\_sh v3.0 400 Text \_DateStampHasFourDigitYear \ref 001 \id 751847125059021101 \sp @PAR \tx @Participants: CHI Ido target child, EXP Bety experimenter, MOT Rimi mother \pho @Filename: IDO-180501 \ft @Duration: session: 53 minutes; coding: 41 minutes (41.44) \nt @Situation: playing at CHI’s house in the morning to play with the supermarket set and drawing. \ref 002 \id 449199081945051101 \sp @Begin \tx @Begin \ref 003 \id 205646081947051101 \sp MOTIDO \tx lampunya gelap nggak, Tante? \pho lampuʔɲa gəlap ŋgaʔ tantə \mb lampu -nya gelap nggak Tante \ge lamp -NYA dark NEG aunt \gj lamp-NYA dark NEG aunt \ft is it dark? \ref 004 \id 900506082009051101 \sp EXPBET \tx enggak. \pho ʔəŋgaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 005 \id 135046082016051101 \sp MOTIDO \tx nyalain aja. \pho ɲalaʔin ʔaja \mb nyala -in aja \ge flame -IN just \gj flame-IN just \ft turn it on. \ref 006 \id 521705082350051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ah, nyalain, gelap. \pho ʔa ɲalain gəlap \mb ah nyala -in gelap \ge AH flame -IN dark \gj AH flame-IN dark \ft oh, I want to turn it on, it's dark. \nt turning the light on. \ref 007 \id 208559083454051101 \sp EXPBET \tx aduh. \pho waduh \mb aduh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 008 \id 355503083942051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ntar. \pho tar \mb ntar \ge moment \gj moment \ft wait. \ref 009 \id 457482083951051101 \begin 0:00:24 \sp EXPBET \tx nggambar apa ni Dek? \pho ŋgambar ʔapa ni deʔ \mb ng- gambar apa ni Dek \ge N- picture what this TRU-younger.sibling \gj N-picture what this TRU-younger.sibling \ft what drawing is this? \nt holding a drawing book. \ref 010 \id 818753084021051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx nih, xx. \mb nih xx \ge this xx \gj this xx \ft here, xx. \ref 011 \id 401507084036051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni punya Mas Aba, ni punya Mas Aba. \pho ni puɲa mas ʔabaʔ ni puɲa mas ʔabaʔ \mb ni punya Mas Aba ni punya Mas Aba \ge this have EPIT Aba this have EPIT Aba \gj this have EPIT Aba this have EPIT Aba \ft it's Aba's, it's Aba's. \ref 012 \id 549093084058051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx tapi ni udah penuh ni, liat ni. \mb tapi ni udah penuh ni liat ni \ge but this PFCT full this see this \gj but this PFCT full this see this \ft but it's full, look. \ref 013 \id 627454084235051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx udah penuh, tuh. \pho ʔudah pənuh tuh \mb udah penuh tuh \ge PFCT full that \gj PFCT full that \ft look, it's full. \ref 014 \id 944198084245051101 \sp EXPBET \tx mewarnai yuk! \pho məwarnai yuʔ \mb me- warna -i yuk \ge MEN- color -I AYO \gj MEN-color-I AYO \ft let's coloring! \ref 015 \id 952255084303051101 \begin 0:00:58 \sp CHIIDO \tx penuh kan. \pho pənuh kan \mb penuh kan \ge full KAN \gj full KAN \ft it's full, right? \ref 016 \id 472616084314051101 \begin 0:01:03 \sp EXPBET \tx oh, waktu TK ya? \pho ʔɔ waktu tɛkaʔ ya \mb oh waktu TK ya \ge EXCL time kindergarten yes \gj EXCL time kindergarten yes \ft oh, it's when he was in the kindergarten, right? \ref 017 \id 475105084334051101 \begin 0:01:08 \sp CHIIDO \tx Bu guru OL. \pho bu guruʔ ʔɔʔɛl \mb Bu guru OL \ge TRU-mother teacher OL \gj TRU-mother teacher OL \ft the teacher of OL. \nt referring to ABA's school, Ora Et Labora. \ref 018 \id 911677084349051101 \begin 0:01:13 \sp EXPBET \tx oh. \pho ʔo \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 019 \id 680750084423051101 \begin 0:01:19 \sp EXPBET \tx wah, gambar apa? \pho wa gambar ʔapa \mb wah gambar apa \ge EXCL picture what \gj EXCL picture what \ft wow, what drawing is that? \nt looking at the drawing on the drawing book. \ref 020 \id 292871084447051101 \begin 0:01:25 \sp CHIIDO \tx Pokemon, Pokemon. \pho pɔkɛmɔn pɔkɛmɔn \mb Pokemon Pokemon \ge Pokemon Pokemon \gj Pokemon Pokemon \ft Pokemon, Pokemon. \nt looking at the drawing. \ref 021 \id 793689084523051101 \begin 0:01:31 \sp EXPBET \tx apa lagi? \pho ʔapa lagiʔ \mb apa lagi \ge what more \gj what more \ft what else? \ref 022 \id 356202090854051101 \begin 0:01:37 \sp EXPBET \tx belum diwarnain ni. \pho bəlum diwarnaʔin ni \mb belum di- warna -in ni \ge not.yet DI- color -IN this \gj not.yet DI-color-IN this \ft it's not have color yet. \ref 023 \id 499588090952051101 \begin 0:01:43 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni, komputer. \pho ni kɔmpitər \mb ni komputer \ge this computer \gj this computer \ft this is a computer. \ref 024 \id 195441091001051101 \begin 0:01:49 \sp EXPBET \tx oh, punya siapa ni? \pho ʔɔ puɲaʔ syapa ni \mb oh punya siapa ni \ge EXCL have who this \gj EXCL have who this \ft oh, whose is this? \ref 025 \id 387696091458051101 \begin 0:01:55 \sp CHIIDO \tx gambar ah. \pho gambar ʔah \mb gambar ah \ge picture AH \gj picture AH \ft I'll draw. \ref 026 \id 612786091515051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Mama, tadi pensilnya mana? \pho mama tadi pɛnsilɲa mana \mb Mama tadi pensil -nya mana \ge mommy earlier pencil -NYA which \gj mommy earlier pencil-NYA which \ft where's the pencil, Mom? \ref 027 \id 118969091538051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Ma, tadi pensil mana? \pho ma tadi pɛnsil mana \mb Ma tadi pensil mana \ge TRU-mother earlier pencil which \gj TRU-mother earlier pencil which \ft Mom, where's the pencil? \ref 028 \id 326281091642051101 \sp MOTIDO \tx tadi ada di situ kayaknya. \pho tadiʔ ʔada di situ kayaʔɲa \mb tadi ada di situ kayak -nya \ge earlier exist LOC there like -NYA \gj earlier exist LOC there like-NYA \ft I think it's there. \ref 029 \id 717826091716051101 \sp MOTIDO \tx tadi kamu gambar di mana? \pho tadi kamu gambar di mana \mb tadi kamu gambar di mana \ge earlier 2 picture LOC which \gj earlier 2 picture LOC which \ft where did you draw? \ref 030 \id 241414091810051101 \sp MOTIDO \tx Mama nggak ada pensilnya. \pho mama gaʔ ʔadaʔ pɛnsilɲa \mb Mama nggak ada pensil -nya \ge mommy NEG exist pencil -NYA \gj mommy NEG exist pencil-NYA \ft there's no pencil in me. \ref 031 \id 855802091959051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx pensil mana? \pho pɛnsil mana \mb pensil mana \ge pencil which \gj pencil which \ft where's the pencil? \ref 032 \id 285147092007051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx tadi Dek Ido bawa ke sini. \pho tadi dɛ idoʔ bawaʔ kə sini \mb tadi Dek Ido bawa ke sini \ge earlier TRU-younger.sibling Ido bring to here \gj earlier TRU-younger.sibling Ido bring to here \ft I brought it here. \ref 033 \id 572779092045051101 \sp MOTIDO \tx ketutupan kali Do. \pho kətutupan kaliʔ do \mb ke an tutup kali Do \ge KE AN shut very TRU-Ido \gj KE.AN-shut very TRU-Ido \ft maybe it's closed by something. \ref 034 \id 913848092144051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ketutupan apa, pensil? \pho kətutupan ʔapa pɛnsil \mb ke an tutup apa pensil \ge KE AN shut what pencil \gj KE.AN-shut what pencil \ft what's it closed by? \ref 035 \id 269031092204051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni... \pho ni \mb ni \ge this \gj this \ft here... \ref 036 \id 620428092208051101 \sp EXPBET \tx Mbak Aldine nggak ke sini? \pho mbaʔ ʔaldin ŋgaʔ kə sini \mb Mbak Aldine nggak ke sini \ge EPIT Aldine NEG to here \gj EPIT Aldine NEG to here \ft Aldine doesn't come here? \ref 037 \id 756870092230051101 \sp EXPBET \tx Dek Aldine? \pho deʔ ʔaldin \mb Dek Aldine \ge TRU-younger.sibling Aldine \gj TRU-younger.sibling Aldine \ft Aldine? \ref 038 \id 741938092247051101 \sp MOTIDO \tx dia sakit katanya. \mb dia sakit kata -nya \ge 3 hurt word -NYA \gj 3 hurt word-NYA \ft I heard that she's sick. \ref 039 \id 874051092301051101 \sp MOTIDO \tx Mbak Anyanya pergi. \pho mbaʔ ʔaɲaʔɲa pərgi \mb Mbak Anya -nya pergi \ge EPIT Anya -NYA go \gj EPIT Anya-NYA go \ft Anya is going. \ref 040 \id 993792092324051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ke rumah sakit. \pho kə rumah sakit \mb ke rumah sakit \ge to house hurt \gj to house hurt \ft to the hospital. \ref 041 \id 188846092336051101 \sp EXPBET \tx sakit apa? \pho sakit ʔapa \mb sakit apa \ge hurt what \gj hurt what \ft what sick? \ref 042 \id 245432092342051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx nggak tau. \pho ŋga tauʔ \mb nggak tau \ge NEG know \gj NEG know \ft I don't know. \ref 043 \id 881937092358051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni apa sih? \pho ni apa sih \mb ni apa sih \ge this what SIH \gj this what SIH \ft what's this? \nt referring to a picture on a jar. \ref 044 \id 330612092414051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx udang ya? \pho ʔudaŋ ya \mb udang ya \ge shrimp yes \gj shrimp yes \ft is it a shrimp? \ref 045 \id 600748092508051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx kepiting deh, rasanya. \pho kəpitiŋ dɛh rasaɲa \mb kepiting deh rasa -nya \ge crab DEH feel -NYA \gj crab DEH feel-NYA \ft I think it's a crab. \ref 046 \id 286018092532051101 \sp EXPBET \tx sup, sup. \pho sup sup \mb sup sup \ge soup soup \gj soup soup \ft soup, it's soup. \ref 047 \id 817459092618051101 \begin 0:02:47 \sp EXPBET \tx ni kita taro sini, nanti Dek Ido beli. \pho ni kita taroʔ sini nanti deʔ ʔido bəliʔ \mb ni kita taro sini nanti Dek Ido beli \ge this 1PL put here later TRU-younger.sibling Ido buy \gj this 1PL put here later TRU-younger.sibling Ido buy \ft I'll put them here and you buy it. \nt arranging the supermarket set. \ref 048 \id 254717092658051101 \sp EXPBET \tx beli di supermarket. \pho bəliʔ di supərmarkət \mb beli di supermarket \ge buy LOC supermarket \gj buy LOC supermarket \ft you buy in the supermarket. \ref 049 \id 332228092725051101 \sp EXPBET \tx ni coklat. \pho ni cɔklat \mb ni coklat \ge this chocolate \gj this chocolate \ft it's a chocolate. \ref 050 \id 396752093258051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx isinya mana? \pho ʔisiɲa mana \mb isi -nya mana \ge contents -NYA which \gj contents-NYA which \ft where's the fill? \ref 051 \id 718312093311051101 \sp EXPBET \tx kan pura-pura. \mb kan pura-pura \ge KAN pretend \gj KAN pretend \ft it's just an imitate. \ref 052 \id 687001093328051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx isinya ada nggak? \pho ʔisiɲa ʔada ŋgaʔ \mb isi -nya ada nggak \ge contents -NYA exist NEG \gj contents-NYA exist NEG \ft does the fill in? \ref 053 \id 937051093339051101 \sp EXPBET \tx xx aja, disusun di sini. \pho xx ʔaja disusun di sini \mb xx aja di- susun di sini \ge xx just DI- arrange LOC here \gj xx just DI-arrange LOC here \ft I arrange it here. \ref 054 \id 535340093422051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx isinya ada nggak? \pho ʔisiɲa ʔada ŋgaʔ \mb isi -nya ada nggak \ge contents -NYA exist NEG \gj contents-NYA exist NEG \ft does the fill in? \ref 055 \id 775467093438051101 \sp EXPBET \tx nggak ada. \pho ŋga adaʔ \mb nggak ada \ge NEG exist \gj NEG exist \ft no. \ref 056 \id 990712093456051101 \sp EXPBET \tx Dek Ido mo beli yang mana? \pho de idoʔ mɔʔ bəli yaŋ mana \mb Dek Ido mo beli yang mana \ge TRU-younger.sibling Ido want buy REL which \gj TRU-younger.sibling Ido want buy REL which \ft which one will you buy? \ref 057 \id 613468093511051101 \sp EXPBET \tx pake keranjang ni. \pho pakɛ kəranjaŋ ni \mb pake keranjang ni \ge use basket this \gj use basket this \ft use the basket. \ref 058 \id 781819093542051101 \sp EXPBET \tx di sini. \pho di sini \mb di sini \ge LOC here \gj LOC here \ft here. \ref 059 \id 650534093543051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx aah... Dek Ido yang beli. \pho ʔaː de ido yaŋ bəliʔ \mb aah Dek Ido yang beli \ge EXCL TRU-younger.sibling Ido REL buy \gj EXCL TRU-younger.sibling Ido REL buy \ft aah... I'll buy it. \ref 060 \id 948271093636051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni apa ni? \pho ni apa ni \mb ni apa ni \ge this what this \gj this what this \ft what's this? \nt reference unclear. \ref 061 \id 110579093648051101 \sp EXPBET \tx tapi yang ju(al)... Tante yang ini ya, kasirnya. \pho tapi yaŋ ju tantə yaŋ ʔini ya kasirɲa \mb tapi yang jual Tante yang ini ya kasir -nya \ge but REL sell aunt REL this yes cashier -NYA \gj but REL sell aunt REL this yes cashier-NYA \ft but the seller... I'll be the cashier. \ref 062 \id 613027093716051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ini apa? \pho ʔini apa \mb ini apa \ge this what \gj this what \ft what's this? \ref 063 \id 570714093722051101 \sp EXPBET \tx pizza. \pho piza \mb pizza \ge pizza \gj pizza \ft pizza. \ref 064 \id 404815093743051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx hmm... pizza, dixx am. \pho m piza diambici ʔaum \mb hmm pizza di- xx am \ge EXCL pizza DI- xx IMIT \gj EXCL pizza DI-xx IMIT \ft hmm... pizza, xx nyum. \ref 065 \id 342230093744051101 \sp EXPBET \tx ni Dek Ido yang belanja. \pho ni de idoʔ yaŋ bəlanjaʔ \mb ni Dek Ido yang belanja \ge this TRU-younger.sibling Ido REL shopping \gj this TRU-younger.sibling Ido REL shopping \ft you buy it. \ref 066 \id 571195094030051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni, ni, ni, ni, ni. \pho ni ni ni ni ni \mb ni ni ni ni ni \ge this this this this this \gj this this this this this \ft this, this, this, this, this. \ref 067 \id 392126094053051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx kopi ya ini? \pho kɔpiʔ ya ini \mb kopi ya ini \ge coffee yes this \gj coffee yes this \ft is it coffee? \ref 068 \id 371229094112051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni mana gambarnya? \pho ni mana gambarɲa \mb ni mana gambar -nya \ge this which picture -NYA \gj this which picture-NYA \ft where's the picture? \ref 069 \id 157119094124051101 \sp EXPBET \tx ni sayur-sayur disendiriin di sini, Dek. \mb ni sayur - sayur di- sen- diri -in di sini Dek \ge this vegetable - vegetable DI- SE- self -IN LOC here TRU-younger.sibling \gj this RED-vegetable DI-SE-self-IN LOC here TRU-younger.sibling \ft put the vegetables separate here. \ref 070 \id 715692094201051101 \sp EXPBET \tx jangan dijadiin satu. \pho jaŋan dijadiʔin satuʔ \mb jangan di- jadi -in satu \ge don't DI- become -IN one \gj don't DI-become-IN one \ft don't put in one. \ref 071 \id 760933094221051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx gabibabi, gabibabi. \pho gabibabi gabibabi \mb gabibabi gabibabi \ge BAB BAB \gj BAB BAB \nt babbling. \ref 072 \id 627366094447051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx untuk belanja, belanja. \pho ʔuntuk bəlanjaʔ bəlanjaʔ \mb untuk belanja belanja \ge for shopping shopping \gj for shopping shopping \ft it's for shopping, for shopping. \ref 073 \id 360570094513051101 \sp EXPBET \tx beli apa? \pho bəliʔ ʔapa \mb beli apa \ge buy what \gj buy what \ft buy what? \ref 074 \id 109987094525051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ini ada, ini kok ada dua? \pho ʔini adaʔ ʔini kɔʔ ʔada duwaʔ \mb ini ada ini kok ada dua \ge this exist this KOK exist two \gj this exist this KOK exist two \ft there... why there are two? \nt holding the baskets. \ref 075 \id 558459094542051101 \sp EXPBET \tx iya, satu-satu. \mb iya satu - satu \ge yes one - one \gj yes RED-one \ft yes, one by one. \nt referring to the baskets. \ref 076 \id 532762094601051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx la, la, la, la, la. \pho la la la la la \mb la la la la la \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft la, la, la, la, la. \nt playing with the baskets. \ref 077 \id 645292094632051101 \sp EXPBET \tx eh, di rumah gulanya sudah habis. \pho ʔeh di rumah gulaʔɲa sudah habis \mb eh di rumah gula -nya sudah habis \ge EXCL LOC house sugar -NYA PFCT finished \gj EXCL LOC house sugar-NYA PFCT finished \ft hey, the sugar is used up. \ref 078 \id 147613094701051101 \sp EXPBET \tx kita beli gula yuk! \pho kita bəliʔ gula yuʔ \mb kita beli gula yuk \ge 1PL buy sugar AYO \gj 1PL buy sugar AYO \ft let's buy the sugar! \ref 079 \id 243769094718051101 \begin 0:04:31 \sp CHIIDO \tx enggak, mo belanja. \pho ʔəŋgaʔ mo bəlanjaʔ \mb enggak mo belanja \ge NEG want shopping \gj NEG want shopping \ft no, I want to go shopping. \ref 080 \id 834928094758051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh, ah. \pho ʔə ʔah \mb eh ah \ge EXCL AH \gj EXCL AH \ft eh, ah. \nt stepping on the toy. \ref 081 \id 463070094854051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh! \pho ʔɛh \mb eh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey! \nt fixing the toy position. \ref 082 \id 230160095637051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx yang belanja. \pho yaŋ bəlanjaʔ \mb yang belanja \ge REL shopping \gj REL shopping \ft this one is shopping. \nt taking a doll on the bed. \ref 083 \id 711965095649051101 \sp EXPBET \tx siapa yang belanja? \pho syapa yaŋ bəlanjaʔ \mb siapa yang belanja \ge who REL shopping \gj who REL shopping \ft who's shopping? \ref 084 \id 216817095857051101 \sp EXPBET \tx lewat sini. \pho lɛwat sini \mb lewat sini \ge go.by here \gj go.by here \ft over here. \ref 085 \id 557151095858051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx yang belanja ini, da... \pho yaŋ bəlanjaʔ ʔini daː \mb yang belanja ini da \ge REL shopping this bye \gj REL shopping this bye \ft this one is shopping, bye... \nt holding a doll. \ref 086 \id 156578095916051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx yang belanja ini. \pho yaŋ bəlanjaʔ ʔini \mb yang belanja ini \ge REL shopping this \gj REL shopping this \ft he's shopping. \ref 087 \id 616395101355051101 \sp EXPBET \tx he-em. \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 088 \id 464546101658051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ada dua. \pho ʔada