 1SG xxx before yes \gj moment before 1SG xxx before yes \ft wait a moment, I xxx first, okay? \nt turning around the camcorder. \ref 464 \id 844332161747170901 \begin 0:33:03 \sp CHIIDO \tx ih, ih, ih. \pho ʔi ʔi ʔiʰ \mb ih ih ih \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft ugh, ugh, ugh. \ref 465 \id 104025161834170901 \begin 0:33:05 \sp CHIIDO \tx kalo gini, kalo gini, ih. \pho kalo gini kalo ginih ʔiːʰ \mb kalo gini kalo gini ih \ge TOP like.this TOP like.this EXCL \gj TOP like.this TOP like.this EXCL \ft like this, like this, ugh. \nt rolling his hands. \ref 466 \id 259408161944170901 \begin 0:33:07 \sp EXPOKK \tx 0. \nt playing the trick. \ref 467 \id 889304162027170901 \begin 0:33:09 \sp CHIIDO \tx diambil. \pho diambil \mb di- ambil \ge DI- take \gj DI-take \ft I take it. \nt 1. taking EXP fingers because he wants to discover the trick. 2. referring to the piece of EXP's thumb which is pretended already been cut off by EXP. \ref 468 \id 855439162047170901 \begin 0:33:11 \sp EXPOKK \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 469 \id 479400162128170901 \begin 0:33:13 \sp CHIIDO \tx ah, coba diambil, coba diambil. \pho ʔa coba diʔambil coba diʔambil \mb ah coba di- ambil coba di- ambil \ge EXCL try DI- take try DI- take \gj EXCL try DI-take try DI-take \ft oh, let me take it, let me take it. \ref 470 \id 188437162238170901 \begin 0:33:15 \sp EXPOKK \tx nggak bisa, kalo diambil, nggak bisa. \pho ŋga bisaːʔ kalo diambil ŋga bisaːʔ \mb nggak bisa kalo di- ambil nggak bisa \ge NEG can TOP DI- take NEG can \gj NEG can TOP DI-take NEG can \ft it won't work, if you take it, it won't work. \ref 471 \id 568375162338170901 \begin 0:33:16 \sp EXPOKK \tx nanti ilmunya ilang. \pho nanti ʔilmuɲa ʔilaːŋ \mb nanti ilmu -nya ilang \ge later knowledge -NYA disappear \gj later knowledge-NYA disappear \ft the magical power will be disappear. \ref 472 \id 693421162401170901 \begin 0:33:17 \sp CHIIDO \tx berarti... berarti gini dong. \pho bratiʔ brati gini doŋ \mb ber- arti ber- arti gini dong \ge BER- meaning BER- meaning like.this DONG \gj BER-meaning BER-meaning like.this DONG \ft it means... it means like this. \nt trying to guess the trick. \ref 473 \id 840501162548170901 \begin 0:33:18 \sp EXPOKK \tx lho, kok gitu? \pho lo ko giːtu \mb lho kok gitu \ge EXCL KOK like.that \gj EXCL KOK like.that \ft hey, how come it's like that? \ref 474 \id 516281162746170901 \begin 0:33:19 \sp EXPOKK \tx mana coba? \pho maːna coba \mb mana coba \ge which try \gj which try \ft how is it? \ref 475 \id 856371162806170901 \begin 0:33:20 \sp EXPOKK \tx nggak bisa. \pho ŋga bisaʔ \mb nggak bisa \ge NEG can \gj NEG can \ft you can't. \nt referring to CHI's trick. \ref 476 \id 541542100038180901 \begin 0:33:21 \sp CHIIDO \tx oh, sampe patah ke sana. \pho ʔoːh sampɛ patah kə sana \mb oh sampe patah ke sana \ge EXCL arrive broken to there \gj EXCL arrive broken to there \ft oh, it's broken until there. \nt referring to the piece of EXP's thumb which is pretended already been cut off by EXP and thrown far away. \ref 477 \id 615746100132180901 \begin 0:33:22 \sp CHIIDO \tx kalo diambil? \pho kalo diambil \mb kalo di- ambil \ge TOP DI- take \gj TOP DI-take \ft how if I take it? \nt referring to the piece of EXP's thumb which is pretended already been cut off by EXP. \ref 478 \id 365378100239180901 \begin 0:33:23 \sp EXPOKK \tx nggak bisa. \pho ŋga bisaːʔ \mb nggak bisa \ge NEG can \gj NEG can \ft it won't work. \nt referring to the magical power. \ref 479 \id 820854100334180901 \begin 0:33:25 \sp CHIIDO \tx kalo diambil, nggak bisa. \pho kalo diambil ŋga bisaːʔ \mb kalo di- ambil nggak bisa \ge TOP DI- take NEG can \gj TOP DI-take NEG can \ft if I take it, it won't work. \ref 480 \id 607342100401180901 \begin 0:33:27 \sp EXPOKK \tx cuman ini aja yang bisa ngambil. \pho cuman ini aja yaŋ bisa ŋambil \mb cuman ini aja yang bisa ng- ambil \ge only this just REL can N- take \gj only this just REL can N-take \ft only this that can take it. \nt referring to his own finger. \ref 481 \id 416237100439180901 \begin 0:33:28 \sp CHIIDO \tx coba! \pho cɔbaʔ \mb coba \ge try \gj try \ft try again! \nt asking EXP to play the trick again. \ref 482 \id 611653100502180901 \begin 0:33:29 \sp EXPOKK \tx 0. \nt playing the trick. \ref 483 \id 866483100519180901 \begin 0:33:30 \sp CHIIDO \tx ambil. \pho ʔambil \mb ambil \ge take \gj take \ft I'll take it. \nt trying to take EXP's finger. \ref 484 \id 695207100536180901 \begin 0:33:31 \sp EXPOKK \tx 0. \nt avoiding CHI and laughing. \ref 485 \id 266094100555180901 \begin 0:33:32 \sp CHIIDO \tx aah. \pho ʔaːh \mb aah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \nt laughing. \ref 486 \id 749824100611180901 \begin 0:33:33 \sp CHIIDO \tx aah. \pho ʔaːh \mb aah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 487 \id 204348100618180901 \begin 0:33:35 \sp EXPOKK \tx nggak bisa, sakit. \pho ŋga bisaʔ sakit \mb nggak bisa sakit \ge NEG can hurt \gj NEG can hurt \ft I can't, it's hurt. \nt pretending that his thumb is hurt. \ref 488 \id 682102100705180901 \begin 0:33:37 \sp CHIIDO \tx sampe itu, kan? \pho sampɛ itu kaːn \mb sampe itu kan \ge arrive that KAN \gj arrive that KAN \ft until that, right? \nt referring to the scooter. \ref 489 \id 507957100720180901 \begin 0:33:39 \sp CHIIDO \tx sampe begitu, kan? \pho sampɛ bəgitu kaːn \mb sampe begitu kan \ge arrive like.that KAN \gj arrive like.that KAN \ft until like that, right? \ref 490 \id 441934100756180901 \begin 0:33:41 \sp EXPOKK \tx waduh, sepedanya ampe ancur tuh. \pho waːduh səpɛdaɲa ʔampɛ ʔancur tuh \mb waduh sepeda -nya ampe ancur tuh \ge EXCL bicycle -NYA until destroyed that \gj EXCL bicycle-NYA until destroyed that \ft ouch, until the bicycle is broken there. \nt referring to the scooter which is broken by CHI. \ref 491 \id 497826100950180901 \begin 0:33:43 \sp EXPOKK \tx ntar dulu, benerin sepeda dulu. \pho ntar duluʔ bənərin spɛda duluʔ \mb ntar dulu bener -in sepeda dulu \ge moment before true -IN bicycle before \gj moment before true-IN bicycle before \ft wait a moment, let me fix the bicycle. \ref 492 \id 281505101037180901 \begin 0:33:45 \sp CHIIDO \tx ngeng, ngeng, ngeng. \pho ŋɛːŋ ŋɛːŋ ŋɛŋ \mb ngeng ngeng ngeng \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft vroom, vroom, vroom. \nt moving a toy. \ref 493 \id 570810101155180901 \begin 0:33:47 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni... wah. \pho niʔ waːh \mb ni wah \ge this EXCL \gj this EXCL \ft it's... oh. \ref 494 \id 222472101224180901 \begin 0:33:49 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'aku harus...' \pho ʔaku ʔarus \mb aku harus \ge 1SG must \gj 1SG must \ft 'I must...' \nt pretending to be the toy man. \ref 495 \id 195429101325180901 \begin 0:33:51 \sp EXPOKK \tx sekarang yang ini nih. \pho skaraŋ yaŋ ini nih \mb sekarang yang ini nih \ge now REL this this \gj now REL this this \ft now this one. \nt playing the finger trick. \ref 496 \id 177616101356180901 \begin 0:33:53 \sp EXPOKK \tx 0. \nt playing the trick. \ref 497 \id 509708101409180901 \begin 0:33:56 \sp CHIIDO \tx ya. \pho yah \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yeah. \ref 498 \id 183108101422180901 \begin 0:33:59 \sp CHIIDO \tx coba Dek Ido ambil. \pho cɔba dɛ ido ambil \mb coba Dek Ido ambil \ge try TRU-younger.sibling Ido take \gj try TRU-younger.sibling Ido take \ft let me take it. \nt referring to the piece of EXP's thumb which is pretended already been cut off by EXP. \ref 499 \id 110115101502180901 \begin 0:34:02 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dek Ido ambil coba. \pho dɛ ido ʔambil cobaʔ \mb Dek Ido ambil coba \ge TRU-younger.sibling Ido take try \gj TRU-younger.sibling Ido take try \ft let me try to take it. \ref 500 \id 913256101526180901 \begin 0:34:05 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dek Ido ambil. \pho dɛ ido ambil \mb Dek Ido ambil \ge TRU-younger.sibling Ido take \gj TRU-younger.sibling Ido take \ft let me take it. \ref 501 \id 213744110555180901 \begin 0:34:06 \sp EXPOKK \tx aah, dia nyambung lagi dia. \pho ʔaːh dya ɲambuŋ lagi dyaʰ \mb aah dia ny- sambung lagi dia \ge EXCL 3 N- join more 3 \gj EXCL 3 N-join more 3 \ft oh, it's joined again. \nt referring to the piece of his thumb which is pretended already been cut off by him. \ref 502 \id 207308110636180901 \begin 0:34:07 \sp CHIIDO \tx ih, ih, ih, ih, ih, ih, ih, ih. \pho ʔi ʔi ʔi ʔi ʔi ʔi ʔi ʔiʔ \mb ih ih ih ih ih ih ih ih \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. \nt pulling EXP's hands. \ref 503 \id 932779110820180901 \begin 0:34:08 \sp CHIIDO \tx ih, ih, ah... \pho ʔi ʔi ʔa \mb ih ih ah \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft hey, hey, hey... \ref 504 \id 743239110832180901 \begin 0:34:09 \sp EXPOKK \tx kalo bikin topeng, bisa, gak, bikin topeng? \pho kalɔ bikin tɔpɛŋ bisa gaʔ bikin tɔpɛŋ \mb kalo bikin topeng bisa gak bikin topeng \ge TOP make mask can NEG make mask \gj TOP make mask can NEG make mask \ft how if making a mask, can you make a mask? \ref 505 \id 238593111026180901 \begin 0:34:10 \sp CHIIDO \tx bisa. \pho bisaʔ \mb bisa \ge can \gj can \ft I can. \ref 506 \id 236143111042180901 \begin 0:34:12 \sp EXPOKK \tx 0. \nt forming his finger as a mask. \ref 507 \id 461991111139180901 \begin 0:34:14 \sp EXPOKK \tx wey, topeng tangan. \pho wɛːy tɔpɛŋː taŋanː \mb wey topeng tangan \ge EXCL mask hand \gj EXCL mask hand \ft hey, a hand mask. \ref 508 \id 998691111215180901 \begin 0:34:16 \sp CHIIDO \tx yah, ih. \pho ya ʔih \mb yah ih \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft oh, hey. \nt trying to destroy the mask. \ref 509 \id 618800111309180901 \begin 0:34:18 \sp EXPOKK \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 510 \id 381687111319180901 \begin 0:34:20 \sp EXPOKK \tx topeng dari tangan. \pho tɔpɛŋ dari taŋan \mb topeng dari tangan \ge mask from hand \gj mask from hand \ft the mask from the hands. \ref 511 \id 425042111358180901 \begin 0:34:21 \sp CHIIDO \tx gini, hih. \pho gini hiː \mb gini hih \ge like.this EXCL \gj like.this EXCL \ft like this, hey. \nt forming his finger to be binoculars. \ref 512 \id 999602111529180901 \begin 0:34:22 \sp EXPOKK \tx itu mah kekeran. \pho ʔitu ma kɛkəraːn \mb itu mah keker -an \ge that MAH binoculars -AN \gj that MAH binoculars-AN \ft that's the binoculars. \ref 513 \id 641249111622180901 \begin 0:34:23 \sp EXPOKK \tx topeng. \pho topɛŋ \mb topeng \ge mask \gj mask \ft the mask. \nt correcting CHI. \ref 514 \id 587084111706180901 \begin 0:34:25 \sp EXPOKK \tx 0. \nt forming his finger. \ref 515 \id 138065111718180901 \begin 0:34:27 \sp CHIIDO \tx teleskop. \pho tɛlɛskop \mb teleskop \ge telescope \gj telescope \ft the telescope. \ref 516 \id 864717111853180901 \begin 0:34:29 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx teleskop. \pho maːhgit tɛlɛskop \mb xxx teleskop \ge xxx telescope \gj xxx telescope \ft xxx the telescope. \ref 517 \id 719843111922180901 \begin 0:34:31 \sp CHIIDO \tx teleskop. \pho tɛlɛskoːp \mb teleskop \ge telescope \gj telescope \ft the telescope. \nt forming his fingers to be the telescope and put them in front of one eye. \ref 