\_sh v3.0 400 Text \_DateStampHasFourDigitYear \ref 001 \id 497885092340230401 \sp @PAR \tx CHI Ido target child, ABA CHI’s brother, EXPBET Bety experimenter, MOT Rimi mother, DEBIDO Debora EXP’s sister. \pho Filename: 34-IDO-040800.fm \ft Duration: whole session: 52 minutes, cocced : 27 minutes \nt Situation: playing at CHI’s house in the morning with the cotton farm set. \ref 002 \id 375918093313230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh, Mas Aba! \pho ʔɛh mas ʔabaʔ \mb eh Mas Aba \ge EXCL EPIT Aba \gj EXCL EPIT Aba \ft Aba! \ref 003 \id 670095093344230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni panda. \pho ne pandaʔ \mb ni panda \ge this panda \gj this panda \ft this is a panda. \nt showing the panda to ABA. \ref 004 \id 305786093406230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx wah, sapi. \pho wa sapiʔ \mb wah sapi \ge EXCL cattle \gj EXCL cattle \ft oh, a cow. \ref 005 \id 960135093441230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx mooh. \pho moː \mb mooh \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft mooh. \ref 006 \id 609865093601230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ah, sapi ni! \pho ʔa sapiʔ ni \mb ah sapi ni \ge AH cattle this \gj AH cattle this \ft oh, it's a cow! \ref 007 \id 510652093657230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx eh, ni Mas Aba dong. \pho ʔɛ ni mas ʔabaʔ dɔŋ \mb eh ni Mas Aba dong \ge EXCL this EPIT Aba DONG \gj EXCL this EPIT Aba DONG \ft oh, that's for me. \ref 008 \id 739113093715230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx iya. \pho ʔiyaʔ \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 009 \id 185835093723230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ini kuda. \pho ʔini kudaʔ \mb ini kuda \ge this horse \gj this horse \ft this is a horse. \ref 010 \id 338817094348230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx mooh... \pho ʔəmoː \mb mooh \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft mooh... \ref 011 \id 939074094210230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx asyik... \pho ʔasiːk \mb asyik \ge fun \gj fun \ft it's cool... \nt putting the panda on the cow. \ref 012 \id 812822094424230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx naik, xxx. \mb naik xxx \ge go.up xxx \gj go.up xxx \ft going up xxx. \nt singing as he likes. \ref 013 \id 613423094427230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx itu sapi tuh! \pho ʔitu sapiʔ tu \mb itu sapi tuh \ge that cattle that \gj that cattle that \ft that's the cow! \ref 014 \id 918440094600230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx Tante ini kuda. \pho tantə ʔini kudaʔ \mb Tante ini kuda \ge aunt this horse \gj aunt this horse \ft Auntie, this is a horse. \ref 015 \id 946755094611230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx jadi kuda. \pho jadi kudaʔ \mb jadi kuda \ge become horse \gj become horse \ft it's become a horse. \ref 016 \id 897766094657230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ngok, ngok, ngok... \pho ŋɔk ŋɔk ŋɔk \mb ngok ngok ngok \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ngok, ngok, ngok... \ref 017 \id 869627094759230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx da, da... \pho da da \mb da da \ge bye bye \gj bye bye \ft bye, bye... \ref 018 \id 805880094917230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ngok, ngok. \pho ŋɔk ŋɔk \mb ngok ngok \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft ngok, ngok. \ref 019 \id 734068094625230401 \sp EXPBET \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 020 \id 444951094828230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx Tante cara bikin rumahnya gimana sih? \pho tantə caraʔ bikin rumahɲa gimana sih \mb Tante cara bikin rumah -nya gimana sih \ge aunt manner make house -NYA how SIH \gj aunt manner make house-NYA how SIH \ft how to build the house, Auntie? \ref 021 \id 952951095003230401 \sp EXPBET \tx emang udah lupa? \pho ʔɛmaŋ ʔudah lupaʔ \mb emang udah lupa \ge indeed PFCT forget \gj indeed PFCT forget \ft you have forgot? \ref 022 \id 475277095030230401 \begin 0:00:45 \sp ABAIDO \tx udah lupa. \pho ʔudah lupaʔ \mb udah lupa \ge PFCT forget \gj PFCT forget \ft I have forgot. \ref 023 \id 201341095109230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx wah, kambing! \pho wah kambiŋ \mb wah kambing \ge EXCL goat \gj EXCL goat \ft oh, the goat! \nt taking the sheep. \ref 024 \id 547042095322230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni anaknya! \pho ni ʔanakɲa \mb ni anak -nya \ge this child -NYA \gj this child-NYA \ft this is the child! \ref 025 \id 347779095423230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx anak sapi. \pho ʔanak sapiʔ \mb anak sapi \ge child cattle \gj child cattle \ft the cattle. \ref 026 \id 237509095505230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni anak sapi ya Tante? \pho ni anak sapiʔ ya tantə \mb ni anak sapi ya Tante \ge this child cattle yes aunt \gj this child cattle yes aunt \ft this is the cattle, right? \ref 027 \id 921473095601230401 \sp EXPBET \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 028 \id 616907095620230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ni anak sapi. \pho ni anak sapiʔ \mb ni anak sapi \ge this child cattle \gj this child cattle \ft this is the cattle. \ref 029 \id 974501095805230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx wah! \pho wah \mb wah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh! \ref 030 \id 868868095857230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx keluar susunya. \pho kluwar susuʔɲa \mb keluar susu -nya \ge go.out milk -NYA \gj go.out milk-NYA \ft the milk is coming out. \ref 031 \id 138579100210230401 \begin 0:01:03 \sp RATIDO \tx 0. \nt laughing while talking from with MOT in other room. \ref 032 \id 282765095956230401 \begin 0:01:05 \sp CHIIDO \tx apa ini xx? \pho ʔapa ini abuʔ \mb apa ini xx \ge what this xx \gj what this xx \ft what's this? \ref 033 \id 500235101233230401 \begin 0:01:07 \sp ABAIDO \tx glek, glek, glek... \pho glək gləl glək \mb glek glek glek \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft gilp, gulp, gulp... \nt breast-feeding the calf . \ref 034 \id 257905102534230401 \begin 0:01:09 \sp ABAIDO \tx mooh. \pho mɔː \mb mooh \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft mooh \ref 035 \id 814146102602230401 \begin 0:01:11 \sp EXPBET \tx ini Tante ambil ya. \pho ʔini tantə ʔambil ya \mb ini Tante ambil ya \ge this aunt take yes \gj this aunt take yes \ft I'll take it. \nt moving the pillow. \ref 036 \id 365468102636230401 \begin 0:01:13 \sp ABAIDO \tx Toy's R Us. \pho toys ʔar ʔas \mb Toy's R Us \ge Toy's R Us \gj Toy's R Us \ft Toy's R Us. \ref 037 \id 538680102904230401 \begin 0:01:15 \sp ABAIDO \tx wa, kokok, kokok... \pho wa kɔkɔk kɔkɔk \mb wa kokok kokok \ge EXCL IMIT IMIT \gj EXCL IMIT IMIT \ft oh, a frog, a frog... \ref 038 \id 203977103239230401 \begin 0:01:17 \sp ABAIDO \tx aih, wah jalan. \pho ʔaih wah calan \mb aih wah jalan \ge EXCL EXCL walk \gj EXCL EXCL walk \ft oh, oh it's walking. \nt putting the calf on the cow. \ref 039 \id 747849103314230401 \begin 0:01:19 \sp EXPBET \tx awas, Ido jangan didudukin. \pho ʔawas ʔidɔʔ jaŋan didudukin \mb awas Ido jangan di- duduk -in \ge EXCL Ido don't DI- sit -IN \gj EXCL Ido don't DI-sit-IN \ft watchout, don't sit on it. \ref 040 \id 325748103401230401 \begin 0:01:21 \sp ABAIDO \tx Tante cara bikin rumahnya gimana sih? \pho tantə caraʔ bikin rumahɲa gimana sih \mb Tante cara bikin rumah -nya gimana sih \ge aunt manner make house -NYA how SIH \gj aunt manner make house-NYA how SIH \ft how to build the house, Auntie? \ref 041 \id 759312103452230401 \begin 0:01:24 \sp EXPBET \tx awas, Ido. \pho ʔawas ʔidoʔ \mb awas Ido \ge EXCL Ido \gj EXCL Ido \ft watchout, Ido. \ref 042 \id 370510103532230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ayam di sini ya, ayam. \pho ʔayam di sini ya ʔayam \mb ayam di sini ya ayam \ge chicken LOC here yes chicken \gj chicken LOC here yes chicken \ft the chicken is here, the chicken. \ref 043 \id 676646103555230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ayam di... samain sama ayam. \pho ʔayam di samaʔin sama ʔayam \mb ayam di sama -in sama ayam \ge chicken LOC same -IN with chicken \gj chicken LOC same-IN with chicken \ft put the chicken the same with the chicken. \ref 044 \id 607965103640230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ayam sama ayam. \pho ʔayam samaʔ ʔayam \mb ayam sama ayam \ge chicken with chicken \gj chicken with chicken \ft the chicken be with the chicken. \ref 045 \id 803759103804230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt building the house. \ref 046 \id 983124103650230401 \sp EXPBET \tx oh, kebalik Dek. \pho ʔo kəbalik deʔ \mb oh ke- balik Dek \ge EXCL KE- turn.around TRU-younger.sibling \gj EXCL KE-turn.around TRU-younger.sibling \ft oh, it's up side down. \nt referring to the house. \ref 047 \id 892139103728230401 \sp EXPBET \tx eh, enggak ding. \pho ʔe əŋgaʔ deŋ \mb eh enggak ding \ge EXCL NEG DING \gj EXCL NEG DING \ft oh, no. \ref 048 \id 402650103838230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx wah. \pho wah \mb wah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 049 \id 856541103845230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ayam di mana? \pho ʔayam di mana \mb ayam di mana \ge chicken LOC which \gj chicken LOC which \ft where's the chicken? \ref 050 \id 106734103857230401 \sp EXPBET \tx ni. \pho ni \mb ni \ge this \gj this \ft here. \ref 051 \id 781310103949230401 \sp EXPBET \tx ni kan ada lemnya Dek. \pho ni kan adaʔ ʔəlɛmɲa deʔ \mb ni kan ada lem -nya Dek \ge this KAN exist glue -NYA TRU-younger.sibling \gj this KAN exist glue-NYA TRU-younger.sibling \ft it has the sticky thing. \nt building the house. \ref 052 \id 200747104109230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx kayak apa sih xx xx xx? \pho kayaʔ ʔapa sih lɛlɛʔ lɛlɛʔ lɛlɛʔ \mb kayak apa sih xx xx xx \ge like what SIH xx xx xx \gj like what SIH xx xx xx \ft what look like is xx xx xx? \ref 053 \id 461988104236230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx. \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \ref 054 \id 943834104508230401 \sp EXPBET \tx 0. \nt holding CHI's head. \ref 055 \id 244135104721230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx aw! \pho ʔaw \mb aw \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft aw! \ref 056 \id 692862104742230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ni di sini ya Tante. \pho ni di sini ya tantə \mb ni di sini ya Tante \ge this LOC here yes aunt \gj this LOC here yes aunt \ft it's here Auntie, right. \nt referring to the cow. \ref 057 \id 454538104815230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx Tante, tolong. \pho tantə tɔlɔŋ \mb Tante tolong \ge aunt help \gj aunt help \ft Auntie, help. \ref 058 \id 827482104901230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx kalo sapi. \pho kalɔʔ sapiʔ \mb kalo sapi \ge TOP cattle \gj TOP cattle \ft if the cow. \nt referring to the calf. \ref 059 \id 412520105716230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx mooh. \pho moː \mb mooh \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft mooh. \ref 060 \id 241960105726230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx wah, anaknya! \pho wa ʔanakɲa \mb wah anak -nya \ge EXCL child -NYA \gj EXCL child-NYA \ft oh, the child! \ref 061 \id 139491105810230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx wah, jadi ancur Tante! \pho wa jadi ʔancur tantə \mb wah jadi ancur Tante \ge EXCL become destroyed aunt \gj EXCL become destroyed aunt \ft oh, it's destroyed, Auntie! \ref 062 \id 540349105901230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx mana anaknya? \pho mana ʔanakɲa \mb mana anak -nya \ge which child -NYA \gj which child-NYA \ft where's the child? \ref 063 \id 370397105910230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ni babi sama anak babi. \pho ni babiʔ sama ʔanak babiʔ \mb ni babi sama anak babi \ge this pig with child pig \gj this pig with child pig \ft the pig be with the piglet. \ref 064 \id 579501110006230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx dididu dididu... \pho dididu didu \mb dididu dididu \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft dididu dididu... \nt singing as he likes. \ref 065 \id 495660110039230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx tuh induknya. \pho tu ʔindukɲa \mb tuh induk -nya \ge that mother -NYA \gj that mother-NYA \ft that's the mother. \ref 066 \id 779482110341230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx Tante ini kan kolam renang luar nih. \pho tantə ʔini kan kɔlam rənaŋ luwar nih \mb Tante ini kan kolam renang luar nih \ge aunt this KAN pool swim out this \gj aunt this KAN pool swim out this \ft Auntie, this is the outdoor swimming pool. \nt pointing to the pond of the shed. \ref 067 \id 973830110435230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx nih, gini, ni. \pho nih gini ni \mb nih gini ni \ge this like.this this \gj this like.this this \ft look, like this. \ref 068 \id 376256110524230401 \sp MOTIDO \tx kenapa, sakit? \pho kənapa sakit \mb kenapa sakit \ge why hurt \gj why hurt \ft why, is it hurt? \nt talking to DEB. \ref 069 \id 387789110447230401 \sp EXPBET \tx ni baru ni Dek. \pho ni baruʔ ni deʔ \mb ni baru ni Dek \ge this new this TRU-younger.sibling \gj this new this TRU-younger.sibling \ft this is new. \nt referring to the deer and panda. \ref 070 \id 943983110734230401 \sp EXPBET \tx ni liat. \pho ni liyat \mb ni liat \ge this see \gj this see \ft look . \ref 071 \id 948132110916230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx baru ya. \pho baruʔ ya \mb baru ya \ge new yes \gj new yes \ft it's new right. \ref 072 \id 479491111018230401 \begin 0:02:36 \sp ABAIDO \tx ni anak ayam ni. \pho ni anak ʔayam ni \mb ni anak ayam ni \ge this child chicken this \gj this child chicken this \ft this is the chick. \ref 073 \id 817060111048230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ni anak ayam. \pho ni anak ʔayam \mb ni anak ayam \ge this child chicken \gj this child chicken \ft this is the chick. \ref 074 \id 747695111130230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx tuh, ini juga baru ya Tante? \pho tu ini jugaʔ baru ya tantə \mb tuh ini juga baru ya Tante \ge that this also new yes aunt \gj that this also new yes aunt \ft look, this one is new, right? \nt showing the panda. \ref 075 \id 433697111223230401 \sp EXPBET \tx iya, panda. \pho ʔiya panda \mb iya panda \ge yes panda \gj yes panda \ft yes, the panda. \ref 076 \id 654183111247230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx pandanya lagi ngapain sih? \pho pandaɲa lagi ŋapain siʔ \mb panda -nya lagi ng- apa -in sih \ge panda -NYA more N- what -IN SIH \gj panda-NYA more N-what-IN SIH \ft what's the panda doing? \ref 077 \id 168068111312230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx wah, panda ada tempat tidur. \pho wa panda ʔada təmpat tidur \mb wah panda ada tempat tidur \ge EXCL panda exist place lie.down \gj EXCL panda exist place lie.down \ft oh, the panda is on the bed. \ref 078 \id 229664111425230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx wah, bolong, Tante! \pho wa bɔlɔŋ tantə \mb wah bolong Tante \ge EXCL have.a.hole aunt \gj EXCL have.a.hole aunt \ft oh, it's a hole, Auntie! \ref 079 \id 475877111505230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx anak ayamnya. \pho ʔanak ʔayamɲa \mb anak ayam -nya \ge child chicken -NYA \gj child chicken-NYA \ft the chick. \ref 080 \id 589580112305230401 \sp EXPBET \tx 0. \nt going to the kitchen to talk with MOT. \ref 081 \id 382993111554230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx Tante ayamnya. \pho tantə ʔayamɲa \mb Tante ayam -nya \ge aunt chicken -NYA \gj aunt chicken-NYA \ft the chick. \ref 082 \id 769290111626230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx maen ini ya. \pho maɛn ʔini ya \mb maen ini ya \ge play this yes \gj play this yes \ft I play it, okay? \ref 083 \id 675402112152230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ni anak ayamnya. \pho ni anak ʔayamɲa \mb ni anak ayam -nya \ge this child chicken -NYA \gj this child chicken-NYA \ft this is the chick. \ref 084 \id 401238112229230401 \sp MOTIDO \tx oh itu xxx lama kan? \pho ʔɔ itu xxx lamaʔ kan \mb oh itu xxx lama kan \ge EXCL that xxx long.time KAN \gj EXCL that xxx long.time KAN \ft oh that the old xx, right? \ref 085 \id 516747112246230401 \sp EXPBET \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 086 \id 524299123344230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx mana ini temennya ya? \pho mana ini təmənɲa ya \mb mana ini temen -nya ya \ge which this friend -NYA yes \gj which this friend-NYA yes \ft where's its pairs? \ref 087 \id 615953123404230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ini di sini. \pho ʔini di sini \mb ini di sini \ge this LOC here \gj this LOC here \ft it's here. \ref 088 \id 238058123506230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ada ayam kecil. \pho ʔada ʔayam kəcil \mb ada ayam kecil \ge exist chicken small \gj exist chicken small \ft there's a little chick. \ref 089 \id 249981123617230401 \sp MOTIDO \tx kadang-kadang ibunya... \mb kadang - kadang ibu -nya \ge occasional - occasional mother -NYA \gj RED-occasional mother-NYA \ft sometimes the mother... \nt talking to EXP. \ref 090 \id 643077124212230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx di mana? \pho di mana \mb di mana \ge LOC which \gj LOC which \ft where? \ref 091 \id 849561123652230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx eh, ini di mana ini? \pho ʔɛh ʔini di mana ini \mb eh ini di mana ini \ge EXCL this LOC which this \gj EXCL this LOC which this \ft oh, where can I put it? \ref 092 \id 697118123748230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ini di sini aja. \pho ʔini di sini aja \mb ini di sini aja \ge this LOC here just \gj this LOC here just \ft just put it here. \nt moving the swan. \ref 093 \id 