duwaʔ \mb ada dua \ge exist two \gj exist two \ft there are two. \ref 089 \id 746377101712051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx begini? \pho bəgini \mb begini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft like this? \ref 090 \id 773424101725051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx la, li, li, li, la, la... \pho la li li li la la \mb la li li li la la \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft la, li, li, li, la, la... \nt putting the basket on the doll's tail. \ref 091 \id 859201101822051101 \sp EXPBET \tx masa begitu bawanya? \pho masaʔ bəgitu bawaʔɲa \mb masa begitu bawa -nya \ge incredible like.that bring -NYA \gj incredible like.that bring-NYA \ft why you bring like that? \ref 092 \id 714415101849051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx di buntut. \pho di buntut \mb di buntut \ge LOC tail \gj LOC tail \ft on its tail. \nt laughing. \ref 093 \id 893194101924051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx gini ya? \pho gini ya \mb gini ya \ge like.this yes \gj like.this yes \ft like this, right? \ref 094 \id 529798101945051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx la, la, la, la... eh. \pho la la la la ʔɛ \mb la la la la eh \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT EXCL \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT EXCL \ft la, la, la, la... eh. \nt putting the basket on the doll's hand and it's falling down. \ref 095 \id 330623102056051101 \sp EXPBET \tx nah, gitu Dek. \pho na gitu deʔ \mb nah gitu Dek \ge NAH like.that TRU-younger.sibling \gj NAH like.that TRU-younger.sibling \ft that's it, like that. \ref 096 \id 793605102107051101 \sp EXPBET \tx Si Komo belanja. \pho si komo bəlanjaʔ \mb Si Komo belanja \ge PERS Komo shopping \gj PERS Komo shopping \ft Komo is shopping. \nt referring to the doll's name. \ref 097 \id 740193102123051101 \sp EXPBET \tx hari ini gulanya sudah habis. \pho hari ʔini gulaʔɲa sudah habis \mb hari ini gula -nya sudah habis \ge day this sugar -NYA PFCT finished \gj day this sugar-NYA PFCT finished \ft today the sugar is used up. \ref 098 \id 343809102136051101 \sp EXPBET \tx dia mo membuat kue. \pho diya moʔ məmbuwat kuwe \mb dia mo mem- buat kue \ge 3 want MEN- for cake \gj 3 want MEN-for cake \ft he wants to make a cake. \ref 099 \id 111268102156051101 \sp EXPBET \tx kue apa ya? \pho kuweʔ ʔapa ya \mb kue apa ya \ge cake what yes \gj cake what yes \ft what cake? \ref 100 \id 482492102210051101 \sp EXPBET \tx kue apa Dek? \pho kuwe ʔapa deʔ \mb kue apa Dek \ge cake what TRU-younger.sibling \gj cake what TRU-younger.sibling \ft what cake? \ref 101 \id 855332102222051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx nggak tau. \pho ga tauʔ \mb nggak tau \ge NEG know \gj NEG know \ft I don't know. \ref 102 \id 493201102237051101 \begin 0:06:05 \sp EXPBET \tx kalo bikin kue perlu telur, terigu. \pho kaloʔ bikin kuwe pərlu təlur triguʔ \mb kalo bikin kue perlu telur terigu \ge TOP make cake necessary egg wheat \gj TOP make cake necessary egg wheat \ft we need some flour to make a cake. \ref 103 \id 842662102310051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'ada telur nggak ya?' \pho ʔada təlur ŋgaʔ yah \mb ada telur nggak ya \ge exist egg NEG yes \gj exist egg NEG yes \ft 'is there any eggs?' \nt shopping. \ref 104 \id 850219102357051101 \sp EXPBET \tx tuh. \pho tuh \mb tuh \ge that \gj that \ft there. \ref 105 \id 953517102400051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx asik. \pho ʔasik \mb asik \ge fun \gj fun \ft great. \ref 106 \id 979610102455051101 \begin 0:06:13 \sp CHIIDO \tx telur. \pho təlur \mb telur \ge egg \gj egg \ft eggs. \ref 107 \id 333416102559051101 \begin 0:06:15 \sp CHIIDO \tx telur beli. \pho təlur bəliʔ \mb telur beli \ge egg buy \gj egg buy \ft I buy some eggs. \nt ** beli telur. \ref 108 \id 943589102610051101 \begin 0:06:17 \sp EXPBET \tx terigu. \pho triguʔ \mb terigu \ge wheat \gj wheat \ft flour. \ref 109 \id 617607102646051101 \begin 0:06:19 \sp CHIIDO \tx terigu satu lagi. \pho triguʔ satu lagiʔ \mb terigu satu lagi \ge wheat one more \gj wheat one more \ft one more flour. \ref 110 \id 131302102700051101 \begin 0:06:21 \sp CHIIDO \tx terigu mana? \pho triguʔ mana \mb terigu mana \ge wheat which \gj wheat which \ft where's the flour? \ref 111 \id 594599102707051101 \begin 0:06:23 \sp CHIIDO \tx abis? \pho ʔabis \mb abis \ge finished \gj finished \ft no flour? \ref 112 \id 442385102719051101 \begin 0:06:25 \sp EXPBET \tx terigu... \pho triguːʔ \mb terigu \ge wheat \gj wheat \ft flour... \ref 113 \id 872029102727051101 \begin 0:06:27 \sp CHIIDO \tx nggak ada? \pho ŋga adaʔ \mb nggak ada \ge NEG exist \gj NEG exist \ft no flour? \ref 114 \id 308961102733051101 \begin 0:06:29 \sp EXPBET \tx nggak ada. \pho ŋga adaʔ \mb nggak ada \ge NEG exist \gj NEG exist \ft no. \ref 115 \id 313964102743051101 \begin 0:06:31 \sp CHIIDO \tx terigu abis. \pho triguʔ ʔabis \mb terigu abis \ge wheat finished \gj wheat finished \ft the flour is finished. \ref 116 \id 701279102900051101 \begin 0:06:34 \sp EXPBET \tx minyak goreng. \pho miɲak gɔrɛŋ \mb minyak goreng \ge oil fry \gj oil fry \ft cooking oil. \ref 117 \id 619174102919051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx minyak goreng mana? \pho miɲak gɔrɛŋ mana \mb minyak goreng mana \ge oil fry which \gj oil fry which \ft where's cooking oil? \ref 118 \id 377065102938051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx telor jatoh. \pho təlɔr jatɔh \mb telor jatoh \ge egg fall \gj egg fall \ft the egg is falling. \nt the eggs falling from the basket. \ref 119 \id 143684103004051101 \sp EXPBET \tx mo bikin kue donat. \pho mɔ bikin kuwe dɔnat \mb mo bikin kue donat \ge want make cake donut \gj want make cake donut \ft let's make donuts. \ref 120 \id 810912103021051101 \sp EXPBET \tx nanti kan digoreng. \pho nanti kan digɔrɛŋ \mb nanti kan di- goreng \ge later KAN DI- fry \gj later KAN DI-fry \ft we'll fry it later. \ref 121 \id 917825103038051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx donat kan... donat nggak pake telor. \pho donat kan donat ŋga pakɛʔ təlɔr \mb donat kan donat nggak pake telor \ge donut KAN donut NEG use egg \gj donut KAN donut NEG use egg \ft we don't need eggs to make donuts. \ref 122 \id 510621103101051101 \sp EXPBET \tx pake dong, biar enak. \pho pakɛʔ dɔŋ biyar ʔɛŋak \mb pake dong biar enak \ge use DONG let pleasant \gj use DONG let pleasant \ft we need it, so it'll delicious. \ref 123 \id 215947103124051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx oh iya, pa(ke)... pake telor harus bikin puding Dek Ido. \pho ʔɔ ʔiya pa pakɛ təlɔr harus bikin pudiŋ dɛ idɔʔ \mb oh iya pake pake telor harus bikin puding Dek Ido \ge EXCL yes use use egg must make pudding TRU-younger.sibling Ido \gj EXCL yes use use egg must make pudding TRU-younger.sibling Ido \ft oh yes, use some eggs, so I must make pudding. \ref 124 \id 331926103211051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx beli kopi ada nggak? \pho bəli kɔpiʔ ʔada ŋgaʔ \mb beli kopi ada nggak \ge buy coffee exist NEG \gj buy coffee exist NEG \ft is there any coffee? \ref 125 \id 192344103226051101 \sp EXPBET \tx ada. \pho ʔadaʔ \mb ada \ge exist \gj exist \ft yes. \ref 126 \id 536908103230051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx dua. \pho duwaʔ \mb dua \ge two \gj two \ft two. \nt taking some coffee. \ref 127 \id 134410103257051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ini biar... \pho ʔini biyar \mb ini biar \ge this let \gj this let \ft so it will... \nt putting the coffe in the basket. \ref 128 \id 636278103304051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx satu lagi. \pho satu lagi \mb satu lagi \ge one more \gj one more \ft one more. \ref 129 \id 745798103334051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx nanti aku... \pho nanti aku \mb nanti aku \ge later 1SG \gj later 1SG \ft I will... \ref 130 \id 948572103340051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx yang bawa Si... Si Dumbo. \pho yaŋ bawaʔ si si dumbo \mb yang bawa Si Si Dumbo \ge REL bring PERS PERS Dumbo \gj REL bring PERS PERS Dumbo \ft Dumbo will bring it. \nt putting the basket on the doll's hand. \ref 131 \id 678945103400051101 \sp EXPBET \tx Dumbo. \pho dumbo \mb Dumbo \ge Dumbo \gj Dumbo \ft Dumbo. \ref 132 \id 555628103409051101 \sp EXPBET \tx soalnya berat ya? \pho sɔʔalɲa bərat ya \mb soal -nya berat ya \ge matter -NYA heavy yes \gj matter-NYA heavy yes \ft that's heavy, right? \ref 133 \id 659654103414051101 \sp EXPBET \tx jadi kuat Dumbo bawa berat. \pho jadi kuwat dumbo bawaʔ bərat \mb jadi kuat Dumbo bawa berat \ge become strong Dumbo bring heavy \gj become strong Dumbo bring heavy \ft he's strong to bring the heavy ones. \ref 134 \id 326494103444051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dumbo nggak ada apa-apanya. \mb Dumbo nggak ada apa - apa -nya \ge Dumbo NEG exist what - what -NYA \gj Dumbo NEG exist RED-what-NYA \ft he's nothing. \ref 135 \id 697775103508051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx jadi begi(ni)... \pho jadi bəgi \mb jadi begini \ge become like.this \gj become like.this \ft it becomes... \nt putting the basket on the doll's nose. \ref 136 \id 224908103526051101 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the transmitter making noise. \ref 137 \id 646744103542051101 \sp EXPBET \tx oh, gitu. \pho ʔo gitu \mb oh gitu \ge EXCL like.that \gj EXCL like.that \ft oh, like that. \ref 138 \id 244397103543051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx di hidung. \pho di hiduŋ \mb di hidung \ge LOC nose \gj LOC nose \ft on his nose. \nt putting the basket on the doll's nose. \ref 139 \id 592624103641051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx jadi... \pho jadi \mb jadi \ge become \gj become \ft so... \ref 140 \id 550205103642051101 \sp EXPBET \tx pinter juga, Dumbo. \pho pintər jugaʔ dumbo \mb pinter juga Dumbo \ge smart also Dumbo \gj smart also Dumbo \ft he's great. \ref 141 \id 404869103724051101 \sp EXPBET \tx lewat sini, Dumbo, bayar di kasir dulu. \pho lɛwat sini dumbo bayar di kasir dulu \mb lewat sini Dumbo bayar di kasir dulu \ge go.by here Dumbo pay LOC cashier before \gj go.by here Dumbo pay LOC cashier before \ft over here Dumbo, pay to the cashier. \ref 142 \id 345159103726051101 \sp EXPBET \tx kasirnya Tante. \pho kasirɲa tantə \mb kasir -nya Tante \ge cashier -NYA aunt \gj cashier-NYA aunt \ft I'm the cashier. \ref 143 \id 298967103738051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx wo, toeng. \pho wo tɔwɛŋ \mb wo toeng \ge EXCL IMIT \gj EXCL IMIT \ft wo, toeng. \nt putting the box on the doll's head. \ref 144 \id 653708103919051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx kepalanya... \pho kəpalaʔɲa \mb ke- pala -nya \ge KE- head -NYA \gj KE-head-NYA \ft his head... \nt laughing. \ref 145 \id 282814103943051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx toeng, eh... toeng, oh. \pho tɔwɛŋ ʔɛhɛ tɔwɛŋ ʔo \mb toeng eh toeng oh \ge IMIT EXCL IMIT EXCL \gj IMIT EXCL IMIT EXCL \ft toeng, hey... toeng, oh. \ref 146 \id 966575104009051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx toeng, toeng, pake topi. \pho tɔwɛŋ tɔwɛŋ pakɛ tɔpiʔ \mb toeng toeng pake topi \ge IMIT IMIT use hat \gj IMIT IMIT use hat \ft toeng, toeng, use the hat. \nt laughing. \ref 147 \id 858915104038051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx begini. \pho bəgini \mb begini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft like this. \ref 148 \id 403011104051051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh, eh. \pho ʔɛh ʔɛh \mb eh eh \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft hey, hey. \ref 149 \id 617638104107051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx mandi, sejuk. \pho mandi səjuk \mb mandi sejuk \ge bathe cool \gj bathe cool \ft he's taking a bath, it's cool. \nt putting the doll on the box. \ref 150 \id 654840104114051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx mandi air panas. \pho mandi ʔair panas \mb mandi air panas \ge bathe water hot \gj bathe water hot \ft he's taking a bath with hot water. \ref 151 \id 422861104321051101 \sp EXPBET \tx xx. \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \ref 152 \id 331489104322051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dek Ido nggak mo nonton Teletubbies, jelek. \pho de idoʔ ŋgaʔ mo nɔntɔn tɛlɛtabis jəlɛk \mb Dek Ido nggak mo n- tonton Teletubbies jelek \ge TRU-younger.sibling Ido NEG want N- watch Teletubbies bad \gj TRU-younger.sibling Ido NEG want N-watch Teletubbies bad \ft I don't want to watch Teletubbies, it's bad. \ref 153 \id 417950104656051101 \sp EXPBET \tx bosen? \pho bosən \mb bosen \ge bored \gj bored \ft you bored? \ref 154 \id 951549104410051101 \sp MOTIDO \tx Mama ke warung dulu ya? \pho mama kə waruŋ dulu ya \mb Mama ke warung dulu ya \ge mommy to stall before yes \gj mommy to stall before yes \ft I'll go to the stall, okay? \ref 155 \id 300370104426051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx. \pho sədah \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \ref 156 \id 835461104633051101 \sp MOTIDO \tx sebentar ya. \pho səbəntar ya \mb se- bentar ya \ge SE- moment yes \gj SE-moment yes \ft I'm just a second. \ref 157 \id 599204105218051101 \sp EXPBET \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay. \ref 158 \id 434626105248051101 \sp MOTIDO \tx xx. \pho mokut \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \ref 159 \id 970672105316051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx mandi, toeng. \pho mandiʔ tɔwɛŋ \mb mandi toeng \ge bathe IMIT \gj bathe IMIT \ft he's taking a bath, toeng. \ref 160 \id 413935105339051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dumbo pinter amat. \pho dumbo pintər ʔamat \mb Dumbo pinter amat \ge Dumbo smart very \gj Dumbo smart very \ft Dumbo is very smart. \ref 161 \id 612443105418051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx. \pho twɛt \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \ref 162 \id 655773105426051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dumbo telornya kebanyakan. \pho dumbo təlɔrɲa kəbaɲakan \mb Dumbo telor -nya ke an banyak \ge Dumbo egg -NYA KE AN a.lot \gj Dumbo egg-NYA KE.AN-a.lot \ft he has too much eggs. \ref 163 \id 793080105453051101 \sp EXPBET \tx kok nggak dibayar sih belanjaannya? \pho kɔʔ ŋgaʔ dibayar sih bəlanjaʔanɲa \mb kok nggak di- bayar sih belanja -an -nya \ge KOK NEG DI- pay SIH shopping -AN -NYA \gj KOK NEG DI-pay SIH shopping-AN-NYA \ft why don't you pay? \ref 164 \id 910578105518051101 \sp EXPBET \tx nanti ditangkep polisi, disangka pencuri. \pho nantiʔ ditaŋkəp pɔlisiʔ disaŋkaʔ pəncuriʔ \mb nanti di- tangkep polisi di- sangka pen- curi \ge later DI- catch police DI- suspect PEN- steal \gj later DI-catch police DI-suspect PEN-steal \ft the police will catch you, he thinks you're a thief. \ref 165 \id 215987105609051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ah! \pho ʔah \mb ah \ge AH \gj AH \ft ah! \nt putting the eggs in the basket. \ref 166 \id 105152105613051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx telornya gepeng. \pho təlɔrɲa gɛpɛŋ \mb telor -nya gepeng \ge egg -NYA flattened \gj egg-NYA flattened \ft the egg is flattened. \ref 167 \id 299188105640051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dek Ido aja dulu. \pho de ido aja duluʔ \mb Dek Ido aja dulu \ge TRU-younger.sibling Ido just before \gj TRU-younger.sibling Ido just before \ft I'm doing it first. \nt 1.putting the eggs in the basket but the basket to small. 