518 \id 322263112103180901 \begin 0:34:33 \sp EXPOKK \tx itu bajak laut... kalo setengah doang. \pho ʔitu bajak laut kalɔ stəŋah dɔaŋ \mb itu bajak laut kalo se- tengah doang \ge that plow sea TOP SE- middle just \gj that plow sea TOP SE-middle just \ft that's the pirate... if only a half. \nt referring to the fingers put in front of one eye. \ref 519 \id 688895112158180901 \begin 0:34:35 \sp CHIIDO \tx kalo gini? \pho kalɔ giniʰ \mb kalo gini \ge TOP like.this \gj TOP like.this \ft how about this? \nt covering his eyes. \ref 520 \id 381786112236180901 \begin 0:34:37 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 521 \id 296668112310180901 \begin 0:34:38 \sp EXPOKK \tx itu orang buta. \pho ʔitu ɔraŋ butaʔ \mb itu orang buta \ge that person blind \gj that person blind \ft that's a blind man. \ref 522 \id 711081112345180901 \begin 0:34:39 \sp CHIIDO \tx matanya dipukul. \pho mataɲa dipukul \mb mata -nya di- pukul \ge eye -NYA DI- hit \gj eye-NYA DI-hit \ft I hit the eyes. \ref 523 \id 650851112411180901 \begin 0:34:40 \sp EXPOKK \tx gini. \pho giniʰ \mb gini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft like this. \nt covering his eyes with his hands. \ref 524 \id 864246112430180901 \begin 0:34:41 \sp CHIIDO \tx yang keras! \pho yaŋ kəras \mb yang keras \ge REL hard \gj REL hard \ft hardly! \ref 525 \id 906259112454180901 \begin 0:34:42 \sp EXPOKK \tx sakit, jangan! \pho sakiːt jaŋan \mb sakit jangan \ge hurt don't \gj hurt don't \ft it's hurt, no! \ref 526 \id 516470115502180901 \begin 0:34:43 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt hitting his eyes. \ref 527 \id 427672115511180901 \begin 0:34:45 \sp CHIIDO \tx ah, xxx. \pho ʔa salələləʔ \mb ah xxx \ge EXCL xxx \gj EXCL xxx \ft oh, xxx. \ref 528 \id 190388115615180901 \begin 0:34:47 \sp CHIIDO \tx nanti aku jadi buta deh. \pho nanati aku jadi buta dɛh \mb nanti aku jadi buta deh \ge later 1SG become blind DEH \gj later 1SG become blind DEH \ft I'll be blind. \ref 529 \id 960992115637180901 \begin 0:34:49 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh... \pho ʔɛh \mb eh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey... \ref 530 \id 609268115702180901 \begin 0:34:51 \sp EXPOKK \tx ni gimana ni pantainya tadi ni? \pho ni gimana ni pantayɲa tadi nih \mb ni gimana ni pantai -nya tadi ni \ge this how this beach -NYA earlier this \gj this how this beach-NYA earlier this \ft how's this beach? \ref 531 \id 383547115843180901 \begin 0:34:53 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh, kita bikin pantai dari lilin, yuk. \pho ʔɛh kita bikin pantay dari lilin yuʔ \mb eh kita bikin pantai dari lilin yuk \ge EXCL 1PL make beach from candle AYO \gj EXCL 1PL make beach from candle AYO \ft hey, come on, let's make the beach from the wax. \ref 532 \id 182633115941180901 \begin 0:34:55 \sp EXPOKK \tx nggak bisa. \pho ŋga bisaːʔ \mb nggak bisa \ge NEG can \gj NEG can \ft I can't. \ref 533 \id 225065120005180901 \begin 0:34:57 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh, bikin mobil bisa, nggak? \pho ʔɛ bikin mɔbil bisa ŋgaːʔ \mb eh bikin mobil bisa nggak \ge EXCL make car can NEG \gj EXCL make car can NEG \ft hey, can you make a car? \ref 534 \id 583305120030180901 \begin 0:34:59 \sp EXPOKK \tx mobil... mobilnya kan udah waktu itu. \pho mobil mobilɲaː kan uda waktu itu \mb mobil mobil -nya kan udah waktu itu \ge car car -NYA KAN PFCT time that \gj car car-NYA KAN PFCT time that \ft the car... the car was done at that time. \ref 535 \id 518081120231180901 \begin 0:35:01 \sp EXPOKK \tx yang dicet merah. \pho yaŋ dicɛt mɛrah \mb yang di- cet merah \ge REL DI- paint red \gj REL DI-paint red \ft the one you painted red. \ref 536 \id 498094120308180901 \begin 0:35:03 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx Dek Ido cet merah. \pho xxx dɛ ido cɛt mɛrah \mb xxx Dek Ido cet merah \ge xxx TRU-younger.sibling Ido paint red \gj xxx TRU-younger.sibling Ido paint red \ft xxx you painted red. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 537 \id 286352120358180901 \begin 0:35:06 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt nodding. \ref 538 \id 137513120406180901 \begin 0:35:09 \sp CHIIDO \tx ya. \pho yah \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft right. \ref 539 \id 588079120511180901 \begin 0:35:12 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh, xxx. \pho ʔɛh tidut \mb eh xxx \ge EXCL xxx \gj EXCL xxx \ft hey, xxx. \ref 540 \id 669253120536180901 \begin 0:35:15 \sp CHIIDO \tx bikin... \pho bikin \mb bikin \ge make \gj make \ft making... \ref 541 \id 553596120647180901 \begin 0:35:16 \sp EXPOKK \tx bikin pantai susah. \pho bikin pantai susah \mb bikin pantai susah \ge make beach difficult \gj make beach difficult \ft it's difficult to make the beach. \ref 542 \id 710816120712180901 \begin 0:35:17 \sp CHIIDO \tx bikin... \pho bikin \mb bikin \ge make \gj make \ft making... \ref 543 \id 698338120725180901 \begin 0:35:18 \sp CHIIDO \tx bikin... taman. \pho bikiːn taman \mb bikin taman \ge make garden \gj make garden \ft making... a garden. \ref 544 \id 690733120849180901 \begin 0:35:19 \sp EXPOKK \tx taman? \pho taman \mb taman \ge garden \gj garden \ft a garden? \ref 545 \id 673441121011180901 \begin 0:35:21 \sp EXPOKK \tx mana, mejanya mana, mejanya? \pho manah mɛjaɲa mana mɛjaɲah \mb mana meja -nya mana meja -nya \ge which table -NYA which table -NYA \gj which table-NYA which table-NYA \ft where, where's the table, the table? \nt referring to the small folding table for playing the wax. \ref 546 \id 736077121107180901 \begin 