886231123824230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx jangan! \pho jaŋan \mb jangan \ge don't \gj don't \ft don't! \nt taking the swan. \ref 094 \id 507532123850230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx masa tempatnya di sini? \pho masa təmpatɲa di sini \mb masa tempat -nya di sini \ge incredible place -NYA LOC here \gj incredible place-NYA LOC here \ft how come his place is here? \ref 095 \id 511204123924230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ini kan laut! \pho ʔini kan laut \mb ini kan laut \ge this KAN sea \gj this KAN sea \ft this is the sea! \ref 096 \id 127599124113230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx yah, kakinya... \pho ya kakiʔɲa \mb yah kaki -nya \ge EXCL foot -NYA \gj EXCL foot-NYA \ft oh, its feet... \ref 097 \id 458329124114230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx wah, jangan diinjek ininya! \pho wa jan diinjək ʔiniɲa \mb wah jangan di- injek ini -nya \ge EXCL don't DI- step.on this -NYA \gj EXCL don't DI-step.on this-NYA \ft oh, don't step on it! \ref 098 \id 721466124332230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx lagi nginjek. \pho lagi ŋinjək \mb lagi ng- injek \ge more N- step.on \gj more N-step.on \ft he's steping on it. \nt walking the swan on the road. \ref 099 \id 599314124457230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ayo masuk. \pho ʔayɔ masuk \mb ayo masuk \ge AYO go.in \gj AYO go.in \ft come on in. \ref 100 \id 479774124528230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx masa? \pho masa \mb masa \ge incredible \gj incredible \ft why? \ref 101 \id 172221124536230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx wah, masa babi...? \pho wah masaʔ babiʔ \mb wah masa babi \ge EXCL incredible pig \gj EXCL incredible pig \ft oh, why how come the pig...? \ref 102 \id 272772124658230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx nggak ada... \pho ŋga adaʔ \mb nggak ada \ge NEG exist \gj NEG exist \ft doesn't have... \ref 103 \id 726937124606230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ini kan anaknya. \pho ʔini kan ʔanakɲa \mb ini kan anak -nya \ge this KAN child -NYA \gj this KAN child-NYA \ft this is the child. \ref 104 \id 751006124617230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx jangan dipisah Dek! \pho jaŋan dipisah dɛʔ \mb jangan di- pisah Dek \ge don't DI- separate TRU-younger.sibling \gj don't DI-separate TRU-younger.sibling \ft don't separate them! \ref 105 \id 498432124739230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx jangan. \pho jaŋan \mb jangan \ge don't \gj don't \ft don't. \ref 106 \id 568115124800230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx nggak boleh dipisah sama anaknya. \pho ŋgaʔ boleh dipisah samaʔ ʔanakɲa \mb nggak boleh di- pisah sama anak -nya \ge NEG may DI- separate with child -NYA \gj NEG may DI-separate with child-NYA \ft don't separate with the child. \ref 107 \id 833181124856230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx eh, ini harus di sini! \pho ʔɛ ini harus di sini \mb eh ini harus di sini \ge EXCL this must LOC here \gj EXCL this must LOC here \ft oh, it must be here! \ref 108 \id 797510124932230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx we. \pho wɛ \mb we \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft we. \ref 109 \id 670211124956230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx anak babi. \pho ʔanak babi \mb anak babi \ge child pig \gj child pig \ft the piglet. \ref 110 \id 461035125022230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx nah, ini di sini. \pho na ʔini di sini \mb nah ini di sini \ge NAH this LOC here \gj NAH this LOC here \ft so, it's here. \ref 111 \id 222133125038230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx dia mo... dia mo ke laut. \mb dia mo dia mo ke laut \ge 3 want 3 want to sea \gj 3 want 3 want to sea \ft he wants to... he wants to go to the sea. \ref 112 \id 802979125320230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ini kan lautnya dia. \pho ʔini kan lautɲa diya \mb ini kan laut -nya dia \ge this KAN sea -NYA 3 \gj this KAN sea-NYA 3 \ft this is his sea. \ref 113 \id 793405125404230401 \sp MOTIDO \tx eh, Mas Praba! \pho ʔɛh mas prabaʔ \mb eh Mas Praba \ge EXCL EPIT Praba \gj EXCL EPIT Praba \ft Praba! \ref 114 \id 972331125511230401 \sp MOTIDO \tx tuh, Tante Lili nanya... \pho tu tantə liliʔ naɲaʔ \mb tuh Tante Lili n- tanya \ge that aunt Lili N- ask \gj that aunt Lili N-ask \ft Aunt Lili asked me... \nt talking in the kitchen. \ref 115 \id 387125125555230401 \sp MOTIDO \tx xx. \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \ref 116 \id 679088125718230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ha? \pho hah \mb ha \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 117 \id 915567125612230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 118 \id 356962125711230401 \sp MOTIDO \tx bilang dong. \pho bilaŋ dɔŋ \mb bilang dong \ge say DONG \gj say DONG \ft you should tell me. \ref 119 \id 250638125924230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt screaming. \ref 120 \id 190507130531230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx diambil, diambil. \pho diyambil diyambil \mb di- ambil di- ambil \ge DI- take DI- take \gj DI-take DI-take \ft I take it, I take it. \ref 121 \id 255982130552230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx wa... \pho waː \mb wa \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft wa... \nt looking at the kitchen. \ref 122 \id 893846130706230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx Tante! \pho tantə \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft Auntie! \ref 123 \id 689366130720230401 \sp EXPBET \tx apa? \pho ʔapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft yes? \ref 124 \id 199026130754230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx wah dia keluar. \pho wa diya kəluwar \mb wah dia keluar \ge EXCL 3 go.out \gj EXCL 3 go.out \ft oh, he's going out. \ref 125 \id 343762130807230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dek Ido keluar. \pho dɛ idɔʔ kluwar \mb Dek Ido keluar \ge TRU-younger.sibling Ido go.out \gj TRU-younger.sibling Ido go.out \ft I'm going out. \ref 126 \id 683908131206230401 \sp EXPBET \tx xx. \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \nt not clear. \ref 127 \id 215551130854230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx wa. \pho wa \mb wa \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft wa. \ref 128 \id 877726130900230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx terus dia... terus dia mo ke anaknya lagi. \pho trus diya trus diya mɔʔ kə ʔanakɲa lagi \mb terus dia terus dia mo ke anak -nya lagi \ge continue 3 continue 3 want to child -NYA more \gj continue 3 continue 3 want to child-NYA more \ft and then he... and then he goes to his child. \ref 129 \id 655499131050230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ngek... ke anaknya lagi. \pho ŋɛːk kə ʔanakɲa lagiʔ \mb ngek ke anak -nya lagi \ge IMIT to child -NYA more \gj IMIT to child-NYA more \ft ngek... he's going to his child. \ref 130 \id 258315131248230401 \sp EXPBET \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 131 \id 506994131331230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'aku mo pergi dulu ah!' \pho ʔaku mɔ pərgiʔ duluʔ ʔah \mb aku mo pergi dulu ah \ge 1SG want go before AH \gj 1SG want go before AH \ft 'I want to go!' \ref 132 \id 470933131423230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ci, ci, ci... \pho ci ci ci \mb ci ci ci \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ci, ci, ci... \nt the words produce with the high stress. \ref 133 \id 989209131427230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx udah malem nih. \pho ʔudah maləm nih \mb udah malem nih \ge PFCT night this \gj PFCT night this \ft it's night. \ref 134 \id 552679131942230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx entar bebeknya tinggal aja di sini. \pho ʔəntar bɛbɛkɲa tiŋgal ʔaja di sini \mb entar bebek -nya tinggal aja di sini \ge moment duck -NYA stay just LOC here \gj moment duck-NYA stay just LOC here \ft let the duck stay here. \ref 135 \id 595227132046230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx entar dia masuk. \pho ʔəntar diya masuk \mb entar dia masuk \ge moment 3 go.in \gj moment 3 go.in \ft he will come in. \ref 136 \id 201186142057230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx. \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \nt making sound with the high stress while playing with the swan. \ref 137 \id 645453142611230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx udah malem. \pho ʔuda maləm \mb udah malem \ge PFCT night \gj PFCT night \ft it's night. \ref 138 \id 150702142620230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx cepet bebek! \pho cəpət bɛbɛk \mb cepet bebek \ge quick duck \gj quick duck \ft quickly, duck! \ref 139 \id 854420142641230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx dah. \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft okay. \ref 140 \id 463440143535230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx kalo pagi-pagi jadi xx. \mb kalo pagi - pagi jadi xx \ge TOP morning - morning become xx \gj TOP RED-morning become xx \ft in the morning it will be xx. \ref 141 \id 154664143620230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx. \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \nt making sound with the high stress. \ref 142 \id 850705143712230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx Ma! \pho mah \mb Ma \ge TRU-mother \gj TRU-mother \ft Mom! \nt calling his MOT to the kitchen. \ref 143 \id 117450143730230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx gimana? \pho gimana \mb gimana \ge how \gj how \ft how? \nt going to the kitchen. \ref 144 \id 889863143923230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx Tante gimana mobil masuk ke kandangnya sapi, mobil? \pho tantə gimana mɔbil masuk kə kandaŋɲa sapiʔ mɔbil \mb Tante gimana mobil masuk ke kandang -nya sapi mobil \ge aunt how car go.in to shed -NYA cattle car \gj aunt how car go.in to shed-NYA cattle car \ft Auntie, how the car coming in the cow's shed? \ref 145 \id 346566144054230401 \sp DEBHIZ \tx masuk ke kandang sapi. \pho masuk kə kandaŋ sapiʔ \mb masuk ke kandang sapi \ge go.in to shed cattle \gj go.in to shed cattle \ft it's coming in the cow's shed. \ref 146 \id 543678144112230401 \sp DEBHIZ \tx oh, mo ngangkut sapinya ya? \pho ʔo mɔʔ ŋaŋkut sapiʔɲa ya \mb oh mo ng- angkut sapi -nya ya \ge EXCL want N- transport cattle -NYA yes \gj EXCL want N-transport cattle-NYA yes \ft oh, it will carry the cow, right? \ref 147 \id 455774144340230401 \sp DEBHIZ \tx ngangkut sapinya. \pho ŋaŋkut sapiʔɲa \mb ng- angkut sapi -nya \ge N- transport cattle -NYA \gj N-transport cattle-NYA \ft carry the cow. \ref 148 \id 505119144227230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx wah, masa mobilnya jagoan? \pho wa masaʔ mɔbilɲa jagɔwan \mb wah masa mobil -nya jago -an \ge EXCL incredible car -NYA master -AN \gj EXCL incredible car-NYA master-AN \ft oh, how come the car is the champion? \ref 149 \id 915677145034230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx. \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \nt saying as he likes. \ref 150 \id 412789145141230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx pulpen apa tuh? \pho pulpɛn ʔapa tuh \mb pulpen apa tuh \ge pen what that \gj pen what that \ft what pen is that? \ref 151 \id 250794145259230401 \sp DEBHIZ \tx xx. \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \ref 152 \id 111543145306230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ngapain? \pho ŋapain \mb ng- apa -in \ge N- what -IN \gj N-what-IN \ft what's he doing? \ref 153 \id 611309145319230401 \sp EXPBET \tx xx ini. \pho xx this \mb xx ini \ge xx this \gj xx this \ft this xx. \nt not clear. \ref 154 \id 480599145422230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx itu pulpen... \pho ʔitu bolpɛn \mb itu pulpen \ge that pen \gj that pen \ft that's the pen... \nt going to the kitchen. \ref 155 \id 547112145443230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ini apa sih? \pho ʔini apa siʔ \mb ini apa sih \ge this what SIH \gj this what SIH \ft what's this? \ref 156 \id 634577145558230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx oh, oh, ni apa sih? \pho ʔa ʔo ni ʔapa si \mb oh oh ni apa sih \ge EXCL EXCL this what SIH \gj EXCL EXCL this what SIH \ft uh oh, what's this? \ref 157 \id 959240145643230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx bolpen. \pho bɔlpɛn \mb bolpen \ge pen \gj pen \ft the pen. \ref 158 \id 868136145728230401 \begin 0:06:41 \sp CHIIDO \tx bolpen apa ini? \pho bɔlpɛn ʔapa ini \mb bolpen apa ini \ge pen what this \gj pen what this \ft what pen is this? \ref 159 \id 581562145803230401 \sp EXPBET \tx isinya. \pho ʔisiʔɲa \mb isi -nya \ge contents -NYA \gj contents-NYA \ft the content. \ref 160 \id 931150145830230401 \sp EXPBET \tx luarnya pecah. \pho luwarɲa pəcah \mb luar -nya pecah \ge out -NYA shattered \gj out-NYA shattered \ft the outer part is broken \ref 161 \id 358842145848230401 \sp EXPBET \tx yuk ke sana yuk. \pho yoʔ kə sana yoʔ \mb yuk ke sana yuk \ge AYO to there AYO \gj AYO to there AYO \ft let's go there. \ref 162 \id 775412145923230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ayo Tante, main yuk! \pho ʔayoʔ tantə main yuʔ \mb ayo Tante main yuk \ge AYO aunt play AYO \gj AYO aunt play AYO \ft Auntie, let's play! \ref 163 \id 963108151142230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx teng, teng... \pho tɛŋ tɛŋ \mb teng teng \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft teng, teng... \nt saying as he likes. \ref 164 \id 186512151209230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx tu liat deh Tante, kan. \pho tu liyat dɛh tantə kan \mb tu liat deh Tante kan \ge that see DEH aunt KAN \gj that see DEH aunt KAN \ft look at it Auntie, see. \ref 165 \id 623338151252230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx Tante yang bebek. \pho tantə yaŋ bɛbɛk \mb Tante yang bebek \ge aunt REL duck \gj aunt REL duck \ft the duck one is for you. \ref 166 \id 152679151316230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx Tante yang bebek. \pho tantə yaŋ bɛbɛk \mb Tante yang bebek \ge aunt REL duck \gj aunt REL duck \ft the duck one is for you. \ref 167 \id 783545151330230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx Tante yang bebek ya. \pho tantə yaŋ bɛbɛk yah \mb Tante yang bebek ya \ge aunt REL duck yes \gj aunt REL duck yes \ft the duck one is for you, right? \ref 168 \id 854729151343230401 \sp EXPBET \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay. \ref 169 \id 253389151353230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx Tante, berarti... \pho tantə bərarti \mb Tante ber- arti \ge aunt BER- meaning \gj aunt BER-meaning \ft Auntie, it means... \ref 170 \id 523649151414230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx hey, itu mobil Mas Aba! \pho hɛy ʔitu mɔbil mas ʔabaʔ \mb hey itu mobil Mas Aba \ge hey that car EPIT Aba \gj hey that car EPIT Aba \ft hey, that's my car! \ref 171 \id 492765151505230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx hey! \pho hɛy \mb hey \ge hey \gj hey \ft hey! \ref 172 \id 723062151511230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx apa? \pho ʔapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 173 \id 431165151515230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx itu mobil Mas Aba! \pho ʔitu mɔbil mas ʔabaʔ \mb itu mobil Mas Aba \ge that car EPIT Aba \gj that car EPIT Aba \ft that's my car! \ref 174 \id 409342151546230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx aah, jangan! \pho ʔaːh jaŋan \mb aah jangan \ge EXCL don't \gj EXCL don't \ft aah, dont! \ref 175 \id 831704151604230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx emang binatang semua bisa masuk mobil, apa? \pho ʔɛmaŋ binataŋ səmuwa bisa masuk mɔbil ʔapa \mb emang binatang semua bisa masuk mobil apa \ge indeed animal all can go.in car what \gj indeed animal all can go.in car what \ft are you sure that all the animal can come in the car? \ref 176 \id 273778151636230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ngeng... \pho nɛːŋ \mb ngeng \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft vroom... \ref 177 \id 293015151716230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'aku sudah pagi'. \pho ʔaku sudah pagi \mb aku sudah pagi \ge 1SG PFCT morning \gj 1SG PFCT morning \ft 'I'm in the morning'. \nt saying in high stress. \ref 178 \id 510859151729230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'aku keluar harus ya'. \pho ʔaku kəluwar harus ya \mb aku keluar harus ya \ge 1SG go.out must yes \gj 1SG go.out must yes \ft 'I must go out'. \nt ungrammtical, it should be 'aku harus keluiar ya'. \ref 179 \id 623147151853230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx. \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \ref 180 \id 549985151948230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx. \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \ref 181 \id 313495151953230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx 'aku mo keluar!' \pho ʔku mɔ kəluwar \mb aku mo keluar \ge 1SG want go.out \gj 1SG want go.out \ft 'I want to go out!' \ref 182 \id 929309152024230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx wah ayam juga mo nyari makan. \pho wah ʔayam jugaʔ mɔʔ ɲariʔ makan \mb wah ayam juga mo ny- cari makan \ge EXCL chicken also want N- look.for eat \gj EXCL chicken also want N-look.for eat \ft oh, the chicken will find the food. \ref 183 \id 926108152032230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx anaknya di bawah. \pho ʔanakɲa di bawah \mb anak -nya di bawah \ge child -NYA LOC under \gj child-NYA LOC under \ft the child is under it. \ref 184 \id 220460152136230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx anaknya diginiin. \pho ʔanakɲa diginiʔin \mb anak -nya di- gini -in \ge child -NYA DI- like.this -IN \gj child-NYA