2. probably he'll say 'Dek Ido iniin aja dulu'. \ref 168 \id 757844110242051101 \sp EXPBET \tx ada patroli. \pho ʔada patrɔli \mb ada patroli \ge exist patrol \gj exist patrol \ft there's a patrol car. \nt playing with a wood car. \ref 169 \id 910487110257051101 \sp EXPBET \tx ngiung, ngiung, ngiung... \pho ŋiyuŋ ŋiyuŋ ŋiyuŋ \mb ngiung ngiung ngiung \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft wiu, wiu, wiu... \nt playing with the car. \ref 170 \id 480594110314051101 \sp EXPBET \tx siapa yang ngambil belanjaan belum bayar? \pho syapa yaŋ ŋambil bəlanjaʔan bəlum bayar \mb siapa yang ng- ambil belanja -an belum bayar \ge who REL N- take shopping -AN not.yet pay \gj who REL N-take shopping-AN not.yet pay \ft who don't pay yet? \ref 171 \id 458798110349051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ini, ni, ni, ni, ni, telor. \pho ʔini ni ni ni ni təlɔr \mb ini ni ni ni ni telor \ge this this this this this egg \gj this this this this this egg \ft here, here, here, here the egg. \nt showing the eggs. \ref 172 \id 435869110436051101 \sp EXPBET \tx 'ayo dibayar dulu'. \pho ʔayo dibayar duluʔ \mb ayo di- bayar dulu \ge AYO DI- pay before \gj AYO DI-pay before \ft 'come on, pay it'. \ref 173 \id 651900110634051101 \sp EXPBET \tx ngiung, ngiung. \pho ŋiyuŋ ŋiyuŋ \mb ngiung ngiung \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft wiu, wiu. \ref 174 \id 257664110533051101 \sp EXPBET \tx 'nanti dipanggil polisi'. \pho nantiʔ dipaŋgil pɔlisiʔ \mb nanti di- panggil polisi \ge later DI- call police \gj later DI-call police \ft 'the police will call you'. \ref 175 \id 368318110547051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx nen! \pho nɛn \mb nen \ge BAB \gj BAB \ft nen! \nt babbling while hitting the car with the doll. \ref 176 \id 729502110553051101 \sp EXPBET \tx aduh. \pho ʔadu \mb aduh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 177 \id 497984110753051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx nen, nen, nen, nen! \pho nɛn nɛn nɛn nɛn \mb nen nen nen nen \ge BAB BAB BAB BAB \gj BAB BAB BAB BAB \ft nen, nen, nen, nen! \nt babbling while hitting the car with the doll. \ref 178 \id 230174110818051101 \sp EXPBET \tx udah bayar belom? \pho ʔuda bayar bəlom \mb udah bayar belom \ge PFCT pay not.yet \gj PFCT pay not.yet \ft have you pay yet? \ref 179 \id 946606110847051101 \sp MOTIDO \tx maennya kok marah? \pho maɛnɲa kɔʔ marah \mb maen -nya kok marah \ge play -NYA KOK angry \gj play-NYA KOK angry \ft why you angry while playing? \ref 180 \id 924935110902051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx belom. \pho bəlom \mb belom \ge not.yet \gj not.yet \ft not yet. \ref 181 \id 309195110907051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx saya banting lho ya. \pho saya bantiŋ lo yah \mb saya banting lho ya \ge 1SG slam.down EXCL yes \gj 1SG slam.down EXCL yes \ft I'll slam it down. \nt holding the car. \ref 182 \id 654453110929051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx satu, dua, tiga. \pho satu duwa tigaː \mb satu dua tiga \ge one two three \gj one two three \ft one, two, three. \ref 183 \id 204387110950051101 \sp EXPBET \tx 'aah...' \pho ʔaː \mb aah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft 'aah...' \ref 184 \id 436120111414051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx bewew. \pho bɛwɛw \mb bewew \ge BAB \gj BAB \nt babbling. \ref 185 \id 881606111455051101 \sp EXPBET \tx 'aah.' \pho ʔaː \mb aah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft 'aah.' \ref 186 \id 180728111519051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx dilempar. \pho dilɛmpar \mb di- lempar \ge DI- throw \gj DI-throw \ft I throw it. \ref 187 \id 608885111527051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx dilempar batu pura-puranya, jebet, jebet. \pho dilɛmpar batu purapuraɲa jəbɛt jəbɛt \mb di- lempar batu pura-pura -nya jebet jebet \ge DI- throw stone pretend -NYA IMIT IMIT \gj DI-throw stone pretend-NYA IMIT IMIT \ft let's say it's a stone, I throw it, bang, bang. \nt throwing the car with the eggs. \ref 188 \id 255190111623051101 \sp EXPBET \tx ya udah pulang lagi deh. \pho ya udah pulaŋ lagi dɛh \mb ya udah pulang lagi deh \ge yes PFCT return more DEH \gj yes PFCT return more DEH \ft okay, it's going back. \nt playing with the car. \ref 189 \id 192279111658051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx dilempar, jubek, jubek. \pho dilɛmpar jubɛk jubɛk \mb di- lempar jubek jubek \ge DI- throw BAB BAB \gj DI-throw BAB BAB \ft I throw it, bang, bang. \ref 190 \id 348166111722051101 \sp EXPBET \tx yang beliin siapa nih Dek? \pho yaŋ bəliʔin syapa ni deʔ \mb yang beli -in siapa nih Dek \ge REL buy -IN who this TRU-younger.sibling \gj REL buy-IN who this TRU-younger.sibling \ft who bought it? \ref 191 \id 436472111742051101 \sp EXPBET \tx nggak tau? \pho ŋga tauʔ \mb nggak tau \ge NEG know \gj NEG know \ft you don't know? \ref 192 \id 493137111755051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx telor, e... wae... wae... wa... wa... \pho təlɔr ʔə waə waə wa wa \mb telor e wae wae wa wa \ge egg BAB BAB BAB BAB BAB \gj egg BAB BAB BAB BAB BAB \ft an egg, e.. wae.. wae.. .wa... wa.. \nt babbling and imitating to eat the eggs. \ref 193 \id 662781111949051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Tante Bety! \pho tantə bɛtiʔ \mb Tante Bety \ge aunt Bety \gj aunt Bety \ft hey! \ref 194 \id 679365112001051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx telor, e... wae... wae... wa... wa... \pho təlɔr ʔə waə waə wa wa \mb telor e wae wae wa wa \ge egg BAB BAB BAB BAB BAB \gj egg BAB BAB BAB BAB BAB \ft an egg, e.. wae.. wae.. .wa... wa.. \nt babbling. \ref 195 \id 406721112020051101 \sp EXPBET \tx suka ya, telor rebus? \pho sukaʔ ya təlor rəbus \mb suka ya telor rebus \ge like yes egg boil \gj like yes egg boil \ft you like a boiled egg? \ref 196 \id 880273112045051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx aku mencuri, ha! \pho ʔaku məncuri ʔa \mb aku men- curi ha \ge 1SG MEN- steal uh-huh \gj 1SG MEN-steal uh-huh \ft uh-huh, I steal it! \nt taking the toys. \ref 197 \id 263275112055051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx aku berantakin. \pho ʔaku brantakin \mb aku berantak -in \ge 1SG disorder -IN \gj 1SG disorder-IN \ft I make them in a mess. \ref 198 \id 176956125016051101 \sp EXPBET \tx 'wa... tolong ada perampok!' \pho wa tɔlɔŋ ʔada pərampɔk \mb wa tolong ada pe- rampok \ge EXCL help exist PEN- rob \gj EXCL help exist PEN-rob \ft 'oh... help, there's a robber!' \ref 199 \id 206166125041051101 \sp EXPBET \tx masuk ke dalam supermarket. \pho masuk kə dalam supərmarkət \mb masuk ke dalam supermarket \ge go.in to inside supermarket \gj go.in to inside supermarket \ft he's coming in the supermarket. \ref 200 \id 645554125106051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx bukan, am, am, am. \pho bukan ʔam ʔam ʔam \mb bukan am am am \ge NEG IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj NEG IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft no, nyum, nyum, nyum. \nt biting the chili toy. \ref 201 \id 944451125126051101 \sp EXPBET \tx ih, perampoknya doyan cabe. \pho ʔiː pərampɔkɲa doyan cabɛʔ \mb ih pe- rampok -nya doyan cabe \ge EXCL PEN- rob -NYA like chili.pepper \gj EXCL PEN-rob-NYA like chili.pepper \ft oh, the robber likes chili. \nt laughing. \ref 202 \id 710072125208051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx pedes. \pho pədəs \mb pedes \ge spicy \gj spicy \ft it's hot. \ref 203 \id 793727125215051101 \sp EXPBET \tx lapor Pak Polisi. \pho lapɔr paʔ pɔlisi \mb lapor Pak Polisi \ge report TRU-father police \gj report TRU-father police \ft I'll say to the police. \ref 204 \id 989884125230051101 \sp EXPBET \tx ngiung, ngiung. \pho ŋiyuŋ ŋiyuŋ \mb ngiung ngiung \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft wiu, wiu. \ref 205 \id 198604125255051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx am, nyam, nyam, nyam. \pho ʔam ɲam ɲam ɲam \mb am nyam nyam nyam \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft argh, nyum, nyum, nyum. \nt biting the toy. \ref 206 \id 444926125418051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx taronya di sini xx. \pho ɲaɲa tarɔɲa di sini pulət \mb xx taro -nya di sini xx \ge xx put -NYA LOC here xx \gj xx put-NYA LOC here xx \ft xx I put it here xx. \nt putting the toys under the bed. \ref 207 \id 388117125440051101 \sp EXPBET \tx jangan jauh-jauh naronya, nanti susah diambil Dek. \mb jangan jauh - jauh n- taro -nya nanti susah di- ambil Dek \ge don't far - far N- put -NYA later difficult DI- take TRU-younger.sibling \gj don't RED-far N-put-NYA later difficult DI-take TRU-younger.sibling \ft don't put them too far, it's difficult to take it later. \ref 208 \id 497358125652051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx taronya belanjanya di sini dong. \pho tarɔʔɲa bəlanjaɲa di sini dɔŋ \mb taro -nya belanja -nya di sini dong \ge put -NYA shopping -NYA LOC here DONG \gj put-NYA shopping-NYA LOC here DONG \ft put them here. \ref 209 \id 518784125752051101 \begin 0:10:31 \sp CHIIDO \tx belanjanya di sini. \pho bəlanjaʔɲa di sini \mb belanja -nya di sini \ge shopping -NYA LOC here \gj shopping-NYA LOC here \ft put them here. \ref 210 \id 615949125842051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx taro belanjanya di sini. \pho tarɔʔ bəlanjaʔɲa di sini \mb taro belanja -nya di sini \ge put shopping -NYA LOC here \gj put shopping-NYA LOC here \ft put them here. \ref 211 \id 164676125912051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx belanjanya di sini. \pho bəlanjaʔɲa di sini \mb belanja -nya di sini \ge shopping -NYA LOC here \gj shopping-NYA LOC here \ft put them here. \ref 212 \id 825372125946051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx eee... di Blok.M. \mb eee di Blok.M \ge FILL LOC Blok.M \gj FILL LOC Blok.M \ft umm... in Block M. \ref 213 \id 942939130056051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx dia di Blok M. \pho diya di blɔk ʔɛm \mb dia di Blok M \ge 3 LOC block M \gj 3 LOC block M \ft it's in Block M. \ref 214 \id 501752130232051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx aku mo beli Pizza Hut, hmm. \pho ʔaku mɔ bəli pitsa hat hm \mb aku mo beli Pizza Hut hmm \ge 1SG want buy Pizza Hut EXCL \gj 1SG want buy Pizza Hut EXCL \ft I want to buy Pizza Hut, hmm. \ref 215 \id 554060130257051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx nggak dibayar. \pho ŋgaʔ dibayal \mb nggak di- bayar \ge NEG DI- pay \gj NEG DI-pay \ft I don't pay it. \nt saying like a baby. \ref 216 \id 402410130311051101 \sp EXPBET \tx ah, ditangkep ama polisi. \pho ʔaː ditaŋkəp ʔama pɔlisiʔ \mb ah di- tangkep ama polisi \ge AH DI- catch with police \gj AH DI-catch with police \ft ah, the police will catch you. \ref 217 \id 411474130403051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 218 \id 656240130411051101 \sp EXPBET \tx wiu, wiu, wiu. \pho wiyu wiyu wiyu \mb wiu wiu wiu \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft wiu, wiu, wiu. \ref 219 \id 539368130420051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx nggak ada, bohong. \pho ŋgaʔ ʔadaʔ bɔhɔŋ \mb nggak ada bohong \ge NEG exist lie \gj NEG exist lie \ft you lie, there's no one. \ref 220 \id 975546130438051101 \sp EXPBET \tx kok nggak ada? \pho kɔʔ ŋgaʔ ʔadaʔ \mb kok nggak ada \ge KOK NEG exist \gj KOK NEG exist \ft why no one? \ref 221 \id 429287130458051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx aku curi, curi, curi xx. \pho ʔaku culiʔ culiʔ culiʔ məlipi \mb aku curi curi curi xx \ge 1SG steal steal steal xx \gj 1SG steal steal steal xx \ft I steal it, I steal it, I steal it xx. \nt saying like a baby. \ref 222 \id 347526130732051101 \sp EXPBET \tx siapa tuh nggambar? \mb siapa tuh ng- gambar \ge who that N- picture \gj who that N-picture \ft who drew that one? \nt pointing to the drawing. \ref 223 \id 482495130733051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dek Ido. \pho deʔ ʔidɔʔ \mb Dek Ido \ge TRU-younger.sibling Ido \gj TRU-younger.sibling Ido \ft me. \ref 224 \id 917197130905051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dek Ido beli telor, hmm. \pho de idoʔ bəliʔ ʔəlɔl hm \mb Dek Ido beli telor hmm \ge TRU-younger.sibling Ido buy egg EXCL \gj TRU-younger.sibling Ido buy egg EXCL \ft I buy some eggs, hmm. \nt putting the eggs in the basket. \ref 225 \id 759955132442051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 226 \id 376053132510051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx em. \pho m \mb em \ge BAB \gj BAB \nt putting the basket which fill with eggs on the doll's tail. \ref 227 \id 241918132511051101 \sp EXPBET \tx eeknya telor sih? \pho ʔɛʔɛʔɲa təlɔr sih \mb eek -nya telor sih \ge doo.doo -NYA egg SIH \gj doo.doo-NYA egg SIH \ft his doo-doo is an egg? \ref 228 \id 318699132938051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx (e)eknya, eeknya pisang. \pho ʔɛʔɲa ʔɛʔɛʔɲa pisaŋ \mb eek -nya eek -nya pisang \ge doo.doo -NYA doo.doo -NYA banana \gj doo.doo-NYA doo.doo-NYA banana \ft his doo-doo is a banana. \nt laughing. \ref 229 \id 186291133011051101 \sp EXPBET \tx oh, eeknya pisang. \pho ʔo ʔɛʔɛʔɲa pisaŋ \mb oh eek -nya pisang \ge EXCL doo.doo -NYA banana \gj EXCL doo.doo-NYA banana \ft oh, a banana. \ref 230 \id 506994133028051101 \sp EXPBET \tx abis makan pisang ya? \pho ʔabis makan pisaŋ ya \mb abis makan pisang ya \ge finished eat banana yes \gj finished eat banana yes \ft he ate a banana, right? \ref 231 \id 465517133101051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx tadi abis makan pisang banyak. \pho tadi ʔabis makan pisaŋ baɲak \mb tadi abis makan pisang banyak \ge earlier finished eat banana a.lot \gj earlier finished eat banana a.lot \ft he ate a lot of bananas. \ref 232 \id 851906133126051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni, pegang telor. \pho ni pəgaŋ təlɔr \mb ni pegang telor \ge this hold egg \gj this hold egg \ft he's holding eggs \ref 233 \id 498236133436051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh. \pho ʔɛh \mb eh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \nt the egg is falling. \ref 234 \id 863471133446051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx dicuri, am, nyam, nyam, nyam. \pho diculiʔ ʔam ɲam ɲam ɲam \mb di- curi am nyam nyam nyam \ge DI- steal IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj DI-steal IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft I steal it, argh, nyum, nyum, nyum. \nt saying like a baby and imitating to eat the egg. \ref 235 \id 472981133912051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx harganya berapa? \pho hargaɲa brapa \mb harga -nya berapa \ge price -NYA how.much \gj price-NYA how.much \ft how much does it cost? \ref 236 \id 303801133921051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx nanti ada harganya deh. \pho nanti ʔada hargaɲa dɛh \mb nanti ada harga -nya deh \ge later exist price -NYA DEH \gj later exist price-NYA DEH \ft there will be a price. \nt imitating to put the price while using the staple. \ref 237 \id 891122141010051101 \sp EXPBET \tx oh. \pho ʔɔ \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 238 \id 812150141014051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dek Ido kasi harganya, tit. \pho de ido kasi hargaɲa tit \mb Dek Ido kasi harga -nya tit \ge TRU-younger.sibling Ido give price -NYA IMIT \gj TRU-younger.sibling Ido give price-NYA IMIT \ft I put the price here, beep. \ref 239 \id 122398141038051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx bayarnya gitu, tit. \pho bayarɲa gitu tit \mb bayar -nya gitu tit \ge pay -NYA like.that IMIT \gj pay-NYA like.that IMIT \ft pay like that, beep. \ref 240 \id 353711141113051101 \sp EXPBET \tx he-em, pake laser namanya Dek. \mb he-em pake laser nama -nya Dek \ge uh-huh use laser name -NYA TRU-younger.sibling \gj uh-huh use laser name-NYA TRU-younger.sibling \ft uh-huh, it's called laser. \ref 241 \id 928917141124051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx diginiin dulu. \pho diginin duluʔ \mb di- gini -in dulu \ge DI- like.this -IN before \gj DI-like.this-IN before \ft I'll do it like this. \ref 242 \id 629378141140051101 \sp EXPBET \tx awas kejepit, nanti berdarah. \pho ʔawas kəjəpit nantiʔ bərdarah \mb awas ke- jepit nanti ber- darah \ge EXCL KE- pinch later BER- blood \gj EXCL KE-pinch later BER-blood \ft watchout, you'll pinch it and bleeding. \ref 243 \id 878747144707051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx tit. \pho tit \mb tit \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft beep. \ref 244 \id 719208144710051101 \sp EXPBET \tx berapa harganya? \pho brapa hargaɲa \mb berapa harga -nya \ge how.much price -NYA \gj how.much price-NYA \ft how much does it cost? \ref 245 \id 442880144725051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx dua ribu. \pho duwa ribuʔ \mb dua ribu \ge two thousand \gj two thousand \ft two thousand. \ref 246 \id 199616144743051101 \sp EXPBET \tx yang satunya? \pho yaŋ satuʔɲa \mb yang satu -nya \ge REL one -NYA \gj REL one-NYA \ft how much the other one? \ref 247 \id 353286144801051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx tiga ribu. \pho tiga ribuʔ \mb tiga ribu \ge three thousand \gj three thousand \ft three thousand. \ref 248 \id 987763144814051101 \sp EXPBET \tx jadi semua? \pho jadi səmwa \mb jadi semua \ge become all \gj become all \ft so how much all? \ref 249 \id 550816144830051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx tujuh ribu. \pho tuju biru \mb tujuh ribu \ge seven thousand \gj seven thousand \ft seven thousand. \nt slip of the tongue of 'ribu'. \ref 250 \id 789281145125051101 \sp EXPBET \tx tujuh biru, salah ni ye. \pho tujuh biru salah ni ye \mb tujuh biru salah ni ye \ge seven blue wrong this EXCL \gj seven blue wrong this EXCL \ft seven blue, you wrong. \nt 1.following what CHI said, 'biru' it should be 'ribu' 2.laughing. \ref 251 \id 969499145422051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx nih. \pho ni \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \ref 252 \id 495914145425051101 \sp EXPBET \tx berapa? \pho brapa \mb berapa \ge how.much \gj how.much \ft how much? \ref 253 \id 549865145431051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx lima ribu. \pho lima ribuʔ \mb lima ribu \ge five thousand \gj five thousand \ft five thousand. \ref 254 \id 992014145442051101 \sp EXPBET \tx jadi semuanya? \pho jadi səmuwaɲa \mb jadi semua -nya \ge become all -NYA \gj become all-NYA \ft so, how much all? \ref 255 \id 902472145456051101 \begin 0:13:02 \sp CHIIDO \tx bidepbidep. \pho bidəpbidəp \mb bidepbidep \ge BAB \gj BAB \nt laughing. \ref 256 \id 771833145531051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx suaranya bidepbidep. \pho suwaraɲa bidəpbidəp \mb suara -nya bidepbidep \ge sound -NYA BAB \gj sound-NYA BAB \ft the sound is beep, beep. \nt babbling. \ref 257 \id 219236145657051101 \sp EXPBET \tx sepuluh ribu. \pho spuluh ribu \mb se- puluh ribu \ge SE- ten thousand \gj SE-ten thousand \ft the thousand. \ref 258 \id 704248145705051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx sepuluh ribu. \pho səpuluh ribu \mb se- puluh ribu \ge SE- ten thousand \gj SE-ten thousand \ft ten thousand. \ref 259 \id 117996145904051101 \sp EXPBET \tx duitnya mana? \pho duwitɲa mana \mb duit -nya mana \ge money -NYA which \gj money-NYA which \ft where's the money? \ref 260 \id 164832145926051101 \sp EXPBET \tx jangan Dek! \pho jaŋan deʔ \mb jangan Dek \ge don't TRU-younger.sibling \gj don't TRU-younger.sibling \ft don't! \nt CHI is stapling the toy. \ref 261 \id 742365145935051101 