0:35:23 \sp CHIIDO \tx yah, patah. \pho ya patah \mb yah patah \ge EXCL broken \gj EXCL broken \ft oh, it's broken. \nt referring to the toy umbrella. \ref 547 \id 466208121218180901 \begin 0:35:25 \sp EXPOKK \tx ni dixx. \pho ni dixx \mb ni di- xx \ge this DI- xx \gj this DI-xx \ft I'm xx this. \nt talking at the same time as CHI. \ref 548 \id 769359121231180901 \begin 0:35:27 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni keyek gini ni, lucu ni. \pho ni kɛyɛ gini ni lucu ni \mb ni keyek gini ni lucu ni \ge this like like.this this funny this \gj this like like.this this funny this \ft it's like this, it'll be funny. \nt taking the toy umbrella from EXP. \ref 549 \id 933110121411180901 \begin 0:35:29 \sp CHIIDO \tx nih! \pho nih \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft see this! \ref 550 \id 897010121422180901 \begin 0:35:31 \sp CHIIDO \tx ole, ole. \pho ʔoːlɛː ʔolɛ \mb ole ole \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft ole, ole. \nt pretending to walk under the umbrella. \ref 551 \id 778427130131180901 \begin 0:35:32 \sp EXPOKK \tx nggak cukup payungnya, kecil. \pho ŋga cukup payunɲa kəciːl \mb nggak cukup payung -nya kecil \ge NEG enough umbrella -NYA small \gj NEG enough umbrella-NYA small \ft the umbrella is not enough, it's small. \ref 552 \id 351695130212180901 \begin 0:35:33 \sp CHIIDO \tx aah. \pho ʔaː \mb aah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 553 \id 344557130220180901 \begin 0:35:34 \sp EXPOKK \tx coba sini! \pho coba sinih \mb coba sini \ge try here \gj try here \ft give it to me! \ref 554 \id 984005130241180901 \begin 0:35:35 \sp CHIIDO \tx payungnya kecil. \pho payuŋɲa kəcil \mb payung -nya kecil \ge umbrella -NYA small \gj umbrella-NYA small \ft the umbrella is small. \ref 555 \id 393479130315180901 \begin 0:35:36 \sp EXPOKK \tx cukup, gak? \pho cukup gaʔ \mb cukup gak \ge enough NEG \gj enough NEG \ft is it enough? \nt pretending to use the umbrella. \ref 556 \id 623379130348180901 \begin 0:35:37 \sp CHIIDO \tx ye, kecil. \pho yɛː kəciːlː \mb ye kecil \ge EXCL small \gj EXCL small \ft hey, it's small. \nt clapping hands. \ref 557 \id 842020130509180901 \begin 0:35:39 \sp EXPOKK \tx nggak cukup, Dek. \pho ŋga cukup dɛʔ \mb nggak cukup Dek \ge NEG enough TRU-younger.sibling \gj NEG enough TRU-younger.sibling \ft it's not enough. \ref 558 \id 853001130612180901 \begin 0:35:41 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh, bikin... bikin apa? \pho ʔɛh bikin bikiːn ʔapah \mb eh bikin bikin apa \ge EXCL make make what \gj EXCL make make what \ft hey, making... making what? \nt referring to the things wanted to be made of the wax. \ref 559 \id 918145130707180901 \begin 0:35:43 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh, bikin binatang. \pho ʔɛ bikin binataŋ \mb eh bikin binatang \ge EXCL make animal \gj EXCL make animal \ft hey, let's make the animal. \ref 560 \id 481819130726180901 \begin 0:35:45 \sp CHIIDO \tx kan di pantai banyak binatang, kan? \pho kan di pantai baɲak binataŋ kan \mb kan di pantai banyak binatang kan \ge KAN LOC beach a.lot animal KAN \gj KAN LOC beach a.lot animal KAN \ft there are lots of animal on the beach, right? \ref 561 \id 342261130756180901 \begin 0:35:46 \sp EXPOKK \tx oh, iya. \pho ʔo iːyah \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh, right. \ref 562 \id 186522130821180901 \begin 0:35:47 \sp CHIIDO \tx kepiting. \pho kəpitiːŋ \mb kepiting \ge crab \gj crab \ft the crab. \ref 563 \id 784632130848180901 \begin 0:35:48 \sp EXPOKK \tx nih dia. \pho ni diah \mb nih dia \ge this 3 \gj this 3 \ft here it is. \nt referring to the toy table. \ref 564 \id 228108130858180901 \begin 0:35:49 \sp CHIIDO \tx kepiting bisa nggak pake lilin? \pho kəpitiŋ bisa ŋga pakɛ lilin \mb kepiting bisa nggak pake lilin \ge crab can NEG use candle \gj crab can NEG use candle \ft can you make the crab from the wax? \ref 565 \id 429191131019180901 \begin 0:35:50 \sp EXPOKK \tx bisa. \pho bisaːʔ \mb bisa \ge can \gj can \ft I can. \ref 566 \id 521163131224180901 \begin 0:35:52 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt talking at the same time as CHI. \ref 567 \id 106662131245180901 \begin 0:35:54 \sp CHIIDO \tx kan xx... \pho kan ubaʔ \mb kan xx \ge KAN xx \gj KAN xx \ft it's xx... \ref 568 \id 475416131428180901 \begin 0:35:56 \sp EXPOKK \tx bikin... bikin payung aja. \pho bikinː bikin payuŋ ajah \mb bikin bikin payung aja \ge make make umbrella just \gj make make umbrella just \ft making... let's just making the umbrella. \nt referring to the toy umbrella. \ref 569 \id 739965131513180901 \begin 0:35:58 \sp CHIIDO \tx bikin payung bisa, nggak? \pho bikin payuŋ bisa ngaːʔ \mb bikin payung bisa nggak \ge make umbrella can NEG \gj make umbrella can NEG \ft can you make the umbrella? \nt referring to the umbrella made of the wax. \ref 570 \id 113900131601180901 \begin 0:36:00 \sp EXPOKK \tx bisa kali payung. \pho bisaʔ kali payuŋ \mb bisa kali payung \ge can maybe umbrella \gj can maybe umbrella \ft maybe I can make the umbrella? \ref 571 \id 618723131629180901 \begin 0:36:01 \sp CHIIDO \tx tau, nggak, Bahasa Inggris 'payung'? \pho tau ŋgaʔ basa iŋgris payuŋ \mb tau nggak Bahasa Inggris payung \ge know NEG Language English umbrella \gj know NEG Language English umbrella \ft do you know the English of 'umbrella'? \ref 572 \id 888704131704180901 \begin 0:36:02 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 573 \id 664370131729180901 \begin 0:36:03 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 574 \id 377731131742180901 \begin 0:36:04 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx pinter. \pho xxx pintər \mb xxx pinter \ge xxx smart \gj xxx smart \ft xxx smart. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 575 \id 540929131813180901 \begin 0:36:06 \sp EXPOKK \tx yang ngajarin sapa? \pho yaŋ ŋajarin sapah \mb yang ng- ajar -in sapa \ge REL N- teach -IN who \gj REL N-teach-IN who \ft who taught you? \ref 576 \id 210942131826180901 \begin 0:36:08 \sp CHIIDO \tx Mama. \pho mamah \mb Mama \ge mommy \gj mommy \ft Mommy. \ref 577 \id 819330133300180901 \begin 0:36:10 \sp EXPOKK \tx emang Dek Ido bisa Bahasa Inggris, ya? \pho ʔɛmaŋ dɛ idoʔ bisa basa iŋgris yah \mb emang Dek Ido bisa Bahasa Inggris ya \ge indeed TRU-younger.sibling Ido can Language English yes \gj indeed TRU-younger.sibling Ido can Language English yes \ft do you speak English? \ref 578 \id 194240133331180901 \begin 0:36:12 \sp CHIIDO \tx bisa. \pho bisaʔ \mb bisa \ge can \gj can \ft I do. \ref 579 \id 898266133344180901 \begin 0:36:14 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'blue' apa 'blue'? \pho bluː ʔapa blu \mb blue apa blue \ge blue what blue \gj blue what blue \ft 'blue' what is 'blue'? \ref 580 \id 282000133416180901 \begin 0:36:16 \sp EXPOKK \tx apa? \pho ʔapaː \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 581 \id 777596133434180901 \begin 0:36:17 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'blue' kan 'biru'. \pho blu kan biruːʔ \mb blue kan biru \ge blue KAN blue \gj blue KAN blue \ft 'blue' is 'blue'. \ref 582 \id 778817133527180901 \begin 0:36:18 \sp EXPOKK \tx wah, pinter. \pho wah pintər \mb wah pinter \ge EXCL smart \gj EXCL smart \ft oh, smart. \ref 583 \id 596963133538180901 \begin 0:36:19 \sp EXPOKK \tx 'ijo', apa 'ijo'? \pho ʔijo ʔapa ijoʔ \mb ijo apa ijo \ge green what green \gj green what green \ft 'green' what is 'green'? \ref 584 \id 572698133657180901 \begin 0:36:20 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'ijo' kan 'green'. \pho ʔijo kan grin \mb ijo kan green \ge green KAN green \gj green KAN green \ft 'green' is 'green'. \ref 585 \id 444329134045180901 \begin 0:36:21 \sp EXPOKK \tx waduh. \pho waːduh \mb waduh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft wow. \ref 586 \id 247713134053180901 \begin 0:36:22 \sp CHIIDO \tx Om Okki orang... \pho ʔɔm uki ʔoraŋ \mb Om Okki orang \ge uncle Okki person \gj uncle Okki person \ft you're... \ref 587 \id 531869134139180901 \begin 0:36:23 \sp CHIIDO \tx Om Okki orang apa? \pho ʔom uki ʔoraŋ apah \mb Om Okki orang apa \ge uncle Okki person what \gj uncle Okki person what \ft where are you from? \nt asking about EXP's religion. \ref 588 \id 933450134156180901 \begin 0:36:24 \sp EXPOKK \tx apa? \pho ʔapah \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 589 \id 321875134205180901 \begin 0:36:25 \sp CHIIDO \tx Om Okki orang apa? \pho ʔɔm ʔuki ʔoraŋ apaʰ \mb Om Okki orang apa \ge uncle Okki person what \gj uncle Okki person what \ft where are you from? \ref 590 \id 465850134231180901 \begin 0:36:27 \sp EXPOKK \tx orang apa? \pho ʔɔraŋ apah \mb orang apa \ge person what \gj person what \ft where am I from? \ref 591 \id 155195134331180901 \begin 0:36:28 \sp CHIIDO \tx Om Okki orang apa? \pho ʔɔm ʔuki ʔoraŋ apah \mb Om Okki orang apa \ge uncle Okki person what \gj uncle Okki person what \ft where are you from? \ref 592 \id 777657134351180901 \begin 0:36:29 \sp EXPOKK \tx orang Inggris. \pho ʔoraŋ iŋgris \mb orang Inggris \ge person English \gj person English \ft English. \ref 593 \id 541757135849180901 \begin 0:36:30 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 594 \id 630329135850180901 \begin 0:36:31 \sp EXPOKK \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 595 \id 634931134420180901 \begin 0:36:32 \sp CHIIDO \tx orang mesjid, ya? \pho ʔoraŋ məsjit yaː \mb orang mesjid ya \ge person mosque yes \gj person mosque yes \ft from mosque, right? \ref 596 \id 607426134521180901 \begin 0:36:34 \sp EXPOKK \tx nggak, bukan. \pho ŋgaʔ bukan \mb nggak bukan \ge NEG NEG \gj NEG NEG \ft no, I'm not. \ref 597 \id 920574134542180901 \begin 0:36:36 \sp CHIIDO \tx orang Kristen? \pho ʔɔraŋ kristən \mb orang Kristen \ge person Christian \gj person Christian \ft a Christian? \ref 598 \id 805129134636180901 \begin 0:36:38 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 599 \id 916439134644180901 \begin 0:36:40 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dek Ido orang Kristen juga. \pho dɛ idɔ oraŋ kristən jugaʔ \mb Dek Ido orang Kristen juga \ge TRU-younger.sibling Ido person Christian also \gj TRU-younger.sibling Ido person Christian also \ft I'm a Christian too. \ref 600 \id 615469134709180901 \begin 0:36:42 \sp CHIIDO \tx tapi nggak tau 'green', 'green' kan 'biru'. \pho tapi ŋga tau griːn grin kan biruːʔ \mb tapi nggak tau green green kan biru \ge but NEG know green green KAN blue \gj but NEG know green green KAN blue \ft but you don't know 'green', green' is 'blue'. \ref 601 \id 207766134746180901 \begin 0:36:44 \sp EXPOKK \tx 'green' 'ijo'. \pho grin ʔijoːʔ \mb green ijo \ge green green \gj green green \ft 'green' is 'green'. \nt correcting CHI. \ref 602 \id 658757140657180901 \begin 0:36:45 \sp EXPOKK \tx kok 'biru'? \pho ko biruʔ \mb kok biru \ge KOK blue \gj KOK blue \ft how come it's 'blue'? \ref 603 \id 545412140737180901 \begin 0:36:47 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt laughing and screaming because felling ashamed of the mistake he made. \ref 604 \id 857225140816180901 \begin 0:36:49 \sp EXPOKK \tx 'merah', apa 'merah'? \pho mɛrah apa mɛrah \mb merah apa merah \ge red