DI-like.this-IN \ft it's doing the child like this. \ref 185 \id 586767152203230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx wah, ayamnya... \pho wah ʔayamɲa \mb wah ayam -nya \ge EXCL chicken -NYA \gj EXCL chicken-NYA \ft oh, the child... \ref 186 \id 205192152216230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx mana ini anaknya? \pho mana inih ʔanaʔɲah \mb mana ini anak -nya \ge which this child -NYA \gj which this child-NYA \ft where's its child? \nt holding the swan. \ref 187 \id 465798152320230401 \sp EXPBET \tx nggak punya. \pho ŋgaʔ puɲa \mb nggak punya \ge NEG have \gj NEG have \ft she doesn't have. \ref 188 \id 188950152407230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx wa! \pho wa \mb wa \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft ow! \ref 189 \id 193806152411230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx wui... anaknya mati. \pho wui ʔanakɲa matiʔ \mb wui anak -nya mati \ge IMIT child -NYA dead \gj IMIT child-NYA dead \ft oh, the child is dead. \ref 190 \id 805580152440230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx bebeknya lagi berenang. \pho bɛbɛkɲa lagiʔ brənaŋ \mb bebek -nya lagi be- renang \ge duck -NYA more BER- swim \gj duck-NYA more BER-swim \ft the duck is swimming. \ref 191 \id 408245152504230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx tinit, tinit... \pho tinit tinit \mb tinit tinit \ge BAB BAB \gj BAB BAB \ft tinit, tinit... \nt saying as he likes. \ref 192 \id 384564152536230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ni diapain sih ini? \pho ni diʔapain sih ʔini \mb ni di- apa -in sih ini \ge this DI- what -IN SIH this \gj this DI-what-IN SIH this \ft what's it doing? \ref 193 \id 182850152550230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ini ibunya ya? \pho ʔini ʔibuɲa yah \mb ini ibu -nya ya \ge this mother -NYA yes \gj this mother-NYA yes \ft this is the mother, right? \ref 194 \id 270577152614230401 \sp EXPBET \tx itu yang jantan. \pho ʔitu yaŋ jantan \mb itu yang jantan \ge that REL male \gj that REL male \ft that's the male one. \ref 195 \id 500869152736230401 \sp EXPBET \tx yang betina yang putih. \pho yaŋ bətina yaŋ putih \mb yang betina yang putih \ge REL female REL white \gj REL female REL white \ft the white one is the female. \ref 196 \id 119312152813230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx hmm. \pho mː \mb hmm \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \nt playing with the chickens. \ref 197 \id 687434152823230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ayo, anaknya kok dicium? \pho ʔayo ʔanakɲa kɔʔ dɪcɪyʊm \mb ayo anak -nya kok di- cium \ge AYO child -NYA KOK DI- kiss \gj AYO child-NYA KOK DI-kiss \ft come on, why does she kiss her child? \ref 198 \id 119665153448230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ah, sama bapaknya... \pho ʔa sama bapaʔɲa \mb ah sama bapak -nya \ge AH with father -NYA \gj AH with father-NYA \ft ah, by his father... \nt meaning; the father kiss his child. \ref 199 \id 319961153503230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx pulang yuk! \pho pulaŋ yuːʔ \mb pulang yuk \ge return AYO \gj return AYO \ft let's go home! \ref 200 \id 704450153515230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx udah malem. \pho ʔuda maləm \mb udah malem \ge PFCT night \gj PFCT night \ft it's night. \ref 201 \id 803959153556230401 \sp EXPBET \tx udah malem ditutup dong. \pho ʔudah maləm ditutup dɔŋ \mb udah malem di- tutup dong \ge PFCT night DI- shut DONG \gj PFCT night DI-shut DONG \ft it's night, so close it. \ref 202 \id 168421153618230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx pake apa tutupnya dong? \pho pakɛʔ ʔapa tutupɲa dɔŋ \mb pake apa tutup -nya dong \ge use what shut -NYA DONG \gj use what shut-NYA DONG \ft what can use to close it? \ref 203 \id 753175153644230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx waw, tolong! \pho waw tɔlɔŋ \mb waw tolong \ge EXCL help \gj EXCL help \ft ow, help! \ref 204 \id 729130153705230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ah, tunggu. \pho ʔah tuŋgu \mb ah tunggu \ge AH wait \gj AH wait \ft ah, wait. \ref 205 \id 709660153717230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx tunggu dong. \pho tuŋgu dɔŋ \mb tunggu dong \ge wait DONG \gj wait DONG \ft wait. \ref 206 \id 168309153735230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx tunggu dong. \pho tuŋgu dɔŋ \mb tunggu dong \ge wait DONG \gj wait DONG \ft wait. \ref 207 \id 676760154124230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx xx. \pho cəkələk \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \ref 208 \id 720965154147230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx cepet! \pho cəpəːt \mb cepet \ge quick \gj quick \ft quickly! \ref 209 \id 277835154157230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx mo ditutup. \pho mɔ ditutup \mb mo di- tutup \ge want DI- shut \gj want DI-shut \ft I want to close it. \ref 210 \id 772351154530230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx. \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \nt making sound with high voice. \ref 211 \id 976604154240230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx wus... \pho wuːs \mb wus \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft wuz... \nt closing the shed. \ref 212 \id 201371154251230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ditutup deh. \pho ditutup dɛh \mb di- tutup deh \ge DI- shut DEH \gj DI-shut DEH \ft I close it. \ref 213 \id 151768154334230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx wah pintunya! \pho waː pintuʔɲa \mb wah pintu -nya \ge EXCL door -NYA \gj EXCL door-NYA \ft oh, the door! \ref 214 \id 826979154804230401 \sp ABAIDO \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 215 \id 951941154812230401 \sp CHIIDO \tx gini kan. \pho gini kan \mb gini kan \ge like.this KAN \gj like.this KAN \ft like this, right. \ref 216 \id 589155154818230401 \begin 0:08:39 \sp CHIIDO \tx tonetong... \pho tɔnɛtɔŋ \mb tonetong \ge BAB \gj BAB \ft tonetong... \nt saying as he likes while carrying the shed. \ref 217 \id 473479081127240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx Tante, ininya! \pho tantə ʔiniɲa \mb Tante ini -nya \ge aunt this -NYA \gj aunt this-NYA \ft Auntie, like this! \ref 218 \id 575326081200240401 \sp EXPBET \tx roti, roti! \pho rɔti rɔti \mb roti roti \ge bread bread \gj bread bread \ft bread, bread! \nt imitating like the bread seller! \ref 219 \id 514898081209240401 \sp EXPBET \tx jualan roti ya Dek ya? \pho juwalan rɔti ya deʔ ya \mb jual -an roti ya Dek ya \ge sell -AN bread yes TRU-younger.sibling yes \gj sell-AN bread yes TRU-younger.sibling yes \ft you sell the bread right? \ref 220 \id 105350081228240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx liat deh, rumahnya. \pho liyat dɛh rumaɲa \mb liat deh rumah -nya \ge see DEH house -NYA \gj see DEH house-NYA \ft look at the house. \ref 221 \id 925505081257240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx tenet, tenet, tet, tenet, tet, tet, tet... \pho tɛnɛt tɛnɛt tɛt tɛnɛt tɛt tɛt tɛt \mb tenet tenet tet tenet tet tet tet \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft tenet, tenet, tet, tenet, tet, tet, tet... \nt saying as he likes while carrying the shed. \ref 222 \id 885642081342240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx teret, tet, tet, tet... \pho tɛrɛt tɛt tɛt tɛt \mb teret tet tet tet \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft teret, tet, tet, tet... \ref 223 \id 502016081404240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx wah, binatangnya pada pusing. \pho wah binataŋɲa pada pusiŋ \mb wah binatang -nya pada pusing \ge EXCL animal -NYA PL dizzy \gj EXCL animal-NYA PL dizzy \ft oh the animals are dizzy. \ref 224 \id 499493081447240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ton, ne, ne, ne... \pho tɔn nə nə nə \mb ton ne ne ne \ge BAB BAB BAB BAB \gj BAB BAB BAB BAB \ft ton, ne, ne, ne... \nt babbling, turning arround. \ref 225 \id 399993081536240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx Mama, maenan Tante Bety, Ma! \pho mamah maɛnan tantə bɛti mah \mb Mama maen -an Tante Bety Ma \ge mommy play -AN aunt Bety TRU-mommy \gj mommy play-AN aunt Bety TRU-mommy \ft Mommy, look at Aunt Bety's toy. \nt carrying the shed to the kitchen. \ref 226 \id 347991081837240401 \sp MOTIDO \tx oh iya. \pho ʔoh ʔiya \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh, yes. \ref 227 \id 299279081620240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx tolet, tolet, tot. \pho tɔlɛt tɔlɛt tɔt \mb tolet tolet tot \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft tolet, tolet, tot. \ref 228 \id 487588081747240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx udah pagi Tante! \pho ʔudah pagiʔ tantə \mb udah pagi Tante \ge PFCT morning aunt \gj PFCT morning aunt \ft it's morning, Auntie! \ref 229 \id 112866081805240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx udah pagi Tante. \pho ʔudah pagiʔ tantə \mb udah pagi Tante \ge PFCT morning aunt \gj PFCT morning aunt \ft it's morning, Auntie. \ref 230 \id 205314081907240401 \sp EXPBET \tx kukuruyuk! \pho kukuruyuːk \mb kukuruyuk \ge cock-a-doodle-doo \gj cock-a-doodle-doo \ft cock-a-doodle-doo! \ref 231 \id 726646081921240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx kukuruyuk! \pho kukuruyuːk \mb kukuruyuk \ge cock-a-doodle-doo \gj cock-a-doodle-doo \ft cock-a-doodle-doo! \ref 232 \id 364015081943240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx tot, tit, tut, tit, tut... \pho tut tit tut tit tut \mb tot tit tut tit tut \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft tot, tit, tut, tit, tut... \nt singing as he likes. \ref 233 \id 418412082029240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx tot, totot, totot... \pho tɔt tɔtɔt tɔtɔt \mb tot totot totot \ge BAB BAB BAB \gj BAB BAB BAB \ft tot, totot, totot... \nt babbling. \ref 234 \id 262834082057240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx tonet... \pho tɔnɛt \mb tonet \ge BAB \gj BAB \ft tonet... \nt babbling. \ref 235 \id 863244082127240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx wa, semua... \pho wa səmwa \mb wa semua \ge EXCL all \gj EXCL all \ft oh, all of them are... \ref 236 \id 258363082140240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx bangun. \pho baŋun \mb bangun \ge rise \gj rise \ft awake. \ref 237 \id 422940082151240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx semua bangun. \pho səmuwa baŋun \mb semua bangun \ge all rise \gj all rise \ft all of them are awake. \ref 238 \id 774573082204240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx semua bangun. \pho səmuwa baŋun \mb semua bangun \ge all rise \gj all rise \ft all of them are awake. \ref 239 \id 377680082234240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni di... \pho ni di \mb ni di \ge this LOC \gj this LOC \ft I... \ref 240 \id 580833082240240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx 'ah, aku juga mo maen!' \pho ʔa ʔaku juga mɔ maɛn \mb ah aku juga mo maen \ge AH 1SG also want play \gj AH 1SG also want play \ft 'I want to play!' \nt taking the panda out from the shed. \ref 241 \id 376331082308240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'aku juga mo maen!' \pho ʔaku juga mɔ maɛŋ \mb aku juga mo maen \ge 1SG also want play \gj 1SG also want play \ft 'I want to play!' \nt taking the pig. \ref 242 \id 410116082437240401 \sp EXPBET \tx dikasi nama dong xx. \pho dikasih namaʔ dɔŋ babiʔɲa \mb di- kasi nama dong xx \ge DI- give name DONG xx \gj DI-give name DONG xx \ft give it the name. \ref 243 \id 328962082521240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ne, no, ne, no, ne... \pho nɛ nɔ nɛ nɔ nɛ \mb ne no ne no ne \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft ne, no, ne, no, ne... \nt singing as he likes. \ref 244 \id 770623082536240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx aku kasi nama, xx. \pho ʔaku kasih namaʔ papiʔ \mb aku kasi nama xx \ge 1SG give name xx \gj 1SG give name xx \ft I give it a name, xx. \ref 245 \id 580507082630240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx babi. \pho babiʔ \mb babi \ge pig \gj pig \ft a pig. \nt holding the pig. \ref 246 \id 306000082643240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx dom(ba), domba. \pho dɔm dɔmpa \mb domba domba \ge sheep sheep \gj sheep sheep \ft the sheep, the sheep. \nt holding the sheep. \ref 247 \id 123992082755240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx domba. \pho dɔmbaʔ \mb domba \ge sheep \gj sheep \ft the sheep. \ref 248 \id 947254082725240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ni lagi mo minum susu. \pho ni lagiʔ mɔʔ minum susuʔ \mb ni lagi mo minum susu \ge this more want drink milk \gj this more want drink milk \ft he wants to drink milks. \ref 249 \id 140574082807240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ni lagi mo minum susu. \pho ni lagiʔ mɔʔ minum susuʔ \mb ni lagi mo minum susu \ge this more want drink milk \gj this more want drink milk \ft he wants to drink milks. \nt referring to the cows. \ref 250 \id 739818082839240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx xxx. \pho auk \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx \ref 251 \id 342789082848240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx wah, sudah malam. \pho wa sudah malam \mb wah sudah malam \ge EXCL PFCT night \gj EXCL PFCT night \ft oh, it's night. \ref 252 \id 967033082912240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'ayo xx sudah malam'. \pho ʔayo səkisak sudah malam \mb ayo xx sudah malam \ge AYO xx PFCT night \gj AYO xx PFCT night \ft 'come on, it's night'. \ref 253 \id 455306082955240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx cepat! \pho cəpat \mb cepat \ge quick \gj quick \ft quickly! \ref 254 \id 237876083007240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'aku... kita...' \pho ʔaku kitas \mb aku kita \ge 1SG 1PL \gj 1SG 1PL \ft 'I... we...' \ref 255 \id 797763083048240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'wah... kita itu...' \pho wah kita itu \mb wah kita itu \ge EXCL 1PL that \gj EXCL 1PL that \ft 'oh, we are...' \ref 256 \id 417103083059240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'kita antri!' \pho kita ʔantriʔ \mb kita antri \ge 1PL queue \gj 1PL queue \ft 'we're standing in line!' \ref 257 \id 768547083131240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx antri binatang. \pho ʔantri binataŋ \mb antri binatang \ge queue animal \gj queue animal \ft the animals are standing in line. \ref 258 \id 787442083141240401 \sp EXPBET \tx antri mo ke mana? \pho ʔantri mɔ kə mana \mb antri mo ke mana \ge queue want to which \gj queue want to which \ft where do you want to go for standing the line? \ref 259 \id 660186083208240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx soalnya mo udah malem. \pho sɔʔalɲa mɔʔ ʔuda maləm \mb soal -nya mo udah malem \ge matter -NYA want PFCT night \gj matter-NYA want PFCT night \ft because it's night. \ref 260 \id 267794083229240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'kita antri'. \pho kita ʔantri \mb kita antri \ge 1PL queue \gj 1PL queue \ft 'we're standing in line'. \ref 261 \id 522449083242240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx tut, tut, tut... \pho tut tut tut \mb tut tut tut \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft tut, tut, tut... \nt putting the animal in the shed. \ref 262 \id 121214083302240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'entar ki(ta)... entar kita pagi-pagi kita nonton Sherina'. \pho ʔəntar ki ʔəntar pagɪ pagɪ kita nɔntɔn yɛrinaʔ \mb entar kita entar kita pagi - pagi kita n- tonton Sherina \ge moment 1PL moment 1PL morning - morning 1PL N- watch Sherina \gj moment 1PL moment 1PL RED-morning 1PL N-watch Sherina \ft 'we'll watch Sherina in the morning'. \ref 263 \id 250891083526240401 \sp EXPBET \tx nonton apa? \pho nɔntɔn ʔapa \mb n- tonton apa \ge N- watch what \gj N-watch what \ft watching what? \ref 264 \id 843469083536240401 \sp EXPBET \tx Sherina. \pho sɛrina \mb Sherina \ge Sherina \gj Sherina \ft Sherina. \ref 265 \id 910510083544240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx Sherina. \pho sɛrina \mb Sherina \ge Sherina \gj Sherina \ft Sherina. \ref 266 \id 562416083737240401 \sp EXPBET \tx oh. \pho ʔo \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 267 \id 857764083618240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'aduh, sapi!' \pho ʔaduh sapiʔ \mb aduh sapi \ge EXCL cattle \gj EXCL cattle \ft 'oh no, the cow!' \ref 268 \id 867345083721240401 \sp EXPBET \tx xx. \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \nt not clear bacause she's saying in the same time. \ref 269 \id 794237083726240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ayam. \pho ʔayam \mb ayam \ge chicken \gj chicken \ft the chicken. \ref 270 \id 446853083836240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx he-em... \pho mː \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh... \ref 271 \id 376297083849240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx woy, lupa! \pho wɔy lupaʔ \mb woy lupa \ge EXCL forget \gj EXCL forget \ft oh, I forgot! \ref 272 \id 740158083908240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx eh, jangan diituin lagi. \pho ʔɛy jaŋan diʔituwin lagi \mb eh jangan di- itu -in lagi \ge EXCL don't DI- that -IN more \gj EXCL don't DI-that-IN more \ft oh, don't do like that anymore. \ref 273 \id 650078083947240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh, Mas Aba salah. \pho ʔɛ mas ʔabaʔ salah \mb eh Mas Aba salah \ge EXCL EPIT Aba wrong \gj EXCL EPIT Aba wrong \ft oh, you wrong. \nt moving the animal. \ref 274 \id 486353084024240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx Mas Aba salah. \pho mas ʔaba salah \mb Mas Aba salah \ge EPIT Aba wrong \gj EPIT Aba wrong \ft you wrong. \ref 275 \id 947055084036240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx iya tadi kan ini kan di sini. \pho ʔiya tadi kan ʔini kan di sini \mb iya tadi