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the transmitter making noise. \ref 262 \id 845845150008051101 \sp EXPBET \tx jangan! \pho jaŋan \mb jangan \ge don't \gj don't \ft don't! \ref 263 \id 342795150017051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx. \pho lo \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \nt showing the box of the supermarket. \ref 264 \id 173148150041051101 \sp EXPBET \tx ini nanti berdarah. \pho ʔini nanti bərdarah \mb ini nanti ber- darah \ge this later BER- blood \gj this later BER-blood \ft you'll bleed. \ref 265 \id 110407150054051101 \sp EXPBET \tx Tante aja pernah lho. \pho tantə aja pərnah lo \mb Tante aja pernah lho \ge aunt just ever EXCL \gj aunt just ever EXCL \ft I've ever bleed. \ref 266 \id 412637150114051101 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the transmitter making noise. \ref 267 \id 405577150114051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx kecil apa? \pho kəcil apa \mb kecil apa \ge small what \gj small what \ft is it small? \nt referring to EXP's wound. \ref 268 \id 541692150144051101 \sp EXPBET \tx kecil, tapi darahnya banyak, hu. \pho kəcil tapi darahɲa baɲaʔ hu \mb kecil tapi darah -nya banyak hu \ge small but blood -NYA a.lot EXCL \gj small but blood-NYA a.lot EXCL \ft it's small, but the blood a lot, hu. \ref 269 \id 426675150232051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx untuk bayar ini pura-puranya. \mb untuk bayar ini pura-pura -nya \ge for pay this pretend -NYA \gj for pay this pretend-NYA \ft it's pretending for paying. \nt playing with the staple. \ref 270 \id 541871150248051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx lima ratus. \pho lima ratus \mb lima ratus \ge five hundred \gj five hundred \ft five hundred. \ref 271 \id 747450150303051101 \sp CHIIDO \tx dijeglek. \pho dijəglɛk \mb di- jeglek \ge DI- IMIT \gj DI-IMIT \ft staple it. \ref 272 \id 808112150323051101 \sp EXPBET \tx terus? \pho tərus \mb terus \ge continue \gj continue \ft and? \ref 273 \id 983079150247110602 \sp CHIIDO \tx wah, gepeng. \pho wa gɛpɛŋ \mb wah gepeng \ge EXCL flattened \gj EXCL flattened \ft oh, it's flattened. \ref 274 \id 492617082108061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx pas Dek Ido gituin gepeng. \pho pas de idoʔ gituin gɛpɛŋ \mb pas Dek Ido gitu -in gepeng \ge precise TRU-younger.sibling Ido like.that -IN flattened \gj precise TRU-younger.sibling Ido like.that-IN flattened \ft I do it like this, and it's flattened. \ref 275 \id 924679082239061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx lima ribu. \pho lima ribu \mb lima ribu \ge five thousand \gj five thousand \ft five thousand. \nt referring to the price. \ref 276 \id 496592082316061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni parkirannya di sini. \pho ni parkiranɲa di sini \mb ni parkir -an -nya di sini \ge this park -AN -NYA LOC here \gj this park-AN-NYA LOC here \ft it's parking here. \nt playing with the staple to imitate a parking machine. \ref 277 \id 242517082340061101 \begin 0:14:01 \sp EXPBET \tx awas, nanti kena lho. \pho ʔawas nantiʔ kənaʔ lɔ \mb awas nanti kena lho \ge EXCL later undergo EXCL \gj EXCL later undergo EXCL \ft watchout, you'll hurt by it. \ref 278 \id 501231082434061101 \sp MOTIDO \tx Tante Bety, minum, Tante. \pho tantə bɛti minum tantə \mb Tante Bety minum Tante \ge aunt Bety drink aunt \gj aunt Bety drink aunt \ft drink it please. \ref 279 \id 806540082507061101 \sp EXPBET \tx iya, Mbak. \pho ʔiya mbaʔ \mb iya Mbak \ge yes EPIT \gj yes EPIT \ft yes. \ref 280 \id 340216082513061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni, tuh. \pho ni tu \mb ni tuh \ge this that \gj this that \ft here. \ref 281 \id 927385082621061101 \sp MOTIDO \tx aku kan kalo gini sambil ngapalin, sambil di dapur xxx . \pho ʔaku kan kalɔʔ gini sambil ŋapalin sambil di dapur xxx \mb aku kan kalo gini sambil ng- hapal -in sambil di dapur xxx \ge 1SG KAN TOP like.this while N- memorize -IN while LOC kitchen xxx \gj 1SG KAN TOP like.this while N-memorize-IN while LOC kitchen xxx \ft I memorize it while I'm working in the kitchen. \nt referring to a choir song. \ref 282 \id 983494082703061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni bayarnya mobilnya gimana tuh, parkirnya? \pho ni bayarɲa mɔbilɲa gimana tu parkirɲa \mb ni bayar -nya mobil -nya gimana tuh parkir -nya \ge this pay -NYA car -NYA how that park -NYA \gj this pay-NYA car-NYA how that park-NYA \ft how to pay it, how to park the car? \nt holding a paper, imitating like a parking ticket. \ref 283 \id 803816082908061101 \sp EXPBET \tx oh, udah dua jam, jadi dua ribu. \pho ʔo udah duwa jam jadi duwa ribuʔ \mb oh udah dua jam jadi dua ribu \ge EXCL PFCT two clock become two thousand \gj EXCL PFCT two clock become two thousand \ft oh, you took two hour so it's two thousand. \ref 284 \id 465218082929061101 \sp EXPBET \tx satu jamnya seribu rupiah. \pho satu jamɲa səribu rupiyah \mb satu jam -nya se- ribu rupiah \ge one hour -NYA SE- thousand rupiah \gj one hour-NYA SE-thousand rupiah \ft one thousand per hour. \ref 285 \id 341720082958061101 \sp EXPBET \tx duitnya? \pho duwitɲa \mb duit -nya \ge money -NYA \gj money-NYA \ft the money? \ref 286 \id 107553083007061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx mobilnya mana? \pho mɔbilɲa mana \mb mobil -nya mana \ge car -NYA which \gj car-NYA which \ft where's the car? \ref 287 \id 144496083021061101 \sp EXPBET \tx mobilnya... tuh lagi mo diambil di luar. \pho mɔbilɲa tu lagi mɔʔ diʔambil di luwar \mb mobil -nya tuh lagi mo di- ambil di luar \ge car -NYA that more want DI- take LOC out \gj car-NYA that more want DI-take LOC out \ft the car... I'll take it outside. \ref 288 \id 956382083105061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx jangan, eh... copot. \pho jaŋan ʔɛ cɔpɔt \mb jangan eh copot \ge don't EXCL detach \gj don't EXCL detach \ft don't... oh, it's coming off. \nt playing with the stapler. \ref 289 \id 539898083319061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni berapa ni? \pho ni brapa ni \mb ni berapa ni \ge this how.much this \gj this how.much this \ft how much does it cost? \ref 290 \id 880000083339061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx lima ratus atau dua ribu ya? \pho lima ratus ʔato duwa ribu ya \mb lima ratus atau dua ribu ya \ge five hundred or two thousand yes \gj five hundred or two thousand yes \ft five hundred or two thousand? \ref 291 \id 187209083418061101 \sp MOTIDO \tx besok itunya, atasannya laen kayaknya, Tante. \pho bɛsɔk ʔituɲa ʔatasanɲa laen kayaʔɲa tantə \mb besok itu -nya atas -an -nya laen kayak -nya Tante \ge tomorrow that -NYA up -AN -NYA other like -NYA aunt \gj tomorrow that-NYA up-AN-NYA other like-NYA aunt \ft tomorrow that thing, the upper part is different. \nt talking to EXP about the choir uniform. \ref 292 \id 629535083419061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx seratus, seratus ribu. \pho səratus səratus ribu \mb se- ratus se- ratus ribu \ge SE- hundred SE- hundred thousand \gj SE-hundred SE-hundred thousand \ft a hundred, a hundred thousand. \ref 293 \id 807686083819061101 \sp MOTIDO \tx bajunya, ya? \pho bajuʔɲa ya \mb baju -nya ya \ge garment -NYA yes \gj garment-NYA yes \ft the shirt, right? \ref 294 \id 701393083821061101 \sp EXPBET \tx jadi laen ya? \pho jadi laɛn ya \mb jadi laen ya \ge become other yes \gj become other yes \ft it's different? \ref 295 \id 739887084602061101 \sp MOTIDO \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 296 \id 602264084715061101 \sp EXPBET \tx aku belum liat tuh. \pho ʔaku bəlum liyat tu \mb aku belum liat tuh \ge 1SG not.yet see that \gj 1SG not.yet see that \ft I never seen it yet. \ref 297 \id 577193084729061101 \sp MOTIDO \tx pendek. \pho pɛndɛk \mb pendek \ge short \gj short \ft it's short. \ref 298 \id 408228084742061101 \sp EXPBET \tx pendek? \pho pɛndɛk \mb pendek \ge short \gj short \ft short? \ref 299 \id 109056084749061101 \sp EXPBET \tx oh, kurang mungkin bahannya? \pho ʔo kuraŋ muŋkin bahanɲa \mb oh kurang mungkin bahan -nya \ge EXCL less possible material -NYA \gj EXCL less possible material-NYA \ft oh, maybe it need more cloth. \ref 300 \id 210709084946061101 \sp MOTIDO \tx ah, udah untuk yang punya xxx. \pho ʔa ʔudah ʔuntuk yaŋ puɲa xxx \mb ah udah untuk yang punya xxx \ge AH PFCT for REL have xxx \gj AH PFCT for REL have xxx \ft ah, it has for the owner xxx. \ref 301 \id 498662085045061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx jadi berapa ini? \pho jadi brapa ʔini \mb jadi berapa ini \ge become how.much this \gj become how.much this \ft so, how much does it cost? \ref 302 \id 823734085101061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Tante Bety, Tante Bety! \pho tantə bɛti tantə bɛti \mb Tante Bety Tante Bety \ge aunt Bety aunt Bety \gj aunt Bety aunt Bety \ft hey, hey! \ref 303 \id 427360085127061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Tante Bety berapa ini? \pho tantə bɛtiʔ brapa ʔini \mb Tante Bety berapa ini \ge aunt Bety how.much this \gj aunt Bety how.much this \ft hey, how much does it cost? \ref 304 \id 354782085151061101 \sp MOTIDO \tx oh xxx. \pho ʔo xxx \mb oh xxx \ge EXCL xxx \gj EXCL xxx \ft oh xxx. \ref 305 \id 926857085152061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx lima ribu. \pho lima ribu \mb lima ribu \ge five thousand \gj five thousand \ft five thousand. \ref 306 \id 216880085304061101 \sp MOTIDO \tx rendanya harusnya agak panjang. \pho rendaʔɲa harusɲa ʔagaʔ panjaŋ \mb renda -nya harus -nya agak panjang \ge lace -NYA should -NYA fairly long \gj lace-NYA should-NYA fairly long \ft the lace should be longer. \ref 307 \id 704793085406061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni pura-puranya beli boneka. \mb ni pura-pura -nya beli boneka \ge this pretend -NYA buy doll \gj this pretend-NYA buy doll \ft it's pretending to buy a doll. \ref 308 \id 283821085423061101 \sp MOTIDO \tx tuh se... \pho tu sə \mb tuh se \ge that SE \gj that SE \ft look... \ref 309 \id 798187085518061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni untuk... ini kan boneka. \pho ni ʔuntuk ʔini kan bonekaʔ \mb ni untuk ini kan boneka \ge this for this KAN doll \gj this for this KAN doll \ft this is for... this is a doll. \ref 310 \id 346396085525061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx buat beli boneka. \pho buwat bəli bonɛkaʔ \mb buat beli boneka \ge for buy doll \gj for buy doll \ft to buy a doll. \ref 311 \id 388437085530061101 \sp EXPBET \tx he-em. \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 312 \id 481482085630061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ada yang beli. \pho ʔada yaŋ bəliʔ \mb ada yang beli \ge exist REL buy \gj exist REL buy \ft someone buy it. \ref 313 \id 979754085637061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'ini berapa ya?' \pho ʔini brapa ya \mb ini berapa ya \ge this how.much yes \gj this how.much yes \ft 'how much does it cost?' \ref 314 \id 952734085708061101 \sp EXPBET \tx berapa harganya? \pho brapa hargaɲa \mb berapa harga -nya \ge how.much price -NYA \gj how.much price-NYA \ft how much does it cost? \ref 315 \id 417657085722061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ditempel ini. \pho ditɛmpɛl ʔini \mb di- tempel ini \ge DI- attach this \gj DI-attach this \ft I stick it. \nt imitating to put the price on the doll. \ref 316 \id 181665090020061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx harganya xx. \pho hargaʔɲa babahan \mb harga -nya xx \ge price -NYA xx \gj price-NYA xx \ft the price is xx. \nt laughing. \ref 317 \id 148817090137061101 \sp EXPBET \tx berapa harganya? \pho brapa hargaɲa \mb berapa harga -nya \ge how.much price -NYA \gj how.much price-NYA \ft how much does it cost? \ref 318 \id 680820090153061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni bukan harga, tau. \pho ni bukan hargaʔ tauʔ \mb ni bukan harga tau \ge this NEG price know \gj this NEG price know \ft this is not the price, you know. \ref 319 \id 560003090218061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Tante Bety maen itu. \pho tantə bɛti maɛn ʔitʊ \mb Tante Bety maen itu \ge aunt Bety play that \gj aunt Bety play that \ft play that, Aunt Bety. \ref 320 \id 387267092234061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dek Ido pinjem kertasnya ya. \pho de ido pinjəm kərtasɲa ya \mb Dek Ido pinjem kertas -nya ya \ge TRU-younger.sibling Ido borrow paper -NYA yes \gj TRU-younger.sibling Ido borrow paper-NYA yes \ft I borrow the paper, okay. \ref 321 \id 617811092303061101 \sp EXPBET \tx kertas? \pho kərtas \mb kertas \ge paper \gj paper \ft the paper? \ref 322 \id 868191092304061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dek Ido mo maen fotokopi. \pho de ido mo maen fotokɔpiʔ \mb Dek Ido mo maen fotokopi \ge TRU-younger.sibling Ido want play photocopy \gj TRU-younger.sibling Ido want play photocopy \ft I want to play photocopy. \ref 323 \id 614575092433061101 \sp EXPBET \tx oh mesin fotokopi. \pho ʔo məsin fotokopiʔ \mb oh mesin fotokopi \ge EXCL engine photocopy \gj EXCL engine photocopy \ft oh, photocopy machine. \ref 324 \id 477026092452061101 \sp EXPBET \tx Tante fotokopi KTP dong! \pho tantə fotokɔpo katepe dɔŋ \mb Tante fotokopi KTP dong \ge aunt photocopy ID DONG \gj aunt photocopy ID DONG \ft copy my ID card! \ref 325 \id 791722092531061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx eee... KTP, ini KTP. \pho ʔəː katepe ʔini katepe \mb eee KTP ini KTP \ge FILL ID this ID \gj FILL ID this ID \ft umm... ID card, here is ID card. \ref 326 \id 592239092708061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni. \pho ni \mb ni \ge this \gj this \ft here. \ref 327 \id 376550092720061101 \sp EXPBET \tx makasi ya. \pho makasi ya \mb makasi ya \ge thank.you yes \gj thank.you yes \ft thanks. \ref 328 \id 486951092727061101 \sp EXPBET \tx berapa ni ongkosnya? \pho brapa ni ʔɔŋkɔsɲa \mb berapa ni ongkos -nya \ge how.much this cost -NYA \gj how.much this cost-NYA \ft how much? \ref 329 \id 200215092814061101 \begin 0:16:49 \sp EXPBET \tx gratis? \pho gratis \mb gratis \ge free \gj free \ft is it free? \ref 330 \id 531035092819061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt nodding his head. \ref 331 \id 425270092851061101 \sp EXPBET \tx makasi. \pho makasi \mb makasi \ge thank.you \gj thank.you \ft thanks. \ref 332 \id 333626092913061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx fotokopi xx. \pho fotokɔpi la \mb fotokopi xx \ge photocopy xx \gj photocopy xx \ft photocopy xx. \ref 333 \id 870054092931061101 \sp EXPBET \tx aduh, Tante aus nih Dek, minum dulu deh. \pho ʔaduh tantə ʔaus ni deʔ minum dulu dɛh \mb aduh Tante aus nih Dek minum dulu deh \ge EXCL aunt thirsty this TRU-younger.sibling drink before DEH \gj EXCL aunt thirsty this TRU-younger.sibling drink before DEH \ft oh, I'm thirsty, I want to drink. \ref 334 \id 427029093036061101 \sp EXPBET \tx kek, glek, glek, glek. \pho khək klək klək klək \mb kek glek glek glek \ge KEK IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj KEK IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp. \nt opening the can and imitating to drink. \ref 335 \id 195537093132061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx apa tuh? \pho ʔapa tu \mb apa tuh \ge what that \gj what that \ft what's that? \ref 336 \id 202647093138061101 \sp EXPBET \tx glek, glek, glek. \pho klək klək klək \mb glek glek glek \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft gulp, gulp, gulp. \ref 337 \id 906525093139061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx apa liat, tu? \pho ʔapa liyat tu \mb apa liat tu \ge what see that \gj what see that \ft what's that? \ref 338 \id 488191093206061101 \sp EXPBET \tx Coca Cola. \pho koka kola \mb Coca Cola \ge Coca Cola \gj Coca Cola \ft Coca Cola. \ref 339 \id 334378093223061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx bukan. \pho bokan \mb bukan \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \nt laughing. \ref 340 \id 905348093507061101 \sp EXPBET \tx apa ya? \pho ʔapa ya \mb apa ya \ge what yes \gj what yes \ft yeah, what's that? \ref 341 \id 506404093512061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx sop. \pho sɔp \mb sop \ge soup \gj soup \ft soup. \ref 342 \id 441363093516061101 \sp EXPBET \tx aduh, uek, salah minum. \pho ʔaduh ʔuwɛʔ salah minum \mb aduh uek salah minum \ge EXCL IMIT wrong drink \gj EXCL IMIT wrong drink \ft oh, uek, I drink the wrong one. \nt imitating to vomit. \ref 343 \id 796106093551061101 \sp EXPBET \tx salah minum. \pho salah minum \mb salah minum \ge wrong drink \gj wrong drink \ft I drink the wrong one. \ref 344 \id 472116093557061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 345 \id 174997093609061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx memang enak? \pho memaŋ ʔɛnak \mb memang enak \ge indeed pleasant \gj indeed pleasant \ft eat it? \ref 346 \id 585592093624061101 \sp EXPBET \tx mana ya Coca Colanya ya. \pho mana ya koka kolaɲa ya \mb mana ya Coca Cola -nya ya \ge which yes Coca Cola -NYA yes \gj which yes Coca Cola-NYA yes \ft where's the Coca Cola? \ref 347 \id 265794093838061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx belom beli. \pho bəlɔm bəliʔ \mb belom beli \ge not.yet buy \gj not.yet buy \ft I didn't but it yet. \ref 348 \id 207751093847061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx sana beli! \pho sana bəliʔ \mb sana beli \ge there buy \gj there buy \ft go buy it! \ref 349 \id 289254093859061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx kasi uang seribu. \pho kasih ʔuwaŋ səribuʔ \mb kasi uang se- ribu \ge give money SE- thousand \gj