what red \gj red what red \ft 'red', what is 'red'? \ref 605 \id 806704140832180901 \begin 0:36:51 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'red'. \pho rɛːt \mb red \ge red \gj red \ft 'red'. \ref 606 \id 524371142204180901 \begin 0:36:53 \sp EXPOKK \tx ini apa ni? \pho ini apa ni \mb ini apa ni \ge this what this \gj this what this \ft what's this? \nt pointing something. \ref 607 \id 914091142205180901 \begin 0:36:55 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'blue'. \pho bluː \mb blue \ge blue \gj blue \ft 'blue'. \ref 608 \id 467234140921180901 \begin 0:36:57 \sp EXPOKK \tx pinter. \pho pintər \mb pinter \ge smart \gj smart \ft smart. \ref 609 \id 924439140954180901 \begin 0:36:59 \sp EXPOKK \tx ni apa? \pho ni apah \mb ni apa \ge this what \gj this what \ft what's this? \ref 610 \id 969451141049180901 \begin 0:37:01 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 611 \id 579327141124180901 \begin 0:37:03 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 612 \id 273279141138180901 \begin 0:37:04 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 613 \id 919467141150180901 \begin 0:37:05 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 614 \id 210873141200180901 \begin 0:37:06 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'coklat' 'brown'. \pho cɔklat brawn \mb coklat brown \ge chocolate brown \gj chocolate brown \ft 'brown' is 'brown'. \ref 615 \id 557093141237180901 \begin 0:37:07 \sp EXPOKK \tx wah, pinter banget. \pho wah pintər baŋət \mb wah pinter banget \ge EXCL smart very \gj EXCL smart very \ft wow, very smart. \ref 616 \id 977548141316180901 \begin 0:37:08 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'brown'. \pho brown \mb brown \ge brown \gj brown \ft 'brown'. \nt laughing. \ref 617 \id 767786141330180901 \begin 0:37:10 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh, 'brown', 'brown'. \pho ʔɛ brown brown \mb eh brown brown \ge EXCL brown brown \gj EXCL brown brown \ft hey, 'brown', 'brown'. \nt falling down his body to the floor. \ref 618 \id 599053141415180901 \begin 0:37:12 \sp EXPOKK \tx mobil Pakde Tono kan 'brown'. \pho mɔbil paʔdɛ tɔnɔ kan brawn \mb mobil Pakde Tono kan brown \ge car TRU-father-TRU-big Tono KAN brown \gj car TRU-father-TRU-big Tono KAN brown \ft Uncle Tono's car is brown. \nt 'Tono' is his uncle. \ref 619 \id 604369141450180901 \begin 0:37:14 \sp CHIIDO \tx kalo Dek Ido 'blue'. \pho kalɔ dɛ idɔ blu \mb kalo Dek Ido blue \ge TOP TRU-younger.sibling Ido blue \gj TOP TRU-younger.sibling Ido blue \ft mine is blue. \ref 620 \id 848457141512180901 \begin 0:37:16 \sp EXPOKK \tx 'blue'. \pho blu \mb blue \ge blue \gj blue \ft blue. \ref 621 \id 144435141548180901 \begin 0:37:18 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx... \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx... \nt interrupted by EXP. \ref 622 \id 829308141624180901 \begin 0:37:19 \sp EXPOKK \tx ni apa ni, ini? \pho ni apa nih ʔinih \mb ni apa ni ini \ge this what this this \gj this what this this \ft what's this? \nt pointing something. \ref 623 \id 493962141643180901 \begin 0:37:21 \sp EXPOKK \tx ini apa? \pho ʔini apah \mb ini apa \ge this what \gj this what \ft what's this? \ref 624 \id 537906141724180901 \begin 0:37:23 \sp CHIIDO \tx ap(a)... namanya... \pho ʔap namaɲaʰ \mb apa nama -nya \ge what name -NYA \gj what name-NYA \ft what... the name... \ref 625 \id 699774141751180901 \begin 0:37:25 \sp EXPOKK \tx nggak, ini apa yang ini... emm... warnanya apa? \pho ŋgaː ʔini apah yaŋ ini ʔəmː warnaɲa apah \mb nggak ini apa yang ini emm warna -nya apa \ge NEG this what REL this FILL color -NYA what \gj NEG this what REL this FILL color-NYA what \ft no, what's this... umm... what's its color? \ref 626 \id 758044151324180901 \begin 0:37:27 \sp CHIIDO \tx mmm... \pho mː \mb mmm \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft mmm... \ref 627 \id 668756151332180901 \begin 0:37:29 \sp EXPOKK \tx warnanya? \pho warnaɲah \mb warna -nya \ge color -NYA \gj color-NYA \ft its color? \ref 628 \id 298258151418180901 \begin 0:37:31 \sp EXPOKK \tx ini, coklat. \pho ʔini coklat \mb ini coklat \ge this chocolate \gj this chocolate \ft this, it's brown. \nt pointing the carpet. \ref 629 \id 433494151447180901 \begin 0:37:33 \sp CHIIDO \tx eee... \pho ʔəː \mb eee \ge FILL \gj FILL \ft err... \ref 630 \id 848066151509180901 \begin 0:37:35 \sp EXPOKK \tx apa? \pho ʔapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 631 \id 767828151516180901 \begin 0:37:36 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'brown'. \pho brown \mb brown \ge brown \gj brown \ft 'brown'. \ref 632 \id 693768151741180901 \begin 0:37:37 \sp CHIIDO \tx tau, nggak, 'putih' Bahasa Inggrisnya? \pho tau ŋga puti basa iŋgrisɲa \mb tau nggak putih Bahasa Inggris -nya \ge know NEG white Language English -NYA \gj know NEG white Language English-NYA \ft do you know what is 'white' in English? \ref 633 \id 376121151742180901 \begin 0:37:39 \sp EXPOKK \tx apa? \pho apa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 634 \id 414368151708180901 \begin 0:37:41 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'white'. \pho wain \mb white \ge white \gj white \ft 'white'. \ref 635 \id 473866151857180901 \begin 0:37:43 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh. \pho ʔɛh \mb eh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey. \ref 636 \id 784150151908180901 \begin 0:37:45 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt laughing and screaming because felling ashamed of the mistake he made in saying 