kan ini kan di sini \ge yes earlier KAN this KAN LOC here \gj yes earlier KAN this KAN LOC here \ft well, it's here justnow. \nt referring to the pigs. \ref 276 \id 372105084113240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx salah! \pho salah \mb salah \ge wrong \gj wrong \ft you wrong! \ref 277 \id 478823084118240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx domba kan di sini. \pho domba kan di sini \mb domba kan di sini \ge sheep KAN LOC here \gj sheep KAN LOC here \ft the sheep is here. \ref 278 \id 385702084231240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx sini. \pho sini \mb sini \ge here \gj here \ft it's here. \ref 279 \id 413909084237240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ini, ini. \pho ʔini ʔini \mb ini ini \ge this this \gj this this \ft this, this. \ref 280 \id 175275084300240401 \begin 0:10:40 \sp ABAIDO \tx ini aja ya, ini. \pho ʔini aja ya ʔini \mb ini aja ya ini \ge this just yes this \gj this just yes this \ft just this one, this one. \ref 281 \id 752234084337240401 \begin 0:10:42 \sp ABAIDO \tx soalnya tadi xx di sini. \pho soalɲa tadi xx di sini \mb soal -nya tadi xx di sini \ge matter -NYA earlier xx LOC here \gj matter-NYA earlier xx LOC here \ft because it's here justnow. \nt putting the deer in the shed. \ref 282 \id 213190103434240401 \begin 0:10:44 \sp ABAIDO \tx 'aku di sini'. \pho ʔaku di sɪnɪ \mb aku di sini \ge 1SG LOC here \gj 1SG LOC here \ft 'I'm here'. \nt putting the animal in the shed. \ref 283 \id 802185103448240401 \begin 0:10:46 \sp ABAIDO \tx Mas Aba, bisa, Mas. \pho mas ʔabaʔ bisaʔ mas \mb Mas Aba bisa Mas \ge EPIT Aba can EPIT \gj EPIT Aba can EPIT \ft I can, I can. \nt putting the animal in the shed. \ref 284 \id 937255103535240401 \begin 0:10:48 \sp ABAIDO \tx ah, domba. \pho ʔa dombaʔ \mb ah domba \ge AH sheep \gj AH sheep \ft uh, the sheep. \ref 285 \id 373442103617240401 \begin 0:10:50 \sp ABAIDO \tx ayo domba, ayo domba. \pho ʔayo dombaʔ ʔayo dombaʔ \mb ayo domba ayo domba \ge AYO sheep AYO sheep \gj AYO sheep AYO sheep \ft come on the sheep, the sheep. \ref 286 \id 457493103702240401 \begin 0:10:52 \sp ABAIDO \tx wey, ya udah ininya di sini. \pho wɛy ya udah ʔiniɲa di sini \mb wey ya udah ini -nya di sini \ge EXCL yes PFCT this -NYA LOC here \gj EXCL yes PFCT this-NYA LOC here \ft oh, let it be here. \ref 287 \id 993057103736240401 \begin 0:10:54 \sp ABAIDO \tx ini di sini. \pho ʔini di sini \mb ini di sini \ge this LOC here \gj this LOC here \ft this one is here. \ref 288 \id 432202103744240401 \begin 0:10:56 \sp ABAIDO \tx ini anaknya di depan. \pho ʔini anakɲa di dəpan \mb ini anak -nya di depan \ge this child -NYA LOC front \gj this child-NYA LOC front \ft the child is in the front. \ref 289 \id 737466103849240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx tutup! \pho tutuːp \mb tutup \ge shut \gj shut \ft close it! \ref 290 \id 408003103900240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx tutup! \pho tʊtʊːp \mb tutup \ge shut \gj shut \ft close it! \ref 291 \id 816449103923240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx tutup, tutup, tutup, tutup. \pho tutɔp tutup tutup tutup \mb tutup tutup tutup tutup \ge shut shut shut shut \gj shut shut shut shut \ft close it, close it, close it, close it. \nt closing the shed together. \ref 292 \id 379878104010240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx nanti kita puterin lagi. \pho nantɪ kɪta putərin lagiʔ \mb nanti kita puter -in lagi \ge later 1PL turn -IN more \gj later 1PL turn-IN more \ft we'll turning it again. \ref 293 \id 642760104122240401 \sp EXPBET \tx ssh... \pho ʃː \mb ssh \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft ssh... \nt imitating a snake with her hand. \ref 294 \id 622082104033240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ah, Tante nih ada uler. \pho ʔa tantə ni ʔada ʔulər \mb ah Tante nih ada uler \ge AH aunt this exist snake \gj AH aunt this exist snake \ft ah, there's a snake, Auntie. \ref 295 \id 793650104206240401 \sp EXPBET \tx ssh... \pho ʃː \mb ssh \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft ssh... \nt touching CHI. \ref 296 \id 600113104216240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx aw! \pho ʔaːw \mb aw \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft aw! \ref 297 \id 421039104440240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx awas, cepet! \pho ʔawas cəpət \mb awas cepet \ge EXCL quick \gj EXCL quick \ft watchout, quickly! \nt moving and stepping on EXP's hand. \ref 298 \id 323479104504240401 \sp EXPBET \tx aduh! \pho ʔaduh \mb aduh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh, no! \nt trying to come in the shed. \ref 299 \id 417811104549240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx mana bisa? \pho mana bisaʔ \mb mana bisa \ge which can \gj which can \ft how come? \ref 300 \id 968890104557240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ini ada bolongan! \pho ʔini ʔada bɔlɔŋan \mb ini ada bolong -an \ge this exist have.a.hole -AN \gj this exist have.a.hole-AN \ft there's a hole! \ref 301 \id 160900104613240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx nggak pa-pa Tante. \pho ŋgaʔ papa tantə \mb nggak pa - pa Tante \ge NEG what - what aunt \gj NEG RED-what aunt \ft that's okay, Auntie. \ref 302 \id 352581104645240401 \sp EXPBET \tx 0. \nt knocking the door of the shed. \ref 303 \id 849179104803240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx wah... \pho wah \mb wah \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh... \nt taking the shed. \ref 304 \id 568353104841240401 \sp EXPBET \tx awas Dek, jatoh tuh Dek. \pho ʔawas deʔ jatɔh tuh deʔ \mb awas Dek jatoh tuh Dek \ge EXCL TRU-younger.sibling fall that TRU-younger.sibling \gj EXCL TRU-younger.sibling fall that TRU-younger.sibling \ft watchout, that's falling down. \nt referring to the microphone. \ref 305 \id 329605104915240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx Tante, nggak bisa. \pho tantə ŋgaʔ bisaʔ \mb Tante nggak bisa \ge aunt NEG can \gj aunt NEG can \ft you can't come in. \ref 306 \id 788035104932240401 \sp EXPBET \tx kenapa nggak bisa? \pho kənapa ŋgaʔ bisaʔ \mb kenapa nggak bisa \ge why NEG can \gj why NEG can \ft why I can't come in? \ref 307 \id 722834104948240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx soalnya ini ketutup rumahnya. \pho sɔalɲa ini kətutup rumahɲa \mb soal -nya ini ke- tutup rumah -nya \ge matter -NYA this KE- shut house -NYA \gj matter-NYA this KE-shut house-NYA \ft because the shed is closed. \ref 308 \id 192205105045240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh, rumahnya bisa terbang. \pho ʔɛh rumahɲa bisaʔ tərbaŋ \mb eh rumah -nya bisa terbang \ge EXCL house -NYA can fly \gj EXCL house-NYA can fly \ft hey, the shed can fly. \nt taking the shed. \ref 309 \id 893345105155240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx eh, tuh kursi ya Tante? \pho ʔɛh tuh kursiʔ ya tantə \mb eh tuh kursi ya Tante \ge EXCL that chair yes aunt \gj EXCL that chair yes aunt \ft oh, Auntie, that's the chair right? \nt pointing to the picture of the shed. \ref 310 \id 380362105232240401 \sp EXPBET \tx mana? \pho mana \mb mana \ge which \gj which \ft where? \ref 311 \id 653937105236240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx pipis ya. \pho pipis ya \mb pipis ya \ge pee yes \gj pee yes \ft I want to pee. \ref 312 \id 532235105249240401 \sp EXPBET \tx siapa yang pipis? \pho syapa yaŋ pipis \mb siapa yang pipis \ge who REL pee \gj who REL pee \ft who will pee? \ref 313 \id 782826105303240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dek Ido. \pho dɛ idɔʔ \mb Dek Ido \ge TRU-younger.sibling Ido \gj TRU-younger.sibling Ido \ft me. \ref 314 \id 476771105330240401 \sp EXPBET \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay. \ref 315 \id 108753105335240401 \sp EXPBET \tx jangan sampe jatoh. \pho jaŋan sampɛ jatɔh \mb jangan sampe jatoh \ge don't arrive fall \gj don't arrive fall \ft kepp it, don't fall. \nt referring to the microphone. \ref 316 \id 521831105406240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx a(da)... ada bangku! \pho ʔah ʔada baŋkʊːʔ \mb ada ada bangku \ge exist exist seat \gj exist exist seat \ft there, there's a seat! \nt pointing to the picture of the shed. \ref 317 \id 521826105509240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx Tante! \pho tantə \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft Auntie! \nt the transmitter falling down and trying to put it on his shirt. \ref 318 \id 444366105525240401 \sp EXPBET \tx di belakang Dek. \pho di blakaŋ deʔ \mb di belakang Dek \ge LOC back TRU-younger.sibling \gj LOC back TRU-younger.sibling \ft put it on your back. \ref 319 \id 875415105612240401 \sp EXPBET \tx di belakang biar nggak jatoh. \pho di blakaŋ biyar ŋgaʔ jatɔh \mb di belakang biar nggak jatoh \ge LOC back let NEG fall \gj LOC back let NEG fall \ft on your back, so it won't fall. \nt putting the microphone on his collar. \ref 320 \id 749105110230240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx Ma! \pho mah \mb Ma \ge TRU-mother \gj TRU-mother \ft Mom! \ref 321 \id 522860105744240401 \sp EXPBET \tx eh, tunggu betulin. \pho ʔeh tuŋguʔ bətulin \mb eh tunggu betul -in \ge EXCL wait right -IN \gj EXCL wait right-IN \ft hey, let me fix it. \ref 322 \id 729446110256240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx awas. \pho ʔawas \mb awas \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft watchout. \ref 323 \id 724909105837240401 \sp MOTIDO \tx pelan-pelan ya Do. \mb pelan - pelan ya Do \ge slow - slow yes TRU-Ido \gj RED-slow yes TRU-Ido \ft becareful Ido. \ref 324 \id 867730105913240401 \sp MOTIDO \tx udah sekolah tuh Tante. \pho ʔudah səkɔlah tuh tantə \mb udah sekolah tuh Tante \ge PFCT school that aunt \gj PFCT school that aunt \ft he has going to school. \ref 325 \id 962975105932240401 \sp EXPBET \tx oh udah ya? \pho ʔɔ udah ya \mb oh udah ya \ge EXCL PFCT yes \gj EXCL PFCT yes \ft oh, he has? \ref 326 \id 648295105940240401 \sp EXPBET \tx pinter dong. \pho pintər dɔŋ \mb pinter dong \ge smart DONG \gj smart DONG \ft he's great. \ref 327 \id 220534110002240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx di Sanggar Bobo. \pho di saŋgar bɔbɔʔ \mb di Sanggar Bobo \ge LOC Sanggar Bobo \gj LOC Sanggar Bobo \ft at Sanggar Bobo. \ref 328 \id 920215110114240401 \sp MOTIDO \tx di Sanggar Bobo. \pho di saŋgar bobo \mb di Sanggar Bobo \ge LOC Sanggar Bobo \gj LOC Sanggar Bobo \ft at Sanggar Bobo. \ref 329 \id 184217110126240401 \sp DEBHIZ \tx tempatnya Mbak Anya ya. \pho təmpatɲa mbaʔ ʔaɲaʔ ya \mb tempat -nya Mbak Anya ya \ge place -NYA EPIT Anya yes \gj place-NYA EPIT Anya yes \ft at Anya's, right? \ref 330 \id 616126110410240401 \sp MOTIDO \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 331 \id 445577110824240401 \sp EXPBET \tx xx apa? \pho be ʔapa \mb xx apa \ge xx what \gj xx what \ft what? \ref 332 \id 519736110856240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx. \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \nt saying as he likes while crawling. \ref 333 \id 418013111013240401 \sp MOTIDO \tx itu katanya yang bagus xx. \mb itu kata -nya yang bagus xx \ge that word -NYA REL nice xx \gj that word-NYA REL nice xx \ft I heard that one is good. \nt talking with DEB in the kitchen. \ref 334 \id 159955111156240401 \sp MOTIDO \tx aku mo bawa xx. \mb aku mo bawa xx \ge 1SG want bring xx \gj 1SG want bring xx \ft I want to bring xx.. \ref 335 \id 751213111053240401 \sp DEBHIZ \tx gelasnya nggak sama ama itu Mbak. \pho gəlasɲa ŋgaʔ samaʔ ʔama ʔitu mbaʔ \mb gelas -nya nggak sama ama itu Mbak \ge glass -NYA NEG same with that EPIT \gj glass-NYA NEG same with that EPIT \ft the glass is different with that one. \ref 336 \id 680235111219240401 \sp DEBHIZ \tx tu gelasnya Adek. \pho tu gəlasɲa ʔadeʔ \mb tu gelas -nya Adek \ge that glass -NYA younger.sibling \gj that glass-NYA younger.sibling \ft that's your glass. \ref 337 \id 622557111358240401 \sp MOTIDO \tx itu gelas Mama itu tadi, Dek. \pho ʔitu gəlas mama ʔitu tadiʔ deʔ \mb itu gelas Mama itu tadi Dek \ge that glass mommy that earlier TRU-younger.sibling \gj that glass mommy that earlier TRU-younger.sibling \ft that's my glass justnow. \ref 338 \id 538622111515240401 \sp MOTIDO \tx ni gelasmu. \pho ni gəlasmu \mb ni gelas -mu \ge this glass -2 \gj this glass-2 \ft here, your glass. \ref 339 \id 143057111528240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx aah, mo itu. \pho ʔaː mɔʔ ʔitu \mb aah mo itu \ge EXCL want that \gj EXCL want that \ft aah, I want that. \ref 340 \id 164529111615240401 \sp DEBHIZ \tx eh, di Sanggar Bobo maen apa aja? \pho ʔeh di saŋgar bobo maen ʔapa ʔaja \mb eh di Sanggar Bobo maen apa aja \ge EXCL LOC Sanggar Bobo play what just \gj EXCL LOC Sanggar Bobo play what just \ft what do you play at Sanggar Bobo? \ref 341 \id 155410111657240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx nggak main. \pho ŋgaʔ main \mb nggak main \ge NEG play \gj NEG play \ft I don't play. \ref 342 \id 787844111709240401 \sp DEBHIZ \tx abis ngapain dong? \pho ʔabis ŋgapain dɔŋ \mb abis ng- apa -in dong \ge finished N- what -IN DONG \gj finished N-what-IN DONG \ft so, what do you do? \ref 343 \id 215654111744240401 \sp MOTIDO \tx xx. \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \ref 344 \id 811540111753240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx nggak ditumpahin? \pho xx ŋgaʔ ditumpain \mb xx nggak di- tumpah -in \ge xx NEG DI- spilled -IN \gj xx NEG DI-spilled-IN \ft xx I spilled it? \ref 345 \id 679395111836240401 \sp MOTIDO \tx eh, lho itu bekas jeruk kok... \pho ʔeh lo ʔitu bəkas jəruk kɔʔ \mb eh lho itu bekas jeruk kok \ge EXCL EXCL that secondhand citrus KOK \gj EXCL EXCL that secondhand citrus KOK \ft oh, we used it for orange juice before, why... \ref 346 \id 915290112022240401 \sp MOTIDO \tx apa? \pho ʔapa \mb apa \ge what \gj what \ft what? \ref 347 \id 196935112057240401 \sp EXPBET \tx jepit rambut ada Mbak? \pho jəpit rambut ʔada mbaʔ \mb jepit rambut ada Mbak \ge pinch hair exist EPIT \gj pinch hair exist EPIT \ft do you have a pinch hair? \ref 348 \id 908960111947240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx Tante, main! \pho tantə main \mb Tante main \ge aunt play \gj aunt play \ft Auntie, let's play! \ref 349 \id 294277112138240401 \sp EXPBET \tx ini copot melulu. \pho ʔini cɔpɔt muluʔ \mb ini copot melulu \ge this detach always \gj this detach always \ft it's coming off again and again. \ref 350 \id 118263112153240401 \sp MOTIDO \tx oh. \pho ʔɔ \mb oh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 351 \id 147731112230240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx Tante! \pho tantə \mb Tante \ge aunt \gj aunt \ft Auntie! \ref 352 \id 424494112317240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx. \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \nt talking to MOT. \ref 353 \id 791888112326240401 \sp EXPBET \tx maen apa? \pho maɛn ʔapa \mb maen apa \ge play what \gj play what \ft play what? \ref 354 \id 678190112332240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ini. \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this. \nt referring to the shed. \ref 355 \id 395946112626240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx Tante ini apa sih ini? \pho tantə ini ʔapa sih ʔini \mb Tante ini apa sih ini \ge aunt this what SIH this \gj aunt this what SIH this \ft Auntie, what's this? \nt pointing to the picture of the shed. \ref 356 \id 456688112409240401 \sp EXPBET \tx oh kursi. \pho ʔo kursiʔ \mb oh kursi \ge EXCL chair \gj EXCL chair \ft oh, that's a chair. \ref 357 \id 962371112419240401 \sp EXPBET \tx bangku buat duduk. \pho baŋkuʔ buwat duduk \mb bangku buat duduk \ge seat for sit \gj seat for sit \ft a seat for sitting. \nt correcting. \ref 358 \id 677983112747240401 \sp DEBHIZ \tx pulangnya jam berapa dari Sanggar Bobo? \pho puilaŋɲa jam brapa dari saŋgar bobo \mb pulang -nya jam berapa dari Sanggar Bobo \ge return -NYA hour how.much from Sanggar Bobo \gj return-NYA hour how.much from Sanggar Bobo \ft what time does he go home from Sanggar Bobo? \ref 359 \id 583036113126240401 \sp MOTIDO \tx jam sepuluh. \pho jam səpuluh \mb jam se- puluh \ge hour SE- ten \gj hour SE-ten \ft ten o'clock. \ref 360 \id 496251121548240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx tapi cuman yang... \pho tapi cuman yaŋ \mb tapi cuman yang \ge but only REL \gj but only REL \ft but only... \ref 361 \id 807545121559240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx Tante ayo kita buka. \pho tantə ʔayoʔ kita bukaʔ \mb Tante ayo kita buka \ge aunt AYO 1PL open \gj aunt AYO 1PL open \ft let's open it, Auntie. \ref 362 \id 132756121612240401 \sp MOTIDO \tx hari Sabtu ke rumah eyang Sis. \pho hari saptuʔ kə rumah ʔɛyaŋ sis \mb hari Sabtu ke rumah eyang Sis \ge day Saturday to house grandparent Sis \gj day Saturday to house grandparent Sis \ft he goes to his grandparent's on Saturday. \nt talking to DEB. \ref 363 \id 738766121656240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx kalo udah malem berarti ada ular. \pho kalɔʔ ʔuda maləm bərati ʔada ʔular \mb kalo udah malem ber- arti ada ular \ge TOP PFCT night BER- meaning exist snake \gj TOP PFCT night BER-meaning exist snake \ft if in the night there will be the snake. \ref 364 \id 660471121721240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx sekarang udah pagi. \pho səkaraŋ ʔudah pagiʔ \mb sekarang udah pagi \ge now PFCT morning \gj now PFCT morning \ft now it's morning. \ref 365 \id 548607121757240401 \sp MOTIDO \tx berangkatnya bareng Mbak Anya ya. \pho braŋkatɲa barəŋ baʔ ʔaɲaʔ yah \mb ber- angkat -nya bareng Mbak Anya ya \ge BER- lift -NYA together EPIT Anya yes \gj BER-lift-NYA together EPIT Anya yes \ft he goes together with Anya, right. \ref 366 \id 556253121828240401 \sp DEBHIZ \tx sekarang Anya kelas satu ya, udah. \pho səkaraŋ ʔaɲa kəlas satuʔ ya ʔudah \mb sekarang Anya kelas satu ya udah \ge now Anya class one yes PFCT \gj now Anya class one yes PFCT \ft now Anya has been in the grade one, right. \ref 367 \id 361648122039240401 \sp MOTIDO \tx Anya, belom. \pho ʔaɲaʔ bəlɔm \mb Anya belom \ge Anya not.yet \gj Anya not.yet \ft Anya? not yet. \ref 368 \id 232883122100240401 \sp MOTIDO \tx masih TK. \pho masi tɛkaʔ \mb masih TK \ge still kindergarten \gj still kindergarten \ft she's still kindergarten. \ref 369 \id 578285122212240401 \sp MOTIDO \tx sekelas sama Ido. \pho səkəlas sama ʔidoʔ \mb se- kelas sama Ido \ge SE- class with Ido \gj SE-class with Ido \ft the same class with Ido. \ref 370 \id 753382122244240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx Tante kan belom itu... \pho tantə kan bəlɔm ʔitʊ \mb Tante kan belom itu \ge aunt KAN not.yet that \gj aunt KAN not.yet that \ft it's not umm... \ref 371 \id 617912122424240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx belom itu, belom malem. \pho bəlɔm ʔitʊ bəlɔm maləm \mb belom itu belom malem \ge not.yet that not.yet night \gj not.yet that not.yet night \ft it's not night yet. \ref 372 \id 764632122525240401 \sp MOTIDO \tx ... cuma sekali. \pho cumaʔ səkaliʔ \mb cuma se- kali \ge only SE- very \gj only SE-very \ft ... only one. \ref 373 \id 692918122610240401 \sp MOTIDO \tx aku nggak mau... \pho ʔaku ŋgaʔ mauʔ \mb aku nggak mau \ge 1SG NEG want \gj 1SG NEG want \ft I don't want... \ref 374 \id 484423122624240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx Ma minum! \pho ma minum \mb Ma minum \ge TRU-mother drink \gj TRU-mother drink \ft drink, Mom! \ref 375 \id 910857122828240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx belom malem. \pho bəlɔm maləm \mb belom malem \ge not.yet night \gj not.yet night \ft it's not night yet. \ref 376 \id 405514122904240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx yah, nggak bisa keluar. \pho ya ŋgaʔ bisaʔ kəluwar \mb yah nggak bisa keluar \ge EXCL NEG can go.out \gj EXCL NEG can go.out \ft oh, it can coming out. \ref 377 \id 382195123109240401 \sp MOTIDO \tx xx. \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \nt talking to DEB. \ref 378 \id 859143123120240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx. \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \nt talking to DEB. \ref 379 \id 644697123130240401 \sp DEBHIZ \tx oh iya belom Tante masukin. \pho ʔo ʔiya bəlɔm tantə masukin \mb oh iya belom Tante masuk -in \ge EXCL yes not.yet aunt go.in -IN \gj EXCL yes not.yet aunt go.in-IN \ft oh yeah, I didn't put it in yet. \nt referrence unclear. \ref 380 \id 948245123231240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx eh xx. \pho ʔɛh xx \mb eh xx \ge EXCL xx \gj EXCL xx \ft hey xx. \ref 381 \id 583517123241240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx emm, orang jahat. \pho ʔəm ʔɔraŋ jahat \mb emm orang jahat \ge FILL person evil \gj FILL person evil \ft umm, a bad guy. \ref 382 \id 490542123341240401 \sp MOTIDO \tx biarin aja. \pho biyarin ʔaja \mb biar -in aja \ge let -IN just \gj let-IN just \ft who cares. \ref 383 \id 255098123353240401 \sp MOTIDO \tx dah. \pho dah \mb dah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft finish. \nt referring to cutting the vegetables. \ref 384 \id 443066123417240401 \sp MOTIDO \tx ni banyak lho... \pho ni baɲaʔ loh \mb ni banyak lho \ge this a.lot EXCL \gj this a.lot EXCL \ft these are a lot... \ref 385 \id 103072123738240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt coming to the living room. \ref 386 \id 632386123449240401 \sp EXPBET \tx ni Dek ulernya Dek. \pho ni deʔ ʔulərɲa deʔ \mb ni Dek uler -nya Dek \ge this TRU-younger.sibling snake -NYA TRU-younger.sibling \gj this TRU-younger.sibling snake-NYA TRU-younger.sibling \ft here is the snake. \nt making the snake from the Lego. \ref 387 \id 125275123529240401 \sp MOTIDO \tx mo dipilih lagi. \pho mɔʔ dipilih lagi \mb mo di- pilih lagi \ge want DI- choose more \gj want DI-choose more \ft I want to choose it again. \nt talking with DEB. \ref 388 \id 108553123556240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx mana bisa Tante? \pho mana bisa tantə \mb mana bisa Tante \ge which can aunt \gj which can aunt \ft how come, Auntie? \ref 389 \id 552598155222250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt holding the glass of water. \ref 390 \id 760223123625240401 \sp EXPBET \tx awas tumpah. \pho ʔawas tumpah \mb awas tumpah \ge EXCL spilled \gj EXCL spilled \ft watchout, it spilled. \ref 391 \id 390142123633240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni ulernya ni. \pho ni ʔulərɲa ni \mb ni uler -nya ni \ge this snake -NYA this \gj this snake-NYA this \ft this is the snake. \ref 392 \id 328440123710240401 \sp EXPBET \tx taro di atas aja. \pho tarɔʔ di ʔatas ʔaja \mb taro di atas aja \ge put LOC up just \gj put LOC up just \ft just put it on there. \ref 393 \id 434192123821240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx 0. \nt shaking his body up and down. \ref 394 \id 874528123851240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx Dek! \pho deʔ \mb Dek \ge TRU-younger.sibling \gj TRU-younger.sibling \ft hey! \ref 395 \id 913631123859240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx lha, jadi goyang. \pho lah jadiʔ gɔyaŋ \mb lha jadi goyang \ge EXCL become shaky \gj EXCL become shaky \ft oh, it's shaky. \ref 396 \id 217420125712240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx tu, tu, tu, wa! \pho tu tu tu wa \mb tu tu tu wa \ge that that that EXCL \gj that that that EXCL \ft look, look, look, wa! \nt saying as he likes. \ref 397 \id 782312125755240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx xx. \pho waːti \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \ref 398 \id 836851125810240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx lagi pada tidur. \pho lagi pada tidur \mb lagi pada tidur \ge more PL lie.down \gj more PL lie.down \ft all of them are sleeping. \nt holding the snake that peeping at the window. \ref 399 \id 380686125943240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx orangnya ngeliatin. \pho ʔɔraŋɲa ŋliyatin \mb orang -nya nge- liat -in \ge person -NYA N- see -IN \gj person-NYA N-see-IN \ft the guy is watching them. \ref 400 \id 701954125958240401 \sp EXPBET \tx terus? \pho tərus \mb terus \ge continue \gj continue \ft and then? \ref 401 \id 254554130020240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'wa, saya mo makan!' \pho wa ya mɔ makan \mb wa saya mo makan \ge EXCL 1SG want eat \gj EXCL 1SG want eat \ft 'oh, I want to eat!' \ref 402 \id 305902130036240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'saya mo makan'. \pho saya mɔ makan \mb saya mo makan \ge 1SG want eat \gj 1SG want eat \ft 'I want to eat'. \ref 403 \id 203565130104240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx kan soalnya di... \pho kan sɔalɲa di \mb kan soal -nya di \ge KAN matter -NYA LOC \gj KAN matter-NYA LOC \ft because at... \ref 404 \id 123495130116240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx we, we! \pho wɛ wɛ \mb we we \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft we, we! \ref 405 \id 788609130131240401 \sp EXPBET \tx diintip, ada siapa aja lagi tidur? \pho diʔintip ʔada syapa ʔaja lagi tidur \mb di- intip ada siapa aja lagi tidur \ge DI- peek exist who just more lie.down \gj DI-peek exist who just more lie.down \ft take a peep on them, who are sleeping? \ref 406 \id 468437130238240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh, ni sekarang udah nggak jahat. \mb eh ni sekarang udah nggak jahat \ge EXCL this now PFCT NEG evil \gj EXCL this now PFCT NEG evil \ft oh, he's not bad anymore. \ref 407 \id 433971130331240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni entar nyium deh. \pho ni əntar ɲium dɛ \mb ni entar ny- cium deh \ge this moment N- kiss DEH \gj this moment N-kiss DEH \ft he'll kiss it, look. \ref 408 \id 768201130412240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx nyium sapi. \pho ɲium sapiʔ \mb ny- cium sapi \ge N- kiss cattle \gj N-kiss cattle \ft he kiss the cow. \ref 409 \id 368531130421240401 \sp EXPBET \tx kenapa dicium? \pho kənapa diciyum \mb kenapa di- cium \ge why DI- kiss \gj why DI-kiss \ft why he kiss it? \ref 410 \id 709471130432240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx soalnya dia udah baik. \pho soalɲa diya ʔuda baik \mb soal -nya dia udah baik \ge matter -NYA 3 PFCT good \gj matter-NYA 3 PFCT good \ft because he has kind now. \ref 411 \id 606257130519240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'aah, aku mo masuk'. \pho ʔa0ː ʔakʊ mɔ masʊk \mb aah aku mo masuk \ge EXCL 1SG want go.in \gj EXCL 1SG want go.in \ft 'aah, I want to come in'. \ref 412 \id 182444130727240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx tok, tok, adaw! \pho tɔk tɔk ʔadaw \mb tok tok adaw \ge knock knock EXCL \gj knock knock EXCL \ft knock, knock, aw! \nt the snake knocking the door of the shed. \ref 413 \id 653984130754240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx palanya, palanya. \pho palaɲa palaɲa \mb pala -nya pala -nya \ge head -NYA head -NYA \gj head-NYA head-NYA \ft his head, his head. \nt the snake's head is broken. \ref 414 \id 420689130828240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt fixing the snake. \ref 415 \id 733678130840240401 \sp EXPBET \tx iya gitu. \pho ʔiya gitu \mb iya gitu \ge yes like.that \gj yes like.that \ft yes, that's it. \ref 416 \id 650426130900240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx tut, turut. \pho tut turut \mb tut turut \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft tut, turut. \nt saying as he likes. \ref 417 \id 936588130926240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx wa, ini dia jebakannya, wa... \pho wa ʔini diya jəbakanɲa wa \mb wa ini dia jebak -an -nya wa \ge EXCL this 3 trap -AN -NYA EXCL \gj EXCL this 3 trap-AN-NYA EXCL \ft oh, this is the trap, oh... \ref 418 \id 851459131021240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx mobilnya pas jalan, eh ngeliat jebakan. \pho mɔbilɲa pas jalan ʔɛ ŋliyat jəbakan \mb mobil -nya pas jalan eh nge- liat jebak -an \ge car -NYA precise walk EXCL N- see trap -AN \gj car-NYA precise walk EXCL N-see trap-AN \ft while the car running, it looks the trap. \ref 419 \id 192822131114240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx jung, jung... \pho juŋ juŋ \mb jung jung \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft jung, jung... \nt saying as he likes. \ref 420 \id 474251131600240401 \sp DEBHIZ \tx mobilnya kenapa? \pho mɔbilɲa kənapa \mb mobil -nya kenapa \ge car -NYA why \gj car-NYA why \ft what happen to the car? \ref 421 \id 947246131617240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx masuk jebakan Tante. \pho masuk jəbakan tantə \mb masuk jebak -an Tante \ge go.in trap -AN aunt \gj go.in trap-AN aunt \ft it's going in to the trap, Auntie. \ref 422 \id 884462132312240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx wa, dia nggak mau loncat. \pho wa diya ŋgaʔ mau lɔncat \mb wa dia nggak mau loncat \ge EXCL 3 NEG want jump \gj EXCL 3 NEG want jump \ft oh, it can't jump. \ref 423 \id 932573132335240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx takut. \pho takut \mb takut \ge fear \gj fear \ft it's scared. \ref 424 \id 882371132341240401 \sp ABAIDO \tx wah, akhirnya mobilnya kena jebakannya, Tante. \pho ʔuwa ʔahirɲa mɔbilɲa kənaʔ jəbakanɲa tantə \mb wah akhir -nya mobil -nya kena jebak -an -nya Tante \ge EXCL end -NYA car -NYA undergo trap -AN -NYA aunt \gj EXCL end-NYA car-NYA undergo trap-AN-NYA aunt \ft oh, finally the car is falling in to the trap. \ref 425 \id 439449132542240401 \sp CHIIDO \tx cepetan. \pho cəpətan \mb cepet -an \ge quick -AN \gj quick-AN \ft quickly. \ref 426 \id 129036133340240401 \sp EXPBET \tx ssh... \pho ʃ \mb ssh \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft ssh... \nt playing with the snake. \ref 427 \id 321754133352240401 \begin 0:15:24 \sp CHIIDO \tx yah, dia baik. \pho ya diya baik. \mb yah dia baik \ge EXCL 3 good \gj EXCL 3 good \ft oh, he's kind. \nt playing with the animal. \ref 428 \id 482903080923250401 \sp EXPBET \tx baik ya? \pho baik ya \mb baik ya \ge good yes \gj good yes \ft he's kind, right? \ref 429 \id 573130080936250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx he-em. \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 430 \id 514827080947250401 \sp EXPBET \tx dia makanya pengen kenalan. \pho diya makaɲa pɛŋɛn kənalan \mb dia maka -nya pengen kenal -an \ge 3 then -NYA want recognize -AN \gj 3 then-NYA want recognize-AN \ft so he want's to introduce himself. \ref 431 \id 711838081027250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx dia mo kenalan. \pho diya mɔ kənalan \mb dia mo kenal -an \ge 3 want recognize -AN \gj 3 want recognize-AN \ft he wants to introduce. \ref 432 \id 783812081129250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx tapi buka dulu ini. \pho tapi bukaʔ duluʔ ʔini \mb tapi buka dulu ini \ge but open before this \gj but open before this \ft but I open it first. \nt opening the shed. \ref 433 \id 856294081245250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx net, net... \pho nɛt nɛt \mb net net \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft net, net... \ref 434 \id 453143081254250401 \sp ABAIDO \tx dia mo kenalan. \pho diya mɔ kənalan \mb dia mo kenal -an \ge 3 want recognize -AN \gj 3 want recognize-AN \ft he wants to introduce himself. \ref 435 \id 788385081330250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx apa tu? \pho ʔapa tu \mb apa tu \ge what that \gj what that \ft what's that? \ref 436 \id 308725081344250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'halo, halo'. \pho halo halo \mb halo halo \ge hello hello \gj hello hello \ft 'hello, hello.' \nt holding the snake. \ref 437 \id 856463081413250401 \sp ABAIDO \tx hah... takut! \pho hah takuːt \mb hah takut \ge EXCL fear \gj EXCL fear \ft oh, I'm afraid! \ref 438 \id 600790081504250401 \sp EXPBET \tx tanyain dong, tanyain. \pho taɲaʔin dɔŋ taɲaiʔ \mb tanya -in dong tanya -in \ge ask -IN DONG ask -IN \gj ask-IN DONG ask-IN \ft ask him, ask him. \ref 439 \id 994060081557250401 \sp EXPBET \tx tanyain xx. \pho taɲaʔin xx \mb tanya -in xx \ge ask -IN xx \gj ask-IN xx \ft ask him. \ref 440 \id 196461081605250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'halo, jangan takut, aku kan...' \pho halɔ jaŋan takut ʔaku kan \mb halo jangan takut aku kan \ge hello don't fear 1SG KAN \gj hello don't fear 1SG KAN \ft 'hello, don't be afraid, I'm...' \ref 441 \id 437049081657250401 \sp ABAIDO \tx takut. \pho takut \mb takut \ge fear \gj fear \ft I'm afraid. \ref 442 \id 305148081706250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx aah, aah. \pho ʔaːh ʔaː \mb aah aah \ge EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL \ft aah, aah. \ref 443 \id 128988081740250401 \sp ABAIDO \tx aah, takut. \pho ʔah takut \mb aah takut \ge EXCL fear \gj EXCL fear \ft ooh, I'm afraid. \ref 444 \id 416500081750250401 \sp EXPBET \tx gini aja... \pho gini ʔaja \mb gini aja \ge like.this just \gj like.this just \ft just like this... \ref 445 \id 532990081759250401 \sp EXPBET \tx Mas Praba yang jadi sapi. \pho mas praba yaŋ jadiʔ sapi \mb Mas Praba yang jadi sapi \ge EPIT Praba REL become cattle \gj EPIT Praba REL become cattle \ft Praba will become the cow. \ref 446 \id 872370081846250401 \sp ABAIDO \tx wek, wek, wek! \pho pɛʔ pɛʔ pwɛːʔ \mb wek wek wek \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft wek, wek, wek! \nt teasing. \ref 447 \id 649785081907250401 \sp EXPBET \tx terus, terus Ido yang nanyain. \pho trus trus ʔido yaŋ naɲaʔin \mb terus terus Ido yang n- tanya -in \ge continue continue Ido REL N- ask -IN \gj continue continue Ido REL N-ask-IN \ft and Ido ask him. \ref 448 \id 959550081952250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'apa, apa?' \pho ʔapa ʔapa \mb apa apa \ge what what \gj what what \ft 'what, what?' \ref 449 \id 686274082012250401 \sp ABAIDO \tx wek, wek. \pho wɛ wɛ \mb wek wek \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft wek, wek. \ref 450 \id 423353082022250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx wek, wek. \pho wɛ wɛ \mb wek wek \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft wek, wek. \ref 451 \id 512460082029250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx aduh! \pho ʔadu \mb aduh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh! \ref 452 \id 530500082123250401 \sp ABAIDO \tx wa, udah malem ni. \pho wa udah maləm ni \mb wa udah malem ni \ge EXCL PFCT night this \gj EXCL PFCT night this \ft oh, it's night. \ref 453 \id 437750082209250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx wa. \pho wa \mb wa \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \ref 454 \id 373083082214250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'aku mo tidur.' \pho ʔaku mɔ tidur \mb aku mo tidur \ge 1SG want lie.down \gj 1SG want lie.down \ft 'I want to sleep.' \ref 455 \id 719837082239250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'tapi aku tidurnya di... di mana?' \pho tapi ʔaku tidurɲa ti di mana \mb tapi aku tidur -nya di di mana \ge but 1SG lie.down -NYA LOC LOC which \gj but 1SG lie.down-NYA LOC LOC which \ft 'but, where... where can I sleep?' \ref 456 \id 226933082537250401 \sp ABAIDO \tx 'nah, kamu tidurnya di sini.' \pho nah kamu tidurɲa di sini \mb nah kamu tidur -nya di sini \ge NAH 2 lie.down -NYA LOC here \gj NAH 2 lie.down-NYA LOC here \ft 'okay, you sleep here.' \ref 457 \id 479713082609250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'ya'. \pho ya \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft 'okay'. \ref 458 \id 955598082615250401 \sp ABAIDO \tx 'kamu tidurnya di sini ya'. \pho kamu tidurɲa di sini ya \mb kamu tidur -nya di sini ya \ge 2 lie.down -NYA LOC here yes \gj 2 lie.down-NYA LOC here yes \ft 'you sleep here'. \ref 459 \id 862870082651250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx tidurnya di tembok. \pho tidurɲa di tɛmbɔk \mb tidur -nya di tembok \ge lie.down -NYA LOC wall \gj lie.down-NYA LOC wall \ft I'm sleeping next to the wall. \ref 460 \id 286469082709250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx deket domba. \pho dəkət dɔmba \mb deket domba \ge near sheep \gj