give money SE-thousand \ft I give you one hundred. \ref 350 \id 300363093915061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx nih, beli. \pho nih bəli \mb nih beli \ge this buy \gj this buy \ft here, buy it. \nt imitating to give some money to EXP. \ref 351 \id 713126093941061101 \sp EXPBET \tx tadi mana kalengnya Dek? \pho tadi mana kalɛŋɲa deʔ \mb tadi mana kaleng -nya Dek \ge earlier which can -NYA TRU-younger.sibling \gj earlier which can-NYA TRU-younger.sibling \ft where's the can? \ref 352 \id 824475094036061101 \sp EXPBET \tx ada di situ. \pho ʔada di situ \mb ada di situ \ge exist LOC there \gj exist LOC there \ft it's there. \ref 353 \id 281292094048061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx tu, tu, tu, tu. \pho tʊ tʊ tʊ tʊ \mb tu tu tu tu \ge that that that that \gj that that that that \ft that one, that one, that one, that one. \ref 354 \id 582684094056061101 \sp EXPBET \tx bukan. \pho bukan \mb bukan \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 355 \id 879431094104061101 \sp EXPBET \tx ni tomat. \pho ni tomat \mb ni tomat \ge this tomato \gj this tomato \ft this is tomato. \ref 356 \id 519101094116061101 \sp EXPBET \tx di situ kali, di keranjangnya Dumbo. \pho di situ kaliʔ di kranjaŋɲa dumbo \mb di situ kali di keranjang -nya Dumbo \ge LOC there maybe LOC basket -NYA Dumbo \gj LOC there maybe LOC basket-NYA Dumbo \ft maybe it's there, in the Dumbo's basket. \ref 357 \id 548639094153061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ini? \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this one? \ref 358 \id 185611094157061101 \sp EXPBET \tx he-em. \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 359 \id 775101094209061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx minum Dumbo. \pho minum dumbo \mb minum Dumbo \ge drink Dumbo \gj drink Dumbo \ft Dumbo's drink. \ref 360 \id 238984094222061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx nih. \pho nih \mb nih \ge this \gj this \ft here. \ref 361 \id 518313094239061101 \sp EXPBET \tx aah, bukan. \pho ʔaː bukan \mb aah bukan \ge EXCL NEG \gj EXCL NEG \ft aah, no. \ref 362 \id 803956094246061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx mo minum susu? \pho mɔ minum susuʔ \mb mo minum susu \ge want drink milk \gj want drink milk \ft do you want to drink milk? \ref 363 \id 113670094300061101 \begin 0:17:48 \sp EXPBET \tx oh, ni dia di sini. \pho ʔɔ ni diya di sini \mb oh ni dia di sini \ge EXCL this 3 LOC here \gj EXCL this 3 LOC here \ft oh, it's here. \ref 364 \id 354271094315061101 \sp EXPBET \tx saya beli deh. \pho saya bəli dɛh \mb saya beli deh \ge 1SG buy DEH \gj 1SG buy DEH \ft I buy it. \ref 365 \id 440978094329061101 \sp EXPBET \tx nih, Pepsi. \pho ni pɛpsi \mb nih Pepsi \ge this Pepsi \gj this Pepsi \ft this is Pepsi. \nt holding a toy. \ref 366 \id 630932094348061101 \sp EXPBET \tx kek. \pho khɛx \mb kek \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft puff. \nt imitating to open the can. \ref 367 \id 888545094356061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Pepsi untuk laki-laki. \mb Pepsi untuk laki - laki \ge Pepsi for male - male \gj Pepsi for RED-male \ft Pepsi is for man. \ref 368 \id 703980094456061101 \sp EXPBET \tx nggak pa-pa. \mb nggak pa - pa \ge NEG what - what \gj NEG RED-what \ft it doesn't mater. \ref 369 \id 110944094508061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx bir, ha, ha... \pho nir ha ha \mb bir ha ha \ge beer IMIT IMIT \gj beer IMIT IMIT \ft beer, ha, ha... \nt laughing. \ref 370 \id 443935094534061101 \sp EXPBET \tx glek, glek, glek. \pho glək glək glək \mb glek glek glek \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft gulp, gulp, gulp. \nt imitating to burp. \ref 371 \id 822737094724061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx dicampur bir. \pho dicampur bir \mb di- campur bir \ge DI- mix beer \gj DI-mix beer \ft I mix it with beer. \ref 372 \id 770278094732061101 \sp EXPBET \tx enak. \pho ʔɛnak \mb enak \ge pleasant \gj pleasant \ft it's delicious. \ref 373 \id 186284094751061101 \sp EXPBET \tx glek, glek, glek. \pho glək glək glək \mb glek glek glek \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft gulp, gulp, gulp. \ref 374 \id 391238094810061101 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the transmitter making noise. \ref 375 \id 742707094837061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ini jangan dilarang lho ya. \pho ʔini jaŋan dilaraŋ lo ya \mb ini jangan di- larang lho ya \ge this don't DI- prohibit EXCL yes \gj this don't DI-prohibit EXCL yes \ft don't drink it. \nt 1.** the sentence should be 'ini dilarang' or 'ini jangan' 2. holding a jar. \ref 376 \id 295828094857061101 \sp EXPBET \tx apa tuh? \pho ʔapa tu \mb apa tuh \ge what that \gj what that \ft what's that? \ref 377 \id 987594094902061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ini minuman ular bulu. \pho ʔini minuman ʔular buluʔ \mb ini minum -an ular bulu \ge this drink -AN snake body.hair \gj this drink-AN snake body.hair \ft it's caterpillar drink. \ref 378 \id 416369094915061101 \sp EXPBET \tx hi... \pho hi \mb hi \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft yuck.... \ref 379 \id 135240095109061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx hi... \pho hi \mb hi \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft yuck... \ref 380 \id 185700095139061101 \sp EXPBET \tx nanti gatel-gatel ususnya ya. \pho nantiʔ gatəl gatəl ʔususɲa \mb nanti gatel - gatel usus -nya ya \ge later itchy - itchy intestine -NYA yes \gj later RED-itchy intestine-NYA yes \ft the intestine will itchy, right? \ref 381 \id 474641095248061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni, mo dibuka. \pho ni mo dibukaʔ \mb ni mo di- buka \ge this want DI- open \gj this want DI-open \ft look, I want to open it. \ref 382 \id 310730095330061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx tuh isi bulu kan? \pho tu ʔulət buluʔ kan \mb tuh isi bulu kan \ge that contents body.hair KAN \gj that contents body.hair KAN \ft look, the fill is feathers, right? \ref 383 \id 353651095352061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx makan ni! \pho makan ni \mb makan ni \ge eat this \gj eat this \ft eat it! \ref 384 \id 827883095359061101 \sp EXPBET \tx aah... \pho ʔaː \mb aah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft aah... \ref 385 \id 849124095413061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 386 \id 553330095420061101 \sp EXPBET \tx ini minuman apa ni? \pho ʔini minuman ʔapa ni \mb ini minum -an apa ni \ge this drink -AN what this \gj this drink-AN what this \ft what drink is this? \ref 387 \id 736489095435061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx minum susu. \pho minum susu \mb minum susu \ge drink milk \gj drink milk \ft it's milk. \ref 388 \id 189549095441061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx minum aja. \pho minum ʔaja \mb minum aja \ge drink just \gj drink just \ft drink it. \ref 389 \id 359201095451061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh, Coca Cola. \pho ʔɛh koko kola \mb eh Coca Cola \ge EXCL Coca Cola \gj EXCL Coca Cola \ft hey, Coca Cola. \nt wrong to say Coca Cola. \ref 390 \id 497535095626061101 \sp EXPBET \tx nggak pa-pa ya? \mb nggak pa - pa ya \ge NEG what - what yes \gj NEG RED-what yes \ft it's okay, right? \ref 391 \id 792492095635061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt nodding his head. \ref 392 \id 940239095646061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx nggak... nggak... Coca Cola nggak pa-pa. \pho ŋgaʔ ŋgaʔ koka kola ŋgaʔ papah \mb nggak nggak Coca Cola nggak pa - pa \ge NEG NEG Coca Cola NEG what - what \gj NEG NEG Coca Cola NEG RED-what \ft it's... it's... Coca Cola, it's okay. \ref 393 \id 114019095716061101 \sp MOTIDO \tx Coca Cola. \pho koko kola \mb Coca Cola \ge Coca Cola \gj Coca Cola \ft Coca Cola. \nt repeating what CHI's said. \ref 394 \id 821227095743061101 \sp MOTIDO \tx kokok mah xxx. \pho kokok mah xxx \mb kokok mah xxx \ge willy MAH xxx \gj willy MAH xxx \ft willy is xxx. \nt repeating the way what CHI said. \ref 395 \id 589020095844061101 \sp EXPBET \tx kek, punya es nggak? \pho khɛx puɲaʔ ʔɛs ŋgaʔ \mb kek punya es nggak \ge IMIT have ice NEG \gj IMIT have ice NEG \ft puff, do you have some ice? \nt imitating to open the bottle. \ref 396 \id 277981101053061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx punya satu. \pho puɲa satuʔ \mb punya satu \ge have one \gj have one \ft I have one. \nt nodding his head. \ref 397 \id 735846101114061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx mana ya? \pho mana ya \mb mana ya \ge which yes \gj which yes \ft where's it? \ref 398 \id 176004101120061101 \sp EXPBET \tx syu... \pho syuː \mb syu \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft syu... \nt imitating to pour the Coca Cola in the glass. \ref 399 \id 409695101121061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx aku buka kulkas dulu ya. \pho ʔaku buka kulkas dulu ya \mb aku buka kulkas dulu ya \ge 1SG open refrigerator before yes \gj 1SG open refrigerator before yes \ft I open the refrigerator. \ref 400 \id 455920101207061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni es batunya. \pho ni ʔɛs batuɲa \mb ni es batu -nya \ge this ice stone -NYA \gj this ice stone-NYA \ft here is the ice tube. \ref 401 \id 665431101220061101 \sp EXPBET \tx iya, makasi. \pho ʔiya makasi \mb iya makasi \ge yes thank.you \gj yes thank.you \ft yes, thanks. \nt imitating to drink. \ref 402 \id 224161101334061101 \sp EXPBET \tx ah, enak. \pho ʔah ʔenak \mb ah enak \ge AH pleasant \gj AH pleasant \ft ah, it's nice. \ref 403 \id 688389101350061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx mo... mo Fan(ta)... Fanta? \pho moʔ mo fan fanta \mb mo mo Fanta Fanta \ge want want Fanta Fanta \gj want want Fanta Fanta \ft do... do you want Fanta. \ref 404 \id 873556101409061101 \sp EXPBET \tx nggak suka. \pho ŋgaʔ suka \mb nggak suka \ge NEG like \gj NEG like \ft I don't like it. \ref 405 \id 776039101415061101 \sp EXPBET \tx saya sukanya Coca Cola. \pho saya sukaɲa koka kola \mb saya suka -nya Coca Cola \ge 1SG like -NYA Coca Cola \gj 1SG like-NYA Coca Cola \ft I like Coca Cola. \ref 406 \id 708597101434061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx bir? \pho bir \mb bir \ge beer \gj beer \ft beer? \ref 407 \id 314159101443061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx mabok. \pho mabɔk \mb mabok \ge drunk \gj drunk \ft you can drunk. \ref 408 \id 380426101449061101 \sp EXPBET \tx enggak, bir buat bapak-bapak. \mb enggak bir buat bapak - bapak \ge NEG beer for father - father \gj NEG beer for RED-father \ft no, beer is for the man. \ref 409 \id 829261101515061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx fotokopi. \pho fotokɔpiʔ \mb fotokopi \ge photocopy \gj photocopy \ft photocopy. \nt playing with the staple. \ref 410 \id 608635101607061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni fotokopinya ni. \pho ni fotokopiɲa ni \mb ni fotokopi -nya ni \ge this photocopy -NYA this \gj this photocopy-NYA this \ft this is the photocopy. \ref 411 \id 540643101623061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Tante! \pho tantə \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft hey! \ref 412 \id 804137101624061101 \sp EXPBET \tx makasi. \pho makasih \mb makasi \ge thank.you \gj thank.you \ft thanks. \ref 413 \id 448532101700061101 \sp EXPBET \tx berapa ongkosnya? \pho brapa ʔɔŋkɔsɲa \mb berapa ongkos -nya \ge how.much cost -NYA \gj how.much cost-NYA \ft how much doest it cost? \ref 414 \id 688530101751061101 \begin 0:19:32 \sp CHIIDO \tx nggak tau. \pho ŋga taʊʔ \mb nggak tau \ge NEG know \gj NEG know \ft I don't know. \ref 415 \id 539187101824061101 \sp EXPBET \tx nggak tau. \pho ŋgaʔ tauʔ \mb nggak tau \ge NEG know \gj NEG know \ft you don't know. \ref 416 \id 627188101831061101 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the transmitter making noise. \ref 417 \id 971265101855061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh. \pho ʔɛ \mb eh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \nt playing with the staple and a paper. \ref 418 \id 483499101915061101 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the transmitter making noise. \ref 419 \id 689951102122061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx terus adanya buah-buahan. \mb terus ada -nya buah - buah -an \ge continue exist -NYA fruit - fruit -AN \gj continue exist-NYA RED.AN-fruit \ft there are fruits. \nt referring to the picture on the paper. \ref 420 \id 130654102204061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx untuk itu. \pho ʔuntuk ʔitu \mb untuk itu \ge for that \gj for that \ft for that. \nt unclear. \ref 421 \id 507215102204061101 \sp EXPBET \tx bolong-bolong deh jadinya. \mb bolong - bolong deh jadi -nya \ge have.a.hole - have.a.hole DEH become -NYA \gj RED-have.a.hole DEH become-NYA \ft so, it has many holes. \nt looking at the paper. \ref 422 \id 573309103535061101 \sp EXPBET \tx buah apa aja sih ni? \pho buwah ʔapa ʔaja sih ni \mb buah apa aja sih ni \ge fruit what just SIH this \gj fruit what just SIH this \ft what fruits are there? \nt showing the paper to CHI. \ref 423 \id 820880103616061101 \sp EXPBET \tx sebutin Dek! \pho səbutin deʔ \mb sebut -in Dek \ge mention -IN TRU-younger.sibling \gj mention-IN TRU-younger.sibling \ft mention it! \nt showing the paper to CHI. \ref 424 \id 155500103643061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx nggak tau. \pho ga tauʔ \mb nggak tau \ge NEG know \gj NEG know \ft I don't know. \ref 425 \id 498831103659061101 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the transmitter making noise. \ref 426 \id 961415103728061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx mo telor apa... \pho mo təlɔr ʔapa \mb mo telor apa \ge want egg what \gj want egg what \ft do you want some eegs or.... \ref 427 \id 519662103737061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx pesen minuman apa... pisang, pi(sang)? \pho pəsən minuman ʔapa pisaŋ pi \mb pesen minum -an apa pisang pisang \ge order drink -AN what banana banana \gj order drink-AN what banana banana \ft do you want to order some drinks or... banana? \ref 428 \id 979139103800061101 \sp EXPBET \tx pisang bakar. \pho pisaŋ bakar \mb pisang bakar \ge banana burn \gj banana burn \ft roast banana. \ref 429 \id 516501103833061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx pisang bakar. \pho pisaŋ bakar \mb pisang bakar \ge banana burn \gj banana burn \ft roast banana. \ref 430 \id 942159103848061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx tadi pensil mana ya? \pho tadi pɛnsil mana ya \mb tadi pensil mana ya \ge earlier pencil which yes \gj earlier pencil which yes \ft where was the pencil? \ref 431 \id 895197103906061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ambil pensil. \pho ʔambil pɛnsil \mb ambil pensil \ge take pencil \gj take pencil \ft I take a pencil. \nt taking a pencil in a box. \ref 432 \id 892541103921061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx yah, ini kuas. \pho ya ini kuwas \mb yah ini kuas \ge EXCL this brush \gj EXCL this brush \ft oh, it's a brush. \ref 433 \id 359911103937061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Tante bawa pensil nggak ya? \pho tantə bawaʔ pɛnsil ŋgaʔ ya \mb Tante bawa pensil nggak ya \ge aunt bring pencil NEG yes \gj aunt bring pencil NEG yes \ft do you bring a pencil? \ref 434 \id 729646104010061101 \sp EXPBET \tx nggak bawa Tante. \pho ŋgaʔ bawaʔ tantə \mb nggak bawa Tante \ge NEG bring aunt \gj NEG bring aunt \ft no, I don't. \ref 435 \id 377832104033061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt going to the kitchen. \ref 436 \id 434637104045061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Ma, tadi pensil mana? \pho ma tadiʔ pɛnsil mana \mb Ma tadi pensil mana \ge TRU-mother earlier pencil which \gj TRU-mother earlier pencil which \ft where's the pencil Mom? \ref 437 \id 256290104101061101 \sp MOTIDO \tx ha xxx. \pho hah xxx \mb ha xxx \ge huh xxx \gj huh xxx \ft huh, xxx. \nt talking in the kitchen. \ref 438 \id 669348104109061101 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the transmitter making noise. \ref 439 \id 352749104254061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx ni minum! \pho xxx ni minum \mb xxx ni minum \ge xxx this drink \gj xxx this drink \ft xxx drink it! \ref 440 \id 969221104315061101 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the transmitter making noise. \ref 441 \id 327096110401061101 \begin 0:22:40 \sp CHIIDO \tx maen kembang api lagi xx. \pho maen kəmbaŋ ʔapiʔ lagi labi \mb maen kembang api lagi xx \ge play flower fire more xx \gj play flower fire more xx \ft I played with the fire-cracker xx. \ref 442 \id 921809110628061101 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the transmitter making noise. \ref 443 \id 863740110716061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx nanti xx mati. \pho nantiʔ xx matiʔ \mb nanti xx mati \ge later xx dead \gj later xx dead \ft it'll turn off. \ref 444 \id 503869110730061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx nggak bisa kalo yang gosong-gosong. \mb xx nggak bisa kalo yang gosong - gosong \ge xx NEG can TOP REL overcooked - overcooked \gj xx NEG can TOP REL RED-overcooked \ft xx I can't play with the burnt one. \nt referring to the fire-cracker. \ref 445 \id 136186110824061101 \sp EXPBET \tx nggak bisa. \pho ŋgaʔ bisa \mb nggak bisa \ge NEG can \gj NEG can \ft you can't. \ref 446 \id 782319110830061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx yang gosong-gosong itunya nggak bisa lagi. \mb yang gosong - gosong itu -nya nggak bisa lagi \ge REL overcooked - overcooked that -NYA NEG can more \gj REL RED-overcooked that-NYA NEG can more \ft I can't use the burnt one anymore. \ref 447 \id 952558110906061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx gimana dong? \pho gimana dɔŋ \mb gimana dong \ge how DONG \gj how DONG \ft so, how? \ref 448 \id 174807110913061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx harus beli lagi, kembang api. \pho harus bəli lagiʔ kəmbaŋ ʔapiʔ \mb harus beli lagi kembang api \ge must buy more flower fire \gj must buy more flower fire \ft I must bring fire-cracker again. \ref 449 \id 997718110937061101 \sp EXPBET \tx ni Dek. \pho ni deʔ \mb ni Dek \ge this TRU-younger.sibling \gj this TRU-younger.sibling \ft here. \ref 450 \id 475699110946061101 \sp MOTIDO \tx pensil xxx tuh. \pho pɛnsil xxx tuh \mb pensil xxx tuh \ge pencil xxx that \gj pencil xxx that \ft that's the pencil. \ref 451 \id 996569110947061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx bukan ini. \pho bukan ʔini \mb bukan ini \ge NEG this \gj NEG this \ft not this one. \ref 452 \id 961862111048061101 \sp MOTIDO \tx di sana kali, ketutupan karpet. \pho di sana kaliʔ kətutupan karpɛt \mb di sana kali ke an tutup karpet \ge LOC there very KE AN shut carpet \gj LOC there very KE.AN-shut carpet \ft maybe it's there, the carpet close it. \ref 453 \id 845214111110061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx sini, sini, sini. \pho sini sini sini \mb sini sini sini \ge here here here \gj here here here \ft here, here, here. \ref 454 \id 528243111132061101 \sp MOTIDO \tx sini nyalain lampunya. \pho sini ɲalaʔin lampuɲa \mb sini nyala -in lampu -nya \ge here flame -IN lamp -NYA \gj here flame-IN lamp-NYA \ft come here, turn the light on. \ref 455 \id 290290111207061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx gambar... \pho gambar \mb gambar \ge picture \gj picture \ft draw... \ref 456 \id 614152111212061101 \sp MOTIDO \tx tuh pensilnya di atas kasur. \pho tu pɛnsilɲa di ʔatas kasur \mb tuh pensil -nya di atas kasur \ge that pencil -NYA LOC up mattress \gj that pencil-NYA LOC up mattress \ft look, the pencil is on the bed. \ref 457 \id 577965111252061101 \sp MOTIDO \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 458 \id 776000111257061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ini lagi. \pho ʔini lagiʔ \mb ini lagi \ge this LAGI \gj this LAGI \ft here it is. \ref 459 \id 950438111349061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni Tante yang ini, ni. \pho ni tantə yaŋ ʔini ni \mb ni Tante yang ini ni \ge this aunt REL this this \gj this aunt REL this this \ft here, this is for you. \ref 460 \id 530711111410061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx bisa bikin babi nggak? \pho bisa bikin babiʔ ŋgaʔ \mb bisa bikin babi nggak \ge can make pig NEG \gj can make pig NEG \ft can you draw the pig? \ref 461 \id 375295111426061101 \sp EXPBET \tx babi? \pho babiʔ \mb babi \ge pig \gj pig \ft the pig? \ref 462 \id 100553111430061101 \begin 0:23:48 \sp EXPBET \tx gimana sih? \pho gimana siʔ \mb gimana sih \ge how SIH \gj how SIH \ft how? \ref 463 \id 394528111522061101 \begin 0:23:50 \sp CHIIDO \tx nih liat, kayak gini, ni babi. \pho ni liyat kayak gini ni babiʔ \mb nih liat kayak gini ni babi \ge this see like like.this this pig \gj this see like like.this this pig \ft look, the pig is like this, the pig. \ref 464 \id 245973111549061101 \begin 0:23:52 \sp CHIIDO \tx sini! \pho sini \mb sini \ge here \gj here \ft come here! \ref 465 \id 982432111553061101 \begin 0:23:54 \sp EXPBET \tx sini dong xxx. \pho sini dɔŋ xxx \mb sini dong xxx \ge here DONG xxx \gj here DONG xxx \ft come here xxx. \nt asking CHI to draw near her. \ref 466 \id 952280111629061101 \begin 0:23:56 \sp EXPBET \tx Tante beresin nih. \pho tantə bɛrɛsin ni \mb Tante beres -in nih \ge aunt in.order -IN this \gj aunt in.order-IN this \ft I arrange it. \ref 467 \id 889351111646061101 \begin 0:23:58 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni, babi kayak begini ni. \pho ni babiʔ kayaʔ bəgini ni \mb ni babi kayak begini ni \ge this pig like like.this this \gj this pig like like.this this \ft look, the pig is like this. \ref 468 \id 746633111705061101 \begin 0:24:00 \sp CHIIDO \tx babi, bagus. \pho babiʔ bagus \mb babi bagus \ge pig nice \gj pig nice \ft the pig, it's good. \ref 469 \id 581632111720061101 \begin 0:24:02 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni Tante Bety, ni babi ni, ni babi ni. \pho ni tantə bɛtiʔ ni babiʔ ni ni babiʔ ni \mb ni Tante Bety ni babi ni ni babi ni \ge this aunt Bety this pig this this pig this \gj this aunt Bety this pig this this pig this \ft here, this is the pig, this is the pig. \ref 470 \id 299516111751061101 \begin 0:24:04 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni harus... harus ada alas. \pho ni arus harus ʔadaʔ ʔalas \mb ni harus harus ada alas \ge this must must exist base \gj this must must exist base \ft I need a base. \ref 471 \id 869621111823061101 \begin 0:24:06 \sp CHIIDO \tx bukunya ni, buku. \pho bukuʔɲa ni bukuʔ \mb buku -nya ni buku \ge book -NYA this book \gj book-NYA this book \ft this book, this book. \ref 472 \id 344860111913061101 \sp EXPBET \tx apanya? \pho ʔapaɲa \mb apa -nya \ge what -NYA \gj what-NYA \ft what's that? \nt looking at CHI who drawing a pig. \ref 473 \id 669108111932061101 \sp EXPBET \tx oh, idungnya. \pho ʔo ʔiduŋɲa \mb oh idung -nya \ge EXCL nose -NYA \gj EXCL nose-NYA \ft oh, the nose. \ref 474 \id 816486111950061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx kaget. \pho kagɛt \mb kaget \ge startled \gj startled \ft he's startled. \ref 475 \id 998740112002061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ada kaget, wa... \pho ʔadaʔ kagɛt waː \mb ada kaget wa \ge exist startled EXCL \gj exist startled EXCL \ft he's startled, oh... \nt ** uncommon sentence, it should be 'dia kaget'. \ref 476 \id 541141112044061101 \sp EXPBET \tx idungnya gede banget. \pho ʔiduŋɲa gədeʔ baŋət \mb idung -nya gede banget \ge nose -NYA big very \gj nose-NYA big very \ft his nose is very big. \ref 477 \id 178008112102061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx dia kaget. \pho diya kagɛt \mb dia kaget \ge 3 startled \gj 3 startled \ft he's startled \ref 478 \id 794182112223061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ada buntutnya nggak? \pho ʔada buntutɲa ŋgaʔ \mb ada buntut -nya nggak \ge exist tail -NYA NEG \gj exist tail-NYA NEG \ft does he has tail? \ref 479 \id 536644112302061101 \sp EXPBET \tx gini, tret. \pho gini turt \mb gini tret \ge like.this IMIT \gj like.this IMIT \ft like this, trt. \ref 480 \id 199739112333061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx apa? \pho ʔapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 481 \id 629461112336061101 \sp EXPBET \tx buntutnya kecil, segini. \pho buntutɲa kəcil səgini \mb buntut -nya kecil se- gini \ge tail -NYA small SE- like.this \gj tail-NYA small SE-like.this \ft the tail is small, like this. \ref 482 \id 466433112359061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx gini? \pho gini \mb gini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft like this? \ref 483 \id 952885112413061101 \sp EXPBET \tx enggak, nggak gitu. \pho ʔəŋgaʔ ŋgaʔ gitu \mb enggak nggak gitu \ge NEG NEG like.that \gj NEG NEG like.that \ft no, not like that. \ref 484 \id 266953112431061101 \sp EXPBET \tx buntut babi gini Dek. \pho buntut babi gini deʔ \mb buntut babi gini Dek \ge tail pig like.this TRU-younger.sibling \gj tail pig like.this TRU-younger.sibling \ft the pig's tail is like this. \nt drawing. \ref 485 \id 795856112553061101 \sp EXPBET \tx gini. \pho gini \mb gini \ge like.this \gj like.this \ft like this. \ref 486 \id 779384112557061101 \sp EXPBET \tx buntutnya cuman... \pho buntutɲa cuman \mb buntut -nya cuman \ge tail -NYA only \gj tail-NYA only \ft the tail is only... \ref 487 \id 222132112640061101 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the transmitter making noise. \ref 488 \id 784673122836061101 \sp EXPBET \tx gitu, cuma gitu doang. \pho gitu cumaʔ gitu dɔwaŋ \mb gitu cuma gitu doang \ge like.that only like.that just \gj like.that only like.that just \ft like that, it's only like that. \ref 489 \id 913364122909061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt drawing. \ref 490 \id 235922122910061101 \sp EXPBET \tx he-em. \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 491 \id 358601122931061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt imitating pig's sound and laughing. \ref 492 \id 319723123003061101 \sp EXPBET \tx makannya apa sih? \pho makanɲa ʔapa sih \mb makan -nya apa sih \ge eat -NYA what SIH \gj eat-NYA what SIH \ft what's his food? \ref 493 \id 289530123021061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dek Ido tau sendiri. \pho de idɔʔ tauʔ səndiriʔ \mb Dek Ido tau sen- diri \ge TRU-younger.sibling Ido know SE- self \gj TRU-younger.sibling Ido know SE-self \ft I know it. \ref 494 \id 437026123109061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx yang gitu. \pho yaŋ gitu \mb yang gitu \ge REL like.that \gj REL like.that \ft like that. \nt imitating pig's sound. \ref 495 \id 818179123128061101 \sp EXPBET \tx suka makan daging babi nggak Ido? \pho suka makan dagiŋ babi ŋgaʔ ʔido \mb suka makan daging babi nggak Ido \ge like eat meat pig NEG Ido \gj like eat meat pig NEG Ido \ft do you like eat pork? \ref 496 \id 648283123148061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx iyalah, sate... sate babi. \pho ʔiyalah sateʔ sateʔ babiʔ \mb iya -lah sate sate sate sate babi \ge yes -LAH satay PFCT satay PFCT pig \gj yes-LAH satay-PFCT satay-PFCT pig \ft yes, satay... pork satay. \ref 497 \id 915828123211061101 \sp EXPBET \tx enak ya? \pho ʔɛnak ya \mb enak ya \ge pleasant yes \gj pleasant yes \ft it's nice, right? \ref 498 \id 244137123215061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx pedes lagi, sate babi. \pho pədəs lagi sate babiʔ \mb pedes lagi sate sate babi \ge spicy more satay PFCT pig \gj spicy more satay-PFCT pig \ft it's hot, pork satay. \ref 499 \id 722530123244061101 \sp EXPBET \tx Mama yang bikin apa beli? \pho mama yaŋ bikin ʔapa bəliʔ \mb Mama yang bikin apa beli \ge mommy REL make what buy \gj mommy REL make what buy \ft did you buy it or your Mom made it? \ref 500 \id 487985123302061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ya beli. \pho ya bəliʔ \mb ya beli \ge yes buy \gj yes buy \ft we bought it. \ref 501 \id 476138123317061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh, Dek Ido lupa mo gambar mobil keren. \pho ʔɛ de idoʔ lupaʔ mɔ gambar mɔbil kərɛn \mb eh Dek Ido lupa mo gambar mobil keren \ge EXCL TRU-younger.sibling Ido forget want picture car neat \gj EXCL TRU-younger.sibling Ido forget want picture car neat \ft oh, I forgot to draw a cool car. \ref 502 \id 263441123354061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx mobil Ferrari. \pho mɔbil fɛrari \mb mobil Ferrari \ge car Ferrari \gj car Ferrari \ft a Ferrari car. \nt drawing. \ref 503 \id 256004123448061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx brm, brm, brm... \pho brm brm brm \mb brm brm brm \ge vroom vroom vroom \gj vroom vroom vroom \ft vroom, vroom, vroom... \ref 504 \id 369975123514061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx brm, brm, brm... siap balapan. \pho brm brm brm siyap balapan \mb brm brm brm siap balap -an \ge vroom vroom vroom ready race -AN \gj vroom vroom vroom ready race-AN \ft vroom, vroom, vroom... it's ready to race. \ref 505 \id 677080123607061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx brm, brm, brm... \pho brm brm brm \mb brm brm brm \ge vroom vroom vroom \gj vroom vroom vroom \ft vroom, vroom, vroom... \ref 506 \id 710766123608061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx yah, krayonnya jelek. \pho yah krayɔnɲa jəlɛk \mb yah krayon -nya jelek \ge EXCL crayon -NYA bad \gj EXCL crayon-NYA bad \ft oh, the crayon is bad. \ref 507 \id 756316123713061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx apa tuh? \pho ʔapa tu \mb apa tuh \ge what that \gj what that \ft what's that? \nt looking at EXP's drawing. \ref 508 \id 429490123730061101 \sp EXPBET \tx motor gede. \pho mɔtɔr gədeʔ \mb motor gede \ge motorcycle big \gj motorcycle big \ft a big motorcycle. \ref 509 \id 159158123747061101 \sp EXPBET \tx pernah liat nggak Dek Ido? \pho pərnah liyat ŋgaʔ deʔ ʔidoʔ \mb pernah liat nggak Dek Ido \ge ever see NEG TRU-younger.sibling Ido \gj ever see NEG TRU-younger.sibling Ido \ft have you ever seen one? \ref 510 \id 777414123807061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx pernah. \pho pərnah \mb pernah \ge ever \gj ever \ft yes, I have. \ref 511 \id 411223123818061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx kayak gitu. \pho kayaʔ gitu \mb kayak gitu \ge like like.that \gj like like.that \ft like that one. \ref 512 \id 932212123825061101 \sp EXPBET \tx gede nggak? \pho gədə ŋgaʔ \mb gede nggak \ge big NEG \gj big NEG \ft is it big? \ref 513 \id 206350123902061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx atasnya ya? \pho ʔatasɲa ya \mb atas -nya ya \ge up -NYA yes \gj up-NYA yes \ft that's the upper part, right? \ref 514 \id 135626123914061101 \sp EXPBET \tx he-em. \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 515 \id 372576123923061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx dari depan, diliat dari depan. \pho dari dəpan diliyat dari dəpan \mb dari depan di- liat dari depan \ge from front DI- see from front \gj from front DI-see from front \ft from the front, it's looked from the front. \ref 516 \id 299345123952061101 \sp EXPBET \tx gimana sih Dek Ido kalo nggambar motor gede? \pho gimana sih deʔ ʔidoʔ kalɔʔ ŋgambar mɔtɔr gədeʔ \mb gimana sih Dek Ido kalo ng- gambar motor gede \ge how SIH TRU-younger.sibling Ido TOP N- picture motorcycle big \gj how SIH TRU-younger.sibling Ido TOP N-picture motorcycle big \ft how to draw the big motorcycle? \ref 517 \id 699744124038061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx depannya? \pho dəpanɲa \mb depan -nya \ge front -NYA \gj front-NYA \ft the front part? \ref 518 \id 919250124117061101 \sp EXPBET \tx he-em. \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 519 \id 160015124121061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx. \pho kaʔeʔ \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \ref 520 \id 786065124153061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx kan kecepatannya dulu. \pho kan kəcəpatanɲa duluʔ \mb kan ke an cepat -nya dulu \ge KAN KE AN quick -NYA before \gj KAN KE.AN-quick-NYA before \ft the speedometer first. \nt drawing. \ref 521 \id 922321124301061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni xxnya. \pho ni nomoŋolɲa \mb ni xx -nya \ge this xx -NYA \gj this xx-NYA \ft this is the xx. \ref 522 \id 474541124324061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni kecepatannya. \pho ni kəcəpatanɲa \mb ni ke an cepat -nya \ge this KE AN quick -NYA \gj this KE.AN-quick-NYA \ft this is the speedometer. \ref 523 \id 432441124341061101 \sp EXPBET \tx oh iya. \pho ʔo iya \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh yes. \ref 524 \id 250900124441061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni... ni rodanya kan? \pho ni ni rɔdaʔɲa kan \mb ni ni roda -nya kan \ge this this wheel -NYA KAN \gj this this wheel-NYA KAN \ft this... this is the wheel, right? \ref 525 \id 995910124453061101 \sp EXPBET \tx he-em, diliat dari atas. \mb he-em di- liat dari atas \ge uh-huh DI- see from up \gj uh-huh DI-see from up \ft uh-huh, seen from the top. \ref 526 \id 677240124606061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni lampunya. \pho ni lampuɲa \mb ni lampu -nya \ge this lamp -NYA \gj this lamp-NYA \ft this is the lamp. \ref 527 \id 687109124620061101 \sp EXPBET \tx kok kayak pake payung? \pho kɔʔ kayaʔ pake payuŋ \mb kok kayak pake payung \ge KOK like use umbrella \gj KOK like use umbrella \ft why does it look using the umbrella? \ref 528 \id 962885124640061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx orang siapa yang ujan? \pho ʔɔraŋ syapa yaŋ ʔujan \mb orang siapa yang ujan \ge person who REL rain \gj person who REL rain \ft who said it's raining? \nt ** the sentence should be 'mana yang ujan' or 'siapa yang bilang ujan'. \ref 529 \id 927934124652061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx nggak ujan. \pho ŋgaʔ ʔujan \mb nggak ujan \ge NEG rain \gj NEG rain \ft it's not raining. \ref 530 \id 305656124716061101 \sp EXPBET \tx eh, eh. \pho ʔe ʔe \mb eh eh \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft eh, eh. \nt putting her head on CHI's head. \ref 531 \id 572479124724061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx itu! \pho ʔitʊ \mb itu \ge that \gj that \ft look at that! \nt pointing to his drawing. \ref 532 \id 367479124802061101 \sp EXPBET \tx mana? \pho mana \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where? \ref 533 \id 139692124808061101 \sp EXPBET \tx oh iya. \pho ʔo iya \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh yes. \ref 534 \id 311367124855061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ayok, niru mesin motor. \pho ʔayuʔ niruʔ məsin mɔtɔr \mb ayok n- tiru mesin motor \ge AYO N- imitate engine motorcycle \gj AYO N-imitate engine motorcycle \ft let's imitate a motorcycle engine. \ref 535 \id 263118124926061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx bundernya dulu. \pho bundərɲa duluʔ \mb bunder -nya