'white'. \ref 637 \id 224175151955180901 \begin 0:37:47 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 638 \id 913929152026180901 \begin 0:37:49 \sp EXPOKK \tx 0. \nt pointing his shirt. \ref 639 \id 729535152036180901 \begin 0:37:51 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'green'. \pho griːn \mb green \ge green \gj green \ft 'green'. \nt referring to EXP shirt's color. \ref 640 \id 310215152151180901 \begin 0:37:53 \sp EXPOKK \tx ini apa ini? \pho ʔini apa ini \mb ini apa ini \ge this what this \gj this what this \ft what's this? \nt pointing something. \ref 641 \id 688099152222180901 \begin 0:37:55 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'green' juga. \pho grin jugaʔ \mb green juga \ge green also \gj green also \ft green too. \ref 642 \id 500406152252180901 \begin 0:37:57 \sp EXPOKK \tx ini juga, 'blue'. \pho ʔini jugaʔ blu \mb ini juga blue \ge this also blue \gj this also blue \ft this is too, blue. \nt reference unclear. \ref 643 \id 446257152443180901 \begin 0:37:59 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'blue' juga. \pho blu jugaʔ \mb blue juga \ge blue also \gj blue also \ft blue too. \ref 644 \id 261012152526180901 \begin 0:38:01 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 645 \id 832045152539180901 \begin 0:38:04 \sp EXPOKK \tx kalo "Power Rangers" adanya apa aja? \pho kaloʔ pawər rɛnjər adaɲa apa aja \mb kalo Power Rangers ada -nya apa aja \ge TOP Power Rangers exist -NYA what just \gj TOP Power Rangers exist-NYA what just \ft what are the "Power Ranger" has? \nt 1. "Power Rangers" is a children movie series. 2. referring to the members of "Power Rangers". \ref 646 \id 604466152736180901 \begin 0:38:07 \sp CHIIDO \tx biru, merah, pink, kuning, biru, udah. \pho birʊːʔ mɛraːh piŋ kuniŋ biruʔ ʔudah \mb biru merah pink kuning biru udah \ge blue red pink yellow blue PFCT \gj blue red pink yellow blue PFCT \ft blue, red, pink, yellow, blue, that's all. \nt referring to the color of the Power Rangers' clothes. \ref 647 \id 684012152854180901 \begin 0:38:10 \sp EXPOKK \tx lima, ya? \pho limaʔ yaʰ \mb lima ya \ge five yes \gj five yes \ft five, right? \ref 648 \id 211401152910180901 \begin 0:38:13 \sp CHIIDO \tx ada lima rangernya. \pho ʔada lima rɛnjərɲah \mb ada lima ranger -nya \ge exist five ranger -NYA \gj exist five ranger-NYA \ft there are five ranger. \ref 649 \id 429540152953180901 \begin 0:38:16 \sp CHIIDO \tx ij(o)... ijo ada. \pho ʔid ʔijo ʔadaːʔ \mb ijo ijo ada \ge green green exist \gj green green exist \ft the green... there's the green one. \ref 650 \id 998530153037180901 \begin 0:38:19 \sp EXPOKK \tx dia ada yang pake motor, kan? \pho dya ada yək pakɛ motor kan \mb dia ada yang pake motor kan \ge 3 exist REL use motorcycle KAN \gj 3 exist REL use motorcycle KAN \ft there's also the one who rides on the motorcycle, right? \ref 651 \id 626269154556180901 \begin 0:38:20 \sp CHIIDO \tx nggak punya motor. \pho ŋga puɲa potoːr \mb nggak punya motor \ge NEG have motorcycle \gj NEG have motorcycle \ft he has no motorcycle. \ref 652 \id 828664154611180901 \begin 0:38:21 \sp CHIIDO \tx kalo O Rangers punya motor. \pho kalɔ ʔo rɛnjər puɲa motoːr \mb kalo O Rangers punya motor \ge TOP O Rangers have motorcycle \gj TOP O Rangers have motorcycle \ft O Rangers have motorcycle. \nt 'O Rangers' is a children movie series and also the characters in the movie. \ref 653 \id 483671154727180901 \begin 0:38:22 \sp EXPOKK \tx siapa? \pho syapa \mb siapa \ge who \gj who \ft who? \ref 654 \id 872901154739180901 \begin 0:38:23 \sp CHIIDO \tx O Ranger. \pho ʔo rɛnjəːr \mb O Ranger \ge O Ranger \gj O Ranger \ft O Ranger. \ref 655 \id 576984154814180901 \begin 0:38:24 \sp EXPOKK \tx O Ranger? \pho ʔo rɛnjər \mb O Ranger \ge O Ranger \gj O Ranger \ft O Ranger? \ref 656 \id 479438154825180901 \begin 0:38:26 \sp CHIIDO \tx "O Rangers" kan filemnya malem. \pho ʔo rɛnjər kan filəmɲa maləm \mb O Rangers kan filem -nya malem \ge O Rangers KAN film -NYA night \gj O Rangers KAN film-NYA night \ft the "O Rangers" is the evening movie. \ref 657 \id 832909154854180901 \begin 0:38:28 \sp EXPOKK \tx oh, bukan "Power Rangers" xxx? \pho ʔo bukan powər rɛnjər xxx \mb oh bukan Power Rangers xxx \ge EXCL NEG Power Rangers xxx \gj EXCL NEG Power Rangers xxx \ft oh, not the "Power Rangers" xxx? \ref 658 \id 731692155040180901 \begin 0:38:30 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dek punya motor O R(anger)... O Ranger. \pho dɛ puɲa motor ʔoː r ʔo rɛnjər \mb Dek punya motor O Ranger O Ranger \ge TRU-younger.sibling have motorcycle O Ranger O Ranger \gj TRU-younger.sibling have motorcycle O Ranger O Ranger \ft I have the motorcycle of O R(anger)... O Ranger. \ref 659 \id 571524155229180901 \begin 0:38:32 \sp CHIIDO \tx di sana. \pho di sanah \mb di sana \ge LOC there \gj LOC there \ft over there. \nt pointing the kitchen. \ref 660 \id 527724155324180901 \begin 0:38:34 \sp CHIIDO \tx tapi yang ijo, bukan yang pink. \pho tapi yaŋ ʔijo bukan yaŋ piŋ \mb tapi yang ijo bukan yang pink \ge but REL green NEG REL pink \gj but REL green NEG REL pink \ft but the green one, not the pink one. \ref 661 \id 580320155437180901 \begin 0:38:35 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dek Ido punya motor O Ranger pink sama ijo. \pho dɛ yɔ puɲa motor ʔo rɛnjər piːŋ sama ijoh \mb Dek Ido punya motor O Ranger pink sama ijo \ge TRU-younger.sibling Ido have motorcycle O Ranger pink with green \gj TRU-younger.sibling Ido have motorcycle O Ranger pink with green \ft I have the pink and the green motorcycle of O Ranger. \ref 662 \id 757113155615180901 \begin 0:38:36 \sp EXPOKK \tx oh. \pho ʔoː \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 663 \id 312652155623180901 \begin 0:38:37 \sp CHIIDO \tx punya dua. \pho puɲa duaʔ \mb punya dua \ge have two \gj have two \ft I have two. \ref 664 \id 260723155655180901 \begin 0:38:39 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dek Ido mo punya yang merah. \pho di do mo puɲa yaŋ mɛrah \mb Dek Ido mo punya yang merah \ge TRU-younger.sibling Ido want have REL red \gj TRU-younger.sibling Ido want have REL red \ft I want to have the red one. \ref 665 \id 478815160329180901 \begin 0:38:41 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx nggak punya... \pho xxx ŋga puɲaʔ \mb xxx nggak punya \ge xxx NEG have \gj xxx NEG have \ft xxx don't have... \nt interrupted by EXP. \ref 666 \id 264663160415180901 \begin 0:38:43 \sp EXPOKK \tx ada berapa sih O Rangers jagoannya? \pho ʔada brapa sih ʔo rɛnjər jagoaɲa \mb ada berapa sih O Rangers jago -an -nya \ge exist how.much SIH O Rangers master -AN -NYA \gj exist how.much SIH O Rangers master-AN-NYA \ft how many members of O Rangers? \ref 667 \id 103093160559180901 \begin 0:38:45 \sp EXPOKK \tx lima, ya? \pho lima ya \mb lima ya \ge five yes \gj five yes \ft five, right? \ref 668 \id 785603160610180901 \begin 0:38:47 \sp CHIIDO \tx mmm... lima. \pho mː limaʔ \mb mmm lima \ge FILL five \gj FILL five \ft umm... five. \ref 669 \id 352754160657180901 \begin 0:38:49 \sp CHIIDO \tx tap(i)... semua Rangers ada yang lima. \pho tap səmwa rɛnjər ada yaŋ limaʔ \mb tapi semua Rangers ada yang lima \ge but all Rangers exist REL five \gj but all Rangers exist REL five \ft but all of the Rangers are five. \nt ** should be without 'yang'. \ref 670 \id 148204160805180901 \begin 0:38:51 \sp EXPOKK \tx semuanya lima? \pho səmwaɲa limaʔ \mb semua -nya lima \ge all -NYA five \gj all-NYA five \ft all of them are five? \ref 671 \id 266993160830180901 \begin 0:38:52 \sp CHIIDO \tx masa Ranger ada yang keren. \pho masa rɛnjər ada yaŋ kərɛn \mb masa Ranger ada yang keren \ge incredible Ranger exist REL neat \gj incredible Ranger exist REL neat \ft there are some cool Rangers. \ref 672 \id 564039160854180901 \begin 0:38:53 \sp CHIIDO \tx biru, kuning, putih, pink. \pho biruːʔ kuniːŋ putiːh piŋ \mb biru kuning putih pink \ge blue yellow white pink \gj blue yellow white pink \ft blue, yellow, white, pink. \ref 673 \id 723277160945180901 \begin 0:38:55 \sp EXPOKK \tx putih? \pho putih \mb putih \ge white \gj white \ft white? \ref 674 \id 430999160958180901 \begin 0:38:57 \sp EXPOKK \tx emang ada putih? \pho ʔɛmaŋ ada putih \mb emang ada putih \ge indeed exist white \gj indeed exist white \ft is there any white one? \ref 675 \id 306606161011180901 \begin 0:38:59 \sp CHIIDO \tx ada. \pho ʔadaːʔ \mb ada \ge exist \gj exist \ft it is. \ref 676 \id 342473162922180901 \begin 0:39:01 \sp CHIIDO \tx Ranger... tapi Ranger lama. \pho rɛnjər tapi rɛnjər lamaʔ \mb Ranger tapi Ranger lama \ge Ranger but Ranger long.time \gj Ranger but Ranger long.time \ft the Ranger... but the old Ranger. \ref 677 \id 151623162947180901 \begin 0:39:03 \sp EXPOKK \tx cewek, ya? \pho cɛwɛʔ yah \mb cewek ya \ge female yes \gj female yes \ft a woman, right? \ref 678 \id 130346163047180901 \begin 0:39:05 \sp EXPOKK \tx cewek yang mana sih? \pho cɛwɛʔ yaŋ mana siʔ \mb cewek yang mana sih \ge female REL which SIH \gj female REL which SIH \ft which one is the woman? \ref 679 \id 738016163107180901 \begin 0:39:07 \sp CHIIDO \tx yang cewek yang pink. \pho yaŋ cɛwɛ yaŋ piŋ \mb yang cewek yang pink \ge REL female REL pink \gj REL female REL pink \ft the woman is the pink one. \ref 680 \id 663615163120180901 \begin 0:39:09 \sp CHIIDO \tx sama yang kuning. \pho sama yaŋ kuniŋ \mb sama yang kuning \ge with REL yellow \gj with REL yellow \ft and the yellow one. \ref 681 \id 290772163255180901 \begin 0:39:10 \sp CHIIDO \tx yang cowok, putih, biru, ijo. \pho yaŋ cowoʔ putiːh biruʔ ʔijoʔ \mb yang cowok putih biru ijo \ge REL male white blue green \gj REL male white blue green \ft the men are the white one, the blue one, the green one. \ref 682 \id 614846163331180901 \begin 0:39:11 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 683 \id 536582163429180901 \begin 0:39:13 \sp CHIIDO \tx ketua...nya... yang... ijo. \pho kətuaʔɲaːh yaːn ʔijoʔ \mb ke- tua -nya yang ijo \ge KE- old -NYA REL green \gj KE-old-NYA REL green \ft the... leader... is... the green one. \ref 684 \id 947025163528180901 \begin 0:39:15 \sp EXPOKK \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \nt the transmitter is making noise. \ref 685 \id 765730163537180901 \begin 0:39:17 \sp CHIIDO \tx ketuanya yang ijo. \pho kətuaɲa yaŋ ʔidoʔ \mb ke- tua -nya yang ijo \ge KE- old -NYA REL green \gj KE-old-NYA REL green \ft the leader is the green one. \ref 686 \id 252392163638180901 \begin 0:39:19 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh, Ido. \pho ʔɛh ʔidoːʔ \mb eh Ido \ge EH Ido \gj EH Ido \ft oh, Ido. \nt commenting his mistake in saying 'ijo'. \ref 687 \id 865751163735180901 \begin 0:39:21 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 688 \id 991722163833180901 \begin 0:39:23 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh, eh. \pho ʔɛh ʔɛːh \mb eh eh \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft hey, hey. \nt holding a ball but loosing it. \ref 689 \id 502247163946180901 \begin 0:39:25 \sp CHIIDO \tx ak. \pho ʔoːʔ \mb ak \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft nyum. \nt pretending to eat the ball. \ref 690 \id 773919164050180901 \begin 0:39:27 \sp @End \tx @End