near sheep \ft near the sheep. \ref 461 \id 296586082744250401 \sp ABAIDO \tx (tu)tup, tutup. \pho tuːp tutup \mb tutup tutup \ge shut shut \gj shut shut \ft close it, close it. \nt closing the shed. \ref 462 \id 232595083002250401 \sp ABAIDO \tx jangan sampe ada ular jahat. \pho jaŋan sampɛʔ ʔada ʔular jahat \mb jangan sampe ada ular jahat \ge don't arrive exist snake evil \gj don't arrive exist snake evil \ft don't let the bad snake come in. \ref 463 \id 226689083125250401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ular jahat. \pho ʔular jahat \mb ular jahat \ge snake evil \gj snake evil \ft the bad snake. \ref 464 \id 878669083201250401 \sp MOTIDO \tx xx matiin aja Mas Praba. \pho xx matiʔin ʔaja mas praba \mb xx mati -in aja Mas Praba \ge xx dead -IN just EPIT Praba \gj xx dead-IN just EPIT Praba \ft turn it off, Praba. \nt reference unclear. \ref 465 \id 307383083215250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx udah! \pho ʔudah \mb udah \ge PFCT \gj PFCT \ft finish! \ref 466 \id 804982083306250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx wah, awas ada uler jahat! \pho wa ʔawas ʔada ʔulər jahat \mb wah awas ada uler jahat \ge EXCL EXCL exist snake evil \gj EXCL EXCL exist snake evil \ft watchout, there's the bad snake! \ref 467 \id 257931083333250401 \sp EXPBET \tx ssh... \pho wəʃ \mb ssh \ge IMIT \gj IMIT \ft ssh... \ref 468 \id 352773083341250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx mana uler? \pho mana ʔulər \mb mana uler \ge which snake \gj which snake \ft where's the snake? \ref 469 \id 474497083414250401 \sp DEBHIZ \tx nggak bisa bernapas. \pho ŋgaʔ bisa bərnapas \mb nggak bisa ber- napas \ge NEG can BER- breath \gj NEG can BER-breath \ft I can't take a breath. \nt moving. \ref 470 \id 258890083911250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt carrying the shed. \ref 471 \id 587841083823250401 \sp ABAIDO \tx waduh, rumahnya ilang. \pho waduʔ rumaɲa ʔilaŋ \mb waduh rumah -nya ilang \ge EXCL house -NYA disappear \gj EXCL house-NYA disappear \ft oh, the house is lost. \ref 472 \id 103186084551250401 \begin 0:16:53 \sp ABAIDO \tx Tante, mana ada rumah yang bisa terbang? \pho tantə mana ʔadaʔ rumah yaŋ bisaʔ tərbaŋ \mb Tante mana ada rumah yang bisa terbang \ge aunt which exist house REL can fly \gj aunt which exist house REL can fly \ft Auntie, how come the house can fly? \ref 473 \id 281117083941250401 \begin 0:16:54 \sp EXPBET \tx bisa aja kalo kena angin topan. \pho bisaʔ ʔaja kalɔʔ kənaʔ ʔaŋin tɔpan \mb bisa aja kalo kena angin topan \ge can just TOP undergo wind typhoon \gj can just TOP undergo wind typhoon \ft of course it can if there's typhoon. \ref 474 \id 349554084003250401 \begin 0:16:56 \sp EXPBET \tx wus... \pho wus \mb wus \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft wus... \ref 475 \id 365419084050250401 \begin 0:16:58 \sp CHIIDO \tx oh, jadi... \pho ʔɔ jadi \mb oh jadi \ge EXCL become \gj EXCL become \ft oh, so... \ref 476 \id 607794084235250401 \begin 0:17:00 \sp ABAIDO \tx pohonnya juga terbang! \pho pɔhɔnɲa juga tərbaŋ \mb pohon -nya juga terbang \ge tree -NYA also fly \gj tree-NYA also fly \ft the tree is flying too! \ref 477 \id 807852084302250401 \begin 0:17:02 \sp CHIIDO \tx bukan angin topan. \pho bukan ʔaŋin tɔpan \mb bukan angin topan \ge NEG wind typhoon \gj NEG wind typhoon \ft not the typhoon. \ref 478 \id 784379084318250401 \begin 0:17:04 \sp CHIIDO \tx namanya "Ali Topan Anak Jalanan". \pho namaɲa ʔali tɔpan ʔanak jalanan \mb nama -nya Ali Topan Anak Jalanan \ge name -NYA Ali Topan child street-AN \gj name-NYA Ali Topan child street-AN \ft it's called "Ali Topan Anak Jalanan". \nt the title of a film. \ref 479 \id 480357084436250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 480 \id 978828084457250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx wah, kayak tas ini. \pho wa kayaʔ tas ʔini \mb wah kayak tas ini \ge EXCL like handbag this \gj EXCL like handbag this \ft oh, it looks like a bag. \ref 481 \id 690389084511250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx Tante ini kayak tas ini. \pho tantə ʔini kayaʔ tas ʔini \mb Tante ini kayak tas ini \ge aunt this like handbag this \gj aunt this like handbag this \ft Auntie, it looks like a bag. \ref 482 \id 289670084527250401 \sp EXPBET \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 483 \id 548129084919250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx tas emm rumah. \pho tas ʔəm rumah \mb tas emm rumah \ge handbag FILL house \gj handbag FILL house \ft house bag. \ref 484 \id 544053084932250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx tas mainan. \pho tas mainan \mb tas main -an \ge handbag play -AN \gj handbag play-AN \ft toy's bag. \ref 485 \id 515451085034250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx udah pagi! \pho ʔudah pagi \mb udah pagi \ge PFCT morning \gj PFCT morning \ft it's morning! \ref 486 \id 403668085151250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx udah pagi. \pho ʔudah pagi \mb udah pagi \ge PFCT morning \gj PFCT morning \ft it's morning. \ref 487 \id 862076085225250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx udah pagi, semua bangun! \pho ʔudah pagi səuwa baŋun \mb udah pagi semua bangun \ge PFCT morning all rise \gj PFCT morning all rise \ft it's morning, all of them are awake! \ref 488 \id 432172085242250401 \sp EXPBET \tx kukuruyuk... \pho kukuruyuːk \mb kukuruyuk \ge cock-a-doodle-doo \gj cock-a-doodle-doo \ft cock-a-doodle-doo... \ref 489 \id 232691085317250401 \sp EXPBET \tx kukuruyuk... \pho kukuruyuːk \mb kukuruyuk \ge cock-a-doodle-doo \gj cock-a-doodle-doo \ft cock-a-doodle-doo... \ref 490 \id 954742085325250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx aduh! \pho ʔaduh \mb aduh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh! \nt trying to open the shed. \ref 491 \id 866665085411250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh, Tante! \pho ʔɛh tantə \mb eh Tante \ge EXCL aunt \gj EXCL aunt \ft hey, Auntie! \ref 492 \id 159915085421250401 \sp ABAIDO \tx siapa yang bisa? \pho syapa yaŋ bisaʔ \mb siapa yang bisa \ge who REL can \gj who REL can \ft anybody can do it? \ref 493 \id 893400085424250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx pagi-pagi ada setan. \mb pagi - pagi ada setan \ge morning - morning exist evil.spirit \gj RED-morning exist evil.spirit \ft there's a ghost in the morning. \ref 494 \id 397808085518250401 \sp EXPBET \tx bukan, uler. \pho bukan ʔulər \mb bukan uler \ge NEG snake \gj NEG snake \ft no, a snake. \ref 495 \id 471152085528250401 \sp ABAIDO \tx Tante bisa pasang jalan nggak buat itu... \pho tantə bisaʔ pasaŋ jalan ŋgaʔ buwat ʔitu \mb Tante bisa pasang jalan nggak buat itu \ge aunt can install walk NEG for that \gj aunt can install walk NEG for that \ft can you make the road for umm... \ref 496 \id 166129085608250401 \sp EXPBET \tx buat apa? \pho buwat ʔapa \mb buat apa \ge for what \gj for what \ft for what? \ref 497 \id 944540085633250401 \sp ABAIDO \tx buat xx. \pho buwat numpaŋ \mb buat xx \ge for xx \gj for xx \ft for xx. \nt not clear. \ref 498 \id 416177085637250401 \sp DEBHIZ \tx tuh Dek. \pho tu deʔ \mb tuh Dek \ge that TRU-younger.sibling \gj that TRU-younger.sibling \ft look. \ref 499 \id 499370085642250401 \sp EXPBET \tx Tante aja nggak tau maenan apa tuh? \pho tantə aja ŋgaʔ tau maɛnan ʔapa tuh \mb Tante aja nggak tau maen -an apa tuh \ge aunt just NEG know play -AN what that \gj aunt just NEG know play-AN what that \ft I don't know, what toy is that? \ref 500 \id 126967085749250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx mobil dari... \pho mɔbil dari \mb mobil dari \ge car from \gj car from \ft a car from... \ref 501 \id 638261085756250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx mobil dari Kentucky ya Mas Aba. \pho mɔbil dari kɛntaki ya mas aba \mb mobil dari Kentucky ya Mas Aba \ge car from Kentucky yes EPIT Aba \gj car from Kentucky yes EPIT Aba \ft a car from Kentucky, right Aba? \nt name of a fast food restaurant. \ref 502 \id 765540085814250401 \sp ABAIDO \tx iya Mas Aba yang beli. \pho ʔiya mas ʔaba yaŋ bəliʔ \mb iya Mas Aba yang beli \ge yes EPIT Aba REL buy \gj yes EPIT Aba REL buy \ft yes, I bought it. \ref 503 \id 650142085906250401 \sp EXPBET \tx kayak pazel ya? \pho kayaʔ pazəl ya \mb kayak pazel ya \ge like puzzle yes \gj like puzzle yes \ft that looks like puzzle, right? \ref 504 \id 653894085940250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx dia... dia mo pulang. \pho diyah diya mɔ pulaŋ \mb dia dia mo pulang \ge 3 3 want return \gj 3 3 want return \ft he...he wants to back home. \nt playing with the animal. \ref 505 \id 709125085954250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx dia mo pulang. \pho diya mɔ pulaŋ \mb dia mo pulang \ge 3 want return \gj 3 want return \ft he wants to back home. \ref 506 \id 180429090022250401 \sp MOTIDO \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx \nt talking from the kitchen. \ref 507 \id 978632090029250401 \sp EXPBET \tx apa Mbak? \pho ʔapa mbaʔ \mb apa Mbak \ge what EPIT \gj what EPIT \ft yes? \ref 508 \id 988463090103250401 \sp MOTIDO \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx \nt talking from the kitchen. \ref 509 \id 625697090111250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx wa, dia mo pulang. \pho wa diya mɔ pulaŋ \mb wa dia mo pulang \ge EXCL 3 want return \gj EXCL 3 want return \ft oh, he wants to back home. \ref 510 \id 206765090200250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni dia rumahnya. \pho ni diya rumahɲa \mb ni dia rumah -nya \ge this 3 house -NYA \gj this 3 house-NYA \ft here is the house. \ref 511 \id 804095090209250401 \sp EXPBET \tx he-em. \mb he-em \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 512 \id 648765090236250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx rumah baru! \pho rumah baru \mb rumah baru \ge house new \gj house new \ft the new house! \ref 513 \id 910739090333250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx \nt saying as he likes. \ref 514 \id 585907103809250401 \sp MOTIDO \tx mo dibuka pintunya? \pho mɔʔ dibukaʔ pintuʔɲa \mb mo di- buka pintu -nya \ge want DI- open door -NYA \gj want DI-open door-NYA \ft why don't you open the door? \ref 515 \id 209482090348250401 \sp MOTIDO \tx buka aja pintunya Tante. \pho bukaʔ ʔaja pintuʔɲa tantə \mb buka aja pintu -nya Tante \ge open just door -NYA aunt \gj open just door-NYA aunt \ft just open that door. \ref 516 \id 164554103854250401 \sp EXPBET \tx entar ada orang. \pho ʔəntar ʔadaʔ ʔoraŋ \mb entar ada orang \ge moment exist person \gj moment exist person \ft someone will coming in. \ref 517 \id 576783103553250401 \sp ABAIDO \tx wah, Tante, jalan. \pho wa tantə jalan \mb wah Tante jalan \ge EXCL aunt walk \gj EXCL aunt walk \ft oh, Auntie, that's the road. \ref 518 \id 706695103626250401 \sp MOTIDO \tx xx. \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \ref 519 \id 736107103643250401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ini! \pho ʔini \mb ini \ge this \gj this \ft this one! \nt pointing to the puzzle. \ref 520 \id 964953103650250401 \sp MOTIDO \tx kadang-kadang pintunya ditutup. \mb kadang - kadang pintu -nya di- tutup \ge occasional - occasional door -NYA DI- shut \gj RED-occasional door-NYA DI-shut \ft sometimes I close the door. \ref 521 \id 572913104042250401 \sp MOTIDO \tx xx. \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \nt talking to EXPBET. \ref 522 \id 463229104106250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx Tante Debora maen yuk! \pho tantə dɛbɔra maɛn yuʔ \mb Tante Debora maen yuk \ge aunt Debora play AYO \gj aunt Debora play AYO \ft Aunt Debora, let's play! \ref 523 \id 210490104204250401 \sp DEBHIZ \tx Tante di sini aja. \pho tantə di sini ʔaja \mb Tante di sini aja \ge aunt LOC here just \gj aunt LOC here just \ft I'm just staying here. \ref 524 \id 423883104218250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx entar maen ya? \pho ʔəntar maɛn ya \mb entar maen ya \ge moment play yes \gj moment play yes \ft will you play later? \ref 525 \id 420612104249250401 \sp DEBHIZ \tx ya. \pho ya \mb ya \ge yes \gj yes \ft okay. \ref 526 \id 443273104354250401 \sp MOTIDO \tx xx. \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \nt talking to EXP. \ref 527 \id 340027104318250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx wah, patah! \pho wa patah \mb wah patah \ge EXCL broken \gj EXCL broken \ft oh, it's broken! \ref 528 \id 510461104514250401 \sp MOTIDO \tx siapa yang di sekolah xx? \pho syapa yaŋ di səkɔlah xx \mb siapa yang di sekolah xx \ge who REL LOC school xx \gj who REL LOC school xx \ft who's the one of you xx in school? \nt talking about her nephew. \ref 529 \id 236553104551250401 \sp MOTIDO \tx aku kalo lagi di rumah, gini Mama... \mb aku kalo lagi di rumah gini Mama \ge 1SG TOP more LOC house like.this mommy \gj 1SG TOP more LOC house like.this mommy \ft my Mom told me like this... \ref 530 \id 165082104638250401 \sp MOTIDO \tx 'Andreas, TVnya dikecilin nanti ada pengemis!' \pho ʔandrɛyas tifiʔɲa dikəcilin nantiʔ ʔada pəŋəmis \mb Andreas TV -nya di- kecil -in nanti ada peng- kemis \ge Andreas TV -NYA DI- small -IN later exist PEN- beg \gj Andreas TV-NYA DI-small-IN later exist PEN-beg \ft 'Andreas, turn the TV down or the beggar will come!' \ref 531 \id 434506104754250401 \sp EXPBET \tx oh dia cerita? \pho ʔɔ diya cəritaʔ \mb oh dia cerita \ge EXCL 3 story \gj EXCL 3 story \ft oh, that's what he told? \nt laughing. \ref 532 \id 754453104810250401 \sp MOTIDO \tx he-eh, dia cerita. \mb he-eh dia cerita \ge uh-huh 3 story \gj uh-huh 3 story \ft yes, he did. \ref 533 \id 619952104857250401 \sp MOTIDO \tx 'terus aku suruh kecilin TV'. \pho trus ʔaku suruh kəcilin tifiʔ \mb terus aku suruh kecil -in TV \ge continue 1SG order small -IN TV \gj continue 1SG order small-IN TV \ft 'she asked me to turn the TV down'. \ref 534 \id 851626104918250401 \sp MOTIDO \tx 'kalo nyetel radio, aku suruh kecilin radio'. \pho kalɔʔ ɲətɛl radiyɔʔ ʔaku suruh kəcilin radiyɔʔ \mb kalo ny- setel radio aku suruh kecil -in radio \ge TOP N- turn.on radio 1SG order small -IN radio \gj TOP N-turn.on radio 1SG order small-IN radio \ft 'she asked me to turn the radio down if I listened on it'. \ref 535 \id 305032105050250401 \sp MOTIDO \tx 'nanti ada pengemis bilang, Mamanya nggak ada ya'. \pho nantiʔ ʔada pəŋəmis bilaŋ mamaɲa ŋgaʔ ʔada ya \mb nanti ada peng- kemis bilang Mama -nya nggak ada ya \ge later exist PEN- beg say mommy -NYA NEG exist yes \gj later exist PEN-beg say mommy-NYA NEG exist yes \ft 'if the beggar come, tell him that Mommy go'. \ref 536 \id 889975105209250401 \sp DEBHIZ \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx \nt talking to MOT. \ref 537 \id 429644105220250401 \sp MOTIDO \tx iya, cerita kayak gitu. \pho ʔiya cəritaʔ kayaʔ gitu \mb iya cerita kayak gitu \ge yes story like like.that \gj yes story like like.that \ft yes, he told like that. \ref 538 \id 943115105245250401 \sp MOTIDO \tx aduh, lu malu-maluin gua aja lu. \mb aduh lu malu - malu -in gua aja lu \ge EXCL 2 embarrassed - embarrassed -IN 1SG just 2 \gj EXCL 2 RED-embarrassed-IN 1SG just 2 \ft oh no, you made me embarrassed. \ref 539 \id 759316105304250401 \sp EXPBET \tx pinter sih Andreas. \pho pintər sih ʔandreyas \mb pinter sih Andreas \ge smart SIH Andreas \gj smart SIH Andreas \ft he's good. \ref 540 \id 203838105637250401 \sp ABAIDO \tx brm... \pho br \mb brm \ge vroom \gj vroom \ft vroom... \nt playing with the puzzle. \ref 541 \id 442201105354250401 \sp MOTIDO \tx 'dulu kan Mama bilang begitu'. \pho duluʔ kan mama bilaŋ bəgitu \mb dulu kan Mama bilang begitu \ge before KAN mommy say like.that \gj before KAN mommy say like.that \ft 'Mommy told me like that'. \ref 542 \id 210063105802250401 \sp MOTIDO \tx katanya, 'kecilin radionya'. \pho kataɲa kəcilin radiyoʔɲa \mb kata -nya kecil -in radio -nya \ge word -NYA small -IN radio -NYA \gj word-NYA small-IN radio-NYA \ft you said, 'turn the radio down'. \ref 543 \id 446588105852250401 \sp MOTIDO \tx xx kecilin radionya. \pho xx kəcilin radiyɔʔɲa \mb xx kecil -in radio -nya \ge xx small -IN radio -NYA \gj xx small-IN radio-NYA \ft turn it down. \ref 544 \id 413698105935250401 \sp MOTIDO \tx tuh ada pengemis. \pho tu ʔada pəŋəmis \mb tuh ada peng- kemis \ge that exist PEN- beg \gj that exist PEN-beg \ft look, that's a beggar. \ref 545 \id 240744110012250401 \sp MOTIDO \tx xx. \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \ref 546 \id 393121110025250401 \sp ABAIDO \tx siapa yang bisa masang kayak gini Tante? \pho syapa yaŋ bisaʔ masaŋ kayaʔ gini tantə \mb siapa yang bisa m- pasang kayak gini Tante \ge who REL can N- install like like.this aunt \gj who REL can N-install like like.this aunt \ft who can put it together, Auntie? \ref 547 \id 897670110124250401 \sp ABAIDO \tx Tante bisa nggak? \pho tantə bisa ŋgaʔ \mb Tante bisa nggak \ge aunt can NEG \gj aunt can NEG \ft can you do it? \ref 548 \id 155176110145250401 \sp EXPBET \tx Tante naek ini aja deh. \pho tantə naɛk ʔini ʔaja dɛh \mb Tante naek ini aja deh \ge aunt go.up this just DEH \gj aunt go.up this just DEH \ft I'll just go up here. \ref 549 \id 389898081237260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx tet, ah, xx. \pho tət ʔah wici \mb tet ah xx \ge IMIT AH xx \gj IMIT AH xx \ft tet, ah, xx. \nt saying as he likes. \ref 550 \id 456477110259250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx mana ibunya? \pho mana ʔibuʔɲa \mb mana ibu -nya \ge which mother -NYA \gj which mother-NYA \ft where's the mother? \ref 551 \id 119840110554250401 \sp CHIIDO \tx mana ibunya? \pho mana ʔibuɲa \mb mana ibu -nya \ge which mother -NYA \gj which mother-NYA \ft where's the mother? \ref 552 \id 730671081354260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx jalan. \pho jalan \mb jalan \ge walk \gj walk \ft walking. \ref 553 \id 503420081408260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx wit, titi, titi, titi... \pho wit titi titi titi \mb wit titi titi titi \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft wit, titi, titi, titi... \nt singing as he likes while