dulu \ge round -NYA before \gj round-NYA before \ft the round one first. \nt drawing. \ref 536 \id 235267124957061101 \sp EXPBET \tx kemaren sama Om Okki nggambar juga ya? \pho kəmarɛn sama ʔɔm ʔɔkiʔ ŋgambar jugaʔ ya \mb kemaren sama Om Okki ng- gambar juga ya \ge yesterday with uncle Okki N- picture also yes \gj yesterday with uncle Okki N-picture also yes \ft did you also draw pictures with uncle Okki last time? \ref 537 \id 148924125026061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx heh? \pho hə \mb heh \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 538 \id 667477125044061101 \sp EXPBET \tx ama Om Okki nggambar apa Dek? \pho ʔama ʔom ʔɔkiʔ ŋgambar ʔapa deʔ \mb ama Om Okki ng- gambar apa Dek \ge with uncle Okki N- picture what TRU-younger.sibling \gj with uncle Okki N-picture what TRU-younger.sibling \ft what did you draw with Uncle Okki? \ref 539 \id 400737125116061101 \begin 0:29:08 \sp CHIIDO \tx nggak tau, Om Okki. \pho gaʔ tauʔ ʔɔm ʊkiʔ \mb nggak tau Om Okki \ge NEG know uncle Okki \gj NEG know uncle Okki \ft I don't know, Uncle Okki. \nt = I don't remember what I drew with Uncle Okki. \ref 540 \id 208335125206061101 \begin 0:29:12 \sp CHIIDO \tx ngeng... balapan. \pho ŋɛːŋ balapan \mb ngeng balap -an \ge IMIT race -AN \gj IMIT race-AN \ft vroom... it's have a race. \ref 541 \id 188748125231061101 \begin 0:29:16 \sp CHIIDO \tx ngeng... motornya balapan, ngeng... \pho ŋɛːŋ mɔtɔrɲa balapan ŋɛːŋ \mb ngeng motor -nya balap -an ngeng \ge IMIT motorcycle -NYA race -AN IMIT \gj IMIT motorcycle-NYA race-AN IMIT \ft vroom... the motorcycles are racing, vroom... \ref 542 \id 395966125304061101 \begin 0:29:21 \sp EXPBET \tx keren ya? \pho kərɛn ya \mb keren ya \ge neat yes \gj neat yes \ft it's cool, right? \ref 543 \id 106553125336061101 \begin 0:29:26 \sp CHIIDO \tx motornya pada balapan. \pho mɔtɔrɲa pada balapan \mb motor -nya pada balap -an \ge motorcycle -NYA PL race -AN \gj motorcycle-NYA PL race-AN \ft the motorcyles are racing. \ref 544 \id 441919125414061101 \begin 0:29:31 \sp EXPBET \tx ni juara satu dong paling depan. \pho ni juwara satu dɔŋ paliŋ dəpan \mb ni juara satu dong paling depan \ge this champion one DONG most front \gj this champion one DONG most front \ft the front one is the champion. \ref 545 \id 245569125415061101 \begin 0:29:36 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni nye, nye, nye, nye, nyeng. \pho ni ɲɛ ɲɛ ɲɛ ɲɛ ɲɛŋ \mb ni nye nye nye nye nyeng \ge this BAB BAB BAB BAB BAB \gj this BAB BAB BAB BAB BAB \ft this is nye, nye, nye, nye, nyeng. \nt babbling while expresing his feeling about his drawing. \ref 546 \id 494979125710061101 \begin 0:29:41 \sp EXPBET \tx bikin jalannya dong Dek! \pho bikin jalanɲa dɔŋ deʔ \mb bikin jalan -nya dong Dek \ge make walk -NYA DONG TRU-younger.sibling \gj make walk-NYA DONG TRU-younger.sibling \ft draw the road! \ref 547 \id 126747125754061101 \begin 0:29:46 \sp CHIIDO \tx masa xx jalannya kayak gitu? \pho masa tək jalanɲa kayaʔ gitu \mb masa xx jalan -nya kayak gitu \ge incredible xx walk -NYA like like.that \gj incredible xx walk-NYA like like.that \ft why the road looks like that? \ref 548 \id 549014125818061101 \begin 0:29:51 \sp EXPBET \tx kan diliat dari atas. \pho kan diliyat dari ʔatas \mb kan di- liat dari atas \ge KAN DI- see from up \gj KAN DI-see from up \ft it's looked from up. \ref 549 \id 201662125839061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx kok jalannya begini? \pho kɔʔ jalanɲa bəgini \mb kok jalan -nya begini \ge KOK walk -NYA like.this \gj KOK walk-NYA like.this \ft why is the road like this? \ref 550 \id 550810125856061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx kok jalannya begini sih? \pho kɔʔ jalanɲa bəgini sih \mb kok jalan -nya begini sih \ge KOK walk -NYA like.this SIH \gj KOK walk-NYA like.this SIH \ft why is the road like this? \ref 551 \id 681752125909061101 \sp EXPBET \tx ni Dek. \pho ni deʔ \mb ni Dek \ge this TRU-younger.sibling \gj this TRU-younger.sibling \ft look. \ref 552 \id 919213125910061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx kok jalannya begini? \pho kɔʔ jalanɲa bəgini \mb kok jalan -nya begini \ge KOK walk -NYA like.this \gj KOK walk-NYA like.this \ft why is the road like this? \ref 553 \id 432151130023061101 \sp EXPBET \tx abis gimana? \pho ʔabis gimana \mb abis gimana \ge finished how \gj finished how \ft so, how? \ref 554 \id 772242130030061101 \begin 0:30:06 \sp CHIIDO \tx kok begini tadi? \pho kɔʔ bəgini tadiʔ \mb kok begini tadi \ge KOK like.this earlier \gj KOK like.this earlier \ft why was it like this? \ref 555 \id 789832130117061101 \begin 0:30:08 \sp CHIIDO \tx tadi Tante Bety begini jalannya? \pho tadiʔ tantə bɛti bəgini jalanɲa \mb tadi Tante Bety begini jalan -nya \ge earlier aunt Bety like.this walk -NYA \gj earlier aunt Bety like.this walk-NYA \ft you drew the road like this? \nt drawing. \ref 556 \id 334628130152061101 \begin 0:30:10 \sp EXPBET \tx kan belok. \pho kan bɛlɔk \mb kan belok \ge KAN turn \gj KAN turn \ft it's the turn. \ref 557 \id 607033130210061101 \begin 0:30:12 \sp CHIIDO \tx belok bukan kayak gitu, belok begini, nih. \pho bɛlɔk bukan kayaʔ gitu bɛlɔk bəgini nih \mb belok bukan kayak gitu belok begini nih \ge turn NEG like like.that turn like.this this \gj turn NEG like like.that turn like.this this \ft the turn isn't like that, it's like this, look. \nt drawing. \ref 558 \id 625344130242061101 \begin 0:30:14 \sp EXPBET \tx oh, bisa. \pho ʔɔ bisaʔ \mb oh bisa \ge EXCL can \gj EXCL can \ft oh, okay. \ref 559 \id 579210130414061101 \begin 0:30:16 \sp CHIIDO \tx itu naik. \pho ʔitu naik \mb itu naik \ge that go.up \gj that go.up \ft that's go up. \ref 560 \id 998420130439061101 \begin 0:30:19 \sp EXPBET \tx tanjakan ya. \pho tanjakan ya \mb tanjak -an ya \ge slope -AN yes \gj slope-AN yes \ft a slanting, right. \ref 561 \id 576388130448061101 \begin 0:30:22 \sp CHIIDO \tx oh, gini. \pho ʔɔ gini \mb oh gini \ge EXCL like.this \gj EXCL like.this \ft oh, like this. \nt imitating to slide. \ref 562 \id 373063130523061101 \begin 0:30:25 \sp EXPBET \tx itu turunan. \pho ʔitu turunan \mb itu turun -an \ge that go.down -AN \gj that go.down-AN \ft that's a sloping. \ref 563 \id 380569130601061101 \begin 0:30:28 \sp EXPBET \tx tanjakan gini. \pho tanjakan gini \mb tanjak -an gini \ge slope -AN like.this \gj slope-AN like.this \ft a slanting is like this. \nt imitating a sloping with her hand. \ref 564 \id 542740130607061101 \begin 0:30:31 \sp CHIIDO \tx ini turunan. \pho ʔini turunan \mb ini turun -an \ge this go.down -AN \gj this go.down-AN \ft this is a sloping. \ref 565 \id 942359130707061101 \sp EXPBET \tx turunan. \pho turunan \mb turun -an \ge go.down -AN \gj go.down-AN \ft sloping. \ref 566 \id 647570130716061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx gini motornya begini turunannya, gini ngeng... \pho gini mɔtɔrɲa bəgini turunannɲa gini ŋɛːŋ \mb gini motor -nya begini turun -an -nya gini ngeng \ge like.this motorcycle -NYA like.this go.down -AN -NYA like.this IMIT \gj like.this motorcycle-NYA like.this go.down-AN-NYA like.this IMIT \ft like this, the motorcyle is going down is like this, vroom... \nt 1.imitating to ride the motorcycle .** the should be 'turunnya'. \ref 567 \id 622789130833061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx tuh merosot kan? \pho tu mərɔsɔt kan \mb tuh m- perosot kan \ge that N- slide KAN \gj that N-slide KAN \ft look, it's sliding, right? \ref 568 \id 837117130834061101 \sp EXPBET \tx seru ya? \pho səru ya \mb seru ya \ge exclaim yes \gj exclaim yes \ft it's cool, right? \ref 569 \id 340700130839061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx dia mo jatoh. \pho diya mɔʔ jatɔh \mb dia mo jatoh \ge 3 want fall \gj 3 want fall \ft he'll fall down. \ref 570 \id 954436130950061101 \sp EXPBET \tx he-em. \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 571 \id 235074130953061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx dia... berarti... dia mo miring. \pho diya bərarti diya mɔ miriŋ \mb dia ber- arti dia mo miring \ge 3 BER- meaning 3 want sideways \gj 3 BER-meaning 3 want sideways \ft he... it means... it'll sideways. \ref 572 \id 502446131027061101 \sp EXPBET \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 573 \id 522425131059061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx jadi kayak begini. \pho jadi kayaʔ bəgini \mb jadi kayak begini \ge become like like.this \gj become like like.this \ft so, it become like this. \ref 574 \id 616903131114061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni orangnya ni. \pho ni ɔraŋɲa ni \mb ni orang -nya ni \ge this person -NYA this \gj this person-NYA this \ft here is the man. \ref 575 \id 908755131138061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni orangnya. \pho ni ɔraŋɲa \mb ni orang -nya \ge this person -NYA \gj this person-NYA \ft here is the man. \nt drawing. \ref 576 \id 172525131208061101 \sp EXPBET \tx we... \pho we \mb we \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft we... \nt looking at CHI's drawing. \ref 577 \id 444695131224061101 \sp EXPBET \tx pake helem besar. \pho pakeʔ hɛləm bəsar \mb pake helem besar \ge use helmet big \gj use helmet big \ft he wear big helmet. \ref 578 \id 102280131254061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx weng, ngeng... \pho wɛŋ ŋɛŋ \mb weng ngeng \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft vroom, vroom... \ref 579 \id 635780131324061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ada motornya segini, udah segini. \pho ʔada mɔtɔrɲa səgini ʔuda səgini \mb ada motor -nya se- gini udah se- gini \ge exist motorcycle -NYA SE- like.this PFCT SE- like.this \gj exist motorcycle-NYA SE-like.this PFCT SE-like.this \ft there's a motorcyle like this, it's like this. \ref 580 \id 469364131359061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ada yang segini. \pho ʔada yaŋ səgini \mb ada yang se- gini \ge exist REL SE- like.this \gj exist REL SE-like.this \ft another one is like this. \nt drawing. \ref 581 \id 711143131409061101 \sp EXPBET \tx wah... \pho wah \mb wah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft wow... \nt laughing. \ref 582 \id 794527131425061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 583 \id 941292131431061101 \sp EXPBET \tx udah keinjek aja tuh. \mb udah ke- injek aja tuh \ge PFCT KE- step.on just that \gj PFCT KE-step.on just that \ft it can be stepped. \ref 584 \id 722835131520061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx injek aja kayak xx... \pho ʔinjək ʔaja kayaʔ kəcɔp \mb injek aja kayak xx \ge step.on just like xx \gj step.on just like xx \ft step it like xx... \ref 585 \id 116573131704061101 \sp EXPBET \tx motornya semut. \pho mɔtɔrɲa səmut \mb motor -nya semut \ge motorcycle -NYA ant \gj motorcycle-NYA ant \ft it's ant's motorcycle. \ref 586 \id 551825131728061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni binatang. \pho ni binataŋ \mb ni binatang \ge this animal \gj this animal \ft this is an animal. \nt drawing. \ref 587 \id 644038131744061101 \sp EXPBET \tx kecoanya di tengah-tengah jalan. \mb kecoa -nya di tengah - tengah jalan \ge cockroach -NYA LOC middle - middle walk \gj cockroach-NYA LOC RED-middle walk \ft the cockroach is in the midle of the road. \ref 588 \id 666835131809061101 \sp EXPBET \tx nyebrang ya? \pho ɲəbraŋ ya \mb ny- sebrang ya \ge N- across yes \gj N-across yes \ft it's passing the road, right? \ref 589 \id 408521131919061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx laba-laba beracun. \mb laba-laba be- racun \ge spider BER- poison \gj spider BER-poison \ft a poisonous spider. \ref 590 \id 525609131932061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx mo diinjek. \pho mɔ diʔinjək \mb mo di- injek \ge want DI- step.on \gj want DI-step.on \ft it will step on it. \ref 591 \id 122757131954061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx wah, ayo injek dia, injek! \pho wa ʔayo ʔinjək diya ʔinjək \mb wah ayo injek dia injek \ge EXCL AYO step.on 3 step.on \gj EXCL AYO step.on 3 step.on \ft oh, come on, step on it, step on it! \ref 592 \id 982243132047061101 \sp EXPBET \tx wah... lari! \pho wah lariʔ \mb wah lari \ge EXCL run \gj EXCL run \ft oh... run! \ref 593 \id 487750132057061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx lari ni, nempel di kepalanya toeng! \pho lariʔ ni nɛmpɛl di kəpalaʔɲa tɔwɛŋ \mb lari ni n- tempel di ke- pala -nya toeng \ge run this N- attach LOC KE- head -NYA IMIT \gj run this N-attach LOC KE-head-NYA IMIT \ft it's running and stuck on the head, toeng! \nt laughing. \ref 594 \id 123865132146061101 \sp EXPBET \tx terus diginiin, ah, ah, ah. \pho tərus diginiʔin ʔah ʔah ʔah \mb terus di- gini -in ah ah ah \ge continue DI- like.this -IN AH AH AH \gj continue DI-like.this-IN AH AH AH \ft and it's doing like this, ah, ah, ah. \nt imitating to drive the motorcycle. \ref 595 \id 703886132219061101 \sp EXPBET \tx nggak bisa liat jalan. \pho ŋgaʔ bisa liyat jalan \mb nggak bisa liat jalan \ge NEG can see walk \gj NEG can see walk \ft he can't look at the road. \ref 596 \id 471352132549061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx kalo... \pho kalɔ \mb kalo \ge TOP \gj TOP \ft if... \ref 597 \id 324125132235061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx di sini. \pho di sini \mb di sini \ge LOC here \gj LOC here \ft here. \ref 598 \id 475929132239061101 \sp EXPBET \tx oh. \pho ʔɔh \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 599 \id 352407132243061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx kalo digini, toeng, toeng. \mb kalo di- gini toeng toeng \ge TOP DI- like.this IMIT IMIT \gj TOP DI-like.this IMIT IMIT \ft if he does it like this, toeng, toeng. \nt jumping. \ref 600 \id 625945132406061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx nanti terus diginiin, heh. \pho nanti trus diginiin həh \mb nanti terus di- gini -in heh \ge later continue DI- like.this -IN IMIT \gj later continue DI-like.this-IN IMIT \ft he'll do it like this, heh. \ref 601 \id 783873132424061101 \sp EXPBET \tx oh. \pho ʔɔ \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 602 \id 981227132428061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx langsung wa... \pho laŋsuŋ waː \mb langsung wa \ge direct EXCL \gj direct EXCL \ft it's oh... \ref 603 \id 510340132440061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx langsung diinjek bannya. \pho laŋsuŋ diinjək banɲa \mb langsung di- injek ban -nya \ge direct DI- step.on tire -NYA \gj direct DI-step.on tire-NYA \ft the tire step on it. \nt ** langsung diinjek ban. \ref 604 \id 905774132503061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx terus entar gambar, gepeng, gepeng. \pho trus ʔəntar gambar gɛpɛŋ gɛpɛŋ \mb terus entar gambar gepeng gepeng \ge continue moment picture flattened flattened \gj continue moment picture flattened flattened \ft and draw flattened, flattened. \nt laughing. \ref 605 \id 821108132719061101 \begin 0:32:17 \sp CHIIDO \tx gambar mobil lagi xx. \pho gambar mɔbil lagi bisaʔat \mb gambar mobil lagi xx \ge picture car more xx \gj picture car more xx \ft draw the car xx. \ref 606 \id 376873132825061101 \sp EXPBET \tx mobil balap? \pho mɔbil balap \mb mobil balap \ge car race \gj car race \ft racing car? \ref 607 \id 509956132832061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx eee... bukan. \pho ʔəm bukan \mb eee bukan \ge FILL NEG \gj FILL NEG \ft umm... not. \ref 608 \id 740917132851061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx muka di tambah besar. \pho bərsam muka di tambah bəsar \mb xx muka di tambah besar \ge xx face LOC add big \gj xx face LOC add big \ft add more in the front. \nt meaning unclear, probably he's imitating the TV programme. \ref 609 \id 815061132924061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx dibuka tambah... \pho dibuka tambah \mb di- buka tambah \ge DI- open add \gj DI-open add \ft open it and... \ref 610 \id 452107132935061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ditutup tambah besar. \pho ditutup tambah bəsar \mb di- tutup tambah besar \ge DI- shut add big \gj DI-shut add big \ft close it and it's bigger. \ref 611 \id 477554133118061101 \sp EXPBET \tx siapa yang kentut? \pho syapa yaŋ kəntut \mb siapa yang kentut \ge who REL fart \gj who REL fart \ft who's farting? \nt hearing the crack sound. \ref 612 \id 665170133134061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt imitating pig's sound and laughing. \ref 613 \id 323751133155061101 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the transmitter making noise. \ref 614 \id 501393133212061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx motor balap. \pho mɔtɔr balap \mb motor balap \ge motorcycle race \gj motorcycle race \ft racing car. \ref 615 \id 832049133303061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx teng, dung, teng, dung, teng, teng, dung, teng. \pho tɛŋ duŋ tɛŋ duŋ tɛŋ tɛŋ duŋ tɛŋ \mb teng dung teng dung teng teng dung teng \ge BAB BAB BAB BAB BAB BAB BAB BAB \gj BAB BAB BAB BAB BAB BAB BAB BAB \nt babbling while drawing. \ref 616 \id 667170133441061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx senterpeweketeu weteu. \pho senterpeweketeu weteu \mb senterpeweketeu weteu \ge BAB BAB \gj BAB BAB \nt babbling while drawing. \ref 617 \id 638463133552061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx senterpewekete nikeru, nikeru. \pho senterpewekete nikeru cekero \ge BAB \gj BAB \nt babbling, drawing while singing. \ref 618 \id 570121133734061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx sikerubetekeru, bete. \pho sekerubetekeru bete \mb sikerubetekeru bete \ge BAB