playing with the puzzle. \ref 554 \id 697130081446260401 \sp EXPBET \tx ibunya ama anaknya kembar ya. \pho ʔibuʔɲa ʔama ʔanakɲa kəmbar ya \mb ibu -nya ama anak -nya kembar ya \ge mother -NYA with child -NYA twin yes \gj mother-NYA with child-NYA twin yes \ft the mother and the child are twins, right? \nt referring to the cows. \ref 555 \id 191071081539260401 \sp EXPBET \tx ada dua tompelnya. \pho ʔada duwaʔ tɔmpɛlɲa \mb ada dua tompel -nya \ge exist two birthmark -NYA \gj exist two birthmark-NYA \ft there are two birthmarks. \ref 556 \id 732907081607260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ni kayak ibunya ini. \pho ni kayaʔ ʔibuʔɲa ʔini \mb ni kayak ibu -nya ini \ge this like mother -NYA this \gj this like mother-NYA this \ft he looks like the mother. \ref 557 \id 293742081704260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx gimana dong? \pho gimana dɔŋ \mb gimana dong \ge how DONG \gj how DONG \ft how? \ref 558 \id 131636081742260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx oh, ini. \pho ʔɔ ini \mb oh ini \ge EXCL this \gj EXCL this \ft oh, this one. \ref 559 \id 821956081747260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx dia bisa lari. \pho diya bisaʔ lariʔ \mb dia bisa lari \ge 3 can run \gj 3 can run \ft he can run. \ref 560 \id 239966081829260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx. \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx \nt making sound with high stress. \ref 561 \id 815502081854260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx wa, ni minum. \pho wa ni minʊm \mb wa ni minum \ge EXCL this drink \gj EXCL this drink \ft oh, he drinks. \ref 562 \id 657662082015260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx kan dioper. \pho kan diɔpər \mb kan di- oper \ge KAN DI- transfer \gj KAN DI-transfer \ft I transfer it. \ref 563 \id 136674082048260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx paginya lama banget ya. \pho pagiɲa lama baŋət ya \mb pagi -nya lama banget ya \ge morning -NYA long.time very yes \gj morning-NYA long.time very yes \ft the morning is very long. \ref 564 \id 895916082050260401 \sp EXPBET \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 565 \id 388461082052260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx nggak sam(pe)... nggak sampe malem, nggak sampe sore. \pho ŋgaʔ sam ŋga sampɛʔ maləm ŋgaʔ sampɛ sɔreʔ \mb nggak sampe nggak sampe malem nggak sampe sore \ge NEG arrive NEG arrive night NEG arrive late.afternoon \gj NEG arrive NEG arrive night NEG arrive late.afternoon \ft it's not until... until night, until late afternoon. \ref 566 \id 883770082413260401 \sp EXPBET \tx pagi-pagi ngapain binatang? \mb pagi - pagi ng- apa -in binatang \ge morning - morning N- what -IN animal \gj RED-morning N-what-IN animal \ft what are the animals doing in the morning? \ref 567 \id 545679082536260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx pada keluar. \pho pada kluwar \mb pada keluar \ge PL go.out \gj PL go.out \ft they are coming out. \ref 568 \id 850824082545260401 \sp EXPBET \tx ngapain? \pho ŋapain \mb ng- apa -in \ge N- what -IN \gj N-what-IN \ft what are they doing? \ref 569 \id 314144082552260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx pada main-main. \mb pada main - main \ge PL play - play \gj PL RED-play \ft they're playing. \ref 570 \id 123372082741260401 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the transmitter making noise. \ref 571 \id 523225083110260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx. \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \ref 572 \id 554069083115260401 \begin 0:20:59 \sp ABAIDO \tx wah, udah malem. \pho wa udah maləm \mb wah udah malem \ge EXCL PFCT night \gj EXCL PFCT night \ft oh, it's night. \ref 573 \id 560520083141260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh, belom! \pho ʔɛ bəlɔm \mb eh belom \ge EXCL not.yet \gj EXCL not.yet \ft not yet! \ref 574 \id 977331083158260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx belom lagi. \pho bəlɔm lagi \mb belom lagi \ge not.yet more \gj not.yet more \ft it's not night yet. \ref 575 \id 721640083246260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx kan lama ya, Tante. \pho kan lama ya tantə \mb kan lama ya Tante \ge KAN long.time yes aunt \gj KAN long.time yes aunt \ft it's long, right? \ref 576 \id 826928083318260401 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the transmitter making noise. \ref 577 \id 999107083404260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx xx. \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \ref 578 \id 408457083413260401 \sp EXPBET \tx tuh, kok rusanya nggak xx? \pho tu kɔʔ rusaɲa ŋgaʔ xx \mb tuh kok rusa -nya nggak xx \ge that KOK deer -NYA NEG xx \gj that KOK deer-NYA NEG xx \ft why the deer never xx? \ref 579 \id 356976083518260401 \sp EXPBET \tx rusanya nggak pernah jalan-jalan? \mb rusa -nya nggak pernah jalan - jalan \ge deer -NYA NEG ever walk - walk \gj deer-NYA NEG ever RED-walk \ft the deer never walk arround? \ref 580 \id 911165094453260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ke mana? \pho kə mana \mb ke mana \ge to which \gj to which \ft where? \ref 581 \id 166978094502260401 \sp EXPBET \tx xx. \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \ref 582 \id 806246094505260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ini tu. \pho ʔini tu \mb ini tu \ge this that \gj this that \ft this, that. \nt putting the animal in the shed. \ref 583 \id 800073094553260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx xx. \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \ref 584 \id 547291094605260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ah, semua binatang harus keluar. \pho ʔɛ səmuwa binataŋ harus kəluwar \mb ah semua binatang harus keluar \ge AH all animal must go.out \gj AH all animal must go.out \ft ah, all the animals should going out. \ref 585 \id 929910094716260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 586 \id 222440094742260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx semua binatang keluar. \pho səmuwa binataŋ kluwar \mb semua binatang keluar \ge all animal go.out \gj all animal go.out \ft all the animals are going out. \ref 587 \id 554984094809260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx anak ayam kek. \pho ʔanak ʔayam kɛʔ \mb anak ayam kek \ge child chicken KEK \gj child chicken KEK \ft just the chick. \ref 588 \id 627732094841260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ni. \pho ni \mb ni \ge this \gj this \ft here. \nt taking the chicks out. \ref 589 \id 213108094849260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx cui, cui, cui... \pho cuwi cuwi cuwi \mb cui cui cui \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft cui, cui, cui... \ref 590 \id 319303094948260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx semua pada... \pho sæmuwa pada \mb semua pada \ge all PL \gj all PL \ft all of them are... \ref 591 \id 441472094959260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'yuk kita nonton Sherina yuk!' \pho yuʔ kita nɔntɔn sɛrina yu \mb yuk kita n- tonton Sherina yuk \ge AYO 1PL N- watch Sherina AYO \gj AYO 1PL N-watch Sherina AYO \ft 'let's watch Sherina!' \ref 592 \id 839915095023260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'cepet!' \pho cəpət \mb cepet \ge quick \gj quick \ft 'quickly!' \ref 593 \id 580702095048260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ayo. \pho ʔayoʔ \mb ayo \ge AYO \gj AYO \ft come on. \ref 594 \id 879489095117260401 \sp EXPBET \tx ni, ni bioskopnya ni. \pho ni ni biyɔskopɲa ni \mb ni ni bioskop -nya ni \ge this this movie.theater -NYA this \gj this this movie.theater-NYA this \ft here, here is the theater. \ref 595 \id 594982095143260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx bioskopnya ni, ni dia, bioskopnya. \pho biyɔskɔpɲa ni ni diya biyɔskɔpɲa \mb bioskop -nya ni ni dia bioskop -nya \ge movie.theater -NYA this this 3 movie.theater -NYA \gj movie.theater-NYA this this 3 movie.theater-NYA \ft here is the theater, here is the theater. \ref 596 \id 579595095214260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ayo, kita tutup pintunya. \pho ʔayo kita tutup pintuɲa \mb ayo kita tutup pintu -nya \ge AYO 1PL shut door -NYA \gj AYO 1PL shut door-NYA \ft okay, let's close the door. \ref 597 \id 271083095304260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx semuanya bubar! \pho səmuwaɲa bubar \mb semua -nya bubar \ge all -NYA disperse \gj all-NYA disperse \ft all of you are dispersing! \ref 598 \id 902160095431260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx semua bubar. \pho səmuwa bubar \mb semua bubar \ge all disperse \gj all disperse \ft all of you are dispersing. \ref 599 \id 931690095507260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx semua bubar. \pho səmuwa bubar \mb semua bubar \ge all disperse \gj all disperse \ft all of you are dispersing. \ref 600 \id 445799095546260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx tutup pintu. \pho tutup pintu \mb tutup pintu \ge shut door \gj shut door \ft I close the door. \ref 601 \id 663015095613260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx biar nggak ada penjahat. \pho biyar ŋga ada pənjahat \mb biar nggak ada pen- jahat \ge let NEG exist PEN- evil \gj let NEG exist PEN-evil \ft so the criminal won't come. \ref 602 \id 105627095701260401 \sp EXPBET \tx nonton film Sherina tuh. \pho nɔntɔn film sɛrina tuh \mb n- tonton film Sherina tuh \ge N- watch film Sherina that \gj N-watch film Sherina that \ft he watches the Sherina. \ref 603 \id 174130095712260401 \sp EXPBET \tx Mas Praba dah nonton belum? \pho mas poraba dah nɔntɔn bəlum \mb Mas Praba dah n- tonton belum \ge EPIT Praba PFCT N- watch not.yet \gj EPIT Praba PFCT N-watch not.yet \ft have you watch it? \ref 604 \id 406743095731260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx udah, kita udah pernah ya Dek. \pho dah kita ʔudah pərnah ya deʔ \mb udah kita udah pernah ya Dek \ge PFCT 1PL PFCT ever yes TRU-younger.sibling \gj PFCT 1PL PFCT ever yes TRU-younger.sibling \ft yes, we have, right? \ref 605 \id 855806100026260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx di Pamulang. \pho di pamulaŋ \mb di Pamulang \ge LOC Pamulang \gj LOC Pamulang \ft in Pamulang. \nt talking in the same time with CHI. \ref 606 \id 341877095830260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx sama Mbak Anya, sama Mbak Rike. \pho sama baʔ ʔaɲa sama baʔ rikəʔ \mb sama Mbak Anya sama Mbak Rike \ge with EPIT Anya with EPIT Rike \gj with EPIT Anya with EPIT Rike \ft with Anya and Rike. \ref 607 \id 943161095914260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx sama Mbak Anggi. \pho sama baʔ ʔaŋgiʔ \mb sama Mbak Anggi \ge with EPIT Anggi \gj with EPIT Anggi \ft and Anggi. \ref 608 \id 636338095930260401 \sp EXPBET \tx bagus ya? \pho bagus ya \mb bagus ya \ge nice yes \gj nice yes \ft it's good, right? \ref 609 \id 350055100124260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx Mas Aba mo nonton Sherina! \pho mas ʔabaʔ mɔ nɔntɔn sɛrina \mb Mas Aba mo n- tonton Sherina \ge EPIT Aba want N- watch Sherina \gj EPIT Aba want N-watch Sherina \ft I want to watch Sherina! \ref 610 \id 681425100645260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx semua nonton Sherina. \pho səuwa nɔntɔn sɛrina \mb semua n- tonton Sherina \ge all N- watch Sherina \gj all N-watch Sherina \ft all of them are watching Sherina. \ref 611 \id 826588100701260401 \sp EXPBET \tx ceritain dong Tante. \pho cəritaʔin dɔŋ tantə \mb cerita -in dong Tante \ge story -IN DONG aunt \gj story-IN DONG aunt \ft tell me about it. \ref 612 \id 683900100756260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx belom... \pho bəlɔm \mb belom \ge not.yet \gj not.yet \ft not yet... \ref 613 \id 125512100803260401 \sp EXPBET \tx ceritain... \pho cərutaʔin \mb cerita -in \ge story -IN \gj story-IN \ft tell me... \ref 614 \id 494883100819260401 \sp EXPBET \tx Sherina gimana sih? \pho sɛrina gimana sih \mb Sherina gimana sih \ge Sherina how SIH \gj Sherina how SIH \ft how about Sherina? \ref 615 \id 306463100840260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx kalo mo di xx... \pho kalɔ mɔ di gər \mb kalo mo di xx \ge TOP want DI xx \gj TOP want DI xx \ft if she... \nt talking about the film. \ref 616 \id 638580100853260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'eh, kalo mo xx sini kalo berani!' \pho ʔɛy kalɔ mɔ xx sini kalɔ braniʔ \mb eh kalo mo xx sini kalo berani \ge EXCL TOP want xx here TOP brave \gj EXCL TOP want xx here TOP brave \ft 'hey, come here if you brave!' \nt imitating a character in the film. \ref 617 \id 738534101009260401 \sp EXPBET \tx terus gimana? \pho tərus gimana \mb terus gimana \ge continue how \gj continue how \ft and then? \ref 618 \id 364378101040260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx dia pikir dia yang paling hebat. \pho diya pikir diya yaŋ paliŋ hɛbat \mb dia pikir dia yang paling hebat \ge 3 think 3 REL most great \gj 3 think 3 REL most great \ft he thinks he is the greatest. \nt singing. \ref 619 \id 219911101205260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ini di sini aja soalnya bisa... \pho ʔini di sini ʔaja sɔʔalɲa bisaʔ \mb ini di sini aja soal -nya bisa \ge this LOC here just matter -NYA can \gj this LOC here just matter-NYA can \ft just put it here, because... \nt playing with the animal. \ref 620 \id 361619101255260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx nggak bisa diri. \pho ŋgaʔ bisaʔ diriʔ \mb nggak bisa diri \ge NEG can self \gj NEG can self \ft it can't stand. \nt putting the toy. \ref 621 \id 224547101350260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx. \pho xxx \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx \nt singing with the high stress. \ref 622 \id 641709101338260401 \sp EXPBET \tx oh iya. \pho ʔoh ʔiya \mb oh iya \ge EXCL yes \gj EXCL yes \ft oh yes. \ref 623 \id 870088101425260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx 'waduh, gimana sih aku?' \pho waduh gimana sih ʔaku \mb waduh gimana sih aku \ge EXCL how SIH 1SG \gj EXCL how SIH 1SG \ft 'oh, what's the matter with me?' \ref 624 \id 986012101440260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx 'kok nggak bisa duduk ya?' \pho kɔʔ ŋgaʔ bisaʔ duduk ya \mb kok nggak bisa duduk ya \ge KOK NEG can sit yes \gj KOK NEG can sit yes \ft 'I can't sit down, huh?' \ref 625 \id 832133101524260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx 'waduh, pantatku bisulan tadi!' \pho waduh pantatku bisulan tadiʔ \mb waduh pantat -ku bisul -an tadi \ge EXCL buttocks -1SG abscess -AN earlier \gj EXCL buttocks-1SG abscess-AN earlier \ft 'oh, I have a boil in my back justnow!' \ref 626 \id 277135101625260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx 'wah, di sini'. \pho wa di sini \mb wah di sini \ge EXCL LOC here \gj EXCL LOC here \ft 'oh, over here!' \ref 627 \id 920762101641260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx tet, tet, tet, tet... \mb tet tet tet tet \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft tet, tet, tet, tet... \nt singing as he likes. \ref 628 \id 375865101733260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx wah, sini aja. \pho wa sini aja \mb wah sini aja \ge EXCL here just \gj EXCL here just \ft oh, just here. \ref 629 \id 678239101740260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx biar tempat... \pho biyar təmpat \mb biar tempat \ge let place \gj let place \ft let the place... \ref 630 \id 377677101753260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx biar sempit. \pho biyar səmpit \mb biar sempit \ge let narrow \gj let narrow \ft so it's narrow. \ref 631 \id 528963101827260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx tet, tet... \pho tət tət \mb tet tet \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft tet, tet... \ref 632 \id 696486101837260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx dempetin dong. \pho dɛmpɛtin dɔŋ \mb dempet -in dong \ge stuck.together -IN DONG \gj stuck.together-IN DONG \ft make them stuck together. \ref 633 \id 160283101901260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'ayo, kita pada pergi!' \pho ʔayo kita pada pərgi \mb ayo kita pada pergi \ge AYO 1PL PL go \gj AYO 1PL PL go \ft 'come on, let's go!' \ref 634 \id 779347101924260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx lha, belom aja nonton! \pho lah bəlɔm ʔaja nɔntɔŋ \mb lha belom aja n- tonton \ge EXCL not.yet just N- watch \gj EXCL not.yet just N-watch \ft oh, we haven't watched yet! \ref 635 \id 502481101939260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx baru jejer. \pho baru jɛjɛr \mb baru jejer \ge new aligned \gj new aligned \ft they're just making in row already. \nt Javanese word. \ref 636 \id 206605102025260401 \sp EXPBET \tx terus? \pho tərus \mb terus \ge continue \gj continue \ft and then? \ref 637 \id 813101102039260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx wah, dia bisa duduk. \pho wa diya bisa duduk \mb wah dia bisa duduk \ge EXCL 3 can sit \gj EXCL 3 can sit \ft oh, he can stand. \ref 638 \id 803457102048260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx liat deh. \pho liyat dɛh \mb liat deh \ge see DEH \gj see DEH \ft look at it. \ref 639 \id 719132102116260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx. \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \nt the transmitter making noise. \ref 640 \id 969936102134260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx tet, tet, teret, tet, tet... \pho tət tət tərət tət tət \mb tet tet teret tet tet \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft tet, tet, teret, tet, tet... \nt singing as he likes. \ref 641 \id 358841102314260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx tet, tet, teret. \pho tət tət tərət \mb tet tet teret \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft tet, tet, teret. \ref 642 \id 761106102323260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx tet, tet, teret... \pho tət tət tərət \mb tet tet teret \ge IMIT IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT IMIT \ft tet, tet, teret. \ref 643 \id 641449102233260401 \begin 0:23:21 \sp ABAIDO \tx ayo, nonton! \pho ʔayɔ nɔntɔn \mb ayo n- tonton \ge AYO N- watch \gj AYO N-watch \ft let's watch! \ref 644 \id 825186102449260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx saksikan... \pho saksikan \mb saksi -kan \ge witness -KAN \gj witness-KAN \ft here it is... \ref 645 \id 515544102454260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx. \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \ref 646 \id 107446102610260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx saksikan, Sherina! \pho saksikan sɛrina \mb saksi -kan Sherina \ge witness -KAN Sherina \gj witness-KAN Sherina \ft here it is, Sherina! \ref 647 \id 156762102457260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx eh, sekarang... \pho ʔɛh səkaraŋ \mb eh sekarang \ge EXCL now \gj EXCL now \ft oh, now... \ref 648 \id 148049102631260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx. \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \nt the transmitter making noise. \ref 649 \id 361876102715260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dek Ido aja pake takut. \pho de ʔidoʔ ʔaja pakɛʔ takut \mb Dek Ido aja pake takut \ge TRU-younger.sibling Ido just use fear \gj TRU-younger.sibling Ido just use fear \ft even me, I was scared. \nt the sentence shouldn't use 'pake'. \ref 650 \id 456573102809260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx wa, tutup. \pho wa tutup \mb wa tutup \ge EXCL shut \gj EXCL shut \ft oh, I close it. \nt closing his face with his hand. \ref 651 \id 837749102828260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dek Ido tutupin. \pho de idoʔ tutupin \mb Dek Ido tutup -in \ge TRU-younger.sibling Ido shut -IN \gj TRU-younger.sibling Ido shut-IN \ft I close it. \nt closing his face with his hand. \ref 652 \id 819615103237260401 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the transmitter making noise. \ref 653 \id 167621103127260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx kata... kata domba tidak pa-pa. \mb kata kata domba tidak pa - pa \ge word word sheep NEG what - what \gj word word sheep NEG RED-what \ft the... the sheep said, that's okay. \ref 654 \id 489979103336260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx. \pho kɛndimɛ \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \ref 655 \id 687786103343260401 \sp EXPBET \tx xx. \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \nt not clear. \ref 656 \id 637344103351260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx ha? \pho hah \mb ha \ge huh \gj huh \ft huh? \ref 657 \id 651255103358260401 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the transmityter making noise. \ref 658 \id 454031103430260401 \sp EXPBET \tx liat Candy Man. \pho liyat kɛndi mɛn \mb liat Candy Man \ge see Candy Man \gj see Candy Man \ft you watched Candy Man. \ref 659 \id 416900103506260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx Dek Ido nggak bisa. \pho de ʔido ŋgaʔ bisaʔ \mb Dek Ido nggak bisa \ge TRU-younger.sibling Ido NEG can \gj TRU-younger.sibling Ido NEG can \ft I can't. \ref 660 \id 951632103547260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx Mas Aba bisa. \pho mas ʔabaʔ bisaʔ \mb Mas Aba bisa \ge EPIT Aba can \gj EPIT Aba can \ft I can. \ref 661 \id 804517103554260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx kan ada laki-laki... \mb kan ada laki - laki \ge KAN exist male - male \gj KAN exist RED-male \ft there was a man... \nt talking about the film. \ref 662 \id 532569103631260401 \sp EXPBET \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 663 \id 106698103736260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx laki-lakinya xx. \mb laki - laki -nya xx \ge male - male -NYA xx \gj RED-male-NYA xx \ft the man was xx. \nt the transmitter making noise. \ref 664 \id 174268103804260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx kan itu, emm... \pho kan ʔit ʔəm \mb kan itu emm \ge KAN that FILL \gj KAN that FILL \ft he was umm... \ref 665 \id 930054103822260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx perempuannya tinggal di situ. \pho prəmpuwanɲa tiŋgal di situ \mb perempuan -nya tinggal di situ \ge female -NYA stay LOC there \gj female-NYA stay LOC there \ft the woman stayed there. \ref 666 \id 841898103907260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx itu kan kuburannya. \pho ʔitu kan kuburanɲa \mb itu kan kubur -an -nya \ge that KAN grave -AN -NYA \gj that KAN grave-AN-NYA \ft it's her cemetery. \ref 667 \id 596732103922260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx terus udah gitu ada tulisan Candy Man. \pho trus ʔuda gitu ʔada tulisan kɛndi mɛn \mb terus udah gitu ada tulis -an Candy Man \ge continue PFCT like.that exist write -AN Candy Man \gj continue PFCT like.that exist write-AN Candy Man \ft and there was the Candy Man writing. \ref 668 \id 292686104035260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx Candy Man, Candy Man, Candy Man. \pho kɛndi mɛn kɛndi mɛn kɛndi mɛn \mb Candy Man Candy Man Candy Man \ge Candy Man Candy Man Candy Man \gj Candy Man Candy Man Candy Man \ft Candy Man, Candy Man, Candy Man. \ref 669 \id 386326104103260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx lima kali. \pho lima kaliʔ \mb lima kali \ge five time \gj five time \ft five times. \ref 670 \id 995334104126260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx terus, terus ada xx. \pho trus trus ʔada xx \mb terus terus ada xx \ge continue continue exist xx \gj continue continue exist xx \ft and, and there's xx. \nt the transmitter making noise. \ref 671 \id 900356104210260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx terus xxnya dibunuh. \pho trus wajaɲa dibunuh \mb terus xx -nya di- bunuh \ge continue xx -NYA DI- kill \gj continue xx-NYA DI-kill \ft he killed xx. \ref 672 \id 301957104225260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx udah gitu, abis deh. \pho ʔudah gitu ʔabis dɛh \mb udah gitu abis deh \ge PFCT like.that finished DEH \gj PFCT like.that finished DEH \ft and it's finish. \ref 673 \id 509118104333260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx wah, Candy Mannya abis. \pho wah kɛndi mɛnɲa ʔabis \mb wah Candy man -nya abis \ge EXCL Candy man -NYA finished \gj EXCL Candy man-NYA finished \ft oh, the Candy Man is finish. \ref 674 \id 161053104351260401 \begin 0:24:33 \sp CHIIDO \tx sekarang film Sherina lagi. \pho skaraŋ filəm sɛrina lagi \mb sekarang film Sherina lagi \ge now film Sherina more \gj now film Sherina more \ft now, we watch Sherina again. \ref 675 \id 232750104428260401 \sp EXPBET \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 676 \id 140485104444260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx abis itu Dinosaurus. \pho ʔabis ʔitu dinɔsaurus \mb abis itu Dinosaurus \ge finished that dinosaur \gj finished that dinosaur \ft and then Dinosaur. \ref 677 \id 135235104456260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx he-eh. \mb he-eh \ge uh-huh \gj uh-huh \ft uh-huh. \ref 678 \id 108093104515260401 \sp EXPBET \tx terus? \pho tərus \mb terus \ge continue \gj continue \ft and then? \ref 679 \id 219627104537260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx wa, Dinosaurus! \pho wa dinɔsaʊrʊs \mb wa Dinosaurus \ge EXCL dinosaur \gj EXCL dinosaur \ft oh, Dinosaur! \ref 680 \id 977233104558260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx wek, wek... \pho wɛːk wɛːk \mb wek wek \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft wek, wek.. \nt moving his his eyes ball. \ref 681 \id 887212104716260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx terus dia abis xx. \pho trus diya ʔabɪs xx \mb terus dia abis xx \ge continue 3 finished xx \gj continue 3 finished xx \ft and he xx. \ref 682 \id 801403104801260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx wek, wek. \pho wɛk wɛk \mb wek wek \ge IMIT IMIT \gj IMIT IMIT \ft wek, wek. \ref 683 \id 406041104809260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 0. \nt laughing. \ref 684 \id 249507104815260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx dinosaurusnya xxx. \pho dinɔsaurusɲa xxx \mb dinosaurus -nya xxx \ge dinosaur -NYA xxx \gj dinosaur-NYA xxx \ft the dinosaur xxx. \ref 685 \id 978183104904260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx trus sama bayinya. \pho trus sama bayiʔɲa \mb trus sama bayi -nya \ge continue with baby -NYA \gj continue with baby-NYA \ft and with its baby. \nt imitating a baby dinosaur. \ref 686 \id 650529105036260401 \sp EXPBET \tx tanya dong. \pho taɲaʔ dɔŋ \mb tanya dong \ge ask DONG \gj ask DONG \ft ask him. \ref 687 \id 857505105044260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ha, dinosaurus. \pho hah dinɔsaurus \mb ha dinosaurus \ge IMIT dinosaur \gj IMIT dinosaur \ft ha, dinosaur. \ref 688 \id 114235105103260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx oh, oh, oh, oh, oh oh. \pho ʔoʔ ʔow ʔoʔ ʔow ʔoʔ ʔow \mb oh oh oh oh oh oh \ge EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \gj EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL EXCL \ft uh oh, uh oh, uh oh. \ref 689 \id 855864105312260401 \sp EXPBET \tx terus dia ngapain lagi? \pho tərus diya ŋapain lagiʔ \mb terus dia ng- apa -in lagi \ge continue 3 N- what -IN more \gj continue 3 N-what-IN more \ft and what are they doing? \nt pointing to the animals. \ref 690 \id 421674105452260401 \sp EXPBET \tx pada isi bangku. \pho pada ʔisi baŋkuʔ \mb pada isi bangku \ge PL contents seat \gj PL contents seat \ft the are sitting on the seats. \ref 691 \id 190056105453260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx soalnya ini kan bangku. \pho sɔalɲa ʔini kan baŋkuʔ \mb soal -nya ini kan bangku \ge matter -NYA this KAN seat \gj matter-NYA this KAN seat \ft because these are the seats. \ref 692 \id 784962105540260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx ini gede, (ge)de, (ge)de, (ge)de... \mb ini gede gede gede gede \ge this big big big big \gj this big big big big \ft this is big, this is big, this is big, this is big... \nt pointing to the animals one by one. \ref 693 \id 375963105733260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx kalo ini kita duduknya... \pho kalo ini kita dudukɲa \mb kalo ini kita duduk -nya \ge TOP this 1PL sit -NYA \gj TOP this 1PL sit-NYA \ft we are sitting... \ref 694 \id 526458105734260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx D xx. \pho de sa \mb D xx \ge D xx \gj D xx \ft D xx. \ref 695 \id 899091105743260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx D dua belas semua ya Dek. \pho de duwa bəlas səmuwa ya deʔ \mb D dua belas semua ya Dek \ge D two teen all yes TRU-younger.sibling \gj D two teen all yes TRU-younger.sibling \ft all of us were D twenty, right? \nt remembreing the seat's number in the theater. \ref 696 \id 649727105955260401 \sp EXPBET \tx oh, nomer kursi. \pho ʔɔ nɔmər kɔrsiʔ \mb oh nomer kursi \ge EXCL number chair \gj EXCL number chair \ft oh, seat number. \ref 697 \id 888699110008260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx iya. \pho ʔiya \mb iya \ge yes \gj yes \ft yes. \ref 698 \id 581500110059260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx he-eh, nomer kursi. \mb he-eh nomer kursi \ge uh-huh number chair \gj uh-huh number chair \ft uh-huh, the seat's number. \ref 699 \id 789861110109260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx 'udah abis, kita pulang!' \pho ʔudah ʔabis kita pulaŋ \mb udah abis kita pulang \ge PFCT finished 1PL return \gj PFCT finished 1PL return \ft 'it's finish, let's go home!' \ref 700 \id 813975110218260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx eh, sekarang filem yang ada... \pho ʔɛh səkaraŋ filəm yaŋ ʔadaʔ \mb eh sekarang filem yang ada \ge EXCL now film REL exist \gj EXCL now film REL exist \ft hey, now the film... \ref 701 \id 194021110233260401 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the transmitter making noise. \ref 702 \id 813436110254260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx film, film xx. \mb film film xx \ge film film xx \gj film film xx \ft film, film xx. \ref 703 \id 144895111206260401 \sp MOTIDO \tx ada kue itu. \pho ʔada kuwe itu \mb ada kue itu \ge exist cake that \gj exist cake that \ft there are some cakes. \ref 704 \id 466348111222260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx trus film ini, film xx. \mb trus film ini film xx \ge continue film this film xx \gj continue film this film xx \ft and then film, film xx. \ref 705 \id 422945111319260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx film tikus. \pho filəm tikus \mb film tikus \ge film mouse \gj film mouse \ft mouse film. \ref 706 \id 847603111431260401 \sp MOTIDO \tx ni tak taro di sini aja deh. \pho nih taʔ tarɔʔ di sini ʔaja dɛh \mb ni tak taro di sini aja deh \ge this 1SG put LOC here just DEH \gj this 1SG put LOC here just DEH \ft I put it here. \nt talking with s.o in the kitchen. \ref 707 \id 183089111548260401 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the transmitter making noise. \ref 708 \id 685215111613260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx xx pulang yuk! \pho xx pulaŋ yuːʔ \mb xx pulang yuk \ge xx return AYO \gj xx return AYO \ft let's go home! \ref 709 \id 632442111647260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx pulang. \pho pulaŋ \mb pulang \ge return \gj return \ft go home. \ref 710 \id 167762111653260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx kita bubar. \pho kita bubar \mb kita bubar \ge 1PL disperse \gj 1PL disperse \ft we're dispering. \ref 711 \id 480921111716260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx kita emm... \pho kita ʔəm \mb kita emm \ge 1PL FILL \gj 1PL FILL \ft we, umm... \ref 712 \id 553346111727260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx kita bubar. \pho kita bubar \mb kita bubar \ge 1PL disperse \gj 1PL disperse \ft we're dispering. \ref 713 \id 102954111755260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx kita pulang. \pho kita pulaŋ \mb kita pulang \ge 1PL return \gj 1PL return \ft we're dispering. \ref 714 \id 256622111804260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx woy, sempit man! \pho wɔy səmpit mɛːn \mb woy sempit man \ge EXCL narrow man \gj EXCL narrow man \ft oh, it's narrow, man! \nt opening the shed. \ref 715 \id 853605111906260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx man. \pho mɛn \mb man \ge man \gj man \ft man. \nt repeating. \ref 716 \id 258577111926260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx aduh. \pho ʔaduh \mb aduh \ge EXCL \gj EXCL \ft oh. \nt opening the shed. \ref 717 \id 418625111935260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx xx. \pho mɛmɛn \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \ref 718 \id 243656112015260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx man, man, man. \pho mɛn mɛn mɛn \mb man man man \ge man man man \gj man man man \ft man, man, man. \ref 719 \id 742066112046260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx sampe deh, nih. \pho sampɛ dɛh nɛh \mb sampe deh nih \ge arrive DEH this \gj arrive DEH this \ft they arrive. \ref 720 \id 328243112137260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx xxx. \mb xxx \ge xxx \gj xxx \ft xxx \nt saying as he likes. \ref 721 \id 393750112234260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx wo, sapinya bisa loncat! \pho woː sapiʔɲa bisaʔ lɔncat \mb wo sapi -nya bisa loncat \ge EXCL cattle -NYA can jump \gj EXCL cattle-NYA can jump \ft oh, the cow can jump! \ref 722 \id 667009112259260401 \begin 0:26:28 \sp CHIIDO \tx soalnya kandangnya ditutup. \pho sɔalɲa kandaŋɲa ditutup \mb soal -nya kandang -nya di- tutup \ge matter -NYA shed -NYA DI- shut \gj matter-NYA shed-NYA DI-shut \ft because the shed is closed. \ref 723 \id 631078112315260401 \sp CHIIDO \tx wa, jangan diinjek ininya dong! \pho wa jan diʔinjək ʔiniɲa tɔŋ \mb wa jangan di- injek ini -nya dong \ge EXCL don't DI- step.on this -NYA DONG \gj EXCL don't DI-step.on this-NYA DONG \ft oh, don't step on it! \nt producing the sentence with high stress. \ref 724 \id 645223112456260401 \sp ABAIDO \tx dia di sini. \pho diya di sini \mb dia di sini \ge 3 LOC here \gj 3 LOC here \ft he's here. \nt putting the animal in the shed. \ref 725 \id 786834112525260401 \begin 0:26:37 \sp AUX \tx 0. \nt the transmitter making noise. \ref 726 \id 332567112710260401 \begin 0:26:40 \sp ABAIDO \tx di sini Dek. \pho di sini deʔ \mb di sini Dek \ge LOC here TRU-younger.sibling \gj LOC here TRU-younger.sibling \ft he's here. \ref 727 \id 173720112756260401 \begin 0:26:43 \sp CHIIDO \tx hey, salah. \pho hɛy salah \mb hey salah \ge hey wrong \gj hey wrong \ft you wrong. \ref 728 \id 726643112811260401 \begin 0:26:46 \sp CHIIDO \tx xx. \pho xx \mb xx \ge xx \gj xx \ft xx \nt the transmnitter making noise. \ref 729 \id 311469112832260401 \begin 0:26:49 \sp ABAIDO \tx anaknya dulu! \pho ʔananɲa duluʔ \mb anak -nya dulu \ge child -NYA before \gj child-NYA before \ft the child first! \ref 730 \id 173703112920260401 \begin 0:26:52 \sp ABAIDO \tx anaknya dulu. \pho ʔananɲa duluʔ \mb anak -nya dulu \ge child -NYA before \gj child-NYA before \ft the child first. \ref 731 \id 428701112932260401 \begin 0:26:55 \sp ABAIDO \tx baru bapaknya. \pho baru bapaʔɲa \mb baru bapak -nya \ge new father -NYA \gj new father-NYA \ft and then the father. \ref 732 \id 386258113021260401 \begin 0:26:58 \sp ABAIDO \tx ayo masuk. \pho ʔayɔ masuk \mb ayo masuk \ge AYO go.in \gj AYO go.in \ft come on, in. \ref 733 \id 930963113102260401 \begin 0:27:01 \sp ABAIDO \tx dia di sini. \pho diya di sini \mb dia di sini \ge 3 LOC here \gj 3 LOC here \ft he's here. \ref 734 \id 759131113025260401 \begin 0:27:04 \sp CHIIDO \tx kamu Si babi. \pho kamu si babiʔ \mb kamu Si babi \ge 2 PERS pig \gj 2 PERS pig \ft you are the pig. \ref 735 \id 817020113132260401 \begin 0:27:08 \sp ABAIDO \tx sini babinya. \pho sini babiʔɲa \mb sini babi -nya \ge here pig -NYA \gj here pig-NYA \ft the pig is here. \ref 736 \id 979970113147260401 \begin 0:27:08 \sp @End \tx @End