BAB \gj BAB BAB \nt babbling while drawing. \ref 619 \id 342667134529061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx cengkawiyeiyeiye. \pho ceŋkawiyeiyeiye \mb cengkawiyeiyeiye \ge BAB \gj BAB \nt babbling while drawing. \ref 620 \id 723083134729061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ha, ha, Si Alinya, ha. \pho ha ha si ʔaliɲa ha \mb ha ha Si Ali -nya ha \ge IMIT IMIT PERS Ali -NYA IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT PERS Ali-NYA IMIT \ft ha, ha, Ali, ha. \nt referring to his drawing. \ref 621 \id 783478134754061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx oh my God, oh my God. \pho ʔoy mai gat ʔoy mai gat \mb oh my God oh my God \ge EXCL my God EXCL my God \gj EXCL my God EXCL my God \ft oh my God, oh my God. \ref 622 \id 640721135131061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx seteruterutobe. \pho seteruterutobe \mb seteruterutobe \ge BAB \gj BAB \nt babbling while drawing. \ref 623 \id 712009135155061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx eieieieie. \pho ʔeiyeiyeiyeiye \mb eieieieie \ge BAB \gj BAB \nt babbling while drawing. \ref 624 \id 959846135217061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx siteruteru. \pho siteruteru \mb siteruteru \ge BAB \gj BAB \nt babbling while drawing. \ref 625 \id 249528135305061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx oh my God xx. \pho ʔiy mai gat cɛŋ \mb oh my God xx \ge EXCL my God xx \gj EXCL my God xx \ft oh my God xx. \ref 626 \id 421383135326061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx Pokemon, tenten. \pho bowa pokemɔn tɪntɪn \mb xx Pokemon tenten \ge xx Pokemon BAB \gj xx Pokemon BAB \ft xx Pokemon. \nt drawing. \ref 627 \id 692999135353061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx keluar lewat kepiting. \pho kluwar lɛwat kəpitiŋ \mb keluar lewat kepiting \ge go.out go.by crab \gj go.out go.by crab \ft go out from the crab. \nt meaning unclear. \ref 628 \id 959852135414061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx tositeruteru, siteruteru. \pho tositeruteru siteruteru \mb tositeruteru siteruteru \ge BAB BAB \gj BAB BAB \nt babbling while drawing. \ref 629 \id 356360135506061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Butter Flee xx, mmm... \mb Butter Flee xx mmm \ge Butter flee xx FILL \gj Butter flee xx FILL \ft Butter Flee xx, mmm... \nt 1.humming 2.referring to a cartoon character. \ref 630 \id 451652135739061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx Butter Flee, Butter Flee. \pho ʔas batər fli batər fi \mb xx Butter Flee Butter Flee \ge xx Butter flee Butter flee \gj xx Butter flee Butter flee \ft xx Butter Flee, Butter Flee. \ref 631 \id 932329135903061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh... \pho ʔəh \mb eh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft eh... \ref 632 \id 371748135937061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx teiyeiyeiye. \pho teiyeiyeiye \mb teiyeiyeiye \ge BAB \gj BAB \nt babbling while drawing. \ref 633 \id 788980135954061101 \begin 0:35:28 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the transmitter making noise. \ref 634 \id 410233140151061101 \begin 0:35:38 \sp CHIIDO \tx dan Butter Flee keluar. \pho dab batər fi kəluwar \mb dan Butter Flee keluar \ge and Butter flee go.out \gj and Butter flee go.out \ft and Butter Flee is going out. \ref 635 \id 505454140243061101 \begin 0:35:49 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx. \pho fotin \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx. \ref 636 \id 678793140301061101 \begin 0:36:00 \sp CHIIDO \tx teiyeiyeiye. \pho teiyeiyeiye \mb teiyeiyeiye \ge BAB \gj BAB \nt babbling while drawing. \ref 637 \id 688709140327061101 \begin 0:36:11 \sp CHIIDO \tx kepiting, kepiting, kepiting, kepiting. \pho kəpitiŋ kəpitiŋ kəpitiŋ kəpitiŋ \mb kepiting kepiting kepiting kepiting \ge crab crab crab crab \gj crab crab crab crab \ft a ccrab, a crab, a crab, a crab. \ref 638 \id 848670140407061101 \begin 0:36:22 \sp CHIIDO \tx aku kepiting, aku kepiting. \pho ʔaku kəpitiŋ ʔaku kəpitiŋ \mb aku kepiting aku kepiting \ge 1SG crab 1SG crab \gj 1SG crab 1SG crab \ft I'm a crab, I'm a crab. \ref 639 \id 123863140456061101 \begin 0:36:33 \sp CHIIDO \tx kepiting. \pho kəpitiŋ \mb kepiting \ge crab \gj crab \ft a crab. \ref 640 \id 668096140554061101 \begin 0:36:44 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh, salah, salah. \pho ʔɛh salah salah \mb eh salah salah \ge EXCL wrong wrong \gj EXCL wrong wrong \ft oh, it's wrong, it's wrong. \nt drawing. \ref 641 \id 914973142828061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx bitbet. \pho bitbɛt \mb bitbet \ge BAB \gj BAB \nt babbling while rawing. \ref 642 \id 268351142904061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx kepiting kayak gini. \pho kəpitiŋ kayaʔ gɪnɪ \mb kepiting kayak gini \ge crab like like.this \gj crab like like.this \ft a crab is like this. \ref 643 \id 891219142921061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx aduh salah, salah. \pho ʔaduh salah salah \mb aduh salah salah \ge EXCL wrong wrong \gj EXCL wrong wrong \ft oh, it's wrong, it's wrong. \ref 644 \id 634646143130061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx kepiting kayak gini, jalannya wa... \pho kəpitiŋ kayaʔ gini jalanɲa waː \mb kepiting kayak gini jalan -nya wa \ge crab like like.this walk -NYA EXCL \gj crab like like.this walk-NYA EXCL \ft the crab is walking like this, wa... \ref 645 \id 305411143602061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx Pokemon xxx. \mb xxx Pokemon xxx \ge xxx Pokemon xxx \gj xxx Pokemon xxx \ft xxx Pokemon xxx. \nt drawing. \ref 646 \id 950902143728061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Pokemon miskateuweu. \pho pɔkɛmɔn miskateuweu \mb Pokemon miskateuweu \ge Pokemon BAB \gj Pokemon BAB \ft Pokemon... \nt babbling while drawing. \ref 647 \id 229877143758061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Pokemon miskateuweu. \pho pɔkɛmɔn puskateuweu \mb Pokemon miskateuweu \ge Pokemon BAB \gj Pokemon BAB \ft Pokemon... \nt babbling while drawing. \ref 648 \id 451241143817061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Pokemon monyet. \pho pɔkɛmɔn mɔɲaet \mb Pokemon monyet \ge Pokemon monkey \gj Pokemon monkey \ft monkey Pokemon. \nt laughing. \ref 649 \id 314208143835061101 \sp MOTIDO \tx eit! \pho ʔait \mb eit \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft hey! \ref 650 \id 304458143852061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Pokemon gigi. \pho pɔkɛmɔn gigiʔ \mb Pokemon gigi \ge Pokemon tooth \gj Pokemon tooth \ft Pokemon's teeth. \ref 651 \id 237745143928061101 \sp MOTIDO \tx malu dong kedengeran. \pho maluʔ dɔŋ kədəŋəran \mb malu dong ke an denger \ge embarrassed DONG KE AN hear \gj embarrassed DONG KE.AN-hear \ft it's embarrased to be heard. \ref 652 \id 388525143956061101 \sp MOTIDO \tx 'ih, kok ngomong gitu ya?' \pho ʔiːh kɔʔ ŋɔmɔŋ gitu ya \mb ih kok ng- omong gitu ya \ge EXCL KOK N- speak like.that yes \gj EXCL KOK N-speak like.that yes \ft 'oh, why you say like that?' \ref 653 \id 146114144032061101 \sp MOTIDO \tx 'ih, ih'. \pho ʔih ʔih \mb ih ih \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft 'oh, oh'. \ref 654 \id 240351144045061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Pokemon desateuweu. \pho pɔkɛmɔn dəsateuweu \mb Pokemon desateuweu \ge Pokemon BAB \gj Pokemon BAB \ft Pokemon. \nt babbling while drawing. \ref 655 \id 986092144128061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Pokemon desateruteru. \pho pɔkɛmɔn dəsateruteru \mb Pokemon desateruteru \ge Pokemon BAB \gj Pokemon BAB \ft Pokemon. \nt babbling while drawing. \ref 656 \id 378536144208061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni Si Ali, Si Ali lagi... \pho ni si ʔali si ʔali lagi \mb ni Si Ali Si Ali lagi \ge this PERS Ali PERS Ali more \gj this PERS Ali PERS Ali more \ft look, it's Ali, he's doing... \nt drawing a cartoon character. \ref 657 \id 562134144237061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx lagi bengong. \pho lagi bəŋɔŋ \mb lagi bengong \ge more dazed \gj more dazed \ft he's day dreaming. \ref 658 \id 202322144252061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Si Ali. \pho si ʔaliʔ \mb Si Ali \ge PERS Ali \gj PERS Ali \ft Ali. \ref 659 \id 838525144305061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Si Ali lagi bengong. \pho si ʔali lagiʔ bəŋɔŋ \mb Si Ali lagi bengong \ge PERS Ali more dazed \gj PERS Ali more dazed \ft Ali is day dreaming. \ref 660 \id 610437144405061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Pokemon yang xx. \pho pɔkɛmɔn yaŋ ŋoyaŋ \mb Pokemon yang xx \ge Pokemon REL xx \gj Pokemon REL xx \ft Pokemon who xx. \ref 661 \id 224234144422061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx yang keriting. \pho yaŋ kritiŋ \mb yang keriting \ge REL curly \gj REL curly \ft the curly one. \nt laughing. \ref 662 \id 107174144438061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx lagi ngeliat ke xx. \pho lagi ŋliyat kə citɔ \mb lagi nge- liat ke xx \ge more N- see to xx \gj more N-see to xx \ft he's looking at xx. \ref 663 \id 977074144523061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx putri duyung. \pho putri duyuŋ \mb putri duyung \ge princess dugong \gj princess dugong \ft little mermaid. \ref 664 \id 906093144759061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx bikin... lagi lemes dayungnya. \pho bikin lagi ləməs dayuŋɲa \mb bikin lagi lemes dayung -nya \ge make more weak oar -NYA \gj make more weak oar-NYA \ft I make... he's weak to row it. \ref 665 \id 430477145004061101 \begin 0:38:54 \sp EXPBET \tx gambar apa tu Dek? \pho gambar ʔapa tu deʔ \mb gambar apa tu Dek \ge picture what that TRU-younger.sibling \gj picture what that TRU-younger.sibling \ft what are you drawing? \ref 666 \id 537230145025061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Pokemon deskateruteru. \pho pɔkɛmɔn dəskatɛrutɛru \mb Pokemon deskateruteru \ge Pokemon BAB \gj Pokemon BAB \ft Pokemon. \nt babbling while drawing. \ref 667 \id 134699145110061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx wo... kata yang keritingnya, wo... \pho woː kata yaŋ kritiŋɲa woː \mb wo kata yang keriting -nya wo \ge EXCL word REL curly -NYA EXCL \gj EXCL word REL curly-NYA EXCL \ft wo... the curly one say, wo... \ref 668 \id 988550145135061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni Pikachu. \pho ni pikacu \mb ni Pikachu \ge this Pikachu \gj this Pikachu \ft this is Pikachu. \ref 669 \id 285377145151061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Pokemon deskateruteru. \pho pɔkɛmɔn dəskatɛrutɛru \mb Pokemon deskateruteru \ge Pokemon BAB \gj Pokemon BAB \ft Pokemon. \nt babbling while drawing. \ref 670 \id 843401145227061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dek Ido pake xxx. \pho de idoʔ pake xxx \mb Dek Ido pake xxx \ge TRU-younger.sibling Ido use xxx \gj TRU-younger.sibling Ido use xxx \ft I use xxx. \ref 671 \id 665967145239061101 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the transmitter making noise. \ref 672 \id 221705145308061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dek Ido jatohin lagi. \pho de idoʔ jatɔhin lagi \mb Dek Ido jatoh -in lagi \ge TRU-younger.sibling Ido fall -IN more \gj TRU-younger.sibling Ido fall-IN more \ft I fall it down again. \nt meaning unclear. \ref 673 \id 809377145341061101 \sp EXPBET \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 674 \id 327510145342061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx tapi bunder... bunderannya udah ilang. \pho tapi bundər bundəranɲa ʔudah ʔilaŋ \mb tapi bunder bunder -an -nya udah ilang \ge but round round -AN -NYA PFCT disappear \gj but round round-AN-NYA PFCT disappear \ft but the round one has lost. \nt meaning unclear. \ref 675 \id 669359145416061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx tinggal yang ininya aja. \pho tiŋgal yaŋ ʔiniɲa ʔaja \mb tinggal yang ini -nya aja \ge stay REL this -NYA just \gj stay REL this-NYA just \ft only this one left. \nt meaning unclear. \ref 676 \id 539422145500061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx rumahnya mutiara. \pho rumahɲa mutiyara \mb rumah -nya mutiara \ge house -NYA pearl \gj house-NYA pearl \ft the shell of a pearl. \nt talking about an oyster. \ref 677 \id 982237145531061101 \sp EXPBET \tx oh. \pho ʔɔ \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 678 \id 374120145535061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dek Ido cuman dapet rumahnya, pas dibuka nggak ada mutiaranya. \pho de idoʔ cuman dapət rumahɲa pas dibukaʔ ŋgaʔ ʔada mutiyaraɲa \mb Dek Ido cuman dapet rumah -nya pas di- buka nggak ada mutiara -nya \ge TRU-younger.sibling Ido only get house -NYA precise DI- open NEG exist pearl -NYA \gj TRU-younger.sibling Ido only get house-NYA precise DI-open NEG exist pearl-NYA \ft I just got the shell, but there's not the pearl when I opened it. \ref 679 \id 153026145611061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx enak lho. \pho ʔɛnak lɔ \mb enak lho \ge pleasant EXCL \gj pleasant EXCL \ft it's nice. \ref 680 \id 321334145631061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx di pantai Dek Ido nemu mutiara. \pho di pantay de idɔ nəmuʔ mutiyara \mb di pantai Dek Ido n- temu mutiara \ge LOC beach TRU-younger.sibling Ido N- meet pearl \gj LOC beach TRU-younger.sibling Ido N-meet pearl \ft I found the pearl in the beach. \ref 681 \id 374589145754061101 \sp EXPBET \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 682 \id 834962145758061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx keong. \pho kɛyɔŋ \mb keong \ge snail \gj snail \ft a snail. \ref 683 \id 127773145813061101 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the transmitter making noise. \ref 684 \id 694572145924061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Om Iyang nyebur, kan lagi mandi di laut, terus diambil ada yang gerak-gerak. \mb Om Iyang ny- cebur kan lagi mandi di laut terus di- ambil ada yang gerak - gerak \ge uncle Iyang N- plunge KAN more bathe LOC sea continue DI- take exist REL move - move \gj uncle Iyang N-plunge KAN more bathe LOC sea continue DI-take exist REL RED-move \ft uncle Iyang plunged, when he swam in the sea he took something that moved. \ref 685 \id 382823150049061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx berarti kepiting kecil. \pho bərati kəpitiŋ kəcil \mb ber- arti kepiting kecil \ge BER- meaning crab small \gj BER-meaning crab small \ft it's a small crab. \ref 686 \id 612571150225061101 \sp EXPBET \tx oh. \pho ʔɔ \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 687 \id 991122150228061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx dapet, eh dapet, terus xxx. \pho səgiʔ dapət ʔɛ dapət trus xxx \mb xx dapet eh dapet terus xxx \ge xx get EXCL get continue xxx \gj xx get EXCL get continue xxx \ft xx he got it, and xxx. \ref 688 \id 268929150322061101 \sp EXPBET \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx. \ref 689 \id 315812150314061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx enggak. \pho ʔəŋgaʔ \mb enggak \ge NEG \gj NEG \ft no. \ref 690 \id 701441150342061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx terus Dek Ido tumpukin batu, bus, bus. \pho trus deʔ ʔidoʔ tumpukin batuʔ bus bus \mb terus Dek Ido tumpuk -in batu bus bus \ge continue TRU-younger.sibling Ido pile.up -IN stone BAB BAB \gj continue TRU-younger.sibling Ido pile.up-IN stone BAB BAB \ft and I put the stones on it, bus, bus. \nt babbling. \ref 691 \id 631314150424061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dek Ido kubur, kubur... kubur pasir. \pho deʔ ʔidoʔ kubur kubur kubur pasir \mb Dek Ido kubur kubur kubur pasir \ge TRU-younger.sibling Ido grave grave grave sand \gj TRU-younger.sibling Ido grave grave grave sand \ft I burried... I burried in the sand. \ref 692 \id 111169150527061101 \sp EXPBET \tx mati nggak? \pho matiʔ ŋgaʔ \mb mati nggak \ge dead NEG \gj dead NEG \ft was it died? \ref 693 \id 629750150533061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx iya... enggak lah. \pho ʔiya ʔəŋgaʔ lah \mb iya enggak lah \ge yes NEG LAH \gj yes NEG LAH \ft yeah... I mean, no. \ref 694 \id 831383150546061101 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the transmitter making noise. \ref 695 \id 283681150622061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxnya di laut. \pho xxɲa di laut \mb xx -nya di laut \ge xx -NYA LOC sea \gj xx-NYA LOC sea \ft xx in the sea. \ref 696 \id 242404150644061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx (me)mang k(ep)i(ting)... memang kepiting bisa napas di laut? \pho maŋ kiʔ mɛmaŋ kəpitiŋ bisaʔ napas di laut \mb memang kepiting memang kepiting bisa napas di laut \ge indeed crab indeed crab can breath LOC sea \gj indeed crab indeed crab can breath LOC sea \ft can the crab breath in the sea? \ref 697 \id 396092150743061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx di kali. \pho di kaliʔ \mb di kali \ge LOC very \gj LOC very \ft in the river. \ref 698 \id 428385150756061101 \sp EXPBET \tx xx laen lagi, xx mah di kali. \pho xx laɛn lagi xx mah di kaliʔ \mb xx laen lagi xx mah di kali \ge xx other more xx MAH LOC very \gj xx other more xx MAH LOC very \ft xx that's different, xx lives in the river. \ref 699 \id 485737150757061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx kura-kura. \mb kura-kura \ge tortoise \gj tortoise \ft a turtle. \ref 700 \id 497967150931061101 \sp CHIIDO \tx penyu. \pho pəɲu \mb penyu \ge turtle \gj turtle \ft a turtle. \ref 701 \id 845790150949061101 \sp @End \tx @End